Alpha's Ultimatum

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Alpha's Ultimatum Page 6

by Charlee Garden

  “That was how Alex took him down. I kept running with Selena. Your dad found me and I told him where Alex was before I made it here. I didn’t want to leave him but Selena... if there were more...”

  I heard her words but I’d stopped comprehending them as my past swelled up and began to suffocate me. If the wolf abandoned a fight to chase after a lone female, it could mean one of two things. Either the wolf was ordered to leave no witnesses or Jameson’s pack wasn’t after just our land—they were after our she-wolfs too.

  “You did the right thing. I have to see my dad and check on Alex.”

  Standing up still took a lot out of me but I moved slower this time and managed to not wobble on my feet. After mildly protestation, Alara gave up on convincing me to rest.

  I paused in the doorway and looked over my shoulder at my shaken sister-in-law, “Lock the door behind me. I’m going to send wolves to watch over you two but don’t let anyone in that isn’t family. Grab a shotgun from the safe. Remember the code?”

  “Yeah,” she nodded.

  “If anyone tries to come in, pack or not, if it’s not me or my dad--shoot to kill. No hesitation.”

  Her grey eyes hardened as a look of determination fell over her frightened features, “No hesitation.”



  “I sincerely hate you,” I huffed as I slammed the car door.

  “No, you don’t,” Tessa laughed heartily.

  “Oh but I do. Just take me home.”

  “Fine, fine. Buckle up. Seat belts save lives,” she chuckled as she started her car, clearly still amused.

  We drove in silence for the first part of the ride. In an effort to ignore my treacherous bestie, my eyes focused on absorbing the scenery. When I’d been in the Windy City, I used to love walking around downtown. Something about the towering buildings and hulking sculptures had always made me feel as if all my doubts and worries were insignificant--like I was just a small part of a giant world. Knoxville wasn’t like that. It was a far cry from Chicago and I had forgotten how much I missed the sloping hills and winding highways lined with rock faces and woods as far as the eye can see. The slow pace and ease that seemed to encompass the city and its residents had always made me feel on edge as a teenager but it calmed me now.

  “Come on Lil,” Tessa whined, her voice shattering the peace that had begun to fill me.r “I’m sorry. It was just a joke. I’d never actually let you go to a hotel room with some guy you just met. I watch way too many serial killer documentaries for that. I wouldn’t let you get murdered and taxidermied.”

  I remained facing forward as I side-eyed her, “Taxidermied? Seriously?”

  “Yeah like when they take all your organs out and stuff y--”

  “I know what taxidermy is. Just seemed oddly specific.”

  “The point remains the same. I’m sorry!”

  “Fine. You’re forgiven for tricking me. You are not, however, forgiven for sending him up this morning when I looked that bad. My revenge with be swift and brutal when it comes.”

  “Okay but, for the record, he was totally hot and into you. You should be thanking me.”

  “Just shut up and drive.”

  Twenty minutes later, she had left to head back to her hotel and I was standing under the scalding spray of my shower to wash the stench of sweat and alcohol from my body. My mind began to wander as the heat relaxed my muscles. Initially, I’d been annoyed when Tess refused to stay at my new apartment--she said visiting me counted as a vacation and that vacations always equaled hotels--but now I was relieved. I needed a break from her constant energy to decompress and think. Why did Ben even show up at the hotel? Was it seriously because a drunk girl he just met told him to? It seemed kind of weird to me.

  “Ugh,” I groaned loudly, “You’re overthinking, Liliana. Chill!”

  Talking aloud to myself was a common occurrence. Tessa would tell me I looked insane when she came home to me speaking out loud while watching tv or reading a book. I was a giant weirdo. Whatever. No shame in my game.

  After my shower, I began unpacking the boxes labeled clothes. It was Sunday and I started my new job the following morning. The garments I had in my suitcase would definitely not do for an office position.

