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BLISS Page 9

by A. R. Breck

  My eyes water at his statement. I know the emptiness he feels, and I feel so guilty that I’m the one that pulls him out of that abyss. Because although I might feel the same about him, he isn’t the only one that pulls me out of that black hole.

  His brother gives me that feeling, too.

  I’m seriously going to hell.

  “Aric…” I start, but he cuts me off with a hand in the air.

  “Sorry… I didn’t mean to—sorry.” He runs a hand through his messy hair and looks down at my empty cup. “Am I being a fucking bitch-baby or something?” He chuckles and I let go of the uncomfortable feeling in my chest and stand up and walk over to him. He spreads his legs a little and I take that as an invitation to sit in his lap. I’m not sure what comes over me, but I have the urge to just be close to him. Touch him.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a hug. There’s nothing sexual about it, even though I do feel his impressive erection starting to grow between my legs.

  “Sorry.” He mumbles into my hair, not seeming sorry at all as he gets closer than intended. I try to shift off him, but his smell and his rumbly voice make me melt into his hard body. I keep my arms wrapped around him and keep hugging him, even when he turns a purely friendly gesture into an intimate one.

  I shift, and when I feel the lingering wetness Aeron talking about earlier start getting worse, I freeze.

  Aric notices.

  “What’s wrong?” He leans back out of my hair and gives me a frown.

  “Nothing. It’s just… kind of weird to do this here.” I look around, and I’m not lying. This is a family place and it felt like we were seconds away from going to second base.

  Where did that come from? Shit, my emotions are seriously all over the place.

  “Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. Ready to head back?” He gives me a secret smirk, and I know he wants to go back home to his room to fool around.

  “Probably a good idea. My headache feels like it’s starting to come back again.” It’s a lie, but it does what I wanted it to.

  Aric’s face turns concerned. “Shit, really? Maybe you’re coming down with something. Let’s get you home, then.”

  “Thanks. I just had too much sun today.”

  And too much testosterone…



  Peeking in on Mercy, I’m glad to see her asleep. I hope she’s not coming down with anything. She did look a little pale in the face, but her cheeks looked flushed.

  But hell, what do I know.

  I quietly shut the door, and when I turn around, Aeron is standing right in the hallway.

  “Fuck, dude! What’s going on?” I whisper. Why the hell is he standing in the hallway like some creep?

  “Is she all right?” His gaze shifts to Mercy’s bedroom door, and I narrow my eyes at him. Aeron doesn’t give a fuck about anyone, himself included. So, his questioning Mercy’s wellbeing immediately puts me on defense.

  “Why?” I don’t even give him the right to know.

  He shrugs, shifting his gaze off to his bedroom door before looking back at me. “No reason. Fuck, don’t be so possessive, Aric. It’s not a good look on you.” He chuckles and backs away from me, turning around and walking back into his room.

  I stand there for a moment after he leaves. What, he just came out of his bedroom to see how she was doing?

  I can’t help but be a prick and a little shady about the two of them after seeing the way they danced together. After seeing the way he’s looked at her since the moment he first saw her… yeah. I know that look. I’m thinking it’s the same foolish look that’s playing on my face every second of the day.

  The real question is, what kind of look is playing on Mercy’s face?

  I felt our connection at the ice cream shop. I felt her heat coming off her in waves. I know what we have is real. I know how deep it runs through my veins. I’m not sure if her feelings are surface or if they run as deep as mine do. Deeper than the fucking Nile River.

  I know it’s too soon. Except it’s not. I don’t know what it is. But Mercy, she does things for me, man. She really, really does.

  I walk back to my bedroom, giving Aeron’s door one last look to make sure he’s not waiting for me to leave the hallway, and then shut my own bedroom door.

  Laying back on my bed, I think of all the time’s I’ve spent time with Mercy this last month. We’re into the heart of summer, and before we know it, it’s going to be senior year and I’m going to have to lock this shit down with Mercy. She’s too beautiful.

  Every guy is going to hit on her. Everyone is going to want her. I mean, I can do what I have to do to make sure everyone backs off. I can threaten any guy who comes within a ten-foot distance of her. But I think she’s too headstrong for that shit. I think that’ll only piss her off and force her away from me.

  No, I have to get her to be with me for good. I need to swoop her before anyone else swoops her.

  This isn’t just some game for me. I’m not going to let some fucking pleb come and try and take what’s mine.

  Even if it’s my own fucking brother.



  “Come on.” I sit on my bag to zip it closed. It feels like the seams are about to burst, but finally, I give it one last pull and it gives, zipping the rest of the way shut.

  Tonight is the Fourth of July. Shane is throwing another party, apparently this one is an annual thing down at his house, and I’m a little nervous.

  We’re spending the night. Well, camping, I guess.

  Aeron left with some of his buddies yesterday. I guess they were headed to Duluth for some party. Since he left, Aric has been acting like a completely different person. He’s back to his usual playful self. He asked if I wanted to camp down at Shane’s house, instead of calling an Uber or a DD to bring us back.

  I said yes, without even thinking about what that meant.

