Pitch Black (Until Dawn, Book 4)

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Pitch Black (Until Dawn, Book 4) Page 4

by J. N. Baker

“Colorful,” Baldric deadpanned.

  “I told you she’d never go for a guard,” Josh said to Baldric. “She’s too hostile.”

  “I’ll show you hostile,” I snapped and Baldric had the nerve to laugh. He didn’t see the challenge in Josh’s dilated eyes, the one that said, bring it on.

  “And what do you mean, ‘within the castle walls’?” I asked, my eyes darting back to Baldric.

  The would-be king took a step forward, all humor in his eyes gone. He continued to inch toward me until I backed into the stone wall at my back. “How stupid do you think I am?” he asked and I bit my tongue, pretty sure it was a rhetorical question. “I was not born yesterday, young warrior.”

  “Clearly,” I said. “Older than dirt, just like William.”

  That brought a grin to his face, one that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “For now, be happy you get the castle. You will have to prove you are trustworthy if you want more from me. I shall see you in the dining hall shortly.”

  Baldric vanished into thin air, leaving me alone with Josh once more.

  “What the hell was that about?” he hissed once he was certain we were alone. “Do you know how long it took me to convince him to place me as your guard instead of Lindsay? The only reason he agreed to it is because she isn’t a fighter. I don’t know why you’re so upset; I’ll be near you almost constantly. We’ll finally have more time together. He’s giving you a longer leash. Don’t mess that up, Zo.”

  My name falling off his lips did wonderful things to my insides. I hadn’t heard him use my name in months. It almost tempered my rage. Almost. I shook my head. “I don’t want a longer leash,” I told him. “I want him to take me off the damn thing completely. That’s the only way you and I will be able to have any real time together, not this illusion of time where you’re always just out of reach. All Baldric did was expand my prison cell. Within these walls, there are too many eyes and ears on me—on us.”

  As if to prove my point, a woman stepped out of a room at the far end of the hall and headed in the direction of the dining hall.

  I shot Josh a look if only to solidify my point.

  “She’s only a shift,” he said once the woman was out of sight. “She wouldn’t have heard us; she was too far away.”

  “But the next one might,” I retorted. “You have to trust me. I have a plan.”

  When Josh didn’t reply, I knew he saw the truth in my words. This couldn’t possibly be enough for him: having me three feet away and being unable to speak openly with me, being unable to touch me. It sure as shit wasn’t enough for me. If anything, it was worse. Like dangling a piece of chocolate in front of a chocoholic and telling them they couldn’t have it.

  “We will be late for dinner. Let’s go,” he said, motioning me forward.

  We made our way across the massive castle, Josh a few paces behind me to give me some sort of semblance of freedom. My eyes scanned the marvelous stone structure and I decided that after dinner I’d use my newfound “freedom” to explore more. One perk of my longer “leash.”

  The dining hall was already filling with Baldric’s people when Josh and I arrived. As I made my way to the empty seat beside Baldric, I once again noticed how his people didn’t segregate around the table. I hadn’t expected that sort of unity amongst Baldric’s people. Then again, there were many things I hadn’t expected. Big family dinners being at the very top of the list, right above Baldric being a gentleman and keeping his hands—hand—to himself.

  Said surprising gentleman rose, helping to pull out my chair as I took my seat.

  Lindsay nodded politely from across the table. “Hey,” she said in greeting and I did the same.

  Josh’s shift buddy from the last dinner groaned. “Come on,” he whined. “I was hoping for a round two with a good old-fashioned mud wrestle.”

  The woman sitting to his right reached over and smacked him upside the back of the head and, to my horror, I found myself smiling at the action. I quickly smoothed out my face, reapplying my well-practiced resting bitch face.

  “Mind your manners,” she hissed at the shift before turning her dark eyes to me. “I apologize on behalf of Philip. Pay him no mind. He has failed to find a mate yet and it tends to short-circuit his brain.”

  Josh snorted. “More like no woman in her right mind would ever agree to be his mate.”