  Singing on the top of my lungs, I shimmied around my bedroom as I found a home for my stuff. Fun was definitely being had until my music app betrayed me. Pop music gave way to a love song--our song. Sam. All of the energy I had managed to muster in my hungover state seemingly drained from my body as I sank down onto my bed with my head hanging. The song sent my mood crashing down, making me miss him even more. In a moment of weakness, I picked up my phone.

  “I miss yo-” my text was interrupted as Eleanor launched herself onto my lap, rubbing her face against mine.

  “You’re right. That’s way too forward,” I said to the cat as I paused to scratch behind her ear. In true feline fashion, she was done with my attention in less than a minute and left to chase her favorite mouse toy around the house. I returned my focus to my phone and deleted the text before starting over.

  “Hey Sam. I know it’s overdue but thanks for being there for me at the hospital. A lot has happened between us but I’m ready to move on. Friends?”

  I hit send before I had a chance to chicken out.



  The walk to my brother’s house had never seemed so long and arduous. Alex’s only lived about two miles away but my energy was so depleted that every step felt monumental. I had considered driving over but I needed the time to clear my head and work through my suspicions. Not to mention, I could feel my wolf pacing inside of me. He wanted out, and while I couldn’t let him, I knew being trapped inside my truck would aggravate the animal further. The urge to defend my people and get revenge on Jameson felt like it was burned into our twin souls but another shift would wipe me out. I would protect my pack and the interlopers would get their comeuppance but, no matter how riled up my wolf was, we would have to be smart about it.

  Halfway to Alex’s house, a hot pink and black motorcycle pulled up next to me. Chelsea tossed a helmet at me as she spoke, “You look like shit.”

  Her voice was scathing and she was clearly pissed off about our talk the night before, “Hop on. Alpha told me to pick you up.”

  As pissed as she clearly was at me, Alpha’s orders were absolute. I didn’t respond, too exhausted to goad her, as I hopped on the back of the bike.

  We made it to the house in record time and I climbed off the bike slowly. I didn’t want to linger with my arms around Chelsea’s waist but I also couldn’t hop off the bike quickly for fear of passing out. She turned her bike off, removed her helmet and shook her long chestnut waves out before joining me at the front door. I knocked, afraid my father had a wolf with orders to shoot to kill inside the house--just as I had instructed Alara.

  My surly companion rolled her eyes and reached for the doorknob. I held her arm firmly, ignoring the way my hand shook. From the pity filled look she threw me, I knew she noticed my tremoring appendage but thankfully didn’t comment on it as the door swung open.

  Harry, Alex’s best friend, stood with a shotgun in his hand and a handgun strapped to his hip. His voice was gruff as he nodded, “Beta. Chelsea. They’re in the living room.” I nodded in greeting as she took in the fact that he was armed. I cocked an eyebrow as if to say What did you expect? before I made my way to my brother.

  Dad sat on the floor next to the couch, his head perched against the cushion beside my brother. Ember, our healer, was slumped on the loveseat that sat perpendicular to the sofa--giving her a view of the doorway I entered through. They both looked terrible but nothing could compare to the hell that was Alex’s body.

  “How is he?” I asked, trying my best to school my facial features. Terror like nothing I had ever experienced gripped my chest as I looked down at my brother’s bloodied form. Bruises covered his visible flesh, bite marks and gashes mottling his usually flawless skin. He
had never had so much as a scar, not even from before he’d gone through the change and gained advanced healing. Now there wasn’t an inch of him that didn’t look destroyed.

  “He’ll live. Your power--you and your father--saved him. I wasn’t strong enough. I couldn’t heal everything, obviously, but I healed the life threatening injuries. It’s going to be a few weeks until he heals completely but he’ll survive.”

  “A few weeks?” Chelsea gasped behind me, her voice startling me. I understood her shock. Wolves didn’t take weeks to heal. We didn’t even take days. Hell, even taking hours to heal was a rarity. Most injuries mended themselves anywhere from almost instantly to roughly an hour depending on how severe. The fact that it would take him weeks to recover spoke to how dire his wounds were. It was a miracle he was even alive.

