
Home > Paranormal > Revelation > Page 9
Revelation Page 9

by Randi Cooley Wilson


  I take one last look at myself in the mirror before we head to Katana. My hair is down, slightly curled at the bottom, and my make-up is light tonight. Thank goodness Aria didn’t go all smoky eye on me again. I have to admit, the red long sleeve mini dress with nude heels, all courtesy of Abby, makes me look and feel really sexy. The back cuts low into a V, showing my bare skin. Pleased with the results, I head out to the lounge area to meet up with the girls.

  Aria has on a strapless aqua dress that hugs all her curves and, of course, her black fishnets and combat boots. Her blue shades of smoky eyes really make the brown of her irises pop.

  McKenna is wearing black leather pants, knee high boots, and a white sequin halter-top and Abby looks chic, as always, in a shimmery, one shouldered silver dress and heels.

  McKenna opens the door. “Let’s do this, bitches.” With that, we’re off and running. She pulls up her Range Rover to the valet in front of Katana and we all get out.

  Leo and Tadhg are back at the door and waving to us, though they look frozen. It’s like twenty below out here.

  Once again, we bypass the long line and head to the door. “Feeks, yar all lookin’ beautiful ‘tis evenin’,” Tadhg comments, smiling.

  Aria saunters up to Leo, planting a long kiss on him. “Just showing all these girls he’s taken.”

  I roll my eyes. “Dog,” I greet Leo.

  He smiles. “Blood of Eden.”

  I drop my smile. “Hey, mean.”

  He feigns annoyance. “You called me a dog.”

  “I could have meant a cute little puppy. Jeez, Leo, take it down.” I smirk at our playful banter.

  “Alright, let’s go. Gentlemen, see you later,” Abby interjects, pushing us into the club.

  “See you later, baby,” Leo says to Aria as she does the five-finger wave.

  Once inside, we head to the table that Keegan held for us. Even though all three brothers own the club, I’ve learned that Keegan manages the day-to-day responsibilities. They also explained that most of the clientele is of the supernatural nature, mixed in with humans who are unaware, which was the reason Asher didn’t want me in the club last time. This time, I have his highness’s permission.

  The cocktail waitress comes over. “What’ll it be tonight, Kenna?”

  “We’ll have waters all around, four fiery bananas, and four Tom Dows,” McKenna orders.

  “What’s a fiery banana?” I ask.

  “It’s a shooter with banana liqueur and sambucca and the Tom Dows is vodka and lemonade,” she offers before I can ask.

  “Sounds fruity,” I say sarcastically.

  “Hey, you wanted a ‘normal college girls night’ so fruity cocktails, shots, and dancing it is,” McKenna replies with confidence.

  I put my hands up in surrender as the cocktail server brings the drinks. We each snag a banana shooter and take the shot. It just tastes like banana. Then she takes our empty shot glasses while we work on the lemonade drinks at a slower pace.

  “Those are yummy. We need more fiery bananas,” Aria exclaims in a rather boisterous voice.

  “I’d be more than happy to get you ladies whatever you need,” a smooth voice says over the sensual music.

  I look up to see Gage staring at us. McKenna and Abby become stiff.

  “Who let you in?” McKenna snaps.

  He gives her a smoldering smile and lights a cigarette. “It’s nice to see your manners haven’t improved, Kenna.”

  Aria offers her hand to Gage. “Hi, I’m Aria.”

  He takes it, bringing it to his mouth slowly then kisses it. “Charmed, Aria. I’m Gage.” He blows smoke toward the table. “An old friend of the rest of the ladies.”

  Aria’s eyes shift to me. “How do you know Eve?”

  Gage looks at me before answering.

  “We’ve had coffee a few times.” He smiles sexily.

  Damn, my hormones. He is like sex on a stick.

  “So what can I get you ladies to drink,” he offers graciously.

  “Nothing. We’re good. Thanks anyway, Gage,” Abby dismisses him in a polite voice.

  “Well, then, Eve, how about a dance, love?” Gage extends his hand to mine and waits.

  Since the alcohol is starting to influence my logical thinking, I take it while McKenna shoots me her famous dagger glare.

  Gage helps me out of the booth and peruses me up and down before taking in a sharp breath. “Eve, you look.” He pauses for the word then a sly smile hits his lips. “Forbidden.”

  I laugh at the innuendo. It could be the fiery bananas, but I thought it was funny.

  After putting out his cigarette, he leads me to the cramped dance floor as the music changes to something slow and sensual. Crap.

  Once in position, he turns and tugs my hand gently, causing me to stumble into his arms. My left hand grips his shoulder and he presses my body against his. He places his right hand on the small of my back, compelling me to him. With my other hand in his, he brings the entwined pair into the crook of his neck and gives me his best bedroom eyes.

  Faintly, in the back of my mind, I hear whispering to stop this. It’s dangerous but between the heady scent of spice and cigarettes and the way his hips are moving against mine, I can’t. All I want is to be here in his arms, dancing like this, feeling his body move with me.

  My eyes flutter involuntary.

  “Where have you been?” I ask breathy, not realizing how he is affecting me.

