Whatever It Takes

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Whatever It Takes Page 26

by Barbara Elsborg

  Roman nodded.

  “What’s the bed for?”

  “Just a place to chill out, I guess. But if they were into restraint, maybe they preferred to do it away from the place where they usually slept.”

  “And that?” Zain pointed.

  “The swing. One person is fastened in, suspended while the other person fucks them. Mouth or arse. Sometimes both at the same time.”

  “Why use a swing?”

  “It takes less effort. It can be more exciting. The person doing the fucking can move more easily.”

  “But not the person being fucked.”

  “No. It’s about giving up control, remember?”

  “Is there anything you’re not into?” Zain asked.

  “Christ, yes. Piercing, figging, sticking anything larger than a cock or an equivalent sized plug up an arse, anything that draws blood, pissing on someone, using sounds, suffocation.” He caught sight of Zain’s face and shut up.

  “What’s figging?”

  “Having ginger root stuffed up your backside.”

  “That has to sting.”


  “What else do we need to talk about?”

  “It can be a good idea for the Dom to leave the room for five minutes to give the sub the chance to get into the zone before they start.”

  “You mean have a private moment to freak the fuck out while thinking about what to make for dinner?”

  “Yep. Probably both participants need a time out.” Definitely. Because thinking of Zain in here was making Roman’s heart pound in an increasingly frantic way. His cock was rigid.

  “So,” Zain said. “Do you want me to tie you to the St Andrew’s cross face forward or back?”

  Roman’s heart slammed to a halt until he registered the way Zain’s lips were curving up no matter how hard he tried not to smile.

  “You’re the Dom and I’m the sub?” Zain sounded shocked but Roman knew he wasn’t.

  “I’d find it…very difficult to give up control. I can’t show vulnerability.” He hesitated. “Not yet. Control is what’s kept me alive as long as it has. In my world, I can’t show weakness because it could get me killed.”

  “Am I your weakness?” Zain whispered.

  “You’re my Gabe.” Roman couldn’t let himself say more but Zain’s cock was now erect.

  Zain smiled. “Do you need five minutes to get in the zone?”

  “I was in the zone the moment I grabbed that lube.”

  “Okay. Let’s play.”

  Roman’s heart fluttered. Zain dropped his arms and stared at him.

  “Don’t speak unless I give you permission,” Roman said. “Take my jeans off. Slowly.”

  Zain snapped alert and excitement raced down Roman’s veins. “Can I ask a question first?”

  “Usually not. This first time, yes. Ask me whatever you want.”

  “Can I have a doughnut later? Now I’ve mentioned them, I really want one.”

  Roman only just stopped himself laughing. “No.”

  Zain dropped to his knees to unfasten the button on Roman’s jeans and Roman’s heart leapt into his throat. As Zain tugged down his jeans, Roman’s cock sprang free. Zain groaned and dropped his hand to his own cock.

  “Hands by your sides,” Roman snapped. “Do not touch yourself unless I tell you to and I’m not going to tell you to.”

  Zain bit his lip.

  “And don’t bite your fucking lip. I get to do that. Take my jeans completely off, then get to your feet. Choose something in the room you’d like to try.”

  When Zain stood up holding the tie Roman had in his pocket, his stomach lurched. Roman took it from him and wrapped it around Zain’s mouth. Tight enough to stay in place but not so tight that Zain couldn’t pull it down.

  “Now I want you to hum Row, row, row your boat,” Roman said.

  Zain hummed the first few bars of the Russian National Anthem.

  Roman wanted to laugh but Zain had to learn who was in charge. He wrapped his hand around the base of Zain’s cock and squeezed hard enough to make Zain gasp behind the gag. Zain hummed Row, row, row your boat.

  “Better.” Roman pushed him towards the St Andrew’s cross, watching to see his reaction but Zain didn’t show any reluctance.

  Nor when Roman fastened him on facing the room. The sight of Zain spread-eagled in front of him made him wish he’d kept his jeans on because his cock was leaking precome. But he’d thought ordering Zain to strip him was a way to ease him in.