  Now today, it’s been on my mind constantly, and I’m one huge ball of emotion. Is he expecting we do something tonight? Do I even want to do something tonight? Things are different with Aric than they are with Aeron. With Aeron, things just happen. Without thinking or reasoning what’s right or wrong, I end up where he wants me.

  With Aric, things are more calculated. I have time to contemplate what’s going to happen, and Aric always gives me an out if I want one.

  If Aeron wasn’t in the picture, I would be down for whatever… this is between us. At least, I wouldn’t be so apprehensive about it.

  But, at the end of the day, I’m not a slut, and what I’ve been doing is so not me. The number of guys I’ve kissed can be counted on one hand, and now I’m kissing two—brothers, that is—within a week. One has already gotten in my pants?

  This shit is so not normal to me.

  So, I’ve been a nervous wreck all day, because I don’t know what I want to happen tonight. All I do know is there’s something there with Aric, and I kind of want to figure out what it is.

  Maybe it’s friendship.

  Or maybe it’s more.

  Aric left a while ago, saying he had to set up for the party with Declan. I wasn’t ready, and he told me that the girls have been wanting to hangout, so I told him it would be okay if they came and picked me up.

  Now I’m a fucking nervous wreck, because I really want these girls to like me, but I don’t want them to think I’m trying too hard.

  When my phone vibrates, I fly across my bed to my nightstand and see a text from an unknown number.

  Happy Fourth, Mercy. Just because I’m not with you tonight, doesn’t mean he should be. Remember that.

  Aeron? I’m about to reply when another text comes in.

  We’re outside. Do you need us to come in?

  I ignore the first text and type a reply that I’ll be right out. I’m not sure which one of the girls number this is… oh well. Pocketing my phone, I grab my overnight bag and head out.

  Closing my bedroom door, I barely spare Aeron’s door a glance
on my way down the stairs. I can’t think about him tonight. Tonight is about Aric, and I’m not going to let Aeron get in the middle of that.

  “Hey! You look good!” Riley shouts out the driver’s side window when I walk outside.

  “Thanks!” I glance down at my outfit and hop in the car. I’ve got on white shorts and a red crop top. I also braided my hair in two French braids and tied them at the bottoms with blue ribbons.


  “I swear, I cannot do a French braid on myself for the life of me. I always end up with a knot or something!” Sidney whines, looking at my hair in awe. “Yours are so good, you have to teach me how you do it.”

  “Don’t even try. I’ve tried to teach her like five times. She can’t comprehend it.”

  I laugh, glad it already feels natural to be with them.

  “Where’s Aubree?” I ask, noticing she’s not in the car with the other two.

  Sidney scoffs. “Don’t even ask. She’s been dating Shane for over a year, but these last couple months have been ridiculous. They’re inseparable. It’s kind of getting annoying.” She wrinkles up her nose at her words.

  “That sounds annoying.” And it does. Some of my friends from back in Aurora Falls have been through the same thing, and it never lasts.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out, reading another text from the same unknown number.

  You better hope no one kisses those lips tonight

  I scowl at my phone, and Sidney must notice because she turns around and asks, “Shit, is that Aric making you that pissed?”

  “No, his brother.”


  “What!” Sidney shrieks. “Now this I have to hear.”

  My face beats red, and I look at the both of them with a guilty look. “I know we just met, but can I trust you guys won’t say anything?”

  Riley’s eyes go wide. “Oh my God. Now you have to tell us!”

  “Shut up, Riles. Yes, you can trust us. Of course!” Sidney slaps Riley on the arm and gives me her full attention.

  “Thank God! Because I have been absolutely dying to tell someone about this, and I obviously can’t talk to Aric about it!” I run my hands over my braids and think about where to start. “That night of the party… he gave me some pills. I don’t know what it was, but we ended up getting pretty close that night. Then again in his pool last week… and again in his room later that day…” I stop when I look at Riley and Sidney with their jaws in their laps.

  “Are you fucking Aeron?” Sidney shrieks.

  “No!” I shout. “But… we have fooled around. Fuck, guys! I really screwed up. Aric keeps telling me he likes me and—”

  “That’s because he does like you! He’s been talking about you nonstop. What are you going to do?” Riley asks, taking the last turn to Shane’s house. Red, white, and blue paraphernalia litter the street leading up to his house, and I can’t imagine what his yard is going to look like.

  “That’s the whole thing! I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m so confused right now; my brain is going in circles. I guess it’s a good thing Aeron is out of town. I’m hoping I can figure some things out tonight.”

  Both of them look at me wide-eyed. “Well, shit, girl. I don’t envy you. Good luck, though. Seems like you’re going to need it.” Sidney shakes her head right when we park the car. They hop out, and I sit there for a moment to gather my courage.

  “Thanks.” I whisper, because tonight? I’m going to need all the luck I can get.


  “There you are!” Aric runs up to me, lifting me off my feet and twirling you in the air. Setting me back down, he grabs my bag from me and starts pulling me towards the tents. “I got our tent set up already. Want to take a look?” The happiness on his face is infectious. I smile big at him.


  Near the water, there is a massive circle of about twenty tents. A big fire pit sits in the middle. Coolers, bags, and other camping gear litter the makeshift campsite. String lights and miniature red, white, and blue flags trail up and down the yard. It’s decked out.

