Alpha's Ultimatum

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Alpha's Ultimatum Page 10

by Charlee Garden

  “I’m going to take pity on you and stop the interrogation... For now. But one last thing,” she stalled for a moment, tapping her fingers on the table, before she continued. “Can I see your wolf?”

  I nodded and stood, pulling my shirt off. Once I was naked, I called my wolf to the surface. He happily obliged. He wanted to see our mate without the pain of having to hide who he was--who we were. The pain of the change seemed more bearable with her there and as I fell onto four paws, I nuzzled her neck.

  She ran her hands through my fur as she looked me over, “You’re huge.”

  A wolfish laugh escaped me in a huff as I bumped my nose against her cheek.

  “Was that the wolf equivalent of ‘that’s what she said’?”

  My head bobbed in assent as I pulled away, calling my human back to the surface.



  “Are you sure you want to do this babe?” Sam asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.

  “I have to. She messed with my mind, and my emotions. I need an explanation,” I replied as I hopped out of the truck.

  He let out a heavy sigh before following me into the hotel. We took the elevator up to the fourth floor and I couldn’t help but think of the last time I’d walked through that lobby. Tess and I had been best friends. I was annoyed at her for her little prank with Ben but we were still besties. Now I wasn’t sure if I wanted to tell her I missed her or throw something at her head.

  I knocked on the door of Room 412 and waited for her to answer. Sam leaned against the wall opposite of her room with his arms crossed. After his wolf revelation, we had gone to work together like nothing had changed even though my understanding of the world had been irrevocably altered. That was still no excuse to call off work--I had bills to pay and student loans were no joke.

  Once the work day ended, I had insisted on going to Tessa’s hotel. I wanted to go alone, afraid Sam coming would start unnecessary drama, but he wasn’t willing to let me out of his sight. The wolf attack was too fresh in his mind for him to back off. I didn’t mind. I could still picture the sharp canines of the tawny wolf. I wasn’t ready to be without his protection either.

  The door swung open, interrupting my thoughts, and Tess swore under her breath. “Why did you bring the fucking mutt here?”

  I ground my teeth together to prevent myself from snapping at her as I gestured to the inside of her room, “He’s going to wait in the hall. You and I need to talk.”

  If looks could kill, Sam would be bleeding out. Her eyes threw daggers at him even as she stepped back to allow me to enter.

  She slammed the door behind me, making it abundantly clear that Sam wasn’t welcome--even though he had no intention of joining us anyway.

  “What? I think we said all that we had to say already,” she snapped.

  “Yeah well that was before I knew what the fuck you’ve been doing to me. You don’t get to be pissed or bitchy with me. I’m sick of you being in the wrong and trying to make me feel guilty. You fucked up, Tess.”

  She threw her hands up in the air as her voice rose, “No, I didn’t. I protected you. I’ve always protected you.”

  I had promised myself I’d remain calm when I spoke to her but I was rapidly failing. My voice increased in volume to match hers, “No, you didn’t. You manipulated me. You controlled my emotions and sent me spiraling into crippling panic attacks. I felt like I was going crazy, like my brain was betraying me. I thought about taking my own life when I hit a low after your manipulations. All this time I thought I was pathetic--weak for being so heartbroken over a boy but that wasn’t the case, was it? I was reeling from your fucking magic!”

  Tears of anger started to flow down my cheeks. I was hurt, yes, but I was also beyond livid that she would mess with me like that.

  I pressed on before she had an opportunity to respond, “Why did you do it? I understand that you were raised to hate Sam, which by the way I find incredibly close-minded and stupid, but why did you fuck with my feelings?”

  “Because you are weak, Liliana,” She shouted at me, “You’ve always been weak. You’re not meant to be in his world. It’s going to chew you up and spit you out.”

  Her words were a slap to the face. I stepped up into her face, acting on pure reckless emotion, “I’m not weak. You’re just a controlling bitch who never gave me a chance to be strong. You wanted me to cower and run away because you’re afraid that I don’t need you! I’m not running anymore. I’m not going back to Chicago and I’m not shunning my mate.”

  It was strange how natural it was to refer to Sam as my mate. It wasn’t a term I had ever used to describe the man I was involved with but, as it fell from my lips, I felt a sense of rightness inside.

  “Your mate?” she growled, “Now you’re even talking like one of those filthy animals. You think you know everything but you don’t. Congratulations. He told you he’s a wolf. Do you really think that means anything? What are you going to do when another dog tries to kill you off to weaken him and take his place? You going to fight him off on your own? You didn’t do so great last night.”

  Two things happened as she uttered the last sentence. The hotel room door was kicked in and I drew my arm back and punched Tess in the nose. She had no time to react to either occurrence--neither did I--because almost as soon as the hit connected, she was pressed up against the wall. Sam’s hand was wrapped around her throat as she dangled several feet off the ground.

  “How did you know about the attack last night, witch? Are you working with Jameson?” Sam’s voice was deep and guttural, his wolf seeping through his human form.

  I grabbed his shoulder firmly, “Put her down Sam and shut the door.”

