Bridge Quest

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Bridge Quest Page 23

by Pdmac

  “He’s right,” Karl asserted. “They need to be vetted.”

  “How do we do that?” she asked.

  Manas hesitated, for his first inclination was to keep those able to bear arms while sending the rest away.

  “Have someone vouch for them,” Karl suggested. “That way they are also responsible for their guest. Anyone without a sponsor will have to wait outside the gates.”

  “What happens when Cyril’s army approaches?” she worried.

  “By that time they will either have sought refuge farther away or found a place to climb the walls. Either way, your safety and the safety of our citizens take precedence over their needs.”

  “He’s right, m’Lady,” Manas readily agreed, though noting Karl said our citizens, which caused him to wonder if the man’s intentions had changed. A passing thought slipped by as he pondered whether it was the succubus part of Lady Gwen doing its magic.

  ‘Then I leave it to you to make it happen. No,” she said stopping him. “Get the Administrator. It’s his job to ensure things like this are properly handled. You need to focus on defending the domain.”

  “Yes, m’Lady.” He turned to Karl. “When will you brief your group?”

  “As soon as I finish breakfast,” he said, lacking the sense of urgency that Manas felt.

  “I want to be here when you do.”

  “Of course. I was hoping you would come with us.”

  Pleased, Manas bowed to Lady Gwen. “I’ll be back shortly.”

  The words scarcely left his lips when the Administrator bustled in. He wore the same crimson robes with puffed shoulders over a beige silk embroidered shirt and calf-skin leggings tucked into knee-high boots that Karl had seen the first time they had met. The heavy chain and medallion of office hung around his neck and Karl wondered if he slept with it on.

  His lips pursed as his penetrating brown eyes focused on Westhaven’s commanding general, standing like some supplicant while this trespassing Viking was sitting and dining with the Lady. Yet he already knew the two had spent the night together. Not only was that entirely inappropriate, it was also another obstacle to his ambition. He would have to put a stop to it.

  “Our city is under a virtual siege and my Lady has time for a leisurely breakfast?” He turned a cold eye on Karl. “Shouldn’t you be out reconnoitering or something useful like that, instead of distracting our lady from her responsibilities?”

  Ignoring him, Karl smiled at Gwen. “Sounds like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed.”

  Gwen suppressed a snicker, which only increased the man’s irritation. “My Lady,” he said with indignation. “This is unseemly. This… this common warrior has bewitched you. The walls are fairly crumbling due to the turbulence of the frightened mobs escaping the armies of your brother-in-law. Yet you sit here as though life is grand and nothing to fret about.”

  Gwen patiently listened, all the while gazing lovingly at Karl. Reaching for his hands, she said, “Yes, you are right Regnan. He has bewitched me, just as I have bewitched him. We have bewitched each other.” Her melodious and childlike laugh caused Karl to squeeze her hand with adoration.

  Abruptly, her voice and tone changed as she twisted her head to glare at him, her emerald green eyes blazing in determination. “Yet you cross the line when you think it is your place to tell me what is unseemly or not.”

  “But… but, my Lady –”

  “Be quiet,” she commanded. “We are faced with a dangerous situation here. As you correctly point out, the crowds even now press against the gates. Yet it is my general who comes to tell me instead of my Administrator. Why is that?”

  Regnan’s jaw tightened. “If you remember, my Lady,” he slowly enunciated, “you gave responsibility of defending this city and the domain to General Manas and the Viking here.”

  “The Viking has a name,” she tersely reminded him. “And if you remember, this Viking here, whose name is Karl, informed you that he had no wish to interfere with how you ran this city. Does that strike a bell or have your wits left you too?”

  His nostrils flaring at the insult, he caught himself and swallowed his pride, smiling apologetically at Karl and reminding himself that revenge is sweet. “You are right, my Lady. I am in the wrong.”

  “What are your plans for these newcomers?” she asked, giving him no respite.

  “I… had not yet finalized a plan.”

