Douluo Dalu: Volume 39: Return to Clear Sky

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Douluo Dalu: Volume 39: Return to Clear Sky Page 2

by Tang Jia San Shao

  In their minds, even if these two youths had strength comparable to Spirit Hall’s Golden Generation back then, at their age, they could at most be past rank fifty. To be able to wander this Sunset Forest was already quite good, but how could they compete with their team led by an almost Title Douluo power?

  Hearing the other side’s interrogation, Tang San was suddenly in a joking mood. Pulling Xiao Wu close, he assumed a nervous expression,

  “Uncle, what do you want? I urge you to leave immediately. Just now we saw a Pit Spider Emperor with at least fifty thousand years of cultivation near here. If we hadn’t been lucky, we would already be its lunch. It’s too dangerous here, hurry up and leave.”

  Hearing the words Pit Spider Emperor, that black clothed old man’s eyes brightened. The best spirit rings for the ninth spirit ring required to advance to Title Douluo were produced by fifty thousand year or higher spirit beasts. Even though fifty thousand year spirit beasts and up were much more common than hundred thousand year spirit beasts, finding one in accordance with one’s own attributes was rare. And a spirit beast like the Pit Spider Emperor was useful to him.

  The white clothed Spirit Emperor shouting at Tang San and Xiao Wu snorted, then again pointed in front of him,

  “I told you to come over, didn’t you hear? Hurry up and get over here. Don’t force me. Otherwise I won’t be this polite.”

  Tang San scowled:

  “Who are you? I’m warning you kindly, why be so overbearing?”

  That white clothed Spirit Emperor was just about to get angry when he was stopped by the black clothed old man,

  “Alright, sixth, come back.”

  While speaking, he suddenly flashed, already appearing ten meters away from Tang San and Xiao Wu. With his hands behind his back, he smiled arrogantly,

  “Little brother, don’t mind. He was also speaking for your own good. There’s no lack of strong spirit beasts in the Sunset Forest, it’s a very dangerous place for you. Where did you see that Pit Spider Emperor? Which direction did it go in? Tell me. If we catch it, there will be benefits for you.”

  Tang San said amazed:

  “Grandpa, you’re strong enough to deal with the Pit Spider Emperor? Excellent. Then after you catch it, can’t you bring us out of this Sunset Forest? We were originally strolling in the outskirts, looking for a low level spirit beast that suits me, but we ran into a ten thousand year level Salamander Serpent, and got lost when we ran in a panic, ending up here who knows how. Now we can’t even find the directions. I see that you’re a formidable spirit master, we’ll trouble you for help.”

  Listening to Tang San, Xiao Wu squirmed even deeper into his embrace. Of course not because she was afraid, but rather because she was worried she would laugh if she looked at the others. It was the first time she had seen Tang San so mischievous. Of course, she also understood that this was because Tang San was a lot more relaxed after she was revived, and then ended up in this joking mood. Of course she wouldn’t ruin his fun, and happily watched the show from within his embrace.

  The black clothed old man said somewhat impatiently:

  “We can, as long as you help us find the Pit Spider Emperor, bringing you out of here is a trifle.”

  Tang San nodded:

  “It was just now, we saw the Pit Spider Emperor was here, so we hid nearby. Look, there’s still signs of the ground being disturbed over there.”

  The black clothed old man felt a chill. Fifty thousand year level spirit beasts were still threats to him. He turned and warned:

  “Everyone be careful, Pit Demon Spiders are experts at attacking from hiding. Gather up and release your spirits. Prepare for battle.”


  The seven spirit masters agreed in chorus, and released their spirits at the same time.

  Tang San sighed secretly. It had to be said that Spirit Empire trained spirit masters really were uniform. These spirit masters’ strength was quite original, each one with calm bearing. Even though their eyes were cold, and they were completely arrogant, in the end they had deep strength.

  Seeing the seven spirit masters produce one dazzling spirit ring after another, Tang San cried out,

  “Heavens! So many spirit rings, I haven’t seen this many in my whole life.”

  Indeed, four Spirit Emperors plus three Spirit Sages was more than forty spirit rings, released at the same time they were really quite astonishing.

