In Another Time

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In Another Time Page 13

by Sage Young

  What the hell is going on? Charlotte tried to run to the altar, but her legs wouldn’t move. She began to scream out, “James, I'm here!”

  It was as if he couldn’t hear her. His eyes stayed focused on the woman in the wedding gown.

  The woman turned to face Charlotte. “He belongs to me,” she said softly.

  “No!” Charlotte screamed, startling herself out of her dream. She looked over at the clock to see it was two o’clock in the morning. She grabbed her cell phone off the nightstand and dialed James's number.

  “Hello,” a cheerful female voice answered.

  Charlotte was so stunned by the female's voice that she stuttered, “I-I'm sorry. I must have the wrong number. I-I was trying to reach James Donavan.”

  “I'm sorry but James is indisposed right now, can I take a message?” the woman on the other end asked in a strong Irish accent.

  “Yes, can you tell him his fiancée, Charlotte called? Please tell James to call me immediately; it's an emergency.”

  “I will give him the message,” the woman said in a curt tone before disconnecting the call without another word.

  Charlotte tossed and turned the rest of the night and finally about five o’clock, she dialed Mimi's phone.

  “Good morning Charlie,” Mimi said as if she was waiting for her call.

  “We need to talk, you need to explain to me everything because something isn’t right in Ireland and I need to go there to get James,” Charlotte said in a stern, confident voice.

  “Do you remember the address for the High Priestess Ladue?”

  “Yes Mimi, I remember where she lives, but what does that have to do with me getting James back?”

  “Meet me there Charlie at twelve o'clock this afternoon,” Mimi said before disconnecting the call.

  Charlotte placed her cell phone back on the nightstand and knew what she had to do. If she were going to make a trip to Ireland, she would need to make sure all of her business matters were taken care of before she left. Charlotte’s resolve was steady as she showered, got dressed and headed into the office early.

  Chapter 20


  James walked out of his bathroom and tightened the belt on his robe; he then grabbed a towel to rub his hair dry as he entered the kitchen. He saw Colleen, the love of his life sitting on the sofa in the living room. “Good morning sweetie, did I forget about a breakfast date?” he jokingly asked as he walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek.

  Colleen smiled as she walked into the kitchen with him. “No darling, I thought we could carpool into the office together,” she explained as she took a sip of her coffee. “I made a pot of coffee.” She kissed him again before making him a cup. “I think it's asinine that we both live in separate places. We’re going to be married. I could have the movers, move my things in this week,” she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  James immediately got a headache and massaged his temples.

  “Another headache?” she asked.

  “Yes. I'm not sure what's going on, but it will pass. It always does.” He backed away from her embrace.

  “I'm sure you will be fine, but I think you should see a doctor. I need my future husband to stay healthy,” she teased. "And when we make love for the first time, I don't want it marred by headaches," she said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. It angered her that they had not made love because every time she gets close to him the pain in his head intensifies. But all that would change once they were married.

  “You are right,” he said as he kissed her cheek again. “I will make an appointment.” He sipped his coffee and placed the cup on the counter. As he walked towards his bedroom, he paused. “Did I hear my phone ring?” He asked remembering that he heard his ringtone.

  “Yes darling, I answered it, it was a sales call,” she said dismissively.

  “Okay, give me a few minutes and I will be ready to go.”

  Twenty minutes later, he was dressed and ready to leave. As they headed out the door into a waiting car, she thought about the phone call. If her plan was to be successful, she needed to keep that woman in America until she was able to marry James. Once they were married, she would be able to explain the incredible powers he had within him and how powerful they would be as a couple in the sorceress world. She lost him once, over two hundred years ago, she would not lose him again.

  As they walked into the office together, Colleen held his hand. She wanted everyone to know that he belonged to her. “I'll get you something for that headache,” she said as she kissed his lips softly and went to her desk. She opened the bottle of pain reliever and handed James two tablets and a glass of water. “Take this and you should feel better soon.”

  Colleen walked out of James' office and called Aedan. “I need you here immediately; we have a problem.”

  As she hung up the phone, James walked past her. “I'm heading to the conference room for a meeting, make sure the materials needed for the meeting are in there.”

  “They're already in the conference room,” she responded.

  He stopped, then made his way over to her and kissed her, “I love you. You know that right?” he asked as he waited for a response.

  “I love you too,” she said as she returned the kiss.

  A few minutes later, Aedan walked in through the door. “What was so important that you needed me to come right away?” he said as sat in the chair near her desk.

  “I need for you to make sure that woman from the US stays there until after James and I are married. Nothing can interfere with our union. Once we're married, he will forget all about her permanently.”

  “I hope you're right Sis, because if you're not, our family will pay a heavy price,” Aedan said as he stared at her. He knew if she didn't marry James, their family would lose all hope of regaining strength in the world of sorcery.

  United States…

  Charlotte pulled in front of the High Priestess’ home at precisely twelve o'clock. She took a few deep breaths before getting out of the car. Being around people who practiced voodoo and sorcery gave her an uneasy feeling. Logically, she didn't believe that any of it existed, but somehow in her heart, she knew what she was going to learn today would forever change her life. She made her way to the door and raised her hand to knock.