  “While you were running around here feeling sorry for yourself, these two were doing your work for you. Wait outside. General Manas will explain it to you.”

  Stiffening at the curt dismissal like he was some recalcitrant school boy, Regnan dipped his head in respect and marched through the door and into the hallway, his anger boiling then settling as he reworked through his plans.

  “Was that wise, m’Lady?” Manas softly asked.

  “It was about time the man was put in his place,” she answered.

  “That is true, m’Lady, but I fear it will do more harm than good.”

  Gwen stared at him, her gaze penetrating. “If he gets in the way, eliminate him.”

  Startled, Manas said, “Who will run the city?”

  “Do you think me so innocent and naïve to be unable to do it myself?”

  “Not at all,” he quickly replied.

  “Go tell him what he needs to do then return. Our dearest Viking friend here needs to collect his team and I can tell he is itching to go.”

  “Yes, m’Lady.” Bowing he went out to find the Administrator.

  “Impressive,” Karl teased then added, “but needed to be done.” Standing, he went to her side and bent down and kissed her, his passions rising as he felt the touch of her lips and the sensual smoothness of her face. “My God you are stunning.”

  “Hurry back,” she whispered then shifted a glance to the bedroom.

  Following her glance, he grinned, fervently wishing Cyril was on another island.

  Karl found the rest of the group lounging in a large reception room on the floor below. “Is everyone here?”

  “Yes,” Raquel answered, her face a mask of indifference.

  Doing a quick count to verify, he walked to the center of the group. “Listen up. Cyril’s army is on the move. It’s anyone’s guess how long it will be before they get here. Our job –”

  “We know our job,” Ross snidely interrupted.

  “Let him finish,” Conrad scowled.

  Karl looked about the group and noted more than several sour faces. “What’s the problem?”

  “We’re bored,” Bruno replied. “I’m a thief but haven’t been able to practice or improve my skills because we’re got to be good here.”

  “Yeah,” Ross added. “While you’re upstairs playing kissy-face with Gwen, we’re left on our own to hang around with nothing to do. What’s goin’ on with you and that lady?”

  “None of your business,” he shot back then addressed the rest of the group. “Instead of moping around, you all should have been working on your skills or spells, double checking potions. Take the initiative and figure out what needs to be done. So if you all are through with your pity party, we’ve got some scouting to do today. We meet in Lady Gwen’s suite in five minutes. Questions?” He gave Ross a piercing stare.

  When no one responded, he turned to Dieter. “We need to talk.”

  “OK, Boss.” He gave Elena a wink of reassurance and walked over to match strides with Karl as they moved away from the group.

  “We’ll be operating behind enemy lines,” Karl said as they walked to the far edge of the room. “Obviously we can’t take Elena with us. We need to place her somewhere safe. I can think of two places, neither of them completely safe, but better than most.”

  “Thanks, Boss.” Dieter placed a massive hand on Karl’s shoulder.

  “You can thank me when this is over and we’re all safe,” he said with a paternal smile.

  “Where do you want her?”

  “Either with Gwen or with a sorceress named Kamdyn.�

  “Sorceress?” Dieter cocked an eyebrow.

  “She’s a good sorceress,” Karl replied then wondered if Kamdyn’s succubus skills likewise worked on women and thinking perhaps it might not be such a good idea for Elena to be with her. “But, I think it would be best if Elena stayed with Gwen. I know Gwen will protect her.”

  Dieter relaxed. “I think that’s a better idea.”

  “One more thing,” he said. “What we’re about to do is of utmost secrecy. Elena is part of this team, but you need to impress upon her that what she can never tell a soul what she is about to witness. Lives depend on it.”

  “She’s as trustworthy as Ross,” Dieter emphasized.

  Karl sniffed in disdain. “I trust her more than I do him.”

  They assembled in Gwen’s outer room, waiting for Manas. Gwen was a gracious hostess, moving among the team members, offering encouragement and listening patiently. Even Annabeth and Raquel sloughed off their sour dispositions and chatted amiably with her. Karl noted that Gwen seemed to spend more time with those two than the others.