  A trace of disdain flashed through the black clothed old man’s eyes, and he spoke indifferently:

  “Sicne you’re also spirit masters, release your spirit rings as well. Don’t blame me for not warning you. The attacks of the Pit Spider Emperor are like fifteen tons of thunder. When that time comes, I might not be able to protect you.”

  Tang San scratched his head:

  “Nevermind, we’d better not release ours. Our level is low, releasing them is no use.”

  Cold light flashed in the old man’s eyes, reproving:

  “No nonsense. Since I told you to release them, then release them.”

  Spirit Douluo level pressure arose involuntarily, “scaring” Tang San into retreating a few steps with Xiao Wu before catching his balance, his face pale.

  If the other Shrek Seven Devils saw this scene, they would definitely howl with laughter. Tang San’s acting was too lifelike, if people didn’t know him, they absolutely wouldn’t see through it. He relied on his formidable mental strength to perfectly conceal his and Xiao Wu’s auras.

  “Fine. Fine, I’ll release my spirit. Grandpa, can’t you hold my weapon for me? I have to circulate spirit power to release my spirit.”

  The black clothed old man scowled, thinking, are these two complete rookies? They even have to operate spirit power to release their spirits? Even Spirit Grandmasters with a bit of understanding wouldn’t need to do that. He couldn’t help feeling even more scornful.

  Only, when his gaze fell on the black Seagod Trident, he still couldn’t help staring blankly. Even though the Seagod Trident wasn’t infused with Seagod’s Light and was completely black, seemingly unremarkable, when looking at it close up he could still see those simple patterns inscribed on it, especially the bizarre shape of the three big blades and the heavy feeling it gave was very attractive to spirit masters.

  Even though the black clothed old man was a bit disdainful of spirit masters carrying weapons, because his gaze was drawn to the Seagod Trident, he still reached out to hold it. Tang San’s acting was quite something. Right now the old man didn’t have a trace of vigilance. Of course, besides his acting, Tang San and Xiao Wu’s ages were too confusing.

  Tang San singlehandedly held the Seagod Trident in front of the black clothed old man, the shaft inclined, until that black clothed old man grabbed it, then let go.

  As the black clothed old man grabbed the shaft, he suddenly had a peculiar feeling, and couldn’t help being astounded. Just as he was about to take a closer look at this weapon, Tang San let go.

  The Seagod Trident that Tang San seemed to casually wave about, when it left his hand, instantly revealed its weight. The black clothed man was completely unprepared, and instantly felt that giant polearm give him a pressure like Mt. Tai pressing down on his head.

  That basically wasn’t a power he could resist. The trident toppled, and he along with it. A hundred eight thousand jin fell fast. The black clothed old man turned pale with fright, but couldn’t even shout in alarm. Only, he was still worthy of being a power about to reach Title Douluo. At the moment of danger, even though he couldn’t release his spirit, he still reacted quite quickly, fiercely kicking the Seagod Trident, making it pause slightly. At the same time he pushed against it with all his strength, and even though he couldn’t possibly budge it, he used the opposing force to leap back and away.

  Until now, Tang San still wore a faint smile. When the black clothed old man kicked the Seagod Trident, Tang San also kicked out. Only, he kicked the butt end of the trident. Consequently, at the same time as the black cl
othed old man leapt back, the Seagod Trident also shot out, catching up to him in an instant.

  With a soft popping sound, blood sprayed out, the enormous blades completely running through the black clothed old man’s body, propelled by a hundred eight thousand jin weight. With a flash of black light, the four meter long polearm had shot through him and flew far away. Summoned by Tang San’s Controlling Crane Catching Dragon, it turned back around and again fell into Tang San’s hand.

  A divine tool was indeed a divine tool, even piercing straight through a man’s body it wasn’t stained with a drop of blood.

  The black clothed old man staggered back. Due to being run through too fast, he actually hadn’t collapsed. Only, in the middle of his chest was an enormous gaping hole.

  “You, you……”

  Even now, he still didn’t dare believe it was real. Lifting his hand to point at Tang San, his eyes were filled with incredulity.

