All That Matters

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All That Matters Page 5

by E. L. Todd

  My mouth moved down, and without thinking twice about it I pressed my lips to her forehead. Some of her hair brushed past mine, soft and smelling like vanilla. Her skin felt just the way it used to, smooth and comforting. Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and before I knew it the damage had been done.

  Lexie took a deep breath underneath me, practically in shock. Her entire body went rigid at the delicate affection. She didn’t look up at me or make a sound. She was absolutely still, like she might scare me away if she made any sudden moves.

  I looked down into her face and realized what I’d done. The affection was natural and I didn’t think twice about it. It was something I used to do every morning when I woke up. When she was particularly cute and adorable, I did it then too.

  It was awkward, but not in a bad way. But it was tense, like neither one of us knew how to move past this point.

  I decided to clear the air. “Are you hungry?”

  She finally looked up at me, conflicting emotions in her eyes. She was over-the-moon with the kiss. But she was also terrified it would push me away. Any time we got too close I usually took off.

  But not this time.

  She tucked her hair behind her ear and her voice came out weak. “Sure.”



  While Ward was at work, I called all of his family members. When I told his parents what I had planned they were immediately on board. They wanted to see their son get married, and they wanted to spend time with their new grandson. Before we got off the phone, their plane tickets were purchased.

  Willow, on the other hand, was more difficult. When I finally got her on the phone she wasn’t exactly thrilled. “So, is this wedding actually going to happen this time?” she asked in a bored voice.

  She never liked me after Ward and I broke up. She saw me as a gold-digging whore. No matter what happened, even having Ward’s baby, she still didn’t approve of me. “Yes, it’s going to happen.” I kept my sass back because feeding the fire would just make it worse. I hardly had to speak to her so I could placate her for a few minutes. “Something important came up last time.”

  “More important than your wedding?”

  I wanted to kick her in the shin. “Can you make it?”

  “It’s awfully short notice…”

  “Ward would really want you to be there.” I closed my eyes as I said the following words. “As would I.” I had to stop myself from gagging. “Plus, the two little ones would be a perfect ring bearer and flower girl.”

  “Well, I already bought one plane ticket. Now I have to pay for another.”

  “I’ll pay for it, Willow. I’ll do anything to get you here.” She was making this as difficult for me as possible, and sometimes I couldn’t figure out why. If I didn’t love Ward so damn much I would just hang up the phone and forget about her. But I knew how close they were. Without Willow there, Ward wouldn’t truly be happy.

  “You don’t need to do that,” she said. “I’m just making a point.”

  “Well, you made that same point a million times. Let’s move on.” I wouldn’t be rude to her but I wouldn’t baby her either.

  She released a deep sigh into the phone. “Yes, we’ll be there.”

  “Thank you. It’s on Friday at six.”

  “It’s on Friday?” she asked incredulously. “That’s a weekday.”

  “I know, but it’s the only way I can surprise him.”

  “Who surprises someone with a wedding?” she asked incredulously.

  My patience had come and gone. “Can’t wait to see you, Willow. Bye.” I hung up before she could get another word in.

  And then I finally relaxed.


  Cayson walked in the door after five o’ clock. “Hey, Clemy. What are you doing here?” He removed his heavy coat and hung it by the door. His satchel hung next to it.

  “Skye and I like to tag-team the babies.”

  Cayson looked a foot taller when he wore a suit. Sometimes it was hard to believe he was my brother. He looked like another person grown up with a wife and baby. “Sounds like fun.”

  “It was.”

  Skye came out of the kitchen with Cedric in her arms. “Hey, babe.” She moved into his chest and kissed him.

  He immediately wrapped his arms around her and kissed her like it was the thing he’d been looking forward to all day.

  I looked away because I was about to barf.

  Cayson picked up Cedric and cradled him in his arm. “Hey, War Chief. Missed you today.”

  A quiet giggle escaped Cedric’s lips.

  Cayson kissed him on the forehead before he returned him to Skye. Then he came in the living room and joined me on the floor. “Did you have fun playing with your cousin?” He grabbed Ward Jr.’s feet.

  Ward Jr. stared at him, and even though he couldn’t speak there was familiarity in the look, like he recognized his uncle.

  “He looks just like Ward. I can’t believe it.”

  “I know,” I said with a happy sigh.

  “How’s it going with him, by the way?”

  “He’s still…” There was no good way to put it. “He’s being a big bitch baby.”

  Cayson laughed loudly like that was the last thing he expected me to say. “Classy…”

  “It’s true.”

  “He’s a Debbie Downer, that’s for sure.”

  “But he’ll change his mind by this weekend.”

  “Do you need help with anything?” Cayson asked.

  “No. Sean and Scarlet are doing everything. Well, technically Scarlet and my mom are doing everything. By the time Ward arrives after work everything will be ready to go.”

  “What about his family?”

  “They’ll be there.”

  “I guess you can let him keep throwing a fit until then.”

  “Yeah.” I just ignored him and concentrated on Ward Jr.

