All That Matters

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All That Matters Page 12

by E. L. Todd

  “He’ll forgive you.”

  “What?” I asked.

  “I said he would forgive you,” Lexie said. “He just needs more time.”


  Heath and I spoke to Lexie near the bar, and she told us she got her job back.

  “I was too embarrassed to ask for it but Conrad pulled some strings…like always.” She held a pink martini in her hand.

  “He talked to your boss?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” she said. “And gave him a computer.”

  Heath chuckled. “There we go.”

  “But I love working there so I’m grateful. I have the same clients as before, and since I was personally invested in them it feels like I’m back home.”

  “That’s cool,” I said. “And by the way, sorry about the whole letter thing…I shouldn’t have taken it.”

  She held up her hand to silence me. “Please don’t worry about it, Roland. You were looking out for your friend, and I could never be upset with someone who was trying to do the right thing. I feel no anonymity toward you.”

  At least Conrad was the only one who was upset with me. “So, he said he would forgive me?” I couldn’t keep the hope out of my voice.

  “I told him he should because you’ve always been a good friend to him. He didn’t say anything, but I know he’s considering it.” She took a sip of her drink.

  “So…you’ve been trying to put us back together?”

  “Of course.”

  Now I felt like a dick. I was constantly rude to her every second I got.

  “I know how much he needs you, even if he won’t admit it,” she said. “His anger will only last for so long before it dies out.”

  “I hope you’re right,” I said. “And thanks for…trying to help me out.”

  “Of course,” she said. “I love Conrad, and I want him to be surrounded by people who love him too.”

  Heath glared at me, silently ridiculing me for ever giving her a hard time.

  I glared back until he looked away.

  Conrad finally left his chair and slowly approached us. His shoulders were broad and strong, like he was stepping onto the battlefield. Both of his hands were in the pockets of his suit. His eyes were glued to mine the entire time. When he reached us, he stood beside Lexie.

  And it was silent.

  Lexie cleared her throat then ordered a beer from the bar. After she got the glass she handed it to Conrad. “You like dark, right?”

  “I do.” He took a sip and broke eye contact with me.

  Lexie held her glass tightly, feeling the tension. “Roland was just asking me about my job. I told him I was working in the same office.”

  Conrad nodded.

  Should I say something? Should I try to apologize?

  Heath remained calm even though the tension was high. “How’s Apollo?”

  Conrad responded to him without any irritation. “Good. He’s constantly getting between Lexie and I, but he’s good.”

  Heath chuckled. “Sounds like he’s jealous.”

  “It was so funny,” Lexie said. “We were laying in bed and he actually squeezed in between us. How can you be mad when a dog is being that cute?”

  “You mean annoying,” Conrad said.

  I don’t know what was going through my head or what possessed me to speak, but words flew out of my mouth without any preemptive planning. “I miss you.”

  Everyone turned their gaze on me. Lexie’s lips pressed tightly together like she was trying not to get emotional. Heath gave me a slight smile then brushed his arm against mine.

  Conrad just stared at me, stoic as ever.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I miss you. I want my friend back.”

  He looked down at his beer.

  Lexie’s gaze moved back and forth between us, and the longer the silence stretched the less happy she became. “Conrad…” She lightly touched his arm.

  Conrad turned around and walked away, moving past the people on the dance floor. He returned to the table he was sitting at earlier, and like I didn’t exist he pretended I wasn’t there.

  My heart sank to the floor.

  “Give him more time,” Lexie said. “He’ll come around. I promise.”

  What if he never did?



  I spun Trinity around and watched her dress rise with the momentum. She had black leggings underneath but her legs still looked sexy. She laughed as I spun her around again, having fun with me on the dance floor.

  I came behind her then grinded against her backside. When I stepped back, I smacked her ass playfully.

  “You’re horrible.” She smiled while she said it, so I knew she was amused more than anything else.

  I turned around and gave her my behind. “Come on. Give it a try.”

  She smacked her hand hard against my ass.

  “See?” I asked as I turned around. “Told you it was fun.”

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and swayed with me. “My parents are sitting right over there…”

  “Whatever,” I said. “I got you pregnant. You think they don’t know I do tons of dirty stuff to you on a daily basis?”

  She cringed. “Gross.”

  “I don’t remember you thinking it was gross last night.” I pulled her closer so she could feel my hard dick through my slacks. Anytime I was near her my cock hardened until it formed concrete. That’s what her perfect legs, full lips, and tasseled hair did to me.

  “Shh. Someone might hear you.”

  “Over this loud music?” I asked. “Doubtful.”

  Clementine came to us with a glass of wine in her hand. “I’m married!”

  “Yeah!” I raised both fists in the air.

  “The new Mrs. Price.” Trinity clapped excitedly.

  Clementine pulled Ward with her, and they moved across the dance floor, lost in each other.

  “I want to get married again.”

  Trinity turned to me with wide eyes. “What did you just say?”

  “I mean, married to you again.” That could have been taken the wrong way. “You know, the whole thing. It was the happiest day of my life.”

  “Awe…” Trinity pulled me closer to her as she swayed with me. “You’re a big softy under all those muscles and tattoos.”

