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Page 26

by Ken Wolfson

  "Usually there's another state involved," Ila said. “Maybe the Talwar are still holding that grudge over Vector, or King Halberd of Ikario wants to rebuild his cesspool’s fortunes.”

  "Maybe there is. We still don't have all the details, and our supposed allies haven't helped," Johnathan said. The Kiiren supposedly had the best spies in the galaxy. Adrian didn't know how a 2-meter insectoid could be stealthy, but every time there'd been a Kiiren adviser on his deployment, their scouts had been impeccably thorough and provided inside intel, impossibly detailed and up to date.

  "Can't blame them," someone muttered. The Systems owed the Kiiren an astronomical tab for decades of training, logistical aide, intelligence support, and direct military aide in the form of those Hercules Cruisers.

  "For betraying us?" Ila said. "We need to find new allies."

  "And what will we pay these new allies with? The nation is flat broke, and the nobility has paid more than its fair share in taxes and donations." Johnathan threw out an olive branch.

  "Why don't you ask our new Minister of Treasury? She's aboard Vindication right now," Ila said, and stared down Adrian. All eyes turned to him. Johnathan's breath caught in his throat.

  "Lady Amelie Nessella is dedicating the entirety of the regional treasury to the war. If you've kept track, the bills have been paid," he said.

  Johnathan grinned and gave him a thumbs-up.

  "Forget politics. The main issue is killing the enemy," Dukal grumbled. "Boy, you faced Emoche. What's he like?" Adrian grabbed a drink from the middle of the table.

  "Arrogant, cold-hearted, and brutal to his enemies. At Vykhor he offered surrender; then, when Lady Hamilton refused, promised to smash the eco-domes. He gave speeches about justice and humanity's fallen greatness all through the battle, until I put his Wendago down."

  "How many Wendago?" Lord Horace said.

  "When I fought him at Vykhor, he used the entire Horvar tribe, down to the motherships themselves being on the field and subsequently destroyed," Adrian said. "I'd think he's hired the entirety of these tribes. The Horvar were middle-grade in terms of power. They wiped out two battle groups with minimal casualties. Then I killed them."

  "Drove them off," a Lady near the end of the table said.

  "Justice comes for us all. I burned them all."


  Adrian relayed a sort version of the battle. By the conclusion, Dukal was trying to hide his grin, while the rest of the admiralty stared intensely.

  "One carrier group against thirty dragoons?" Ila scoffed. "Certain commanders have been known to exaggerate their feats."

  "His tactics and tale are valid; I believe him. I too have fought the Wendago many times," Dukal said. "His advice is solid. The Wendago wouldn't be prepared for a spoiler attack."

  "I only do what's best for the Burn, and Volantis in particular right now," Johnathan said. Dukal gave him a nod.

  "Then we run into the regular fleet warships, who can stand up to railgun fire," Silver said. She gave Adrian an apologetic shrug.

  "And that's exactly why decisive action is critical," Horace said. "We must attack now while we only face Wendago. They're formidable, but not invincible. We rout them, then fall back and let the main Hullen armada give chase. They will pursue, and be destroyed. Our planetary armies are ready, too."

  Adrian thought back to the reports. Alastor was going to evacuate his holdings to orbit. Why? Armies were fairly precise, and the Pyramid was far from any valid military targets. Why would he evac when he could wait out the battle in comfort? And why were the Wendago destroying infrastructure? During a system siege, the besieging force did its best to take the infrastructure intact. Setting up their own relatively static bases was difficult when the defenders were lobbing nukes and improvised mass drivers at them. They were Wendago, but Emoche had them at his fingertips; why didn't he give the order?


  "Emoche isn't going to land his armies. He's going to raze the planet," Adrian blurted out. Once again all eyes landed on him.

  "Yes?" Johnathan said.

  "Emoche doesn't care about taking Volantis. He's made offers to the other seven kingdoms to be the new regional capitol, he's destroying infrastructure, and evacuating his loyalists. He's going to raze the planet." The entire lot stared at him like he was crazy.

