The Omega Games

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The Omega Games Page 17

by Wilder, J. L.

  Robert nodded.

  “The life I made for wasn’t much,” she said. “I was hiding. I was trying to keep from being found, because I didn’t want to be hurt like that. And when your pack found me, that’s what I thought was going to happen. When you had me up in that room, I was sure it was only a matter of time before the men started coming up one by one to have their way with me.”

  A murmur went around the group at that. Glancing around, Izzy could see that several members of the pack were frowning, even shaking their heads at the idea. Some of them were the same people who had catcalled her over the weeks leading up to the Omega Games. They never would have done that to me, she thought. They probably thought it was funny. They probably had no idea they were scaring me.

  Gunner hadn’t responded at all. He just stood there, his eyes fixed on her, assessing.

  “You’re saying you want to come back because you think we’re offering you a better life than you’ll find anywhere else as an omega?” Robert asked.

  Izzy nodded.

  “But you ran,” he continued. “Why did you run, if you felt that way about it?” He hesitated. “Or did Wyatt force you?”

  “No,” she said quickly. “No, of course he didn’t. He’d never do that. I wanted to go.”

  “What changed, then?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Yes,” Robert said. “It matters. It matters because if you’re coming back willingly—if you’re going to be a part of our pack willingly—then it changes everything. It changes the way we have to treat you. It changes how much trust we can invest in you. We want you treat you as an equal, Izzy. We want you to be one of us.”

  “I want that too,” she said, and for the first time in his presence she permitted herself a genuine smile. “Obviously.”

  “So, what changed your mind? You were ready to leave us for good last night. Why are you willing to come back now?”

  “Because of what you said,” she admitted. “What you said about those books, with the history of shifters. I never thought of it that way before. I never thought of us as a... a species. As a people. I stayed away from other shifters all my life because I knew they would be dangerous to me. But now, after knowing your pack, I understand better what it means to be one of us. And I don’t want our kind to die out either.”

  Robert regarded her quietly for several minutes. She didn’t dare glance back at Wyatt. She couldn’t begin to imagine how he was responding to this. Please don’t let him be angry, she thought desperately as she waited for Robert to speak. Wyatt would have been within his rights to be mad at her now, she thought. She wasn’t the only one who’d taken a risk by running away. She wasn’t the only one who cared about the welfare of the babies she was carrying.

  Finally, Robert spoke—but not to her. He turned and looked over his shoulder at Gunner. “What do you say?”

  What does he say? Why does it matter what he says?

  “I’m allowed to talk now, then?” Gunner asked. He sounded bitter.

  Robert didn’t respond, merely waited.

  “I’ll take her back,” he said. “But only her. The old man stays here.”

  “Wait, what?” Izzy protested. “No, that isn’t the deal. That’s not what I’m offering. I’ll come back willingly, but I’ll only come back with Wyatt. If you leave him here, I’m not coming with you.”

  “Little girl, you don’t have a choice in the matter,” Gunner snarled.

  “Shut up, Gunner,” Robert said. “Izzy, you won’t come with us willingly unless we bring Wyatt with us?”

  She shook her head.

  “Why not?”

  “I’m in love with him.” That was all he needed to know for now. God only knew what they’d do if they found out about her pregnancy. She couldn’t take any chances.

  “And you?” Robert asked Wyatt.

  He nodded. “I’m in love with her, too.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Would it have mattered if I had?” Wyatt shook his head. “You were so set on the Games as the only fair way of deciding who should get her. Honestly, I’m not sure you even would have believed me if I’d told you, Robert. I think you would have thought I was making it up to persuade you that I should have her.”

  “Why would I think that?”

  “I’m old. She’s young. Everyone wanted her.” He gestured to Gunner. “I bet he’d tell you he was in love with her.”

  “You know now, though,” Izzy butted in. “Okay, he didn’t tell you before—we didn’t tell you—and we should have. We’re sorry. But now you know the truth. I’m happy to breed, and to do my part for the pack. But let me do it with the man I love. Then I’ll be one of you willingly. Eagerly. That’s what I can offer.” She glanced at Gunner. “But you can’t ask me to go to him of my own free will.”

