La Famiglia : Elias : Part One The diRuggiero Mafia Family Saga

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La Famiglia : Elias : Part One The diRuggiero Mafia Family Saga Page 8

by Laura Sutton

  “I’m glad you did. If you hadn’t, I might never have met you,” Sam told him.

  “Do you still feel that way?” he asked. She nodded, because it was true. Maybe she should be scared, more careful, but she wasn’t. She wanted this man. He may have been raised surrounded by dangerous people, but she felt no danger being in his arms.

  She kissed him, long and slow, deep and filthy, her tongue sliding into his mouth to taste him. She leaned into his body more as the kiss deepened and his arms tightened around her. His cock hardened against her hip as the slow, drugging kisses made her burn.

  “Will you come to my room with me? Tonight?” he panted, his forehead resting against hers.

  “Yes,” she whispered, and he claimed her lips again. She didn’t know what it meant, now that she knew his family’s sordid history. She did know she wanted him, and tonight she would finally get to feel him, all of him, hard and hot inside her.

  Chapter Ten


  Eli felt as if he were moving through a fog, through molasses, as they made their way back to the hotel, hand in hand. Alarm still pulsed through him– why had he revealed everything about his family? What was about her that made him forget that his past was nothing but secrets, made him believe he could tell her and wouldn’t reject him?

  Trust for anyone outside the family was not encouraged; even trust within the family was rare. He didn’t trust Dante, not anymore. His older brother wouldn’t betray him– loyalty was paramount to Dante, no matter what– but he would and had manipulated Eli. It had been Dante who had encouraged him to take his first job, convincing him it was a great opportunity, not that Eli would be used to cover and represent the family.

  Something about Sam made him feel safe and cared for, that she wouldn’t judge him, even if he deserved to be judged, because at a minimum he had benefited from what his family did, and at worst his complicity in their crimes made him just as guilty.

  They walked barefoot through the hotel lobby, the marble floor cold beneath his feet, the conditioned air a shock to his system after being out in the warm humidity of the beach. To Sam’s too, he saw when she shivered beside him. In the elevator, he hit the button for his floor and pulled her into his arms, her back to his front as he leaned against the back of the elevator.

  “Cold, bimba?” he whispered and she shivered again, but he knew it was a different kind of shiver, one of pleasure and anticipation.

  “A little,” she answered, her voice soft, and he began to lay kissed down the side of her neck, small little pecks along the sensitive skin, and was rewarded with a breathy little moan from her.

  She was so responsive to his touch; it was intoxicating. He had just begun to nibble on her ear when the elevator door dinged and opened on his floor. With one last peck to the side of her head, he maneuvered her through the elevator doors, but kept his arms wrapped around her waist and her back to his front.

  “Eli!” she said through her giggles, and he pulled her even closer.

  “What? I’m just trying to walk here,” he answered innocently and was rewarded with more laughter. Eli felt lighter and happier, as if he had unloaded his soul, and in a way, he had. She now knew all the dark, dirty secrets of his family and she was still here with him, still wanted him.

  “Yes, but wouldn’t it be easier to walk next to me, not attached to my back like a barnacle?” she asked, breathless from her laughter. If he had thought her body was a lightning rod to his libido, her laughter was a balm to his soul.

  “Yes, but then I would have to stop touching you, and I don’t want to, not for a second,” he told her as they came to the door of his room.

  She turned in his arms and leaned against the still-closed door of his room and gave him a sly, playful look, her gray-blue eyes dancing. She looked disheveled, flirty and so fucking appealing.

  “Well, you know… ” she whispered and Eli watched as her eyes pointedly and slowly traveled his body down and back up again, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. His cock swelled and twitched under the heat of her gaze. “...if you would open the door, you could touch more of me… with fewer clothes.”

  He growled and grabbed her hips, crushing his mouth to hers. This kiss was all passion and heat, nothing like the sweet kisses they’d shared earlier, or even the saucy, flirtatious ones from the jungle. This one was white-hot need like they’d exchanged at the club the prior night. He needed her, needed to feel her, to make her body tremble beneath his, and he needed it now.