  "This is why we don't trust lowborn with critical policy; they can't handle the strain," Ila said, failing at restraining her smile. "No nation would raze a garden world; it isn't done."

  "I've got to side with Lady Bravos. I can't think of a reason to raze a planet," Silver said with a sigh.

  "Ask the Empire. They took out a couple," Adrian said. A couple of nobles hissed at him for bringing up the Empire. After all, half had barely survived it, and the other half had distanced themselves far as possible to ensure their house's survival. Adrian was only motivated further. "Emoche Hulle has made offers to other kingdoms for the seat of capitol if they surrender. Perhaps he wants to motivate them."

  "Adrian has endured warfare and attack by Emoche Hulle from Vykhor to here. He's clearly losing his nerve from the strain," Dukal said. "Young man, you've done your part. You can rest now, and take time off to recover from your ordeals. Don't fear for Volantis, for she's a great fortress protected by her frozen Mother and her strong people."

  "Those strong people need to be protected," Adrian said.

  "That's enough, Commander. That's an order," Horace said. "Now that we have a plan, are there any questions?"

  "What about reinforcements? I'd be more confident in the numbers situation if we had help on the way; where are the core worlds and Metropolis fleets?" Rear Admiral Lord Trask said.

  “Where are the fleets of Varium, our sister world?” A Volantene lady said.

  "There are numerous small-scale insurrections underway in the rest of the Systems. Verger Fleet is due in the next month. Can't be sure when they'll cut through," Horace said. "We'll have more killing to do ourselves before they arrive."

  "I've pulled the other six worlds into sending reinforcements from their garrisons," Johnathan added. "Our sister planet Varium has, after a bit of prodding, agreed to send two fleets. In addition, I have word from Mollar region command that a fleet has been dispatched to aide us.” He drew a plastic sheet and slapped it on the table. This caused a murmur of delight to resonate through the room. Even Adrian was encouraged.

  Ila cleared her throat. "While you've reached out on official channels, I've been doing my own work behind the scenes. I reached out to Umbar Combine in relation to the emergency funds act we passed last month." She went on explaining the intricacies of legislation for a minute. "What that means is that Umbar is sending an armada of their own mercenaries to assist us. And I can assure you, they won't be here to twiddle their thumbs on bodyguard duty." She threw a smirk at Johnathan.

  Adrian waited on his counter. Instead he threw his hands up.

  "Numbers?" Horace said.

  "They're hiring several companies, primarily the Endikar. Their estimate was 100 warships, all classes."

  Adrian stared at Johnathan until he got his attention. He raised his eyebrows. Johnathan sighed, but refused to speak as to how Umbar was supposedly funding Emoche. Adrian rose up to speak anyways. Johnathan shook his head vigorously, then finally opened his mouth.

  "I don't think that's wise. The Ministry of Intelligence has evidence that Umbar is backing Emoche. They want some of our jewel moons," he said. "I have some financial records to support this."

  "What, are you trying to deny my support because it diminishes yours? I've sent you an armada to defend your world from the Wendago." She threw a glare at Adrian. "And this is how you reply? If you continue that line of reasoning I'll have every news outlet chirping about how you're obstructing the war effort."

  "What happens if the investigation turns up anything?" Johnathan said. He got a few nods around the table; at least some of the admiralty were listening.

  "An investigation that will
take months. The Hullen will be here in under fourteen days," Ila said.

  "Ila is correct. We need the reinforcements, and you're obstructing them. I, for one, welcome the mercenary support," Horace said. "That being said, is there anything else?"

  "How about an evacuation plan in case anything goes wrong? The blues are shooting the children of government personnel," Adrian said.

  "Done. I'll create a committee and put you on it," Horace said with a smirk. He looked about the room for further questions. When none came, he raised his hand. "Dismissed, Ladies and Gentlemen. Get to your posts, and may Jacob Hallard's wisdom guide us to victory."

  "Time to spit fire in the void," Dukal said, and punched the table.

  "Huzzah," said the rest.

  Adrian waited for the rest of them to leave before leaving himself. He felt a hand on his shoulder.