  “Not really,” I said. “Only for you.”

  She kissed the corner of my mouth, her discreet way of telling me she wanted me then and there.

  I would love to sneak off and find a dark corner, but it would be awkward with her family around. If both of us were gone, it would be obvious why we disappeared. “We should do it in the back of my truck when we leave.”

  “Okay.” She agreed immediately instead of making some kind of excuse.

  “Really?” I smiled from ear-to-ear.

  “Yeah. I kind of miss sneaking around. It was fun.”

  “It was fun.” Hiding away in her house near the college, and disappearing at every family function to make love was exciting. But I admit, being married to her in a public way was much better.

  “You know, most of the girls at my office think you’re hot.”

  What’s her point?

  “I overheard them talking in the break room.”

  I continued to dance with her, concentrating on the look of her pretty face more than what she was saying.


  “What’s your point?” I asked. “I already knew that.”

  “You knew?” she asked in surprise.

  “Yeah. They eye-fuck the shit out of me all the time.”

  She rolled her eyes and sighed at the same time. “Well, I appreciate their discretion…”

  “Guys check you out all the time when I’m standing there. There’s so many of them that I can’t kill them all.”

  “A pregnant woman?” she asked incredulously.

  “They can’t tell.” His hand moved to my stomach. “Only I can tell because I see you naked every single day.”

“Not everyone is attracted to me the way you think they are.”

  I snorted because it was absurd. “Whatever you say, baby.”

  Skye and Cayson joined us, not looking quite as happy as we were. “Roland and Conrad are still fighting,” Skye said.

  “So?” I asked. “And we’re supposed to care because…?”

  “They’re our friends,” Skye snapped. “That’s why.”

  “I feel bad for Roland,” Cayson said. “It was a group decision. He shouldn’t take all the heat for it.”

  “You’re the one that voted against it,” I said.

  “Even so,” Cayson said. “The decision was based on the number of votes. So, it wasn’t like Roland made the decision all by himself.”

  “He took the letter to begin with,” I argued.

  “Come on,” Skye said. “They’ve been best friends forever.”

  “And we’re supposed to get them back together?” I asked. “It’s not our problem.”

  “It is our problem,” Skye said. “I think you guys should talk to him.”

  “Who’s ‘you guys’?”

  “You and Trinity,” Skye said.

  “Trinity wasn’t even there when it happened,” I said.

  “But I know he listens to her,” Skye said. “And I’ve already talked to him about it and he ignores me. I’m Roland’s sister so I’m biased.”

  “And annoying,” I added.

  “Slade, come on.” Cayson looked at me. “What if we were fighting? Wouldn’t you want someone to help us out?”

  “Not really,” I said. “You and I are big boys. We can take care of it ourselves.”

  Skye stomped her foot. “Just go over there and give it a try. He’s sitting all alone.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure he wants to sit alone. Hence, that’s why he’s sitting there.”

  “Let’s give it a try,” Trinity said.

  “What?” I asked her in surprise. “Really?” Trinity wasn’t close with her brother so it was strange for her to butt in.

  “Lexie isn’t going anywhere, and the quicker we return to normal, the better.” Trinity stood by my side, her shoulder touching mine. “Roland has been there for him through everything. Maybe Conrad just needs a reminder.”

  “Thank you,” Skye said. “Now give it a shot.”

  “Whatever.” May as well get this over with. The sooner this wedding was over the sooner I could screw Trinity in the back of my pick-up. Making love in our bed was nice, but sometimes I just wanted to fuck her dirty.

  Trinity and I approached Conrad’s table and took a seat beside him.

  He ignored us like we weren’t even there.

  “Clementine and Ward are married…” I nodded in an awkward fashion. “Crazy, huh?”

  Conrad drank his beer.

  “Conrad.” Trinity kept staring at him even though he wouldn’t look at her. “You’re being a little hard on Roland.”

  “Not really,” Conrad said. “How would you feel if Slade wrote you a letter but Skye purposely kept it from you because she didn’t think you should see it? And what if that letter would have changed everything?” He gave her a dark look before he returned to ignoring her.

  “I admit what he did was wrong, but he had his heart in the right place.”

  “And that justifies everything?” he asked incredulously. “It was my mail and he shouldn’t have taken it. Period.”

  I knew I should stay out of this as much as possible but I wanted to help Roland out. “Roland asked us to meet at his apartment and talk about it. He said he didn’t know what he should do and asked for our advice. We took a vote. I was one of the people who thought you shouldn’t have the letter. I’m not trying to throw myself under the bus, but Roland wasn’t the only person involved in this. We thought we were doing the right thing.”

  Conrad clenched his jaw and shook his head slightly. “Roland was my best friend. He shouldn’t have called that meeting at all. He should have had my back. That’s why I’m pissed at him and not at you.”

  “Dude, he just made a mistake. Cut him some—”

  “Shut up,” he snapped. “This is none of your business so stay out of it.”

  I didn’t give a damn if Conrad was my brother-in-law. I didn’t put up with anyone telling me to shut up. Just when I opened my mouth to argue Trinity cut me off.

