Keeping You Away

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Keeping You Away Page 7

by Kennedy Fox

  When I go back to the table, I glance at my cell and wonder why Robert hasn’t texted me. He was totally okay with me canceling tonight because he’s exhausted. He must’ve gone straight to bed after work. I blink again and notice it’s nearly one in the morning. My eyes go wide because it feels like we just got here, but that seems to happen every time I hang out with the girls.

  At nearly the same time, Katie notices how late it is too. “I should probably get going.” She yawns. The booze must’ve worn off because she stopped drinking hours ago. “I’ll need to get Owen from my parents after breakfast in the morning. He has a birthday party to go to, and I still have to wrap the gift.”

  “You okay to drive?” Tyler asks, and she nods.

  “I wouldn’t be if I tried to keep up with these two monsters,” she teases.

  Everleigh leans over the table and gives me a high five, laughing. My head feels woozy, and I wish I would’ve passed on that last one. Or maybe stopped three drinks ago.

  We say goodbye to Katie as she gets up and makes her way out. Everleigh finishes her drink and slaps some cash on the table.

  “I should probably get going too.” Everleigh slurs her words as she shoves her phone in her bag. She turns to Tyler. “Before you ask, I’ll be fine to walk. This isn’t Vegas.”

  Then he glances at me. “You’re in no shape to drive.”

  I can’t even argue with that. I look for my keys in my purse and can’t seem to find them.

  “Why don’t you drive her home, Tyler?” Everleigh suggests, and I could kill her.

  “I think I should,” he confirms with a nod. I can’t stop staring at his bottom lip, and the way his tongue swipes across it. I swallow hard and try to look away, but he’s so damn mesmerizing.

  “Okay,” I tell him. It’s better than calling my dad this late or waking Robert. This would be the least inconvenient solution. Also, it might be nice to get Tyler alone without eyes on us.

  He stands and lets Everleigh out of the booth. “My car is at the boutique,” I remind her. “Guess we’re walking some of the way with you after all.”

  Just as we’re moving past the bar, a guy turns around with a beer in his hand. He’s not paying attention, and seconds later, he bumps into me. The liquid runs down my dress, and I yelp at the coldness.

  “Are you serious?” My dress soaks it in, and he apologizes, but I groan and keep walking.

  Everleigh leans in, looping my arm with hers. “Surprised Tyler didn’t kick that guy’s ass for doing that.”

  “Shut up,” I say playfully as she nudges me. She’s aware of how I felt about Tyler and what happened between us by the end of it. While I don’t know what she’s shared with him about me over the years, I’m sure it’s enough to keep him informed.

  Though it’s late, it’s still humid as hell, which doesn’t help how sticky I already feel from the beer I’m wearing. I walk beside Everleigh as she chats about posting our photos early next week. Tyler walks behind us, and I swear I can feel his eyes burning a hole in the back of my head.

  “Good night, you two,” Everleigh sing-songs when the storefront comes into view. She waves her fingers with a teasing smirk. “I’ll text you tomorrow!”

  I chuckle at her obnoxiousness. Her house isn’t too far so she’ll make it home fine. “Goodbye!”

  Once I find my keys, I hand them to Tyler with a shaky hand. The nervous tension returns when Everleigh is out of sight, and it’s just the two of us. Guess there’s no amount of whiskey or tequila that can hide it.

  “Here, let me help you before you break an ankle.” Tyler unlocks, then opens the door for me. It’s the first time we’ve been this close, and I can smell the faint hint of his cologne and soap. Memories flood in from years ago, but I push them away and climb inside. He cranks the car and grins when it rumbles to life.


  “I’ve always wanted to drive one of these.” When I graduated from college, my dad fully restored a 1967 Ford Mustang for me and painted it jet black.

  I lean my head against the seat. “Just be careful, she wants to go ninety all the time.”

  “Noted. So am I taking you to your fiancé’s house or…”

  “No, you’re taking me home.”

  “Tell me where that is.” His voice is velvety smooth like chocolate.

  “It’s where it’s always been.” I chuckle. “The house behind my dad’s.”