  He looked over his shoulder, his eyes already morphed into that of his wolf. They were similar to his human eyes but, instead of the chocolate brown I loved, they had an eerie yellowish hue to them.

  He stared at me for a few seconds before he let Tess drop to the ground. I could see the struggle he went through to get his wolf in check before shutting the hotel room door. He stood with his back against the door as if he was afraid of what he would do to her if he got any closer.

  I held my hand up in an I got this gesture and turned to my former best friend. I opened my mouth to speak but she beat me to it.

  “You see what they’re capable of? What are you going to do when you’re the one who makes him mad?”

  “Oh shut the fuck up,” I snapped. “Answer his question. If you want any chance at saving our friendship, I suggest you start being informative and stop being an uppity bitch.”

  “I’m not telling him anything,” she sneered.

  “What is your problem? What has Sam ever personally done to you?”



  “What has Sam ever personally done to you?” Liliana’s strength calmed my wolf and in turn I was able to calm down some.

  “He put you in danger!” Tess said as she glared at me.

  “Oh bull. You hated him long before I was ever in danger. What did he do to hurt you--to make you hate him? Anything?” Lily paused dramatically. “No? Nothing?”

  Both Tessa and I knew she had no response to that. I’d never done anything to her. Hell, I avoided her like the plague for fear of provoking her. I was no wuss but I also wasn’t going to fuck around and lose my wolf.

  Lily stood over her fallen best friend as I stood against the door, trying to calm my wolf. He was raging. The fact that Tess had known our mate was attacked and did nothing to prevent it was unforgivable to him... And to me.

  “Answer the question, Tess. How did you know about the attack?” She demanded, her voice strong and unwavering.

  Seeing Liliana like that, so strong and fierce, filled me with pride. I always knew she had it in her. It was amazing to watch her stand her ground. I knew her panic attacks were the aftermath of Tessa’s magic, I had told her as much, but to see her command answers--the way she had before the witch had come into her life--inst
ead of turning into a hyperventilating mess was incredible.

  “I was watching,” Tess answered as she rose to her feet.

  “And you just let it happen?” Lily asked, her voice deceptively calm.

  “Of course not!” Tess shouted, a direct contrast to my girl’s even tone. The witch stepped into Lily’s face and it took everything in me to remain stationary. I mentally assured myself and my inner animal that she was handling the situation just fine on her own.

  “I tried to help you but there was another witch there. I was fighting their magic. If I hadn’t, you’d both be fucking dead. Not that I care about your dog,” Tessa’s voice was a hiss.

  “Watch it,” Lily commanded.

  Tess took a step back in shock. She was clearly unsure of how to handle this dominant version of Liliana. I didn’t blame her. Tessa’s magic had been manipulating her for so long that she probably forgot how tough Lily had been before her meddling.

  Something about Lil, be it her words or her countenance, had shaken Tess. Her voice lowered to a conversational tone as she continued, “There was another witch that was trying to make Sam’s wolf dormant. I was fighting the spell so Sam could save you. Obviously, I couldn’t have saved you by myself. Fighting a witch and a wolf would have been too much for me. We all would have died.”

  Lily folded her arms across her chest, raising her chin stubbornly. “You left me unconscious on my kitchen floor. I was out for at least a half an hour. What were you doing there if you weren’t in on the attack?”

  “You really think I’d hurt you? That I’d help someone hurt you? You’re my best friend,” Tess whispered, anguish obvious in her tone.

  “I’m not certain about anything involving you anymore, Tess. You lied to me, manipulated my emotions, attacked me with your magic and left me unconscious once I passed out from the pain you caused. Explain yourself.”

  The witch reeled back as if Lily had struck her again, “I didn’t attack you in the kitchen. I placed a protection spell on you. When your heart rate spiked, it alerted me that you were in danger. I used a transportation spell to come to your aid. I wasn’t just lurking around waiting for something to happen to you. You’re my best friend, my sister. I just wanted to keep you safe. You chose the wolves. I can’t be involved with you anymore or my people will cast me out… but I had to be able to make sure you were alright.”

  Lily’s eyes watered as she listened to her friend. She reached out to Tess, the motion causing her friend to flinch.

  “I forgive you, Tess. I get that you had the best intentions, and I appreciate your help last night, but that doesn’t make what you did okay. I’m a big girl. I can handle being upset. You don’t need to magic my feelings away… and I can handle whatever a life with Sam throws my way. Even if I can’t--that’s my prerogative and you have to accept that.”

  It was in that moment that I fell even more in love with her. Liliana Moretti had a huge heart that had no room for hate.

  “I need time,” she continued, “but I’d like to fix our friendship. You’re my best friend but if you want me in your life... You’re going to have to accept Sam as well. You don’t have to be friends but you do have to be respectful.”

  Tess remained silent for a moment before she pulled Lily in for a hug, “I’m sorry Lil.”

  My mate pulled back quicker than she previously would have and nodded, “I know.”

  She walked over to me and held her hand out, “Let’s go home.”

  I intertwined my fingers with hers and we exited the room together.

  “Are you alright?” I asked.

  “Not at all,” she replied in a haunted tone, “but I will be.”