  “He’s just trying to help,” Trinity said calmly. “We’re here for you.”

  “Well, don’t be,” Conrad said. “You only stick your nose in my business when it’s negatively affecting you. I’m sorry my issues with Roland are a pain in the ass, but you need to get over it.” He left his beer on the table then left us behind. He walked to Lexie and grabbed her before he pulled her away, his anger obvious in the way he carried himself.

  Trinity groaned quietly. “I think we just made it worse.”

  “Yeah, I think so too.”


  Clementine and Ward piled into the limo Sean rented for them, and they drove off as we waved from the sidewalk. I had my arm around Trinity, and I fondly remembered the way we drove off together on our wedding night.

  “That was fun,” Sean said.

  “Very.” Scarlet was holding Cedric in her arms.

  “Congratulations.” Sean shook Cortland’s hand. “Both of your kids are married with kids. You couldn’t be more proud.”

  “I’m not,” Cortland said with a smile. “I’m on a cloud right now.”

  “Want to say for coffee?” Sean asked.

  “God, no.” Cortland shook his head. “We’re exhausted and we have to get Ward Jr. to bed.”

  “I’m tired too,” Ryan said. “Actually, I’m exhausted from all these weddings. Two in a single month?”

  “Well, there’s only a few left,” Cortland said. “Then we can stop going broke.”

  Sean laughed. “Damn, kids are expensive.”

  I pulled Trinity close to me. “Ready to get going, baby?”

  “Yeah. I’m tired.” She leaned into my shoulder.

  I kissed her forehead. “Alright.” I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her. Then I said goodbye to everyone before I guided Trinity to the truck. I got her inside before I pulled away and headed down the road.

  The second we were alone my thoughts were on one thing. I drove past the empty fields and houses until I found an abandoned field near an oak tree. I pulled over and killed the lights.

  “What are you doing?” Trinity asked. Her eye make up was smeared from fatigue and her hair was messy from dancing around.

  “I thought we were going to get nasty in the backseat.”

  “People go to jail for that.”

  “So?” I asked. “I’ve been to jail and it’s not that bad.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “Come on, baby. I want to fuck you like crazy.”

  “Okay. But can you keep the heater on?”

  “I guarantee it’s going to get hot in here…”

  “Well, I’m freezing at the moment.”

  “Whatever you want.” I turned it on then crawled into the back seat. I guided her with me then lay her down over the leather chairs. Her heels were pulled off and then her leggings were removed. The more clothes that left her body, the colder she became. I undressed myself then pressed my naked body against hers, keeping her warm.

  She wrapped her legs around my waist then ran her fingers through my hair.

  I kissed her neck then her chest. My dick found her entrance like it had a mind of its own, and I slipped inside to be greeted by her slickness. My dick was always the happiest when I was inside her, whether that be her pussy, her ass, or her mouth.

  I rocked into her hard from the beginning, fucking her into the leather chair. The truck rocked back and forth on the axels, and soon the windows became fogged up from all the heat. My muscles burned from giving it to her so hard. This woman drove me wild and I couldn’t get enough of her.

  Trinity got into it the second I was inside her. She grippe
d the handle above the door and used it as an anchor to slide up and down. She rocked her hips as she moved me inside her. Quiet gasps escaped her lips, and sometimes she would just scream. “Slade.”

  The longer I went, the wetter she became. She was tight and soaked, the perfect combination. I panted and breathed hard, working myself to the limit because it felt so good.

  Trinity gripped my hips and stopped me before she pushed me back. I lay down and she crawled on top of me. Then she rode me like an animal, taking in my dick like a pro. She grew even tighter around me then dug her nails into my chest.

  “Come all over my dick, baby.” I thrust my hips from down below, wanting to give her the best orgasm yet.

  She flipped her hair back as she started to come, incoherent moans coming from her lips. Strands of hair stuck to the sticky part of her skin. Her nails almost drew blood as she clung to me.

  “Yeah…”I could feel the increase in moisture surrounding my cock. I loved feeling her come on me. The fact she was enjoying me made me enjoy the experience even more.

  Her nails loosened their grip and her breathing began to return to normal.

  Seeing her sit on my lap like that was the biggest turn on ever. My hands went to her stomach, feeling the slight bulge I put there, and then I released inside her, loving every second of it. My feet arched in reaction, and my entire body flushed with heat. I slowly winded down, feeling the tenderness between our bodies. “Fuck. That was good.”

  Trinity laid her body on top of mine and cuddled into my side. A satisfied sigh escaped her lips and her eyes closed.

  I was warm, happy, and satisfied. Now I didn’t want to drive home. Instead, I wanted to lay with her and soak in the nighttime pastureland. My eyes closed and I fell into a dreamless sleep.


  Rap. Rap. Rap.

  My eyes opened at the unusual sound, and when I looked out the window I saw a police officer looking down at us.



  I hate my life right now.

  Instinctively, I grabbed my jacket from the floor and tossed it over Trinity, hiding everything besides her head. My hand moved to my groin and blocked my dick from view, not that it really mattered at this point.


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