  The same place he took my virginity and where we spent endless nights having sex.

  “The Snow White cottage?” he asks, pulling out onto the road.

  “Yep. Remember when we used to hang out there after I graduated?”

  I immediately clamp my mouth shut, but it’s too late. The alcohol makes me blurt out those words. Bringing up our past has been on the tip of my tongue all night. The summer I spent with Tyler often feels like a lifetime away, but also seems like it was yesterday.

  “How could I forget? It was the best summer I’ve ever had here.” He finally glances over at me, and I’m thankful it’s dark so he can’t see the heat rising to my cheeks.

  We stay silent, listening to the radio until Tyler pulls into the driveway. After getting out of the car, we walk around the house to the cottage. He follows me, and when I turn to look at him, I nearly trip and bust my ass.

  The only thing that saves me is Tyler’s quick reflexes. For a second, the world momentarily shook on its axis, but he caught me before I embarrassed myself. I look up into his brown eyes and suck in a breath. For a moment, it feels like we’re suspended in time as we stare intently at each other. He swallows, and his mouth opens, and I notice his heartbeat pulsing in his neck.

  “You okay?” he asks, sounding more confident than he looks.

  I shake out of his trance. “Nearly twisted my ankle, but I’ll live. These damn shoes. This is why I hate wearing heels, but Everleigh insisted.” I bend over to take them off, then walk barefoot the rest of the way.

  “You gotta come inside and check the place out. Might shock you compared to the last time you saw it. It took Dad and me an entire summer to renovate and add a kitchen. One reason I’m not looking forward to leaving. Too many memories.” I don’t know why I mentioned that last part.

  He hands over my keys, and I unlock the door. Thankfully, I cleaned up a couple of days ago, so there are no bras or leggings thrown around.

  Tyler walks in with a smile that nearly touches his eyes. It’s so genuine and contagious, I’m grinning wide as I watch his expression. He looks impressed as he glances around with his arms crossed over his broad chest.

  “Wow, you did an amazing job, Gemma. This is…perfect. Cozy. And so you.”

  He studies my mother’s paintings on the walls, steps around my quaint kitchen, and runs his fingertip across the marble island that my dad built.

  As I watch him take it all in, the sticky clothes start to irritate me and become uncomfortable. I remove my dress and let out a sigh of relief. Next, I pull my hair up into a high bun, then grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

  “Wait, how are you getting home?” The realization that he doesn’t have a car hits me.

  “Walking,” he says from behind me.

  My eyes widen as I turn around. “In the dark? That’s way too far.”

  A laugh escapes him, and it’s something I didn’t realize I missed until it echoes against the walls. “I lived in Vegas, Gemma. I’m not scared of walking at night here. Aside from the stray cats and crickets, the only terrifying thing in this town is how fast the gossip mills run.”

  I snort at the truth in his words as I go to the living room and plop down on the sofa. “You could always stay.” I pat the throw pillow with an old Mustang on it. A gift my dad got me one Christmas.

  “Where? The couch?” He arches a brow at how small it is, which causes me to laugh. His long legs would probably hang over the edge. Immediately, I’m brought back in time and remember what it felt like to be wrapped up in his arms and how it made me feel so t

  “Yeah, why not? It’s pretty damn comfy.” The room spins, and I blink hard until it stops.

  When I look up at him, I notice he’s staring down at the ring on my finger. The light makes it sparkle and brings unnecessary attention to it. A lump forms in my throat, and the urge to change the subject hits me hard.

  “Damn. Where are my manners?” I stand and go back to the kitchen. “Want something to drink? I have bottled water, Diet Coke, sweet tea...”

  He chews his bottom lip as he shakes his head, then lowers his eyes down my body.

  Tyler clears his throat. “Might want to put on some clothes?”

  My body is on fire with embarrassment as I remember I’m only in my bra and panties.

  Stupid, stupid, stupid. “Shit. I’m sorry, hold on…” Blushing, I turn and hurry to my bedroom.