  He had just slipped his hand under the waist of her backless dress, feeling the delicious swell of her plump ass, when she pulled away panting. He tried to chase her lips with his, but she laughed and pushed at his shoulders a little, putting some space between their bodies.

  “Unlock the door, Eli. I’m adventurous, but I don’t really want to do this in the hallway when we’re ten feet from a bed.”

  He dropped his forehead to her bare shoulder and reluctantly pulled his hand out from under her dress, reaching to pull his key card out of his back pocket.

  “Last time to back out, bimba,” he whispered against her throat. There was so much she didn’t know about, such as how he liked to fuck a woman, how he took her apart with his lips and fingers and cock, and then put her back together again.

  “I want you,” she whispered back, and he raised his head and searched her eyes, her pupils so wide only a slim ethereal band of that gray-blue color could be seen.

  “Are you sure? I’m not… I’m probably not like your last boyfriend,” he hedged. Why was he hedging? He never hedged, not with a woman he wanted.

  “No, you’re not,” she whispered, her hands running down his arms and back up, her eyes raking his form once again. “That’s why I like you so much.”

  He reached around her and opened the door, pulling her into his room with a smile.Finally, blessedly, they were alone, and a horizontal surface was nearby. Eli took his time kissing her, his tongue exploring, licking into her mouth. She tasted so good, a hint of wine lingering, but under that was something all Samantha. He wanted to kiss, lick, and taste her everywhere.

  Eli pulled away and gazed at her. Her face was flushed and her eyes heavy-lidded as she looked up at him through her lashes. Her hard nipples were evident through the soft material of her dress. He knew from her bare back that there was no way she could have a bra on, but to see the proof of it made his already-hard cock twitch again, demanding relief.

  “Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” he groaned, cupping one of her breasts, squeezing and testing the weight of it, pinching lightly at her hardened nipple.

  “Oh!” she gasped, arching, and he grinned at her reaction.

  “Did you like that, bimba?” he asked, leaning in to nibble on her ear.

  “Y-yes,” she said and whimpered when he tugged on the same nipple.

  “You will tell me if I do anything you don’t like?” he asked, peppering tiny wet kisses along her jaw.

  “Mmmmm,” she moaned.

  “Bimba,” he pulled away and cupped her face with one of his hands. Her eyes fluttered open and he bit back a groan at the heat in her gaze. “I’m serious. You will tell me if I do something you don’t like, if I go too hard or too rough for you.”

  “I promise,” she answered, looking dazed.

  “Good, now…” He leaned down, gathering the material of dress in his hands, pulling it higher and higher. “Arms up,” he murmured. She obliged instantly, and he passed the material up and over her head, leaving her clad in only tiny, lacy black panties.

  Eli let his eyes roam over her body. She was all curves and softness, her breasts large and heavy, nipples hard and the delicate color of a rose, her entire body was flushed a light pink. She looked like a goddess from a painting, the kind of goddess men risked everything to touch… and Eli was going to touch her.

  Touch her, fuck her, make her come all night long.

  He pulled her to him and kissed her, his tongue finding its way into her mouth almost forcefu
lly, but she didn’t shy away. No, she met him with an intensity all her own, her tongue dueling with his. He groaned into the kiss and pulled her even further into his body, one hand in her hair guiding her head, giving him better access to her mouth, and the other on her ass. The feel of silken skin and lace had him grinding the hard length of his cock into her soft belly. Fuck, she felt good, soft and warm in his arms.

  He turned their bodies and backed her up to the bed; when it hit her knees, she laid back, her blonde hair spreading out on the pillow. She looked like an offering before him, something wonderful and ancient and sacred, and if he’d had even an ounce of artistic talent, he would want to paint her like this– her body stretched out for him, pliant and wanting. He hooked his fingers in her lacy panties and Sam lifted her hips to let him slide them off her body. He discarded them on the floor and got to work on his own clothes, quickly shucking them so he could join her on the bed.