  Manas bolted the door closed behind him and turned to nod at Karl, letting him know all was ready.

  “OK, folks. Here’s the plan. When Cyril’s army encamps around the city, we will be conducting harassment attacks in the rear areas.”

  “What the hell?” Ross exclaimed. “We’ll be mowed down before we get out the gates.”

  “Perhaps you should wait until everything’s explained,” Dieter growled, “before spouting off in ignorance.”

  “Yeah,” Conrad agreed. “Shut up and let him finish. Jeez.”

  Karl paused and stared at Ross, pondering whether he was necessary to the team anymore. The man was a royal pain in the ass. The problem was whether he was trustworthy enough to endure that pain. At that moment, he made a decision.

  “While most of us will be operating behind enemy lines, others will be conducting operations with Manas’ forces. In this instance, I need a take-charge kind of person, one who can lead and get things done. Further this individual will act as a liaison between the two forces, which means I need someone who can move fast and silent. That person is you, Ross.”

  Ross’ previous chagrin immediately vanished, replaced by smug confidence and arrogance at the obvious recognition. He gave Karl a brisk nod of acknowledgement, effectively telling him he had chosen the right person.

  “General Manas,” Karl spoke, emphasizing Manas’ positon as commander of Gwen’s army, “would you please designate a suitable counterpart so that Ross can begin coordinating.”

  Watching the exchange between Karl and Ross, Manas had immediately understood what Karl was doing.

  “Of course.” Addressing Ross, he said, “Captain Vergun is the commander of the Imperial Guard. His office is at the barracks.”

  “I know where it is,” Ross replied with self-satisfied assurance.

  “Good. When you report there, tell him your mission and that I have directed he accommodate you in any way he can.” He unbolted and opened the door.

  Ross hesitated. “Shouldn’t I stay for the rest of the briefing?”

  “You don’t need to,” Karl answered. “Besides, time is of the essence. Already refugees are fleeing the capital and scrambling here. I need you to act quickly and get things done before Cyril gets here. We need to have so smooth a cooperation and operation that no one knows we’re two separate forces.”

  “Got it,” he grinned proudly and hustled out.

  Bolting the door again, Manas nodded at Karl to proceed.

  “Thank God,” Conrad mumbled. “The man was driving us crazy.”

  “Let’s get to the point,” Karl said. “We here in this room are now vowed to keep a secret that not even Ross is to know about. As the saying goes, sharing this knowledge is on a need-to-know basis and I will determine the need-to-know. Is that clear?”

  Seeing he had their rapt attention, Karl explained, “We will be hitting the enemy from a point of advantage. There is a tunnel that runs under the castle and beyond the far outer walls. Manas showed it to me yesterday. Until this moment, only three people knew about the tunnel. Now there are fourteen more. I warn each of you, if anyone finds out about this tunnel, the castle and the domain are doomed. Do you solemnly swear to keep this secret?”

  The response was automatic and heartfelt, for they knew their own success depended on defeating Cyril.

  “The entrance is in Gwen’s bedroom and the other entrance is, like I said, beyond the far walls. They are both protected by a spell, so you spell casters, you’re going to need to be sure you’re not casting spells that might interfere with the spell.”

  “How do we know what or what not to cast?” Annabeth asked.

  “I’m going to introduce both you and Lana to the sorceress responsible for the spell’s power. She will know what to do.”

  Annabeth’s smile widened at the thought of meeting a higher level sorceress and learning more powerful spells.

  “I’ll explain more when we get to the other portal,” Karl said. “For now, we’re going to the other side and scout the terrain. I want each of you to become intimate with the terrain and the portal’s location. With this advantage, I expect us to do quite a bit of damage. Remember, when the battle starts, we take no prisoners. We destroy anyone and everything we can, including their supply trains. We want to make them regret they ever came this far.”

  “What happens after the battle?” Wendell asked, pointedly thinking about the bridge.