  I wasn’t thinking straight, and the wet dress and alcohol flowing through my veins didn’t help. I feel like the emperor when he realizes he’s walked around in his birthday suit and want to smack myself for being so dumb.

  When I return in shorts and a T-shirt, he’s standing against the island. “Better?” I chuckle to ease the tension, then step in front of him. “Please don’t walk home.” The thought of him being out this late has me concerned. He might not get mugged, but too many stupid people are driving around this time of night, and that scares me.

  Tyler takes me by surprise when he gently places his hands on my shoulders. It’s the first time he’s touched me, causing an internal freak-out of emotions. His hands are warm against my skin, and the scent of his cologne is more prevalent this close to him. “Gemma, don’t worry about me. I’ve dealt with plenty of shady people throughout the years. I promise I’ll be careful.”

  I lick my lips and stare at his features—something I never thought I’d see again. “Earlier, you said I’d changed. But one thing that hasn’t is how much I worry about you.” I meet his eyes and feel as if I’m floating as our gaze locks. The electricity streaming between us nearly has me losing my breath.

  “Don’t,” he says, then grabs a piece of my hair and tucks it behind my ear. My entire body shivers as his finger brushes across my cheek. “But you should drink more water and sleep off your impending hangover.” He smirks and places his soft lips on my forehead, then backs away.

  I immediately notice the space he’s created between us, and I’m confused as I feel the loss of his warmth, smell, and closeness. What the hell am I doing?

  “Okay,” I agree, though I really want him to stay and talk to me until the sun comes up like old times. There’s so much about his life I don’t know, and instead of asking Everleigh, I want him to tell me everything I missed. However, I doubt he ever will. He’s more private than I remember and has built a wall so high I’ll never be able to scale it. At times, his motions are almost robotic as if he’s forgotten how to be human.

  “Do you want me to tell you when I get home?” he asks, rubbing a hand over his trimmed jawline.

  “Yes, please,” I say without hesitation. “Do you need my number?”

  One side of Tyler’s mouth tilts up as he grabs his phone from his back pocket. He hands it over to me, and I program my name before giving it back.

  “I’ll text you when I’m safe and sound.” He flashes me a wink, and those stupid butterflies reappear. “Good night, Gemma.” The hoarse way he says my name nearly makes my panties combust. Though he looks like there’s something more he wants to say, and he lingers for a second, he stays silent before moving toward the door.

  I follow him outside, and the glow of the porch light illuminates his face as he lifts his hand and waves.

  “Be careful,” I say one last time before he’s out of sight.

  I’m embarrassed for even asking him to stay the night. Instead of inviting him in, I should’ve just thanked him at the door and went to bed with my dignity intact.

  Once back inside the cottage, I go into the bathroom and wash the makeup off my face. I lie in bed and replay every look we exchanged with guilt streaming through me as I think about how unfair that was to Robert. Though it was harmless, and I had real concern for him walking this late, I know everything about it was inappropriate. I don’t know why him being back is affecting me so much after all this time, but I can’t stop wondering where we’d be if he had stayed. Probably married with a few kids and that what-ifs are what caused so many of my sleepless nights. Finally, my phone dings with a text from Tyler.

  Tyler: Made it in one piece :)

  Then he attached a selfie of him and Sassy looking straight up adorable, and my mind spins out of control all over again. But knowing he made it safely allows me to drift off without worry.

  Chapter Seven


  The sun hasn’t risen yet, but I wake up anyway and make coffee. Thankfully, Sassy is sleeping in Everleigh’s room, or she’d be begging to go out or barking for attention, and it’s too early for either.

  As I’m waiting for the drip to stop, I think back to Friday night at the pub and taking Gemma home afterward.

  One thing’s for certain, it was awkward as hell between us. I’m constantly stuck wondering what I should say and how much I should share. We’re not friends and haven’t been for a long time. I’m sure she hasn’t forgiven me, either, but I can’t deny the way she still affects me.

  As we sat on the couch, I could smell her fruity shampoo. It’s so familiar and brought me back to a time when I was allowed to touch and kiss her. However, her engagement ring—or rather, rock—was the reminder I needed that things can never go back to how they were.