  Tang San shook his head with a soft sigh,

  “A Spirit Douluo level spirit master, but actually still so stupid. I really didn’t expect killing a power of this level would be so easy, completely effortless. Didn’t even use spirit abilities.”

  Vomiting blood, the black clothed old man’s eyes almost popped out. Dead but without closing his eyes, he toppled over. A near Title Douluo level power died in Tang San’s hands like this, without even releasing his spirit. How unjust.

  Of course, this was also closely related with Tang San and Xiao Wu’s confusing natures. After all, who could imagine that these twenty something kids would have such strength. How could that Seagod Trident’s weight be scarier than that?

  Everything really happened too fast. Even to the extent that the seven spirit masters following the black clothed man still hadn’t reacted. Even though they had released their spirits, their attention was all on the surroundings, guarding against the ambush of that Pit Demon Spider. At the scream, seeing the black clothed old man being pierced by the Seagod Trident, the seven simultaneously stared blankly.

  Since he had already started, Tang San naturally wouldn’t give the enemies any chances. The black clothed old man wanted him to release his spirit before, and now, he directly released it. The four red spirit rings released with dazzling light at the same time were even more shocking. In the eyes of those Spirit Empire spirit masters, all this had long since exceeded the range of their understanding.

  A red ripple suddenly spread out from Tang San, the third spirit ring around Tang San flaring up. Infused with that red ripple, the space rippled like water, freezing in that undulating ripple.

  The seven spirit masters now reacted. In their eyes, Tang San was after all too young. Roaring furiously, each and every one lunged at Tang San, wanting to use their spirit abilities. Unfortunately, the space influenced by that red ripple wouldn’t give them the chance.

  And just at this moment, a faint presence appeared in Tang San’s mental search. The corner of Tang San’s mouth showed a cold smile, Pit Spider Emperor, you finally can’t help it.

  Spirit beasts were much more sensitive to danger than humans. Sensing the energy wave Tang San released, the Pit Spider Emperor couldn’t endure it, quickly wanting to escape.

  But, confronting the ranged attack of the ability released by what looked like Tang San’s third, but was in fact his eighth spirit ring, Blue Silver Orca Mirror’s Annihilation, how far could it run?

  When the spirit ability had just started, all it did was make people feel slow, but the next moment, all the surroundings froze. Confronting such a powerful hundred thousand year spirit ability, unless it was someone with spirit power one grade higher than Tang San, or physically capable of withstanding the attack, they could only be eradicated.

  Chapter 268: Iron Man’s Tender Feelings

  Everything turned quiet. Red radiated outward from Tang San, the air had completely transformed into faintly red crystal, sparkling with ten thousand rays of light from the sunshine sprinkling through the trees.

  Not far away, an enormous silhouette slowly showed itself, its cold eyes still filled with an intense fear, wasn’t that the Pit Spider Emperor?

  Tang San stabbed the trident into the ground, using his hand to cover XIao Wu’s eyes as a red gleam flashed through his eyes,


  A crisp cracking sound instantly brought music to mind, resonating in the dense Sunset Forest like a silver bottle breaking.

  When a mirror broke, the image in the mirror would naturally also shatter. Seven Spirit Hall experts, including three Spirit Sages, instantly turned into bloody mist that dispersed in the air. They really weren’t weak, but they faced Thousand Hands Douluo Tang San. When a Title Douluo level power used a hundred thousand year spirit ability, even equal Title Douluo might not come out unscathed, let alone when there was such a huge gap in spirit power.

  Erasing such a strong Spirit Empire spirit master squad was no difficulty to Tang San. After the exercise on Seagod Island, the current Tang San had truly transformed, becoming part of the peak powers on Douluo Continent.

  The Pit Spider Emperor didn’t turn into dust. Of course that didn’t mean it’s strength was enough to answer Tang San’s hundred thousand year eighth spirit ability, but rather because it still couldn’t be allowed to shatter. Otherwise, how could Tang San absorb its spirit ring? Even so, this more than fifty thousand year Pit Demon Spider’s body had turned into lumps of broken flesh on the ground, without any signs of life. Disappointing to Tang San was that even though this Pit Spider Emperor had died in extreme fear, it didn’t leave behind any spirit bone. This showed how difficult it was to produce a spirit bone.