  “You guys really put yourself to work today.” He passes me a wine cooler, and I mumble a thanks.

  “Yeah, it took a few hours, but most of the football team came to help.”

  I see a mob of muscular guys tossing a football back and forth in the water and point to them. “Is that your football team?”

  “Yep. Most of them, anyway.” He unzips a tent. “Well? How does it look?”

  Aric lifts up the flap and I poke my head inside, looking at the two sleeping bags and pillows lying next to each other. Butterflies flap around in my empty stomach, and I didn’t realize how nervous I was until this very second.

  “Looks good.” I grab my bag from Aric and lay it down in the tent. “Well, what do you want to do?”

  “You hungry? Shane’s got the grill going.” He nods his head towards Shane, and I see Aubree standing next to him in a red, white, and blue bikini.

  “Sounds good.” I smile, and when Aric grabs my hand, I shove the guilt out of my mind and give Aric’s hand a squeeze, silently promising myself and him that I’m going to make the best out of tonight.


  Later when I’m talking to Sidney, we get interrupted by a deep voice.

  “Hey.” Sidney’s eyes widen when she looks over my shoulder. I stiffen, and turning my head, I see a tall, tanned guy that looks like he should be on the cover of an Abercrombie and Fitch cover. His short dark hair and dark brown eyes make him look intimidating, but his blinding white smile makes him look like a playboy.

  Is he talking to me?

  “Uh, hey?” I look back at Sidney with wide eyes, and she says, “Hi Barnett,” and walks the hell away from me.

  “Sidney—” I start, but Barnett blocks me from leaving.

  “I’ve never seen you here before. Are you new?”

  He’s so pretty I can barely look at him. That, and I have no idea why someone like him is talking to someone like me in the first place.

  “Uh, yeah. I am. Do you go to school with Shane?”

  “Nah. Graduated last year. I start at the U of M next month.”

  “Wow. U of M? What are you going for?”

  “Veterinary medicine.” He gives me a smile, and two dimples pop out in his cheeks.

  My fucking knees wobble.

  “Wow.” I feel out of my league with this man standing in front of me.

  Why is he talking to me again?

  “I’m sorry. You’re just really beautiful and I had to come say hello. So, how do you know Shane?”

  I blush. “Oh. It’s kind of a long story…”

  “Well, we’ve got about an hour until the fireworks go off. Perfect time to tell me a story.” Dimples, again.


  He leans in closer to me. “To be honest, I’ve been staring at you for a while. I just had to come over and talk to you. Is your name as beautiful as you are?”

  Oh, my fucking God.

  “My name’s Mercy.”

  He tilts his head towards the sky and lets out a laugh. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” He turns towards me. “You’re for real?”

  I nod my head yes.

  He wraps his arm around my shoulders, hiking me into his side. “I am so glad I saw you tonight. So, fucking glad.”

  I stand there, stunned and confused on why I’m getting this attention. Mostly from him. I look around, there’s half naked women everywhere, and I stand here in a tank top and shorts, and Barnett is looking at me like I’m the cherry on his damn pie.

  “You want to hop in the water? That’s where the best view is of the fireworks.”

  “Um…” I look behind me, and my eyes widen when I see Aric charging towards me. “Shit.” I try to uncurl myself from Barnett’s arms, but he’s so strong I don’t stand a chance of getting out of here in time.

  “Mercy, what the fuck? Barnett, remove your fucking hands!” Aric booms.


  “Aric! How’s it going, man?” Barnett smiles.

  For a hot guy, he’s really fucking dense.

  Aric reaches us, and grabbing onto my arm, he yanks me out of Barnett’s grasp, giving me a look of fury before pushing me out of the way. “Stay the fuck away from her.” He barks at Barnett.

  Barnett loses his smile finally and looks between us. “I didn’t know you guys were dating.”

  “We’re not.” I say in shock. What the hell is going on?

  “Shut the hell up, Mercy.” I widen my eyes at Aric. Where the hell is this anger coming from?

  “Dude, chill out.” Barnett puts his hands up.

  “I’ll chill out when you stay away from my girl.” Aric points his finger in Barnett’s chest, poking him once, twice, three times.

  Shit, now Barnett looks pissed.

  He grabs Aric’s finger and tosses it aside. “Dude, I think you need to watch yourself. If the lady says she’s not with you, she’s not with you. Also, next time you poke me in the fucking chest I rip your finger off your hand.”

  Aric looks at me, and almost apologetically, whispers, “A man can only handle so much, Mercy.” Then he winds his hand back, and cocks it forward, slamming it into Barnett’s cheek.

  Barnett’s head snaps back, but he doesn’t stumble. He leans forward, spits a wad of blood on the grass, and slams his fist right back into Aric’s face.

  “Fight!” Some drunk idiot calls from ten feet away.

  People start screaming and swarming around Aric and Barnett is they lay their fists in each other’s faces over and over again.

  Over what?


  I back up, hating the drama they’re creating over me. Hate the stress and bickering and stupid fucking physical altercation over nothing.


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