  The door opened. “Come in my child,” said a voice from inside.

  Charlotte entered the dimly lit house and could see an elderly woman sitting at the dining room table in a high back chair made of wood with carvings of various symbols engraved on it. Gazing around, she noticed the heavy drapes drawn on the windows. She assumed they were closed, to keep out the sunlight. There were candles lit all around the home. As eerie as the house felt, Charlotte wasn’t frightened. She felt a sense of calm when she entered the house. It took her a few seconds to notice Mimi sitting at the table.

  “Sit my child, we’ve been expecting you,” Priestess Laduo said.

  Charlotte kissed Mimi on the cheek before sitting in the chair next to her. The room was cluttered with old books, artifacts, miniature dolls, and jars with contents she didn’t recognize. Remaining quiet, Charlotte waited. She was here to learn what she needed to do to get her man back.

  The High Priestess looked at Charlotte and smiled. “Child, you have more power within than you can imagine. And yes, I will tell you all you need to know to get the love of your life back.”

  Charlotte raised an eyebrow but didn’t ask how the woman knew what she was thinking. She waited.

  The High Priestess glanced briefly at Mimi before turning her attention back to Charlotte. “In order to realize your true powers and the significance of them, you must first understand the dark forces that are out there and how they affect your family and your bloodline.” The Priestess sat up in her chair as she continued, “You come from a long line of powerful sorcerers. Only a few in your family were able to realize their true potential, or even use them to their fullest extent. You, my darling, were born with t
hree distinct powers. You have the powers of Illusionism, Alchemy and Evocation. The man you love was also born with three distinct powers. Your love has the powers of Divination, Enchantment and Necromancy. Together, you can create the strongest bloodline in sorceress history, but for your union to happen, you will need to defeat the evil that is already surrounding your love.”

  Charlotte’s heart began to pound fast as she tried to concentrate on all the Priestess said.

  The old woman smiled at Mimi then looked over at Charlotte. “I know that your grandmother explained your history and how long the two of your souls have waited to be reunited. You are here today so that I can help you to realize and access the powers within you.” The woman stood and moved over to Charlotte's chair. “I need you to close your eyes and concentrate.”

  Charlotte looked at Mimi and then again at the High Priestess. “I don't understand. What am I concentrating on?”

  “Concentrate on your love, my dear,” Mimi interjected.

  Charlotte closed her eyes and cleared her mind of all thoughts and allowed an image of James to appear. The old woman began to chant in a language unfamiliar to Charlotte. Within a few seconds, she no longer heard the Priestess’ voice as she started to feel herself floating in the air. Her body felt odd, almost like it did when she had the confrontation with Daniel. A tingling sensation sparked around her body. She began to understand what she possessed within her. Shit, she thought as the knowledge of who and what she was, flooded her mind. Her body jerked violently before she quickly opened her eyes and stood so swiftly, she startled herself.

  The Priestess gazed at her with a smile. “I’m afraid you won’t have time to hone in your powers or sharpen your skills before you must leave, but know that they are within you and when the time comes, you will know how to use them.” She placed the palm of her hand on Charlotte’s face.

  Her touch was the calming force she needed as she absorbed everything she’d learned today.

  “The forces you are dealing with have already mastered their skills. But don't fret my child, know that you are more powerful then she will ever be.”

  Charlotte directed her startled gaze to the High Priestess “She? What do you mean she? So you're telling me there's a woman who has control over James?” she asked as she turned to Mimi whose eyes displayed sadness. She then stared at the High Priestess.

  “Yes, and she is using her powers to manipulate him. If you are unable to break the connection she's holding over him, she will take him from you, and they will be married.”

  “Wait, what? I don't understand.” Charlotte exclaimed as her head began to pound again.

  “Sit my child. Before you leave today, you will be equipped with everything you need to deal with her.”

  Charlotte sat and listened intently as the High Priestess and Mimi told her exactly what she needed to do. She left the woman’s home, feeling a little frightened, but knew she needed confidence and determination, not fear, to travel to Ireland and get James back from the bitch who was trying to steal him. As Charlotte drove home, she thought about her powers. The Priestess had given her an old book that explained all of the different abilities and their significance. She wanted to concentrate specifically on her skills. She knew once she was able to see James and give him the book Mimi gave her, the book that he could only unlock, he would then fully understand his powers.

  Charlotte's eyes darted back and forth between the book and the road. She was anxious to get started but would wait until she got home to review the book and then begin to try and access her powers.

  Ten minutes later, Charlotte sat in her living room with a glass of wine as she looked over the book again. After reading through it three times, Charlotte still didn’t understand how it was possible that she had powers. She slumped back on the sofa and closed her eyes; she could hear the High Priestess' voice, you have the power within you; you have to believe. She set up and watched as the glass of wine started to fall. She used the power of Alchemy to change the liquid to air as the empty wine glass hit the plush area rug without breaking. She picked the glass up and sat it on the table. “I can do this,” she said softly as she stood.