  “It’s crazy… I’m married and now you’ll be married. We have two beautiful kids. There’s really no room to complain.”

  “No, there’s not.”

  “Ward and I had our problems but…he’s a great a guy. I’m glad you’re ending up with him.”

  I was so relieved my brother finally came around with that. He wanted to murder Ward at one point. “He is. Well, right now he’s not. But in general, he’s great.”

  “Where are you going on your honeymoon?”

  “I picked Hawaii. I’m sure Ward doesn’t care where we go.”

  Cayson shook his head. “Believe me, no guy does.”


  I walked through the door with Ward Jr.’s car seat by my side.

  “Where were you?” Ward stared me down, still wearing his suit and tie. Every day he came home I had dinner on the table, but since he pretended I didn’t exist I figured he wouldn’t have even noticed if I were gone.

  “Uh, hi.” I carried War Jr. into the living room and set him on the carpet.

  Ward continued to stare me down, being as threatening as possible.

  I wasn’t intimidated by anyone or anything.

  “You never answered my question.”

  “And you never said hi to me. Sounds like we’re even.” I placed Ward Jr. in the playpen then rose to my full height, looking at Ward without blinking.

  His eyebrows furrowed even more.

  “I’m sorry we didn’t get married like we were supposed to. We gave up our special day for someone else. I admit it’s unfair to us, but I’m so happy for Arsen and Silke. I don’t resent them in any way, and you shouldn’t resent me either. You need to get over it and move on.”

  His nostrils flared like he was about to unleash an attack. “Do you even want to marry me?”

  I rolled my eyes even though I shouldn’t. “Of course.”

  “It doesn’t seem like it. We should have gotten married the next day as planned.”

  “Even though everyone was up until three in the morning? Even though we were still celebrating Silke
and Arsen’s wedding all weekend? No, I didn’t want to ride their coat tails. I would much rather wait than cram everything together like that.”

  “Or you would rather just stall.”

  I wanted to smack him upside the head. “Ward, I’m not stalling. I live with you and I have a baby with you. Not to mention, I’m also in love with you. You need to get this idea out of your head.”

  “Then let’s go down to the courthouse right now and do it,” he challenged. “Take Ward Jr. with us.”

  “And do it without all our friends and family?”

  That anger returned. “Stalling. Again.”

  “Because I want my family there?” I asked incredulously. “No, you’re just being insane right now.”

  “Is this because of Jeremy?”

  I thought this was in the past. “No.”

  “Because he was married when you were with him? You’re afraid if you marry me I’ll do the same to you?”

  “No. And no.” All those insecurities were a thing of the past. I didn’t think about them anymore. Ward and I were different. “Not at all. I just want my friends and family there. That isn’t much to ask.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. Not once did he pay attention to our son in the playpen below.

  “Let’s just pick another date. Problem solved.”

  He walked away like the conversation was over. He grabbed his jacket from the back of the couch and acted as if he were leaving.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “Out,” he said shortly. “There’s no food here. What do you expect me to do?”

  “If you give me ten minutes I can make something.”

  “I’d rather eat out.” Without looking back, he walked out.

  The last thing I heard was the door slamming behind him.


  The quiet sound of the door shutting woke me up. I lay on my side and faced the window, the light from the streetlamp gently coming in. Ward and I shared the same bed no matter what, even when we were both upset. But I suspected he would sleep on the couch tonight.

  He showered then changed for bed.

  I lay absolutely still so he wouldn’t know I was awake.

  Ward’s weight made a noticeable dip once it hit the mattress. He pulled the covers over himself then lay still.

  I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

  Ward snaked his arm around my waist and pressed his body against mine. His lips found my ear and lightly pressed against the sensitive skin. “I’m sorry.”

  Those were the words I’d wanted to hear for over a week. I just never expected Ward to say them. He was too angry and upset over the whole incident. I was so happy to have him back that I didn’t hesitate in accepting his apology. “It’s okay.”

  He rolled me over onto my back then immediately moved on top of me. Even when we were having a fight we still made love every night. For the past week it’d been awkward sex but we were still having it. When couples stopped having sex, that’s when the real problems started.

  He didn’t remove my panties or my t-shirt. He just pulled them aside then slipped inside me, immediately stretching me the second he was completely sheathed. His large body completely covered mine, and his muscular arms parted my legs with ease. He made even and slow thrusts, the kind that I loved. He did all the work, rocking into me while looking into my eyes. There was remorse there, but there was also all consuming desire.

  Ward had classically handsome features that made him irresistible to all women. He had the perfect smile, the kind that came from a rugged and hard jaw. His blue eyes were endless in their depth, and his dark countenance made him even sexier. To top it off he had a body that rocked my world every single time. He was all hard muscle at six three, and his package down below was even better than all of those things.

  Anytime we had sex I was in heaven.

  He kissed my neck then gripped my tit as he thrust inside me. “Your pussy is still so tight, darling.”

  It didn’t matter how loose I became after childbirth. Ward’s dick was big enough to stretch me regardless. It always did the trick, hitting me in the right spot every time. “Ward…” I grabbed his ass and pulled him further into me. “Fuck me.”