  "Commander, I’d like a moment," Ila said, beckoning with her finger. She pulled on a well-recognized smile. It was an I'm going to be polite because I want something out of you. smile.

  "Senator Bravos, how may I help you?" He smiled back, much as it hurt. Johnathan was already outside. Horace, Dukal, and a couple admirals were in a far corner, heads down in hushed conversation.

  “Please, call me Ila. We’re all in this meeting because we’re beyond ranks.” It was good flattery, but nothing new. She closed the distance and put a friendly hand on his shoulder. For the first tie Adrian got a clean look at her. She was poised with confidence; the master politician of her arena. She also lacked the blatant surgical alterations of many other nobles, and looked like a human and not a plastic doll. And, that knife. The one in her hair was a relic weapon, he could tell by how it drank in the light.

  “Okay Ila, please call me Adrian. How may I help you?” He smiled and left his arms at his sides; friendly and open posture.

  "Since you’re now tangled with the high matters, I wanted to help you understand what’s going on. Call it a primer, from one lowborn to another. Do you know what Johnathan is up to?" She matched his posture, still smiling. Adrian could deny that he felt a prickling in his chest, but he felt it.

  "I got the impression he wanted to save the Systems.”

  "Adrian, please, I’ve read your ministry file. Venko the Lesser, mother rest him, wouldn’t have trusted you if you were that stupid.”

  “Good to know there’s some positivity in that file, because I’ve never read it” Adrian said. “If I’m not stupid then why concern yourself with me?”

  “I have experience with your type. You understand the game but are only good enough to survive it. A high-quality enforcer who can do much good or evil, but needs to be pointed in the right direction. And Johnathan is using you like a tool. I fear he’s got a big swindle planned in the details?” That was hardly the worst backhand Adrian had ever received, so her remained positive.

  "That's between myself and the Governor at this time. I can assure you that it stems from our concern with winning this war and stopping the corruption that caused it," Adrian said. Was Ila recruiting or probing him out? Both, always both.

  “He hasn’t offered you shares in any companies, or money?” Her thumb tapped steadily against his shoulder. Distraction technique; throw off his thinking with the rhythm.

  “Nothing at all, except for the fine seafood dinners I’ve been missing since last time I came to Volantis.” Adrian continued smiling.

  "And the Lady Nessella. I'm sure her attainment of the title won't have any legal snags."

  "None at all," Adrian said, noting the legal threat. “I don’t know why we’re arguing, don’t we both want the best for Volantis?”

  Ila shook her head. “Please don’t put this on me. I’m doing all I can to win this war despite Johnathan and his allies’ meddling.”

  "We're both lowborn amongst a sea of nobles. We can work together to protect our people on this planet from the machinations of major players. There's enough enemies waiting for us at the jump shelf," he said.

  One corner of her mouth went up in a half-smile. "Adrian, please don't compare yourself to me.”

  “Why not? You were a dishwasher, I was a deck-scrubber. We’ve both lived through the real universe like no one else in this room has. It’s better to stick together,” he offered his hand again.

  “We’re not the same at all. Society runs on money and rewards only those who acquire it.” She patted his shoulder, which sent revulsion crawling all the way down to his toes. “I made good money, as much as even House Nessella. After all, we humans are worth only as much as the credits we earn.”

  “I understand a lot now.” His mind raced, if this was Johnathan’s chief opponent, then the Lord Governor couldn’t be any worse, now could he? “I understand why nobles are such an unhappy lot, since they value the creds instead of themselves.”

  "So you’re happier that you didn’t have a few credits on hand to save your daughter?” She winked at him, driving the sword further into his soul. “What? I keep records on all the regions. Do you think that Venko spawn would’ve touched you if you’d had the clout to hit back? You could have bought authority.”

  “Like Umbar’s buying authority?” Adrian threw out the pitiful response because it was the only munition he had left, and damn if he wasn’t going down clean.

  “It’s all in the credits. I hope you live long enough to realize that.” She waved at him. “See you soon.”