  Robert rubbed his thumb and his index finger together. “What you’re telling me is that you’re willing to be a member of the pack, but you’re not willing to be Gunner’s mate.”


  “Omegas don’t set terms.” Lionel had stepped forward from the pack of observers gathered behind Robert and Gunner. “For an omega to question an alpha like disrupts the pack order.”

  “Oh, what are you worried about?” another voice asked. Turning, Izzy was surprised to see that it was Heather. Although the animosity between the two women had certainly abated, she wouldn’t have expected Heather to stick up for her. But Heather had stepped out of line as well, and she was looking at Lionel with exasperation. “None of us are going to lose our faith in Robert,” she said. “None of us are going to start questioning his leadership if he changes his mind about one thing.” She turned to Robert. “Izzy likes Wyatt, so let them be together. What’s the problem? We’re still all getting what we wanted.”

  Wyatt spoke now, and he sounded, for the first time, defeated. “The problem is that the Omega Games are a binding ritual.”

  “A what?” Izzy asked, turning to face him.

  “Just as we’re all bound to obey the alpha’s commands, the alpha is bound to follow through on his promises to the pack in significant instances. The Omega Games, for example. Robert promised us all that the winner would have his blessing to mate with the omega. He can’t take that back now.”

  Izzy’s hopes sank into a dark quagmire. She had felt so sure that her plea would work. It was so logical. She could give Robert everything he wanted from her, and he could give her everything she wanted too. This should be easy. But it wouldn’t be, because of the damned Omega Games. Because Gunner had won, and she had been promised to him.


  “Can he give me up?” she asked, turning to Robert. “Gunner? If he decided he didn’t want me, then would I be free to be with Wyatt?”

  “Yes,” Robert said. “That wouldn’t constitute breaking my promise. So, it’s possible.” The look on his face told her he didn’t believe it was very probable.

  Izzy summoned all her courage. “Gunner. Come over here, please.”

  A snarl ripped out of Wyatt’s throat.

  Gunner made his way over, swaggering as he came. “What’s up, little girl?” His face was relaxed now, all the anger he’d worn earlier melted away. She could see that he felt confident about his chances of keeping her now. It made sense. She probably would have felt the same way in his position. But he didn’t have the full information yet.

  She pulled her hair back with one hand and tilted her head to the side, exposing her neck to him.

  At first, he didn’t see it. He grinned, perhaps thinking she was giving herself to him, and reached out for her. Then his hand halted in midair, and she knew he’d seen.

  “He claimed her,” he said sounding merely bewildered at first. Then the anger came crashing down and he whirled on Wyatt. “You claimed her! You son of a bitch!”

  Wyatt didn’t speak a word. He stood there, chest heaving, limbs trembling.

  “He isn’t one of us,” Gunner said
to Robert. “He’s not one of our pack. This is treason.”

  “You don’t want me now,” Izzy said. “You don’t want me like this. Not with someone else’s mark on me, staring you in the face every time you see me. You’ll think of him every time we’re together and you’ll always know. You’ll know that my heart belongs to him, and that all of me belongs to him, in every way possible. I’ll never be yours.”

  She saw in his eyes that he knew it.

  “You don’t want me,” she said again, and she could see from his expression that that was also true.

  “Tell him,” she said.

  But Gunner shook his head slowly. “You’re wrong about that, girl. I do want you. I want the pups you’re capable of breeding. Did you think I wanted your love? I’ve never cared about that, and you’re a stupid girl to think I would. What does it matter to me if you’re coming to me dirty? You’ll breed just as well, I think.” He grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him, closing the distance between them.

  Izzy cried out in fear.

  From behind her came a growl, and before she could process what was happening, Van and James had shifted. They ran at her—no, they were running past her—and she turned her head to see that Wyatt had also shifted. Van and James were each driving a shoulder into him, holding him back as he snapped and snarled and strained to reach the place where Izzy and Gunner were standing.