  Roman took a flogger from the rack and watched Zain’s eyes widen. He wasn’t going to hurt him but he was excited at the thought of Zain thinking he might. Roman trailed the slender leather falls of the flogger from Zain’s shoulder to his waist and all the time he watched Zain’s face.

  By the time he’d touched everywhere but Zain’s cock, Zain was pulling on his restraints and moaning behind the tie.

  “You’re doing so well,” Roman whispered. “You look wanton, sexy, hot.” He let the flogger touch Zain’s cock and Zain moaned harder.

  “But you were bad earlier.”

  Zain lifted his head.

  “You touched yourself without permission. In this room, you’re mine. You do nothing unless I tell you to do it.” Roman dragged the falls up and down Zain’s cock, watching as he drew Zain closer to the brink.

  He was making a noise behind the gag and it took Roman a moment to get it. Twinkle, twinkle little star.

  “You are such a little shit.”

  But Roman unfastened him and removed the gag.

  “Please let me come.”

  “Did I give you permission to talk?”

  “You took the gag—” Zain pressed his lips together.

  “Now you get it.”

  He helped Zain down from the cross and supported him when he saw how his legs were shaking, but Zain slid to his knees, then dropped face down on the floor. What the…? Roman hauled him up. “Nothing touches your cock until I say so.”

  Zain’s shaft strained towards his navel, a thin trickle of precome running down its length. Roman dragged his finger from the base to the tip, collecting some of the clear fluid, then stared straight into Zain’s eyes as he put out his tongue and licked his finger. Zain groaned.

  More precome surged and Roman scooped up more and this time held his finger to Zain’s lips. “Taste yourself.”

  He sucked hard until Roman yanked his finger out of Zain’s mouth.

  “Hold out your hand,” Roman ordered.

  He gave him a squirt of lube and glanced at the clock on the wall. “You can come in fifty-nine minutes.”

  “What? No way.”

  “Did I say you could speak? Forty-seven minutes because you were bad.”

  Zain laughed—silently.

  “I saw you laugh. You don’t fool me. Thirty-two minutes. You’re such a disappointment.”

  Zain couldn’t stop that laugh escaping.

  “Twenty-one. This is going to be over before it starts. Stroke yourself slowly, tip to base. Ten times.”

  Roman wanted it to be fun. Wanted Zain to want it as much as him.

  At the end of every up-stroke, Zain rolled the palm of his hand over the crest of his cock. When he’d completed the ten, he dropped his hand to his side.

  “Good boy. Ten more. Slightly faster.”

  When Zain had done, his chest was heaving, his hand wet with lube, the smudged dark eyeliner making his eyes look wild.

  “We’re going to leave the room now. Have a shower. Use the hot tub but you can’t come until I give you permission. Understand? You can talk now.”

  When Zain stayed silent, Roman worried. “Are you okay?”

  Zain nodded.

  “Let me take care of you.” Roman pulled him into his arms. He wanted to say I love you. I love everything about you. I want to keep you forever and ever but he kept the words in his head.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Zain felt… He wasn’t sure how he felt. Desperate to come was a
given. But also relief that he hadn’t freaked out, that it hadn’t been as bad as he’d expected, that it had been better than he’d expected—interesting, exciting, hot and a lot more…and Roman’s face… Oh God. Roman had loved it. But I still need to come.

  Roman took him by the hand to the poolside shower and washed him. Well, not Zain’s cock but everywhere else. Every toe, every finger, his ears, his arse and Zain had almost wanted to cry. Except then he did wash his cock and the need to orgasm overwhelmed every other thought and emotion. Zain shuddered. The feeling of wanting to come had ebbed and flowed for the last—however long since they’d come downstairs—and now it surged back stronger than ever. My poor balls.

  “Thank you,” Roman whispered in Zain’s ear.

  “What did I do?”

  “Made me smile.”

  “I like making you smile. You have lovely teeth.”

  Roman laughed. He switched off the shower, took Zain’s hand and tugged him toward the hot tub.

  “I’m going to get a beer. You want one?” Roman asked.

  “No thanks. Bring towels though.”

  Zain let go of his hand and stepped into the water, going down until he’d slid under the surface and stayed there. Bliss. Roman pulled him up.