  “Bye.” Adrian could only watch her strut away. Still stinging, he consoled himself with the most basic of notions, “welcome to the big leagues.”

  Johnathan was chatting with Ila. They exchanged nods and fake smiles.

  "Adrian, we need to speak in my office, now," Johnathan said.

  "I can do that." He waved Alenkot over. The First Sergeant bade goodbye to a grinning Elle and followed him out the door.


  Chapter Thirty-Seven: On the Game

  "What the hell were you doing claiming Volantis will be razed?" Johnathan clapped his fat palms to his temples. "They were listening to you, you had it, and then you pull that snow-mad statement out like an amateur."

  "That is my conclusion, based on the evidence at hand. Think for a moment," Adrian said. They'd reconvened in his office, alone, with a single television on mute blazing Volantis' reaction to the Wendago arrival. Entire shopping districts were closing down and school attendance was dropping. Peace marchers had come out in force demanding surrender, only to be assaulted from all quarter in a riot raging from the Aventine quarter to the base of the needle. The space elevators around the perimeter were crammed with refugees fleeing. Nobles were taking their own transports.

  "It doesn’t matter your conclusion don't drop a bomb like that in a conference. Implying that Volantis could be destroyed was an insult to everyone who’s ears it reached.” Johnathan said. His face flickered in the light from the spreading fires, his glare aggravated. “You should have run it through me first, so we could strategize a way to deploy the idea.”

  "So we’re having a war council to stop the doom of Volantis, and you’re talking politics.”

  "Ila is President of the Senate and Brav permanent minister of the interior, and Dukal is an order of Hallard Magistrate. These are people you tread lightly around. Dukal's declaration about losing your nerve was intended to save you dignity out of respect to a fellow soldier," Johnathan said.

  “Ila’s after your job and you’re bending over for her,” Adrian said. “And Volantis is in danger because of it.”

  “She was elected by the people, I have to work with her. And I’ll need her when I want to run for the national senate. She’ll be glad to help me if it gets me out of that governor’s seat.” Johnathan changed the channel. After flicking through a few stations of street violence, he settled on one of Ila smiling before a camera. The caption was: 'Turmoil in the Lord Governor's office?' Accompanying Zyt reactions scrolled past the bottom of the feed

  "Are we doomed?” he said.

  “No, the big showdown wil
l be delayed until after the battle,” Johnathan said. “Mark my words though, Ila will be coming.”

  “what do you think of my theory?"

  "I think you better get to work on that evac plan, because Nelson has sidelined you until you complete it."

  "Shut up with the politics for one second. Do you believe me that Emoche Hulle intends destruction for Volantis?" Adrian punched the desk.

  "Do I believe that Emoche Hulle will sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives to capture the most valuable world in the Burn, and then burn it to the ground and commit the greatest war crime in centuries? It's insane." He wasn't even listening, Adrian realized.

  " Half the Systems has fallen to a conspiracy that came from nowhere, probably backed by one of the largest megacorps in the known universe. Think about the evidence. Emoche knows Volantis was a plant by the empire to curb the power of the other kingdoms. He’s made offers to the other six kingdoms. Will he or won't he destroy the planet?"

  “Well, if he did and it cowed the rest of the region, he’d secure the jewel worlds without a major fight. That would save money, and time, which is more money. The costs…” Johnathan gaped at him with dawning realization. “Tell me, Commander, do you always think like this? Is this why you charged an entire Wendago tribe?”

  "Yes. In battle look past the emotion of a problem and at the simple rationality. There is always a solution," Adrian said, grinning in satisfaction that the Lord Governor finally understood. “So do you believe me or not?”

  “I do. Why didn't you propose your theory to me before you spoke up in there?" Johnathan said. "Again, I could have pulled out a strategy to propose the theory in a roundabout way.”

  "I was dealing with Lord Nessella selling me down the river to Tarly Artreyas, and the fallout from my XO becoming the head of House Nessella. Your new financial minister, by inheritance laws," Adrian said. “Why didn’t you give me a sitrep of what to expect?”


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