  Philip reared back a fist and swung it at Josh, but it didn’t make it to its target, stopping a couple inches away from Josh’s nose. I could see the strain on Philip’s face as he tried to push past Josh’s power.

  “Bro!” the shift shouted, pulling his unsuccessful punch back. “Learn to fight fair!”

  Josh shrugged. “No fighting in the dining hall, you know that. I’m just following the rules.”

  “A lesson the lady here should also learn,” Baldric said, tossing me a mischievous look. “She seems to have trouble following a commanding officer’s orders.”

  “You’re just upset that I hit you finally,” I told Baldric, sticking up my nose just a little.

  A number of eyes landed on me, a few jaws dropping. What? Did people not often land blows on Baldric? Well, sorry not sorry. Hell, it wasn’t even the first time…or the second. The first time had been on the watchtower when his beasts had attacked my people and I’d wrapped my new power around his throat. The second time was when I’d driven a sword through his chest, narrowly missing his heart. Call me crazy, but dinner surrounded by his people didn’t seem like the appropriate place to remind him of that little fact.

  “That you did,” Baldric said, the unwanted pride back in his voice. “Finally.”

  Dinner was served and I was surprised to see rabbit stew sitting in front of me instead of the usual fish. After the last dinner I’d had with his people, I’d let the rabbit stew Lindsay had brought me go cold, unwilling to accept the olive branch. I wasn’t sure I was strong enough to resist twice.

  Baldric must have seen the way I was staring longingly at the bowl of steaming liquid in front of me. He leaned closer to me, pointing to the woman sitting beside Philip, the one who’d teased him. Based on the metallic scent wafting off her, I’d guess vampire—older by the smell of it. “Our master hunter, Olive, overheard your love of rabbit stew and took her team out to gather enough rabbits for tonight’s meal.”

  I wasn’t sure what surprised me more: that the lead hunter was a woman when few women fought for Baldric during the Great Battle, or that she went out of her way to help make a meal just for me. Or maybe it was that the olive branch of kindness came from a woman named Olive.

  “Olive, here, is a master baiter,” Philip added and a few people spit out their drinks, Josh included. Baldric rolled his eyes—actually fucking rolled them.

  “Excuse me?” I choked out, noting the annoyed look on Olive’s face.

  “He means she is our best trapper,” Baldric said.

  “Yeah,” Josh said, “Philip here is the masturbater—no mate and all.” Lindsay nearly choked on her spoonful of stew. Even Baldric chuckled at that.

  And once again, I found myself in the Twilight Zone.

  I raised an eyebrow at Josh. “So, hybrid, have you found yourself a mate yet?”

  Josh’s expression sobered. “I haven’t managed to get my hands on her yet, no.”

  His answer was like a bolt of electricity straight to my core. What I wouldn’t give to get his hands on me.

  “Then I suppose he isn’t the only masturbater, is he?” I retorted, ignoring the ache building between my thighs.

  Philip exploded with laughter, followed quickly by others within earshot. He smacked his hand over his chest and hooted. “I think I’m in love. Your future bride is a firecracker, sire. Nicely done. I approve.”

  I cringed, the title future bride rubbing me the wrong way. But I couldn’t help but smile a little at Philip’s likeness to Cody. I understood why Josh had formed a friendship with the guy.

  I looked at the female vampire, Olive, who was responsible for m
y meal. “Thank you,” I told her and meant it. It wasn’t as good as Annie’s—I doubted any would be—but it was good, and the gesture was kind. “You’ll have to tell whoever helped to cook it that they did a wonderful job.”

  Olive nodded deeply. “I wanted to properly welcome you into our kingdom. It is your home now too and we are glad to have you.”

  It is your home now too.

  Those words stuck with me throughout the rest of the meal until I could think of nothing else. This couldn’t—wouldn’t—be my new home. This was my prison and I was the prisoner. Nothing more. And yet many of Baldric’s people treated me like I was one of them instead of the traitor I was sure some of them thought me to be. Their kindness unsettled me for so many reasons. How could they just put it all behind them like that?