  “Yes, weeks. His injuries were grave. I’ve never seen a wolf sustain so much damage and survive. I’m not even sure how he managed to remain conscious long enough to take out the infiltrator.”

  “Alara and Selena--that’s how,” I murmured as I walked over to my family. I couldn’t help but to stare down at my brother for a few moments as I tried to convince myself that he would be alright. I trusted our healer but it was hard to believe that anyone could survive such injuries.

  Once I’d managed to wrangle my emotions, I placed a hand on my father’s shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “We need to talk. Let’s go to the kitchen.”

  Chelsea left the room to make coffee as I reached down to help my father up. I was on the verge of collapse but Dad was worse off than I was. He endured the same magical depletion I had but he had age working against him. He was a wolf, a strong one at that, but at fifty-seven years old he was completely tapped out. My limbs trembled but he was full on shaking. It was the first time I’d ever seen my father look his age, lines creasing a face pinched from exhaustion. As much as I wished I could tell him to rest, I had to fill him in on what Alara had told me.

  He wrapped his arm around my neck, mine going around his waist to support his weight. He tried to stand on his own but I ended up supporting more of his bulk than not as he shakily rose from his position on the floor.

  “What a pair we make,” he murmured as we both walked on unsteady legs to the kitchen. I chuckled, the sound rumbling gruffly in my throat. I couldn’t muster the energy for a true response as I half supported, half carried him to the kitchen.

  Once I’d lowered my father into a chair at the table, I joined him. Chelsea bustled around the kitchen, preparing coffee for the two of us. I nodded my thanks and waited for her to finish up and join us as the table. As she sat the steaming mug of black coffee in front of me, I wrapped my hands around it. After a deep, fortifying breath, I launched into the tale Alara had shared.

  I neared the end of the story and reached back to scratch the back of my neck--an anxious tick I’d never been able to rid myself of. “They were either trying to make sure there were no witnesses… or they’re after our females and children. I have a bad feeling about this.”

  My father nodded his head, his face growing more drawn by the moment, “It could be either or... but they’re a fairly new pack from what little information we’ve been able to gather. If I had to guess, I’d say they either don’t have many females or their females haven’t been able to conceive pups.”

  I nodded, unsure if I was relieved we’d come to the same conclusion or terrified for that very same reason.

  Chelsea snarled. I nodded in agreement.

  “We need to double our watches. No females go anywhere alone until we can be certain they are not the target. We’re going to have to up our training in human and wolf form. We need to end this--fast,” My father’s tone left no room for arguing, though I could tell our third in command wanted to. I didn’t blame her. I would hate to be told I needed to be accompanied at all times. I understood my father’s orders but I still empathized with her.

  Chelsea grabbed the to-do list notepad that Alara always had on the fridge and a pen, her anger plain on her face, and we launched into restructuring our watches. After we’d finished, Chelsea went with Harry to spread the word about the attack and our counter measures to ensure pack safety while my father and I went back to my house to check on my sister-in-law and niece. After ensuring their safety and relieving the guards, I led my dad to the guest room to rest. Within minutes after getting him settled, I was lying on the couch as exhaustion finally won out and pulled me into the dark abyss of sleep.



  Hours past and still no response from Sam. A million thoughts flowed through my mind as to why. What if he changed his phone number? What if he had already moved on? He could have a girlfriend... Hell, he could have been with his girlfriend when I text him! I half groaned, half shouted in frustration as my brain continuously cycled through the endless possibilities.

  I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, staring at my reflection as I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail. My roots were beginning to show, a plain mousy brown contrasting with the pale purple. My color musings were interrupted by a knocking on my door.

  I frowned as I made my way to the door, uncertain as to who it could be. I looked through the peephole before pulling it open hastily.

  “Sam! What are you doing here?”

  “I’m not ready to move on. I don’t want to move on,” his voice gruff with emotion.

