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Everlasting Page 11

by Kassidy Carter

  He whistles and shakes his head at me. “Hunter you are a moron, and so is James. You are the best thing there is for Payton. I have known you for a long time. If I had a daughter you are who I would want her to be with, or someone like you. You put people before yourself and look out for the ones you love.”

  I smile at him and go to say thank you but before I can say anything else the radio breaks into our conversation, sending us on another call for a bar fight.

  We pull into the parking lot of the bar and get out, ready to take down anyone who gets in our way. I look at Don, he nods his head as I walk in first. The bouncer points us into the direction of the altercation. As we get closer, I see it's Keegan and James.

  Keegan is on the floor with James straddling him, ready to land another punch. “You little bitch. You want to know how it feels to get the shit beat out of you.” James yells at Keegan.

  Before he can hit him again, I hurry over to them, pushing people out of the way to get there. I grab James by the arm, under his armpit and haul him up.

  He struggles with me for a few seconds but stops when I tell him to. I look down at Keegan, wanting to laugh but I hold it in. “You,” I say pointing to Keegan. “Stay right there, before I let him go.” I turn and look at James, not giving Keegan a chance to talk.

  “He was talking shit about Payton, about how it felt to dominate her and to see her blood,” James says very quickly, as he wipes the blood from his cut lip.

  “I understand James” I let out a frustrated sigh. Hating that I have to stop him from beating Keegan. “You can’t go about hitting him.”

  He says nothing to me, looking more pissed than before. Don walks over to Keegan and picks him up, rougher than he should have. Standing him up making sure he is settled on his feet before he steps away.

  “Arrest him for assault.” Keegan spits out. “Or I will have my dad and every lawyer after you and him.” He points at me.

  I look at Keegan and then back at James. “Who hit who first?”

  “I hit him after he opened his mouth about Payton,” James say, giving Keegan a smug look, getting ready to lunge at him again.

  I try to hide my amusement. Knowing I have to arrest James, I ask Don to take Keegan's statement while I talk to James.

  James gives me a pissed off look. “This is about last night right? You are showing you have the bigger dick and can do anything. Fuc…”

  I stop him before he can finish his statement. Getting more frustrated with him by the minute. “James, this is not about my dick size. I am going to go through the motions of arresting you, but you are not under arrest. Don is going to have Keegan leave first.” I reassure him. I am doing this more for Payton than him.

  “Have you been drinking?”

  “I had a few beers,” James says, running his hands through his hair and down his face.

  “That’s fine. Don and I will drop you off at your dad’s house. But you have to promise me you will stay there and you will not touch Keegan again.” I look over at Don and Keegan, making sure Keegan is kept in check. I look back at James, giving him a pointed look. “Leave him for us, the police, to handle.”

  He looks over at Keegan, the anger still rolling off of him. “I can’t fucking stand that guy. He threaten her again, said if he had the chance to hurt her again, he would take it.” He leans on a chair, crossing his arms, clearly frustrated with everything. I ask him to go over the events that led up to the fight.

  I reach into my breast pocket and take out my pad of paper and a pen. I listen to him go over what Keegan said to him, writing everything down. Thinking more about the rumors that are going around with Keegan and Kelly hanging out more. I can bet that they’re hanging out together is not because they want to be together. It’s because of one thing, and I bet that one thing is to get to Payton. Letting them hurt Payton is something that I will not let happen, ever. I need to let James know he can trust me with her. I need to let him know I will take care of her and protect her with my life.

  “James I am going to protect Payton with everything I have. Please believe me when I say I have her best interests in mind.” I look him in the eyes. Letting him know I won’t back down from him or from the situation.

  “I'm sorry about last night.” He sighs and leans on the table more. “I didn’t mean what I said to her. I fucked up and hurt her.” He leans his head forward putting his face into his hands.

  I place my hand on his shoulder and squeeze lightly. “Let’s get you home so you can go some sleep.” I watch him stand back up. He won’t look at me. James has always been proud and acted tough. I know the last few years have been hard on him. He hates showing emotion and he is letting his guard down with me, making him uncomfortable. “Sleep off what happened tonight. Call Payton tomorrow. She misses you.”

  “I will, thank you.”

  I nod at him and walk over to Don. “We can take him in.”

  Don walks away from Keegan and me, leaving us alone for a few seconds. I lean in close to him and get right into his face.

  “If I ever hear you threaten Payton again I will kill you. If you breathe her name or look at her, I will kill you.” I move in closer, feeling the anger running through me. “Your daddy doesn't scare me. I protect what is mine and Payton is mine, not yours, so stay away from her.” I want to punch his fucking lights out, but hold back from it. My fist is already balled and ready to go.

  I stand back up and walk away from him. Before I get too far away, he yells my name, causing me to turn around. “That’s what you think Hunter,” he says in a tone that makes me cringe. He is up to something and I will find out what it is.

  We walk out of the bar and put James in the police car and drive him home. He thanks us for keeping him out of jail and saving his ass from doing something that would get him in trouble with the Army. I get out of the car and open the back door for him. He thanks me again for helping him out tonight and walks toward the house and disappears inside.

  Don and I head back to the station to finish up paperwork and go home. My thoughts are back to Payton and how I can’t wait to see her again.

  Chapter 12


  I fell asleep on the couch last night, waking up to pounding on my door, annoyed that someone is waking me up this early. I try to sit up, flinching a little from the kink that has formed in my neck from sleeping on the couch all night. Who the hell is at my door this early in the morning? I drag my hands over my tired eyes, trying to rub the sleep out of them. Forcing myself to get off the couch and walk to the door, ready to yell at whoever is on the other side.