  “I’d like to tour the castle,” I said absently to Baldric when the meal was finished.

  “As you wish,” he responded before nodding to Josh.

  Slipping out of my seat, I made my way out of the dining hall, Josh already waiting for me by the door. He motioned me forward, taking his place a few paces behind me like a good little guard.

  I didn’t really know where I was going, I just knew I wanted to use my newfound “freedom” to explore what everyone saw as my home instead of my oversized cell block. I’d never been given the opportunity to look around since I’d arrived. I was taken to and from my room to the outdoor training area and, most recently, the dining hall. Outside of that, the only area I was intimately familiar with was the damned dungeon.

  I let the artwork on the walls lead the way, admiring the ancient pieces and intricate metal workings. When I was younger, I’d always wanted to go to Europe to see the ancient castles. Never had I thought I’d live in one, let alone two.

  When I reached a large set of double doors off the main room of the castle, I paused. “What’s in here?” I asked Josh.

  “Why don’t you find out?” he responded, lips pulling up on one side.

  Challenge accepted.

  I threw open the doors and my jaw hit the floor. “Oh my God…”

  The massive library stretched out around me; a library that would make any bookworm’s panties wet. Vaulted ceilings and wall-to-wall bookshelves filled to the brim with thousands of books. There was even a rolling wooden ladder to reach the top shelves. It was like walking into a scene from Beauty and the Beast. And if that didn’t perfectly describe my situation with Baldric, I didn’t know what would. Only this story wouldn’t end in me falling head over heels for the gruesome monster.

  This was no love story. Baldric would have no happy ending.

  But the library, on the other hand, that was definitely something to love.

  I ran my fingers along the spines of the books, some of which appeared older than me. Maybe I could convince Baldric to let me trade out some of the books on my own tiny bookshelf for some of these.

  “The king enjoys reading,” Josh said. His eyes followed the way my hands caressed each book, like he’d give his very soul to have me touch him like that.

  “Oh, this room and I are going to be well acquainted,” I said to the room at large. “Might as well move my bed in here.”

  Josh took a step closer—probably closer than he should have for being in such a public space. “Always the bookworm,” he whispered. “Some things never change.”

  I risked a step toward him, further closing the distance between us until I felt his breath on my face. My eyes darted to the partially opened doors, Josh’s gaze following mine. Ever so slowly, the doors inched closed until they were only open a crack. I dropped my gaze to the black markings encompassing Josh’s forearms, reaching out to trace them with my fingers. “And some things do,” I breathed.

  Only I wasn’t sure if this change—Josh’s transformation—was for better or worse. I hadn’t given myself the time to process it yet…that Josh was now immortal—a monster—just like me. All I knew was forever wasn’t looking so long now.

  Before he could respond, I noticed a smaller door at the back of the library. “What does that lead to?” I asked, moving toward it.

  Josh stepped in front of me, blocking my path. “You are not allowed to enter that room.”

  “Seriously?” I tried to move around him and he blocked me again. “What’s in there?”

  His jaw ticked. “The war room and passage to the armory. The king says it’s off limits to you.”

  I huffed out a laugh. “Like I need a weapon to kill anyone here.” But the war room, that intrigued me. Could there be plans? Some information that could help me and my people? I smirked.

  Leaping to the right, I grabbed onto the wooden ladder, the momentum making it slide along its track toward the back of the library. I hopped down and sprinted to the door with Josh on my heels. Just as I reached out for the handle, Josh’s hand landed on my shoulder.

  He yanked me back, slamming me into the nearest wall of books. “Always difficult,” he said, pressing his body into mine. “Are you trying to draw attention to us?”

  My gaze dropped to his parted lips, no more than five inches away, and my breath hitched in my chest. How long had it been since I’d been so close to him—since I’d felt his body against my own?

  “Fuck it,” he growled and his lips crashed into mine for the first time in months.

  All at once, we were wrapped up in one another. My hands snaked around his neck, legs instinctively wrapping around his middle. One large hand came under my ass, the other plunging into my hair, tugging my head back so he could deepen the kiss. I moaned into his mouth as he ground his growing erection into my core.