  “Hi,” he whispered, smiling down at her, his hips cradled between hers, the wet heat of her core teasing his cock.

  “Hi,” she whispered back, biting her lip. He kissed her while he rubbed his hard cock against her. She groaned into his mouth, her legs widening even more, knees coming up to let him make himself at home. If he shifted just a little, he could slide right in… but not yet, not even if his cock was begging. He wanted to taste her first, make her come on his tongue, make her abandon herself to him completely.

  He licked and sucked down her neck, taking little nipping bites that were making her rock her hips against him in the most distracting way. So much so that he brought his hand to her hip and stilled them, pressing her just a little into the bed.

  “Stop moving, bimba, you’re distracting me.”

  “Oh, God, Eli, please, please just fuck me,” she begged.

  “Not yet.”

  She groaned in frustration as he shifted away from her oh-so-tempting center just a bit.

  “I’m going to fuck you, I promise. I’m going to fuck you so hard you forget your name, but first I’m going to make you come with my mouth. I’ve wanted to taste you since you fell into my arms on the beach.”

  She moaned and tossed her head on the pillow, giving him unfettered access to the column of her throat, and Eli was more than happy to take advantage of it. He kissed his way down to her breasts, sucking and nipping on each of her nipples in turn. The harder he sucked one into his mouth, the louder her moans became. He pulled on one with his teeth, lightly, just to see if she would like it… and she did.

  “Oh, my God, Eli!” she cried out, carding her fingers through his hair, holding his head to her chest. So his girl liked a little pain with her pleasure… the thought made him a little wild, and he wondered how much she knew that about herself, how much control she would be willing to cede to him.

  He sucked her nipple deep and hard and then let it slip free from his mouth with an audible pop to glance up at her face. Her lips were swollen, from his kisses and from her biting them as he teased her.

  “Bimba, look at me,” he told her and she obeyed, her eyes unfocused when they landed on him. “Remember, you’ll tell me if you don’t like something?”

  “Yes, yes, I promise, just please, don’t stop,” she begged.

  He grinned and continued his slow descent down her body with his mouth and tongue, kissing and nibbling and occasionally outright biting his way over the slopes and valleys of her curves.

  Eli shouldered his way between her legs, turning his head and kissing the soft, delicate skin of her inner thigh, sucking the skin hard enough to leave a mark. It wasn’t a mark anyone would see; hell, Sam may not even see it later, but he would know it was there and that, at least for this moment in time, she was his.

  He didn’t spend too long teasing her, or himself. He had been thinking about burying his tongue inside her for two days and he couldn’t wait any longer. He could smell her wetness on the closely-clipped blonde hair covering her plump, swollen folds. Slowly he spread her open, revealing the tender pink of her inner labia, and ran the flat of his tongue over all he’d exposed, tasting her at last.

  She tasted of salt and musk and woman and something so uniquely Sam that Eli knew he could live to be a hundred and never have the correct words to describe how perfect she was to him in that moment. He teased her clit with the tip of his tongue, moving the swollen bundle of nerves left and right slowly and deliberately, sliding one finger inside her hot, wet core.

  “Fuuuuuck,” Sam groaned, her hips grinding down onto his hand, her inner muscles clenching around his finger. ‘Fuck’ is right. She was so tight, and yet he only had one of his fingers inside her sweet pussy. Eli fucked her slowly, first with one finger, then adding a second as he continued to lick and suck at her clit.

  “Oh, God, Eli– I can’t–“ she cried out, her hand pulling on his head as she got closer and closer, almost bucking him off, forcing Eli to put his other arm across her hips to hold her down as he continued to flick and tease and fuck her with his fingers and tongue.

  “I’m, I’m going to…” she moaned, her words strangled and broken, but Eli didn’t ease upon her; instead, he sucked her clit harder and added a third finger to her pussy. It was so tight that he could feel her orgasm building, interior muscles flexing and fluttering around him. Her legs were trembling and her body clenching his fingers so closely he was briefly afraid he might lose circulation in them.