  “This is so nice.” Zain wiped the water from his eyes and gave a long moan. “I honestly think it’s the best thing that’s happened to me all day. This hot tub. Wow.”

  Roman knuckled his head. “Good thing I know you’re joking.”

  Zain snuggled against him and Roman wrapped his arm around him. “Was I okay? Did you like it? Did it do what you wanted it to? Anything you’d change? Would it be better if you gave me a list of what you wanted me to do? Obviously, I’d do the exact opposite but…”

  “It was fun.”

  “You didn’t hit me.”

  “We’ll work up to that.”

  “I’m thinking it might take about twenty years. Yes?”

  Roman rolled his eyes.

  “You talked about power and control and I realised when we were…playing that even though you were the Dom, that I had as much power and control as you. I could have said— Oh God, what word did we say I was supposed to use?”

  Roman chuckled. “Red.”

  Zain grinned at him. “I could have said red at any time. So it’s a partnership, isn’t it? We can negotiate what I’m prepared to tolerate and what you want to do. And…if I don’t want to do something, you’re fine with that.”

  “I would never push you into doing anything you don’t feel comfortable about. And yes, you’re right. It is a partnership. Some couples in this sort of relationship draw up actual contracts but I don’t want to live in the lifestyle all the time. I don’t want you on your knees at the door every time I come back into the house. I’m not interested in the extremes of it. If that room hadn’t been in this house, it would be a subject that wouldn’t have come up for some time. Maybe never if I didn’t think you wanted it. I shouldn’t have pushed you today. I don’t want you to think that every time we fuck, it’s with me as Dom and you as sub. It’s just occasionally what I need and maybe occasionally what you need, you never know.”

  “You mean you’d let me fuck you?”

  Zain felt Roman tense against him.

  “At some point,” Roman said.

  Oh my God. Zain wanted to come even more now.

  “You didn’t freak out,” Roman curled his finger in Zain’s hair, twisting him round to face him.

  “What? At the thought of fucking you or being in the room?” But he didn’t want Roman to answer so he rushed on. “I didn’t freak out. Worry a bit, yes. I was nervous. I’ve never thought about doing any of that. Probably because I’m not an alpha male like you but it was…fun. Except for the not coming bit. Which is most definitely not fun.”

  Roman chuckled as he kissed him on the head.

  “You’re still counting down, right?” Zain asked. “How much longer to I have to wait?”

  “Fifteen minutes.”

  Zain groaned. He slipped deeper into the water and rested his head against the rim and Roman’s arm. “This would be even better if it was outside. Imagine looking up into the stars, sitting in hot water while it was raining or snowing.”

  “One day, we’ll do that.”

  Flutters of hope lightened Zain’s heart. He sat up, took the bottle from Roman’s fingers, swallowed a mouthful of beer and straddled Roman’s lap. He slid his hand to the back of Roman’s neck and as he pulled him in, he smiled.

  “Beery kiss.” Zain pressed his lips to Roman’s.

  A slow hot press of mouths, chests and cocks and a low moan escaped from Roman’s throat. Zain slid his tongue slowly along Roman’s lower lip, before dipping inside his mouth. Zain licked and sucked and kissed, his fingers tightening in Roman’s hair. I love kissing. I love kissing Roman.

  Roman’s hands settled on Zain’s waist, pressing down on his hips, then reaching round for his backside, holding him in place as much as Zain held him. Zain was glad Roman was his first. Not just his first. His first, his last, his only. And he understood that this might not last. But Zain had learnt to seize the moment, take what he could get because he’d seen how quickly everything could be lost.

  Being together like this helped them both forget the predicament they were in, forget the danger to both of them. Just for a while. A brief escape. The kiss turned greedy, their tongues taking turns to plunge into the other’s mouth. Their cocks were side by side, rigid and straining between them. Zain might not be allowed to come but Roman could.

  “Sit on the step,” Zain croaked and pulled back.