  He was mine. Without a shadow of a doubt, I knew he was mine. He’d always been.

  White light exploded behind my eyes as Josh’s heat enveloped me. I could feel the fires of his desire licking my skin. I was pretty sure the entire library would go up in flames at any moment at the rate we were going.

  Bookworm or not, it was a sacrifice I was willing to make.

  “This is hell,” Josh murmured against my lips, his hold on me tightening. “I’ve spent my entire life watching you from a distance, stuck in the damn friend zone—which, I’ll admit, was partly my own fault. And the second you’re finally mine, the moment I have you for myself, I find myself forced to stay away all over again. I can’t do it, Zoe.”

  I put my forehead against his. “I know.” And I did know. My whole life, he was always just out of reach. Hell, the past six years I’d practically pushed him away in an attempt to protect him from the monster I’d become. Some good that did us. And the instant I finally accepted my feelings for him, the second I stopped denying the otherworldly pull I felt toward him, he was ripped away from me.

  By Alec.

  By Baldric.

  Well, no more. Fate could fuck a cactus; Josh was mine. And I’d do everything in my power to get him back.

  And that started with gaining more of Baldric’s trust so we could get out of this damn castle together.

  I was the first to pull away, my feet returning to the floor. My skin burned where his hands had been and ached in all the places they hadn’t.

  Josh leaned forward, being careful not to touch me except for where his lips grazed my ear. “You’re mine,” he whispered. “And you’ll be mine until the world quits spinning and all the stars fall from the sky. And even then, still you will belong to me. Nothing will ever separate us again.”

  I shuddered, the air in my lungs escaping in a hiss. “Say it again,” I said, not caring how breathless I sounded and knowing full well Josh would know which part I meant.

  This time his finger landed at the hollow of my throat and I gulped. Josh dragged that wicked digit downward until it was resting between my breasts, pointing at the white sunburst.

  “You. Are. Mine.”

  I gasped as the library door swung open. When Lindsay’s face popped in, I was holding a book open in my trembling hands; Josh sat in a nearby chair, his ankle crossed over his knee and a bore
d expression plastered on his face.

  Lindsay’s nostrils flared and I held whatever breath I had left, remembering Markus’s conversations about being able to smell my arousal. If Markus thought I was turned on then…

  “Good book?” was all Lindsay said.

  “Yep,” I managed to say. “Very steamy. All the chili pepper and fire emojis.”

  “Right,” she drawled, turning her attention to Josh. “The king said you’re relieved for the night. I’ll take over from here.”

  I saw Josh’s jaw clench in frustration. He’d assumed he was going to guard me at all hours of the night. “Of course.”

  He stood faster than Lindsay could likely follow and bolted out of the library. Hopefully he’d make it to his room before anyone saw the impressive bulge he was sporting. God help any woman who laid eyes on it. It’d be the last time she had eyes.

  Apparently, Josh brought out my possessive side.

  “Some of the others are having a drink in the main hall,” my once-and-maybe-again-friend said. “Want to grab one with me?”

  I glanced down at the book still clutched in my hand, turning it over. Priceless by Shannon Mayer. I stared at the woman on the cover, her fiery hair not unlike Annie’s. She was armed and ready for battle and oozing the sort of bad-assery I was going to need to survive in this hell I’d found myself in.

  “Sure,” I finally said, tucking the book under my arm to take back with me to my room. Maybe I could find a way to pull the character out of the book and have her help me destroy Baldric.

  Wish in one hand…

  I followed Lindsay back to the main room of the castle to where a handful of people lounged on furniture around a massive fireplace that took up nearly the entire wall. As we drew closer, I realized one of the people was Baldric.


  Olive, the vampire responsible for our rabbit stew, was also there, as was Philip, who handed mugs to Lindsay and me as we joined them. I sniffed the amber liquid and determined it was some sort of whiskey before taking a swig. I sat nearest the fire, unafraid of the inferno raging directly behind me. Josh was hotter.


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