  “Wait for me, Xiao Wu.”

  Tang San sat down crosslegged. His Boundless level mental strength of course didn’t need any effort, pulling gently with the spirit’s aura, a black halo flew out of the Pit Spider Emperor’s broken corpse, enveloping Tang San.

  The Seagod Trident brad on his forehead brightened. Tang San wouldn’t take any chances. Because this spirit ring would take the place of his fourth spirit ring position, even though Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi said withcertainty there wouldn’t be any problems, it was the first time Tang San experienced this, and so he naturally cautiously released the Seagod’s Light, in order to prevent accidents. At the same time, his Blue Silver Domain also started, spreading out along with his mental strength. The Boundless Nature effect started. Right now, whether spirit beast or human, if they came within a kilometer of Tang San, they would immediately enter something like a maze, unable to reach him no matter what.

  The whole spirit ring absorption was far faster than Tang San expected, and there were no mistakes in his handling either. With the help of the Seagod’s Light, his body was like a whale sucking in water, inhaling that Pit Spider Emperor spirit ring into his body, and the awe of the Seagod’s Light made that originally struggling spirit ring become incredibly docile. Tang San now didn’t have any problems with absorbing hundred thousand year spirit rings, and also had the backing of rank ninety one spirit power. The entire absorption process only took the time of half a stick of incense, before a deep black spirit ring had appeared around him, restoring the Blue Silver Emperor to five spirit rings.

  As Tang San completed the absorption process, he was inwardly a bit puzzled. Because he clearly felt that his physical attributes had risen a bit again. But, when he previously stripped his own spirit rings to help Xiao Wu resurrect before, he hadn’t felt his physical attributes weaken! Could it be that he could also have a second strengthening? Even though the lost five spirit rings effects only made up a very small portion, such a new strengthening was still too shocking.

  Only, with Tang San’s intelligence, he didn’t have to ponder on it too long to find the cause. By all reason, when he poured spirit rings into Xiao Wu had already harmed his vitality, and not only should the increased attributes from the spirit rings have disappeared, they should also be much reduced from the injuries. But, Tang San possessed the heaven blessed Blue Silv
er Emperor right leg bone, and even though he was seriously injured, the powerful restorative ability Wildfire Burns Unending, The Spring Wind Breathes New Life not only restored his body over time, it actually also returned him to his previous peak condition. The negative side effects of losing the spirit rings were thus counteracted.

  Bibi Dong’s Undying Body ability really was powerful, but it approached the subject from the angle of never dying, while Tang San’s Blue Silver Emperor right leg bone used mending. Even though it couldn’t keep Tang San from death, no matter how serious the injury, it could treat him as long as he still drew breath and the leg bone wasn’t gone. Perhaps it might be lower level than Bibi Dong’s Undying Body, but after Tang San could fully use this spirit bone ability after reaching the Title Douluo level, and apply the effect on others, the Blue Silver Emperor right leg bone’s effect could even surpass Bibi Dong’s Death Spider Emperor ninth spirit ability.

  “Ge, what is it? Is there a conflict?”

  Xiao Wu asked a bit impatiently. She might be even more concerned about Tang San’s spirit ring recovery than he was.

  Tang San had shown outstanding talent ever since he first stepped into the spirit master world, the pride of a generation, and Xiao Wu absolutely didn’t want her beloved to lose his spirit ring abilities in order to save her. Especially after seeing Tang Hao’s heroic appearance even after his prime, this kind of feeling had grown even more intense.

  Tang San smiled and pulled Xiao Wu’s soft body into his embrace,

  “Don’t worry, everything is ordinary. It seems I not only didn’t lose anything when resurrecting you, on the contrary there are rewards. Taking all spirit rings again will increase my strength further. Once all my spirit rings are restored, I’d have the strength to fight even if we ran into Bibi Dong again.”

  Xiao Wu said:

  “Then let’s hurry up and look for spirit rings that fit you.”


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