  Roman stood up and moved until he sat with his cock out of the water. Zain dropped down and knelt in front of him, the water bubbling around him. One kiss to his crest and Roman’s balls clenched in Zain’s hold. Zain slid his hands up the inside of Roman’s thighs and came up on his knees to lick his nipple. Roman wrapped his hands around Zain’s head as he played, nipping and licking and teasing until Roman’s breathing laboured.

  “Zain,” he whispered. “You have no idea what you do to me.”

  Zain looked up at him. It was hard to look at Roman without wanting him. They were opposites but they worked. This worked.

  He wrapped his lips around the tip of Roman’s cock and trailed his tongue around the head.

  “Tighter! Harder!” Roman gasped. “Oh fuck, fuck.”

  Zain did as he was told. He’d thought making Roman come would distract him from him wanting to come but it hadn’t. Idiot. His head was fogged with lust. Roman’s hands were on his face, his cheeks, his head, his back—grabbing, stroking, holding. His legs held Zain in place when Zain thought he’d have floated away. Ribbons of fire curled and twisted throughout his body.

  I can’t come. Not yet.

  Not allowed.

  Make him come.

  Make him forget how long I’m supposed to wait.

  “Christ,” Roman gasped.

  Zain licked up the length of his cock from root to lip, gave him a heart-stopping smile then swallowed him down. Roman’s groans and hoarse cries echoed around the room. He had his fingers threaded in Zain’s hair, dragging him up and down on his shaft, his hips flexing, forcing the pace. Zain let him.

  His cock struck the back of Zain’s throat and Zain swallowed against him, twice, then pulled back and sucked. Roman’s cock jerked and pulsed in Zain’s mouth and Zain fixed his gaze to Roman’s face as he swallowed every jet.

  I made him look like that.


  I did it.

  As Roman’s cock slipped from Zain’s mouth, Zain moved back into the water and pulled Roman down with him. If Zain had wanted to drown him right at that moment, he didn’t think Roman could have done anything to stop him. As they kissed under the water, it stopped churning, the bubbles disappeared and they surfaced still in each other’s arms, still kissing, Zain’s cock still rock-hard.

  Roman lifted Zain out of the water and sat him on a to

  “Lie down,” Roman whispered.

  As Zain lowered himself back, Roman caught hold of Zain’s ankles so that his knees were bent, then spread his legs. The moment he pressed his face behind Zain’s balls, Zain let out a loud cry. “Fuck!”

  Roman clamped his hand around the base of Zain’s cock, tight enough to take the edge off coming, then licked and sucked Zain’s perineum while Zain lost his mind. He wriggled and squirmed under the weight of the sensations bombarding him. Roman tucked his arms under Zain’s thighs and ran his tongue over his hole.

  “Oh God, oh God. What…? Roman!”

  Zain knew he was panicking. Not like the day before but what the…? But the more Roman did, circling, pressing, rapid licking, the deeper Zain fell. After that initial electric shock of delight, it was the combination of the physical sensation—which was fucking amazing, together with the thought that he was doing something bad, wrong, taboo that— Roman had pushed his tongue inside him and where Zain thought there wouldn’t be any way he could be more turned on, Roman found another level to take him to. Zain was vaguely aware he was babbling. His chest heaved, his arms flailed as he struggled to drag his legs together, fought to keep them apart. Stop. Don’t stop. Fuck. Say it!

  “Don’t stop.” Zain wanted to sigh with relief that he’d managed to say the most important couple of words—ever.

  But when he wrapped his fingers around his cock, Roman knocked his hand away.

  “No touching.”

  Zain groaned.

  Roman’s finger joined his tongue in Zain’s arse and as he caressed the prostate, Zain began to fall apart with no hope of pulling himself back. Orgasm had never been far away but now it galloped towards him, pulling together those fiery ribbons from all over his body to gather in his lower belly, a tangled, writhing ball of need. Fuck, fuck. Zain unravelled in a blast of fire. His orgasm was so intense, lights danced behind his eyes. His back arched and ribbons of come splattered his belly and chest. God! And my chin!

  When Zain’s chest stopped heaving, and he felt strong enough to lift his arm from his face, he opened his eyes. Roman leaned over him, licked him clean with infinite care and pulled him back into the hot tub. Zain slid under the water and Roman laughed and hauled him up.


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