  Terrified, Izzy looked up at Robert. There had to be something he could do. He was a kind man—she was almost sure of it. He had heard the way Gunner had just spoken to her, how little he cared about her suffering. He would help them. He had to.

  Robert’s eyes were closed. He looked a hundred years old. “Stand down, Wyatt,” he said quietly.

  Wyatt’s whole body shivered, but his attack ceased.

  “I don’t think there’s anything I can do now,” he said. “I’m sorry, Izzy. Wyatt. I wish things could be different, but it’s out of my hands. The rules are what they are, and I’m bound by them. Gunner won the Omega Games fair and square, and he has a right to claim the promised prize.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  Robert’s words smacked of finality, and they broke over Wyatt like a bucket of ice water, snapping him out of his mad defensive rage. He found himself returned to human form, suddenly, huddling on the ground before two large wolves.

  His packmates backed off as soon as they saw that he was no longer a threat. Van trotted past him, retrieved his jeans, and dropped them at his feet. Wyatt struggled into them and stood, waiting to see what would happen next.

  Izzy was still standing far too close to Gunner for Wyatt’s liking. He still had a hand on her. There was a part of Wyatt, buried deep within, that was crying out to rip that hand off Gunner’s body. But his animal self seemed very far away all of a sudden. He knew he couldn’t shift again, not now, no more than he could have sprouted wings and flown. His grief was too great.

  He had failed.

  He had failed to get Izzy away from these people. He had failed to protect and provide for his family. And now their last chance was gone. Robert wasn’t going to help them.


  Dare he tell anyone that Izzy was pregnant? Was it possible that would make the difference? Maybe if Robert had that information, he would see that allowing Izzy and Wyatt to be together was really the best solution. Maybe he would understand, finally, that Gunner was just getting in the way of the real happy family here.

  But no. He couldn’t tell, he realized bleakly. He couldn’t know for sure what would happen if he did, but the outlook wasn’t very good. Wasn’t it clear now that Robert wanted to help them? He would have done so if he could. He didn’t require further persuading. He couldn’t tear Izzy and Gunner apart, not unless Gunner voluntarily chose to let Izzy go. If he knew about the pregnancy, he might force Izzy to terminate it, and that would just be too much. Wyatt couldn’t take that chance.

  There was only one thing left to do. One person to make an appeal to, one possibility for help.

  He turned to Gunner.

  Gunner must have sensed Wyatt’s gaze on him, because he stopped undressing Izzy with his eyes and made eye contact. “What?” he asked.

  He sounded like a surly child. It was heartening. He may have won here, technically, but he wasn’t happy about it either. She told him in front of the whole pack that she didn’t want him, Wyatt thought. That disrespect must be eating him up.

  And then, with a wave of horror: My God. What is he going to do to her when he gets her alone?

  He couldn’t give up. Not while there was any fight in him at all. He had to keep trying to win her freedom.

  He spoke directly to Gunner. “I’m begging you,” he said. “Let me have her. Please.”

  Gunner raised his eyebrows. “Begging? What kind of a beta are you?” He looked at Robert. “Look at the man you chose over me. Hardly a man at all, is he? Heartsick over some omega and practically on his knees to me because he couldn’t beat me in a few simple competitions.” He shook his head. “It’s pathetic. I can’t believe the pack ever had respect for you.”

  “God, is that still what this is about?” Wyatt didn’t know if he was going to laugh or cry. “The stupid beta rank? You’re going to ruin her life over that?”

  He shouldn’t have said that, he realized. Gunner’s face darkened and he gripped Izzy more tightly. “You think you’re the only man here who knows how to show a woman a good time?” he growled.

  “She doesn’t want you,” Wyatt pleaded.

  “And you think she wants you.”

  “I do want him!” Izzy cried.

  Gunner turned on her. “You’re an omega. Of course, you want him. You want him, and you’ll want me. Omegas want whatever they can get. Everyone knows it.”