  “In the shadows,” he says, his tone laced with mystery and seduction.

  “What does that mean?”

  “I’ve been hidden in the shadows, watching you. It’s a shame that your gargoyle doesn’t let you off your leash very often,” he reprimands.

  I pull back a bit. “How do you know what he is?”

  He gives me a smile that I’m pretty sure just melted my panties before he leans down and whispers in my ear.

  “It takes one to know one.”

  Realization dawns on me as I study him, his body pushed against mine.

  “Did you get all the facts yet, love?”

  “I believe I have them all,” I counter with confidence.

  “I hope so, because you will need to pick a side soon.”

  “And what side are you on, Gage?”

  “Whatever side suits my mood.” He shrugs casually.

  I just watch him as he leans closer to my lips.

  “You’re very illicit, love.”

  My heartbeat kicks up and breathing becomes difficult.

  I swallow roughly as he leans me into a deep dip while softly kissing a spot on my collarbone. My eyes close, savoring the feel of his lips on my skin.

  With ease, Gage brings us back up to a standing position and stops moving. “Looks like I’ll have to stay out of sight and go back into the shadows for a bit.” He nods his head, motioning behind me. Leaning close to my ear, he traps me against his lean body. “Your gargoyle is here and looks pretty pissed off. Why would that be, Eve? Since currently, I mean you no harm. I wonder,” he whispers and then releases me. “Always a pleasure. Thank you for the dance, love.” He nods to Asher then swaggers away.

  I stand there, afraid to turn around and face Asher, knowing he saw us pressed together. Between the drinks and Gage, I sway, feeling a bit lightheaded.

  Asher grabs my arm and whips me around as the music changes to a painfully slow, sensual song.

  He pulls me a little roughly to him, forcing my body against his. The heat from his close proximity begins to claw its way up my body.

  His face is hard and impassive. I watch the sensual tilt of his lips into a sinful grin that causes a shudder to run through me. Yep, he’s pissed.

  “Do you want to play on the dark side, siren?” His voice is callous.

  I can’t seem to find my voice so I just look at him.

  “Is that what you want? To see how dark I can really be?” he asks spitefully.

  My mind isn’t working correctly at
the moment. I know he’s upset but all I can think about is pulling him close and devouring his mouth.

  The intensity of his face is fueling me while both his hands clutch my waist, forcing my body to mold to his. We’re as close as two people could possibly get in public.

  Asher begins moving us to the music in a slow, methodic rhythm. Our bodies sway with carnal need while his intense eyes never leave mine. My hands tangle into his hair, bringing him closer to me as his forehead rests on mine and he moves us to the music.

  “Is this what you want, siren? For me to touch you like this.” He grips me even tighter to his body and I let out a soft mewl.

  The sound breaks Asher’s control as his mouth descends on mine with a fire and possessiveness that I’ve never experienced.

  We can’t get enough of one another. My hands tighten in his hair, causing a deep growl from him, fueling the need within me.

  Ignorant to the indecent display we’re clearly demonstrating, Asher lifts me, forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist. Without our lips breaking contact, he walks us off the dance floor and into a dark hallway in the back of the club.

  The combination of his scent, the darkness and the sensual music is causing a feverish need within me. It’s clawing at me from the inside. My skin is on fire.

  Asher pushes my back against the wall and I groan softly into his mouth. He pins me with the weight of his body, breaking the kiss for a moment to allow us to catch our ragged breaths.

  His face is no longer rigid. Warm, strong hands move to my face, cupping my cheeks and he grazes my lips, nipping at the bottom one. He alternates between slow, soft kisses and deep, hard ones. I move my hands to clutch the front of his shirt and pull him closer. My body agonizes because he isn’t close enough.

  He pulls back slightly, allowing my feet to meet the ground as I smooth out the lower portion of my dress. We attempt to catch our breath but every heavy push of air from my lungs pushes forward the hair that has landed across my face. Asher brushes the hair off my face and lightly grips the sides of my head.

  “Are you okay?” I ask breathily because his mood just went from viscous to tender.

  He locks onto my eyes with a possessiveness that may qualify as scary. “You. Are. Mine.”

  I scan his face, partially enraged at the caveman declaration and partly excited at the potential of what he is saying. “W-what?”

  “You belong to me, not him. Do you understand?”

  I look away, trying to gain control over my brain functions. “Is this about wanting to be with me, or not wanting me to be with Gage?”

  “He’s dangerous in a way that you can’t even begin to understand,” he says harshly.

  Shocked, I force out a laugh. “You’re claiming me now because you don’t want me to have contact with Gage?”

  Confusion flickers over his face as the bond haze lifts. “Wait, no, that’s not what I’m saying.” He back peddles.

  “Are you kidding me? All this time, it’s been my oath, my legion, my promises, and now you’re just going to throw all that away because you don’t like someone else peeing on your territory?” My voice is rising with each word.

  “Eve, just wait.” He puts his hand up in surrender. “I’m trying to say that, at the moment, Gage is part of a very dangerous clan. A clan you are not to be near at all.”

  Shock has now turned into anger. “How dare you!”

  He backs away, seeing my anger rising. “Wait, again, you’re twisting my words.”

