Empire's Legacy- The Complete Trilogy

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Empire's Legacy- The Complete Trilogy Page 107

by Marian L Thorpe

  crasti – krast-ee – (see you) tomorrow

  danta – dan-tha – saga

  de'mhin – di-vin – certainly

  devanī – di-van-eh – acolyte of the goddess of the hunt

  do thóille – doe tho-ill – please (literally, with prayer)

  ecus – eck-uss – horse

  Eirën – ay-er-en –landholder, lord (male)

  faich – vach – see

  forla – vor-lah – sorry

  fuádain – vwa-dai-een – peregrine falcon

  fuisce – vwi-schah – whiskey

  gemzē – gem-zee (hard g) – chamois (antelope)

  gratiás – gra-tee-ass – thank you

  gratifi – grat-if-ee –please

  habea – hab-ee-a – I have

  hálainn – ha-lay-inn – beautiful

  Harr/Härren – harr/hurren – landholder(s), lord(s)

  imirdh xache liovha – im-irth zachee leefa – play xache with me

  itá – ee-tah – yes

  ja – ya – yes

  jerv – jerff – wolverine

  käresta/kärestan – ka-resta/kares-tan – beloved

  Kurzemën – kur-zem-un – of the Kurzemë

  ladhar – lath-arr – lute

  laerth – lay-erth – scholar

  leannan/mo leannan – lee-ann-an – dearest/my dearest

  lūši – loo-shee – lynx

  lϋmike– loom-ick-eh – snowshoes

  manto – man-to – wait

  Marái'sta – mar-uh-ee-stah – of the Marai (referring to language)

  meas – may-as – thank you

  mi – me – I

  mo bhráithar – mo vra-ith-arr – my brother

  mo charaidh – mo kar-aith – my friend

  mo charaidh gràhadh – mo kar-aith gra-hath – my beloved friend

  mo charaidheán – mo kar-ad-ee-an – my friends

  mo stoír – mo sto-er – my dear

  ná mi tréigtha – nah me traig-the – do not abandon me

  non – non – not (a)

  pavo – pah-vo – quintain

  Prægrandeum – pre-grand-ee-um – stadium

  Prægrandus Sûl - pre-grand-us sol – Giant of the sun

  quincala/quincalum– kin-call-ah/kin-call-um – freely-chosen partner

  râv – ravv - amber

  sagiteri – sadg-eh-ter-ee – archer

  scáeli – schaa-lee – bard

  scrapta – scrap-tah – prostitute

  secca – sekk-ah – throwing knife

  sede – seh-day – sit

  séquer – say-ker – follow

  siollë liovha – sholleh leefa – walk with me

  taberna – ta-bayr-na – tavern

  takkë – tack-uh – thank you

  Teannasach – tee-na-shah – chieftain

  thá – thah – yes (literally, 'is')

  thà – ta – am

  thà mi gràh agäthe – ta me grah ag-ut-eh – I love you

  thà mi air a bheth beànnaichte – ta mi ar a vet be-an-nach-tay – I have been blessed

  thà mi beànnaicht – ta mi be-an-nacht – I am blessed

  ti'ach(a) – tee-ach(ah) – college(s)

  ti'achan – tee-ach-an – member of a college

  torp – torp – land held by an Eirën or Harr

  torpari – tor-par-ee – farmworkers, peasants

  toscaire/toscairen – tos-care/tos-car-en – envoy/envoys

  vérum – vay-rum – correct

  vēsturni – ves-tur-nee – historian

  Westani – wes-tan-ee – people of the West

  xache – za-chee – game similar to chess

  Author’s Note

  Thanks are due to far more people than I can include. To my parents, both now deceased: my father, Harry Thorpe, for inculcating both a love of history and a love of fantasy—he introduced me to The Lord of the Rings when I was perhaps eleven, and my mother, Enid Thorpe, for telling the town librarian in no uncertain terms that I was to be allowed to read anything I wanted, not only children’s books, also when I was eleven. To my late brother, Christopher Thorpe, for introducing me to the works of Guy Gavriel Kay, my greatest influence, and my sister, Katie Thorpe, for reading early drafts and making always-useful suggestions.

  To Jeremy Luke Hill and the Vocamus Writers’ Community in Guelph, thank you for being the support and cheerleading writers need. To my fellow members of the Arboretum Press Collective, for reading, suggesting, editing, reviewing and listening—this wouldn’t have happened without you. To the Minett family, who own The Bookshelf, Guelph’s superb independent bookstore, thank you for the space to write on Monday mornings, for hosting book launches, for carrying my book—you’ve made more than one dream of mine come true through your welcoming of local authors and independent presses.

  My beta and sensitivity readers, too many to name, have provided valuable input and insight, and corrected some mistakes before the books went to press, so very appreciated.

  Finally, and always, there is Brian. Critique partner, plot analyser, endless listener, the bear’s greatest advocate…Meas, kärestan.

  Guelph, October 2019

  * * *

  [1] “A musician? I am honoured, bard.”

  [2] “Hostage to the Teannasach, from the south, King.”

  [3] “I am honoured, Queen Rothny.”

  [4] “Welcome to my hall.”


  [6] My dear

  [7] My friend, walk with me?

  [8] Certainly.

  [9] The Two Brothers

  [10] My friends

  [11] Play xache with me, my friend?

  [12] Yes

  [13] See

  [14] Beautiful

  [15] Correct

  [16] How do you know that?

  [17] Good archery

  [18] yes

  [19] I have a (male) partner

  [20] Not a female partner?

  [21] sit

  [22] Well done, lover




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