  Eli took her clit between his lips and lashed it once, twice, three times with his tongue as his fingers reached for the spot deep inside her, the spot he knew would make her fall apart. When he found that soft, spongy area, he quirked his fingers in a come-here motion and pressed.

  At first Sam was tense, every muscle in her body contracting, and for a split second he was afraid she wasn’t breathing, but then she let out a long, low cry, hips pulsing as climax wracked her. Slowly, her body relaxed and then jerked with little aftershocks.

  Eli licked his way back up her body, tasting and kissing and nipping at her skin until his hips were cradled between her thighs.

  “Hi,” Sam whispered, a tremulous smile on her flushed face. Eli leaned down and kissed her, unable to get enough of her. Her lips, her body, everything.

  “Hi,” he whispered back, and he could not stop his hips from pressing his hard cock against her warmth. Fuck, she felt good.

  Eli kissed her again, harder, his tongue plunging into her mouth. He didn’t just want to fuck Sam; he wanted to own her body, possess her, make her forget every man that had come before him and make sure there would be none after.

  Eli didn’t dwell on that last terrifying thought, focusing instead on the heat of her body and how fucking arousing her curves were. Without breaking their kiss, Eli reached for one of the several condoms he’d bought at a gift shop the day before. He hadn’t come on this vacation looking to meet a woman like Sam, so he hadn’t brought any with him, but he knew after their night in the club he wanted in her bed and between her legs and, well, vacation babies with strangers were never a good idea.

  Eli had to stop kissing Sam to roll on the condom; he watched her watching his hands as he did it. The look of hungry anticipation on her face made his blood pound through his veins. He finished applying the condom and then took her mouth in another punishing, intense kiss.

  “Ready?” he breathed against her panting mouth.

  “Yes,” Sam whispered back.

  “Fuck,” Eli groaned and swept one of her legs up with his arm, hooking it with his elbow under her knee, pressing her legs even further apart, slowly sinking into her.

  Oh, he wanted to ram his cock into her wet pussy, but not yet… and then he was glad he hadn’t because fuck, she was so wet.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned as he pushed inside her. He didn’t fit at first, a common experience for Eli. Everyone wanted a big dick until they actually have to fuck one, he had told his college roommate once. He had to be careful with a woman, especially the first time, because he didn’t want to hurt her, especial
ly not Sam. So he gave little shallow thrusts, letting her body get used to his intrusion. Thrust and retreat, thrust and retreat. It was the best kind of torture, because she was so hot, so tight, like a fist clenching his cock.

  Eli pressed a little harder with his hips and lifted her knees up even higher, bending her almost in half and finally he slid all the way inside her.

  “Oh, fuck,” Sam shouted, and Eli agreed. She was so fucking perfect and he told her so. Pressing the words into her lips– dirty, filthy words.

  “That’s it, baby,” Eli groaned, fucking her slow and deep. “Your pussy was made for me.”

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she chanted back as he fucked her and kissed and licked and bit every inch of her flesh he could get to.

  He wanted to keep it slow, draw one or maybe two more orgasms from her, make it so good for Sam, but his body has other ideas. He thrust his hips harder and faster, pounding into her as hard as he dared.

  “Oh, God, yes!” Sam cried, tossing her head on the pillow.

  “Are you going to come for me again?” Eli asked, his voice feral with need, and Sam didn’t respond, not with words. Her body did, though, her hips rising to meet each of his thrusts and her hands clenching his shoulders. He took one of her hands from his shoulders and put it on her breast.

  “Play with your nipples for me, Samantha,” Eli demanded, and Sam’s reaction to his words was instant, her cunt clenching around his cock so hard he saw stars. He moved his hand to where they were joined and found her clit, rubbing it in tight little circles as he continued to fuck her and watching her clutch and fondle one breast.

  “Pinch your nipples, baby, pull at them,” Eli directed and Sam responded instantly, doing exactly what he said.

  “God, Sam, I need you to come,” he groaned and kissed her as his hips pounded into her even harder, no more rhythm or finesse, just his body seeking completion. “Come all over me, baby, all over my cock.”


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