  My momentary bliss has turned into rage. “Whatever, Asher.” I storm down the hall and retreat back to the table.

  Huffing, I return to the girls who have another round of fiery bananas waiting. No one says anything. McKenna just hands me the shooter, which I take gratefully.

  “Alright then, ladies, girls night continues. To the dance floor,” Abby cheerfully commands.

  After hours of dancing and shooters, and getting hit on, my feet are killing me and all is forgotten with Asher and Gage.

  For the first time in a while, I feel normal.

  15 Acceptance

  My feet hit the grueling, snow covered path with a disciplined pace. My breath thrusts out in short, sharp puffs. I try breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth, but it gets harder the longer I run. My thighs are on fire from the challenging icy road. Music fills my ears from my iPod and pushes me forward.

  After last night, I just want to clear all thoughts from my head. So I run, driving myself with every step forward, struggling not to give into my desire to collapse from exhaustion.

  The serenity of the morning silence relaxes my pace as the cold air stuffs my lungs with ice, yet at the same time, causes them to burn. The pain feels good, reminding me I’m alive. So I keep going until I no longer can.

  When I finally feel peaceful, I head back to the dorm only to have my morning calmness ripped away at the sight of Asher. He’s sitting on the frigid concrete stair with two paper cups in his hands.

  I muster up my composure and walk the last ten steps to where he’s sitting, joining him. Crap, the cold from the concrete seeps through my running pants.

  He hands me one of the paper cups. “Peace offering.”

  I take the lid off and smile at the dark cocoa with mini marshmallows.

  He smirks. “I added those myself,” he says, pointing proudly to the marshmallows.

  “Thanks,” I reply sincerely. The girl in me is giddy that he remembers my favorite drink.

  We sit in silence for a bit and watch the sun finish rising over the horizon, drinking our morning cocoa.

  “You run every morning.” It wasn’t a question.


  “Why do you run?” Asher asks.

  I shrug. “I don’t know.”

  He puts his cocoa down and leans back on his glove-covered hands. “Yes, you do. Why?”

  I exhale and my breath comes out in a puff of smoke from the cold air. “Because I can. Running gives me freedom to breathe and think. I force myself to fight through the pain and test myself emotionally and physically. I guess I like to see how far I can push myself. To go further than I did the day before, to become the girl I’m capable of being.”

  He stares at me. “You’re a remarkable creature, siren. I know it’s been difficult for you to deal with but it’s time to accept who you are and what you’ll become. You’re ready.”

  I shake my head. “I’m not.”

  “You are.”

  “What if I don’t want it?”

  “That’s not an option,” Asher reminds me.

  “What if I fall?”

  “I’ll catch you.”

  “What if I fail?”

  “I won’t let you.”

  “What if I get hurt?”

  “I will protect you, always.”

  I sigh. “How do you know I can do this? What if I let everyone down? Failure is not an option. If I do, the world literally ends. That’s a lot of pressure, Ash.”

  He sits up and cups my face. “Well, thank goodness you have me, an angelic legion, clans of gargoyles, and many other supernatural beings to protect you and help you succeed. You will fight through the pain and agony, you will test yourself emotionally and physically, you will become the girl I know you are capable of being. And through it all, I promise to be by your side.”

  “Okay,” I agree.

  “Okay,” he confirms.

  I smile sincerely. I finally feel ready to begin this journey for the first time since I found out who I am, who he is, and who the unknown is.

  “Where do we start?” I ask.

  “Knowledge and training.” He waits for my response.

  I nod once. “Alright, let me go upstairs, shower, and change. Then we can commence.”

  We stand and he takes my hand. “Hey, one second.” He pulls me to him.

  “What’s up?” I look into his indigo eyes.

  “I’m truly sorry about last night. Something inside me just
snapped when I saw you with Gage, especially the way his hands were on you,” he says resentfully.

  “Asher St. Michael, are you saying you were jealous?”

  He smiles sexily. “Honestly, part of it was because I was envious but the other piece is that his intentions are harmful to you, Eve. I keep giving you mixed messages and I’m sorry. I am attracted to you, there’s no doubt about it, however moving forward, all I can be to you is your protector and friend. Okay?”

  I scan his face. “Alright.”

  “Alright?” Asher is astonished.

  “I trust you, Asher. Let me get ready and you can tell me everything so I have all the facts.” I wait.

  He gives me his genuine smile. “Thank you for trusting me.”

  “Now, in all seriousness,” I turn to the door of the dorm and open it, “the last one up is a rotten egg.” I take off, laughing.

  His chuckle echos behind me.

  By the time I get to the door of my room, he is already waiting there. Crap. Standing as if he’s been waiting for hours, feigning boredom.

  I narrow my eyes. “Cheater.”

  “What? No, I’m just a faster runner than you. I guess that’s something we’ll have to work on in training,” he taunts.

  “Supernatural gargoyle powers don’t count.” I pout.


  I roll my eyes. “Hardly. Besides, once I fully ascend, I’m totally going to blow your mind.” I laugh.

  He looks at me thoughtfully for a moment. “I hope so, siren. I really do.”

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