  He gave it to me harder, bringing my knees closer to my chest. His tight body started to glisten with sweat. Our bodies moved together, writhing and becoming hotter with every passing second. He gave me a quick kiss then sucked my bottom lip. “I love you, darling.”

  I gripped his biceps and felt the orgasm begin. “I love you too.” My body was hot and cold at the same time as everything hit me hard. I cried out and dug my nails into his skin. I wanted it to last forever.

  Ward held on long enough for me to finish, but once I was done he released. He made his final thrusts, quietly grunting as he moved. And then he filled me, inserting himself completely inside me as he gave me every single drop he contained.

  Now that we made love I felt so much better. I didn’t despise him like I did a few hours ago. The lovey-dovey feeling returned to my heart, and I was grateful I had my man back. “Don’t act like a dick again.”

  “I won’t.” He kissed my neck and my chest before he lay beside me. “I promise.”

  “We’ll get married soon, okay?” Sooner than he realized.

  “Okay.” He spooned me from behind then pressed a kiss to the back of my neck.

  And the fight was finally over.



  My phone lit up with a text message from Slade. I unlocked the screen and was thankful I was alone when I looked at it.

  It was a picture of his nine-inch long dick and the lower part of his stomach. The text message read. Thinking about you real hard.

  Did you take that behind the counter of your shop?


  I rolled my eyes. And you didn’t care if anyone saw?

  No one saw anything. I just pulled down my pants, snapped a dick pick, and then sent it to you. You’re welcome.

  I’m giving this to the paparazzi.

  I’m not ashamed of my dick.

  And he was going to be a father.

  So send me one. I want one of your titties. No, your pussy. Actually, send me both.

  I’m working. Like an adult.

  You’re alone in your office. Just snap a quick pic and send it to me.

  Or I could move on with my day and forget this ever happened.

  Yeah right. You know that picture of my dick made you wet.

  I admit it was impressive and large, but a picture right in my face wasn’t exactly sexy. I’m like sandpaper right now.

  You’re so full of it, baby. Want me to go over there and check?

  Denise knocked then stepped into my office. “Got a minute?”

  I was discussing my husband’s dick. So yeah, I had time. “Sure.”

  She shut the door behind her. “I have Margo from One Shot on the line. She wants to speak to you.”

  One Shot was the biggest designer in Manhattan. It started in Milan and traveled across Europe before it finally hit the states. I was a big fan of his work. Actually, I was wearing his jeans at that very moment. “Do you know what it’s regarding?”

  “She wouldn’t say. Apparently, it’s confidential.”

  That caught my attention. “I’ll take it.”

  “She’s on line one.”

  “Thank you.” I watched her walk away before I took the call. “Trinity Sisco speaking.” I still wasn’t used to my married last name. Even now I still slipped up and called myself a Preston. Thankfully, Slade wasn’t around to hear that.

  “Hello, Trinity. I’m Margo, Mr. Shot’s secretary.”

  “What can I do for you, Margo?” In this line of business I just cut to the chase.

  “Mr. Shot has been really impressed with your work for the past few years. He says you’re the biggest thing since Armani. He’d be interested in releasing a joint spring line, if you’re interested.”

  I dropped the pen I was holding because I couldn’t believe it. One Shot was the mecca of fashion. The fact he even knew who I was was a huge deal.

  My cell phone lit up with another message from Slade. My dick would slide right in because it’s like a slip-n-slide down there.

  I shoved my phone into a drawer and slammed it shut so I wouldn’t be distracted with his ridiculous messages. “Of course I’m interested, Margo.” Who wouldn’t be? I could play it cool and tell her I would call her back, but I didn’t like to play games. It was just a waste of time.

  “Great. Mr. Shot was hoping so. He already has a few ideas for the clothing, and he’s already booked a spot in the Milan Fashion Show next year. He thought that would be a good time to launch the new pieces. But he’ll talk to you about all of that when you guys meet.”

  “Sounds good.” I tried not to squeal.

  “Are you busy tomorrow? Lunch time?”

  “I’m free.” I had lunch plans for Slade but he would understand.

  “Great. He’ll see you then.”

  “Bye, Margo.” I hung up the phone and finally let out the scream I was holding. It felt so good to get it off my chest.

  Denise ran back into the room. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “It looks like we’re doing a spring catalog with One Shot.”

  “Yes!” She did a dance in the middle of the office. “And he’s so cute.”

  I’d only seen him in passing but I knew he was handsome. “This will really be great for the company.”

  “And your career,” she said. “That’s another accomplishment to put under your belt.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” All I really cared about was learning the trade from a fashion icon. And to be treated as an equal through the process only made it better.


  Slade walked through the door at the end of the day. “I never got any pics.” He walked to my desk in jeans and a t-shirt even though it was freezing outside. The muscle on his body seemed to keep him warm even when the cold numbed my fingers.

  “Because I was working.”

  “Whatever,” he said. “I was working too.”

  “Not very hard, obviously.”


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