  She’ll be married soon and one hundred percent off-limits. My heart pounded in my chest as too many unspoken words and stolen glances lingered between us. It was better that I left before either of us acted on whatever the fuck was bubbling under the surface. I’m sure her fiancé wouldn’t appreciate a convict being in his woman’s house at nearly two in the morning. I’d almost bet money he wouldn’t like me sleeping on her couch, either. So, to avoid any trouble, I got the hell out. I needed some fresh air to clear my head anyway, and she needed to sober up.

  The following day, I finally joined the gym and am happy I have a place to go blow off some steam. I hope to make a friend or two outside my sister’s circle and work.

  When I was in prison, I worked out as much as I could, but I missed putting on gloves and training people how to box like I did before shit hit the fan. The ring always felt like home. Though this gym doesn’t have one, it has a small area with punching bags that’ll work for now. Those thoughts have me reminiscing about how boxing helped Mason and Liam work through their issues. If it can help them, then it can undoubtedly help me. I want to get back to the life I had before the O’Learys entered it.

  It’s Monday morning, and I’ve been on edge all weekend about seeing Gemma today. Instead of dwelling on it, I pour some coffee into a travel mug and change into my workout clothes. I’ll drink it on the way to the gym. When I step outside, I’m surprised it’s not blazing hot yet. I spend an hour working out, then go home, shower, and get ready for work.

  Now that my mind is clear, I’m hoping I’ll be able to focus, but it’ll be hard, considering I’ll be around Gemma. She throws me off more than I realized she would.

  Just as I’m leaving, Everleigh wakes up and wishes me good luck on my first day. I keep replaying how Gemma begged me to stay over and how she admitted she still worries about me. I think about it while I walk the few blocks to work. I check the time and know Jerry will be happy how punctual I am.

  I suck in a few deep breaths as I walk into the waiting area. Gemma is busy on the computer, but when she looks up at me, she blushes, then lowers her eyes and tries to hide her reaction.

  She’s embarrassed about being a tipsy hot mess Friday night, but I thought it was kinda adorable. Drunk Gemma is fun and easygoing and not so reserved once the alcohol hits her system. But now, we’re back to where we were when I arrived here on Wednesday last we
ek—awkward tension.

  The silence pierces my ears.

  Thankfully, Jerry walks in and greets me in his booming fatherly voice. I turn to him and smile as he picks up a donut.

  “I have to pull some engines this mornin’, so I thought Gemma could show you around the place and give you a rundown of shop rules. We can meet up after lunch, and I’ll get you started on your first project,” he explains.

  “Okay, sounds great.”

  Jerry grabs a cup of coffee, then goes back to the garage. Once Gemma and I are alone again, all the air in the room seems to evaporate.

  She finishes typing something, then stops and looks at me. “Well, this is the lobby where customers wait, over there is the customer bathroom, and next to it, is the break room and fridge—employees only, though.” Gemma grins, though she tries to hide it.

  I chuckle at her smart-ass tone. “Yep. Figured that much out.”

  Gemma walks out from behind the counter and takes me into the garage. It’s much smaller than I remember it being. She explains where all the tools are kept, and her dad’s hard rules.

  “My dad runs a tight ship. He’s fired people for being lazy and late,” she warns, and I make a mental note, so I don’t disappoint him. “Make sure to clean up after yourself. Messy shop, unhappy Pops.”

  After the grand tour, she takes me into the small office that smells like engine oil and Old Spice. She turns and stares at me. At first, she hesitates, then just comes out and says what’s on her mind. Something I know isn’t always easy for her.

  “Can we forget about Friday? I’m absolutely humiliated by my behavior.”

  I lean my shoulder against the frame of the door and cross my arms over my chest. Smirking, I shake my head. “No way. Forget seeing you down in your underwear, begging me to sleep on your couch? It’s been on repeat in my head all weekend.”

  She groans. “When you say it like that, it sounds much worse than what really happened, though, it’s still pretty bad.”


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