  Charlotte went upstairs and began to pack for her trip to Ireland. She pulled out her cell phone and called Jewels.

  “Hey girl, what's going on? How are you doing?” Jewels asked. She knew it had been a rough week for Charlotte.

  “I’m managing. I need you to do me a favor. I have to go out of town for a few days, can you please keep an eye on Mimi for me, while I'm gone?”

  “Of course I will, where are you going?” Jewels asked.

  “To Ireland.”

  “Oh hell no, you're not going to chase after a man. A man, who once he got home, forgot all about you!” Jewels’ tone got louder as she spoke.

  Charlotte knew her best friend was upset, but she didn’t have time for this. “It’s not your decision and I don't expect you to understand.”

  “What's that supposed to mean?” Jewels asked angrily.

  “It means you've never taken a relationship seriously in your entire life, so I don't expect you to understand the type of love I have for James.” Charlotte immediately regretted her words. She took a deep breath before continuing, “Jewels I have to get ready to go, are you going to look after Mimi?”

  “Of course I will,” she replied irritably, “but when you get back, you and I will talk again,” she said before hanging up the phone.

  A few minutes later, Charlotte’s cell phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and rolled her eyes. “Great.” Jewels must have called him. “Hi Rob.”

  “I hear you're going to Ireland,” he said without responding to her greeting.

  “Yes I am and I don't want to fight about this.”

  “Oh, there's not going to be a fight. You just need to book two tickets to Ireland, because I'm coming with you.”

  “Rob… you can't come with me. I can't explain everything now, but it may get dangerous and I couldn’t bear it if you got hurt.”

  “It's too much to explain right now? Do you hear yourself? You know what? It’s not a problem, because you can explain it all to me on the plane. Call me back with our flight plans.” He disconnected the call.

  Charlotte could hear the anger in his voice. She knew there would be no getting around it and even if she left without him, she knew he would be on the next plane to Ireland. She called her travel agent back and ordered another roundtrip ticket. Within an hour, all the arrangements were set, and they were leaving for Ireland that evening. She called Rob and asked him to meet her at Mimi's house. She wanted to see her before going to Ireland.

  Jewels was already at Mimi’s home when she arrived. Charlotte pulled Jewels to the side so they could speak privately. “I'm sorry about what I said earlier. Jewels, you’re my best friend and I need you to understand—”

  Jewels put her hand up to stop Charlotte. “No, I'm sorry and you're right I don't understand the kind of love you have for James, but I hope someday I will.” She hugged her. “Please be careful." Jewels stood back,"now go get your man." she said jokingly before her tone turned serious. "Hurry home, I miss you already.”

  Before they left for the airport, Mimi had a private conversation with a Charlotte. “You must make sure that you put the book in James's hands directly, once that happens all will be revealed to him and he will know who his true love is.”

  Charlotte hugged Mimi again before she and Robert headed to the airport.

  Once they were settled in their first class seats, Charlotte began to speak to Robert just above a whisper, so that no one else could hear their conversation, “I need you to keep an open mind about what I'm going to tell you even if you can't believe what I'm saying. I need you to believe in me and know that I know what I'm doing.” She warned him before explaining all that she learned from the High Priestess.

  Robert listened for a long while. He said very little, though his widened eyes showed his shock.

  When t
hey landed in Ireland, it was eight o'clock in the morning. They checked into their hotel. Charlotte decided not to go to James’ condominium but to his family's castle instead. She was able to obtain the address from a website the listed all major landmarks in Dublin, Ireland. Charlotte somehow knew that was where she needed to be today. She looked up the address for the estate then she and Robert headed over in a taxi. Once they arrived, she looked up at the beautiful structure and it was just as it was in her dream. People were walking around and talking. As she got closer to the entrance, she noticed that it was festively decorated just as like in her dream of the wedding.

  “Fuck!” she said to herself as she moved rapidly towards the entrance.

  She was stopped by one of the guards. “I'm sorry Miss, this is a private event. I will need to see if your name is on the list.”

  “My name is Charlotte Trudeau,” Charlotte stated proudly.

  “You know your name isn’t going to be on the list,” Robert whispered in her ear.

  She sent a glare his way; the look told him to be quiet.

  “I’m sorry Miss, your name is not on the list,” the guard said as he looked up from the list.

  “Are you sure? I received an invitation; please take another look.” Charlotte used her power of illusion.

  The guard peered down at the guest list again. “My apologies,” he said as he looked up from the list again. “I must have overlooked your name the first time.” He moved to the side. “Please enjoy yourself.”

  Robert stared at him then looked over at Charlotte as they walked past the gate. “What was that about?” Robert asked with a raised brow.

  “Don't ask,” she quipped as they made their way into the large spacious castle. She noted it was decorated the same exact way as it was for the wedding in her dream. She wandered around as she rubbed her purse which contained the book she needed to get to James. “We need to find him immediately.”

  They both gazed around.

  Robert leaned in close. “This will go faster if we split up, but we need to meet back here in ten minutes, regardless if you see him or not. I need to know that you aren’t in danger. Ten minutes Charlie,” Robert repeated.


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