  Izzy sobbed.

  Wyatt rounded on Robert. “Can’t you tell him not to talk to her like that?”

  Robert shook his head. “No alpha can interfere with relations between a mated couple, Wyatt. You know that as well as I do.”

  Wyatt tried Gunner again. “Izzy and I will leave,” he offered. “You can be beta. With me gone, you’d be the obvious choice.”

  “You’re leaving anyway,” Gunner said. “You’re going, and I’ll be beta, and I’ll have the omega too. You don’t have anything to bargain with.”

  “But it means nothing,” Wyatt said. “It’s not like being alpha. It doesn’t come with power. It just means you’re second in command, but it’s figurative. You can’t actually give a command. You don’t control anything.”

  Gunner showed his teeth. “I control some things,” he said, pulling Izzy closer.

  “I’m in love with her,” Wyatt said quietly. “I’m in love with her, and she’s in love with me. Let us have that, Gunner. Is it so much to ask?”

  “You had your chance,” Gunner said. “It was a fair contest, wasn’t it?”

  It was not a fair contest,” Wyatt bit out. “You cheated.”

  “Not this again.” Gunner turned to Robert. “Am I going to have to stand here and answer these accusations twice?”

  “No,” Robert said. “Wyatt, this matter was resolved.”

  “It wasn’t resolved. He did cheat.”


  “Robert, you weren’t there, all right? I’m sorry, but you weren’t. And how can I be expected to accept the results of the Omega Games when I would have won if not for his cheating? I was ready to ride out of that garage, Robert. I was ready. If he hadn’t stolen—”

  “I didn’t take your tire cap!” Gunner roared.

  A voice spoke up somewhere in the crowd. “Yes, you did.”

  Both Gunner and Wyatt whirled around, trying to identify the speaker.

  “You did,” the voice spoke again, and this time Wyatt saw where it was coming from. Lionel had stepped forward, his hands buried deep in the pockets of his jacket, his eyes cold. He was staring at Gunner. “I saw you take it,” he said.

  Gunner sputtered. W
yatt felt as if he were standing on quicksand.

  Robert frowned. “You saw this? Why didn’t you speak up before?”

  “I wasn’t sure of what I had seen,” Lionel said. “But I’m sure now.”

  “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about!” Gunner protested. “He admits it himself.”

  “Lionel, come forward,” Robert said.

  Wyatt waited apprehensively as Lionel approached. They had never been close friends, nor was Lionel a particularly outgoing or welcoming member of the pack. Could he trust the man to speak on his behalf now, when things were so dire?

  But what other choice did he have?

  “Tell us what you saw,” Robert said.

  “Wyatt had gone to replace a socket wrench in his tool kit,” Lionel said. “Gunner noticed him leaving and moved over from his own bike to Wyatt’s. I didn’t see what happened next, but I could tell his hands were on the bike. He was gone by the time Wyatt returned.

  “Then, Wyatt started looking around. It was obvious something was lost or missing, but I couldn’t focus on that or offer to help because I was too preoccupied with my own bike. I didn’t connect the two things until Wyatt faced Gunner and accused him of taking something. I didn’t know it at the time, but he was talking about the tire cap. Gunner didn’t respond with surprise or anger at being accused. He seemed satisfied, as if he’d done something to be proud of.”

  “Bullshit,” Gunner snarled.

  “Quiet,” Robert said. “Lionel, continue.”

  Lionel nodded. “Those two are always fighting, and I’ve heard Gunner say hard things about Wyatt many times. So, I wasn’t surprised that it had gotten aggressive during the challenge, especially after what had happened when they fought hand to hand. I did my best to ignore them. But when Gunner rode out before me, I knew my chances in the Omega Games were over.

  “The weird thing was that as soon as Gunner left, Wyatt threw his rag down and went after him on foot. That wasn’t like Wyatt at all. He’s always so meticulous in the garage, always putting everything back where it goes when he’s finished. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him throw something down like that before.


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