  I opened my mouth to respond but nothing came out. I’d run through a million mental scenarios when he didn’t text back but this had never occurred to me. He didn’t give me much time to formulate a response either. Before I fully processed his words, his hands cupped my face. He leaned against me, his weight pushing my back against the wall as his mouth descended on mine. As soon as our lips touched, my mind went to mush.

  It wasn’t a sweet, loving kiss like in the movies. It was raw and passionate. My hands, pressed firmly against his hard chest, slid up to grasp his neck in an attempt to pull him closer. His superior height had me on tiptoes--a fact he quickly remedied by lifting me up as he kicked the apartment door shut. My legs immediately curled around his waist as my back slammed against the wall once more. Holy shit.

  The world’s sexiest sounding growl escaped Sam as he broke the kiss, pressing his forehead to mine as he repeated his earlier words, “I don’t want to move on, Lily.”

  “Sam, I-,” the intense look in his eyes halted the denial I was about to issue. I didn’t want to move on either. That didn’t mean it was a smart idea to try being together again though. The passion was still there, of course. Attraction was something we’d never had a problem with. It was the relationship part of being together that always caused issues.

  “Just listen to me,” he began, his eyes pleading.

  “Fine but let’s go sit down,” I said, shifting awkwardly as he still held me up against the wall--our bodies pressed close together.

  He nodded in agreeance and I led him to the living room once he set me down. I sat on the couch, my stomach churning with nerves and the desire that had consumed me entirely from his kiss. He sat beside me, our knees touching as he grabbed my hand and held it in his.

  “I know I messed up. I want to do better, to be better, for you,” he paused. His thumb stroked absently at the back of my hand as his gaze held mine, “I lied to you a lot when we were together. I had to. There are things about my family that I can’t tell you--not yet--but soon. I wanted to wait until I had permission to tell you everything but your text… threw me. I don’t want you to move on. I don’t want to be friends. I still love you, Lily. I always have and I always will.”

  I took a deep breath as my heart jumped into my throat. My eyes watered as I pulled my hand from his grasp. It was a struggle to keep my tears from falling as I spoke, “You expect me to believe that your family has secrets and that’s why you cheated on me? Do I look like an idiot to you?”

  “I never cheated on you,” his voice rose, not quite a yell but a stern tone, “My family has a se
cret. A secret Chelsea is a part of. That’s why I lied to you and went with her. I had to. There was nothing going on between us. You were the only girl for me.”

  “If you want me to believe you, tell me why you lied. Quit being so fucking vague!” My voice rose louder than his. While his increased volume couldn’t be called a shout--mine definitely was.

  Sam lowered his head. Falling to his knees from the seat of the couch, he knelt at my feet--his hands gripping my knees as his eyes leveled with mine. Much to my shock and dismay, his eyes glistened with unshed tears, “I can’t Lily. Not yet. Soon but not yet. Just... please believe me.”

  I’m not sure why, after years of anger and feelings of betrayal, I believed him but I did. I nodded slowly. A slow smile broke out across his face as he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

  I pulled back, causing the look of joy to fall from his face. “I believe you but I can’t just jump right back in like nothing happened. It’s been years, Sam. We’re not the same people we were back then.”

  “You’re right. We’ve changed, but,” he paused, “I know that as soon as I heard about your dad--I worried about you. I know that every time I see that stupid coffee obsessed sitcom you used to watch come on, I get a pang in my chest and I think about you. I know every time I see a girl wearing a dress with sneakers, I picture you. We might be different now but my feelings are the same.”

  I nodded as I slid forward to embrace him, “I missed you too. I’m not saying no to us. I’m just saying… that I want to take things slow...”

  I felt his head nod as he buried his face in my neck. We sat there, both kneeling on the ground, wrapped in each other’s arms in silence before I felt Sam begin to shake in my arms--his body heaving. I stiffened before I pulled back to look at him. Tears streaked his face, causing my heart to pinch. I’d been so wrapped up in the kiss and then the conversation that I didn’t realize how bad he looked.


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