  “We’ll worry about that when the time comes,” Karl said. “Right now, we have a war to win. While I think about it, has everyone changed their bind spot to your room here? If not, do so now.” He waited while several team members called up their screens and made the change. “Manas will take point as we go through the tunnel. I’ll bring up the rear.”

  Manas led the way into Gwen’s bedroom and paused before the mirror, while Annabeth and Raquel took special note of the Lady’s bed.

  “The mirror is the portal,” he said then demonstrated by disappearing through it amidst the surprised gasps of the team. Partially reappearing with half his body invisible, he said, “Watch your step.”

  One by one, the rest of the team followed until only Karl and Gwen remained. She held on to his hand, reluctant to let go. “I miss you already.”

  “I won’t be long,” he reassured her with an affectionate smile.

  She reached a hand up to pull his head down and kissed him then whispered in his ear, “Hurry back. We have some unfinished business.” She winked at him then frowned. “What’s a bind spot?”

  “I’ll explain when I get back,” he replied with an indulgent chuckle.

  By the time he descended the stairs, Conrad, the last in line, was disappearing through the tunnel door. Catching up, he listened to the animated, though muted, conversations and his thoughts wandered to Gwen. The woman was all and more than he had ever wanted or hoped to have. Her sexual appetite had surprised him and he found himself once again wondering how many lovers the woman had before he came along. But then, he knew there were only a few players ahead of him. Did NPCs have sex? If not, was she programed to be like that?

  The more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became and he reminded himself that she was just an NPC, a very lifelike one, mind you, a very sexually experienced one. He smiled at the reverie of their frolicking and he was suddenly reminded of Annabeth and Raquel. What was the difference between them and Gwen other than they were players and she was an NPC? They all had computer generated bodies. Would he be interested in any of them if they met in real life?

  Real life? Who was he kidding? This was his ‘real life’ now. Who knew how long he would be here, immersed in a game? It could be scores of years before a cure was found, maybe even longer. Or… it could be days. The not-knowing was the hardest thing to accept. And the fact that he was nothing more than a series of electronic impulses gnawed at him, for he knew he was more than that. At least h
e hoped he was. Reducing man to a programmable matrix took away all of man’s uniqueness. Was he nothing more than a series of on and off switches? He was convinced those in real life believed they were more than that.

  They came to an intersection and he listened as Manas warned them about taking the wrong path.

  Once they started off again, he resumed his musings then abruptly shook his head. Since when had he become a philosopher? The reality is what is here and now, regardless of what was behind the proverbial curtain or mirror. The truth was that he was having more fun now than he had in real life and more and more of him didn’t want that to change, and it dawned on him that were he to stay in the game, he could live forever.

  That thought excited him and he prayed that either his cure would never be found or that the developers would forget all about him.

  In the dim lights ahead, he saw Annabeth and Raquel and their fluid and graceful strut gave them a sensual attractiveness. His mind drifted to the bedroom experiences with them and he had to admit that they were just as exciting as the times with Gwen, and he frowned when he realized his uncontrollable lust for Gwen had somehow diminished and it puzzled him.

  Reminding himself that he was the leader of his group, he pushed his distractions to the side and focused on the present mission. They had a battle to fight and win if they were going to get to the bridge.

  It was mid-morning when they emerged into the invisible cottage, and sunlight streamed through the gossamer roof and walls.

  “No one can see or hear you,” Manas lectured, “once you are inside the protective walls of the spell. That changes once you pass through. You become susceptible like anyone else.”

  “Dieter and Sakura,” Karl ordered. “Take your teams and recon the surrounding area. Take your time.”

  “Take the time to remember where we are,” Manas cautioned them. “You need to be able to find this place regardless of where you might be.”

  “The rest of you will be with Manas and me,” Karl said. “We’ll meet again back here at high noon. While you’re out reconning, look for sites and places where your skills will be of special use, thieves and rogues especially. There may come a time where your skills will be put to use to learn about the enemy’s plans.”


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