  I released her hand and slung my arm over her shoulders, “That’s my girl.”

  She leaned into my side as we made our way to the elevator. Liliana was tougher than she knew but that incident was a lot for anyone to handle. I pressed a kiss to her temple and held her close, “You know you’re super hot when you’re mad, right?”

  My words had the desired effect. She chuckled and shoved me away, “You’re an idiot.”

  That tiny laugh was all I needed to hear--with that, I knew she’d be okay.



  I hadn’t heard from Tessa since our confrontation a couple months ago. It was strange, having someone who was a constant fixture in my life suddenly become absent. I couldn’t find it in myself to reach out. I forgave her, or at least I wanted to, but it was just too soon. I had dealt with years of her manipulations, completely clueless while I spiraled into the pits of depression and anxiety. No matter how pure her intentions, I was still angry at her.

  Outside of Tess, life had been pretty great however. Sam and I had never been better. It was a bit strange--to go from freshly reconciling to basically living together--but we were happy. Still, I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t have loved some me time. We worked together and I was currently staying at his house until the threat from Jameson’s pack was over. I understood Sam’s fears, I shared them, so I stayed with him even though there were times when I felt like I’d kill for thirty minutes of privacy. He didn’t even run guard duty around the pack lands anymore. Guarding me was his top priority. When he went to the training pit to lead sessions, I sat on the sidelines and watched.

  After a while, life started to seem like an endless pattern. Wake up, go to work, go home, train, sleep, repeat. There had been a few minor attacks and more spies found on our territory, all ending their own lives before they could be interrogated. It was as if Jameson’s wolves were testing us. The danger was enough for Aiden to insist we stay home when we didn’t have work. I was starting to go stir crazy and apparently Sam was too.

  “Let’s get out of here tonight. We haven’t had a date night since we got back together,” Sam said as he pulled me into his arms. We were standing in the kitchen in varying stages of undress. Sex had been the only way we’d been able to break up the monotony of our situation.

  “You have to train the newly shifted wolves today,” I replied with a sigh. A date sounded amazing but he had responsibilities.

  “We can go after I finish. You can stay here and get ready. I’ll have Alex and Alara come sit with you,” he replied, a happy smile on his face. As much as I hated the thought of essentially being passed off to a babysitter, I assented. Sam looked so excited to get out that I didn’t want to burst his bubble.

  “You should go get dressed or you’re going to be late,” I said, running my fingers through my sex-mushed hair.

  “Babe... I’m a wolf. I can literally go naked,” he replied as he kissed me.

  I pulled back and gave him the evil eye, “Yeah that might be normal to you but totally not okay with me. Go get dressed. You’re only allowed to get naked right before you shift and not a minute sooner.”

  He let out a bark of laughter and kissed my forehead before bounding upstairs, “You got it, boss.”

  I followed him up and hopped in the shower after saying good-bye. He usually led training for about three hours so I had plenty of time to doll myself up.

  Thirty minutes late, my legs were stubble free as I dried and dressed. Sam was long gone and, from the voices I heard coming from downstairs, Alex and Alara were there. I let out a sigh of irritation, annoyed that I never had the opportunity for alone time. It was something I was going to have to learn to deal with until Jameson’s pack was taken out but I still hated it.

  I dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt quickly and then set to blow-drying my thick locks. The lavender was fresh--I had just colored it a few nights prior--and I was excited to fully style it.

  “Hey stranger,” a voice came from behind me once I turned the hair dryer off.

  “Holy shit,” I shouted, my hand clutching my chest as I whipped around to find Alex in the doorway of the bedroom Sam and I shared. “You’re such a jerk,” I said as I grabbed my hair brush and threw it at him.

  He caught it--of course. Stupid wolf reflexes.r />
  He chuckled as he tossed it back to me, “Gee, missed you too.”

  I rolled my eyes and smiled as I ran over to give him a hug, “You look a hell of a lot better.”

  The last time I’d seen Alex had been the night after my fight with Tess. Sam and I went to visit him as he lay unconscious in his father’s spare room. He’d looked absolutely horrible. I’d started crying the moment I laid eyes on his battered form. Now he looked as handsome as ever. Sam and Alex looked so much alike that it was hard to find one attractive without the other but I’d never been physically attracted to Alex. He’d always been like a big brother to me.

  “Shh. Don’t let my wife hear you. She’s territorial,” he said as he pulled me into a hug.

  His head dipped low as a smack resounded behind him. I peeked around his body to see a stunning redhead smiling, her raised hand an indicator that her slap had been the reason his head lurched forward.

  “Don’t listen to him. He’s an idiot. I’m Alara but most people call me A.K. Nice to meet you,” she said as she walked around Alex to shake my hand.

  “I’m Liliana. A.K., huh? That’s an... Interesting nickname.”

  “They’re my initials. My middle name is Kathleen,” she replied at the same time Alex said, “It’s because she’s always popping off.”

  She swatted at his stomach and stuck her tongue out at him before telling him to get out, “It’s girl time. Unless you can help get Liliana ready for her date, you’re not welcome here.”

  “Oh, so it’s like that?” He asked, a look of mock hurt on his face.


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