  The person pounds on the door again, clearly they don't have any patience. I fling the door open. Thinking it could be Keegan but that thought came a little too late and luck was on my side at the moment. James is standing there, with his hand raised to pound on the door again. I stand there not knowing what to say. That’s not normal for me. James and I use to talk all the time.

  Before I can form a thought, he comes at me and engulfs me in a huge bear hug. He buries his face into the crook of my neck, mumbling “sorry,” squeezing me tighter. I wrap my arms around him tight, not letting him go. This is the James I miss. The big brother that would protect me, not throw hurtful words at me.

  He pulls away from me after a minute or two. Not saying anything he walks in my apartment and sits down on the couch. I shut the door and follow him. He is clearly here to talk, which makes me feel better. I want things to be right between us. I walk to the couch and sit down next to him. Grabbing my pillow that is on the couch from last night and place it on my lap using it as a comfort tool. I don't say anything to him. I want him to talk to me. I need him to tell me how he is feeling.

  After a few seconds of silence, he sighs, leaning forward, running his hands through his hair. “I’m so sorry Payton.” He chokes out. It’s hard watching him try to keep his emotions in check. “I’m a huge ass. I came home and was so excited to see you. I wasn't thinking clearly after I saw yo
u with Hunter.”

  “He is not as bad as you think he is James. He is a very nice guy who has taken care of me on numerous occasions.” I look up at him wanting him to get that I am happy with Hunter.

  “I know Payton. I am your brother, I am supposed to be protecting you. I can’t do that right now like I want to. I am over in another country fighting for other people’s lives while my baby sister is home getting her ass beat by a psychopath.” I can see the rage flash in his eyes once he brings up the situation with Keegan.

  I take his hand to comfort him. “James, what you are doing is honorable. You are fighting for us and doing what you love. I have Matt and now I have Hunter here to help keep me safe.” I try to reassure him, squeezing his knee lightly. “What happened with Keegan was my own fault. I kept my relationship with him a secret after Matt and Hunter warned me about him. I didn’t tell anyone, even though I saw the signs of him becoming aggressive and controlling.” I look down toward the ground, not wanting to meet his eyes.

  He balls his hands into fists and then flex’s his fingers out, trying to control his anger. “Why did you even go back to him?”

  I watch him do it again. The thickness of his jaw flexing from clenched teeth. “I thought he changed. He was going to anger management classes, or he said he was. I also never thought he would get that violent. Not with who his dad is.” I bring my eyes up to meet his.

  “I don't want to hear that you went back with him. When I leave to go back to Iraq I will be checking in on you as much as I can, and if I hear you are with him again so help me Payton I will end him.”

  I let out a short and quiet laugh, a small smile playing on my face. “Good thing I learned my lesson this time.” I nudge him and he nudged me back pulling me into his side.

  “Am I forgiven?”

  I pull away and look at him closely now, and notice a small cut on his lip. I cock my head to the side and narrow my eyes on it, lifting an eyebrow when I look up at him. Not answering his question I ask him what happened, as I point to his lip.

  This time he smiles. “I had a run in with a fist. My fist made more of an impact on his face than he made on mine.”

  “Who did you get into a fight with James?”

  His lips turn up in a cocky grin widening his smile. “Keegan, at the bar last night. Hunter broke it up before I could inflict too much damage.”

  I could feel the blood drain from my face. I should have known he would have gone after Keegan or hurt him if he ran into him. I should be angry with him for doing it. I feel James squeeze my hand to get my attention. I look at him and smile. “I wish I was there to see it. For him to feel what it feels like when a fist connects with your face.” I breathe out lightly, never wanting to feel that feeling again.

  He smiles back at me, not saying anything. I am guessing he is glad I am not pissed that he attacked Keegan. We sit and talk for the next few hours. He tells me everything that he can about his tour in Iraq. About all the people he has met while traveling, and the friendships he has made there. I am truly proud of him. He is becoming a great man and I know our mom would be proud of him too. Thinking about her I get the lost feeling I always get deep down in my chest. I try to shake my thoughts from the longing I feel to have a mother figure. I reach over and hug him, trying to feel the comfort I needed at that moment. As if he understood he hugged me tight pulling me in close.

  “What are you thinking Payton?”

  “That I forgive you, and that mom would be proud of you.”

  “She is proud of all of us.” He hugs me tighter. “I miss her every day. When I am over there, I talk to her asking her to help me get home safe. I don't think dad could handle losing one of us.”

  I try to swallow the lump in my throat, letting the tears roll down my cheeks. “I could not handle losing you James.”

  “It’s a good thing I am damn good at my job.” He places a light kiss on my head. “Enough with this emotional shit. Why don't we go get something to eat? I will buy.”

  I hug him tight one more time and get off the couch tossing the pillow down on it. “Let me get dressed and ready to go. I am down for free food.” I smile at him and walk to my bedroom to get ready.

  We head out and go to the diner. Rob is working and greets us as soon as we walk in. I say hi to him, giving him a hug before James and I head back to a booth. Barb comes over and takes our order. Well, she pretends to. James always orders the same thing, burger, and fries, and I always get the chicken sandwich and a strawberry milkshake. James always drinks most of it. He has been doing it since we were kids. Whenever I would ask why he never ordered his own, he would tell me because he didn’t want to look like a pig. Thinking of the memory brings a smile to my face. One that I want to keep there until he leaves again. It feels good to have him home safe, knowing he is safe right now is a huge relief.

  We sit and talk while we wait for our food. A girl I vaguely remember from high school comes over to our table and says hi to me and then turns to James.

  She flashes him a bright smile and tells him her name is Kannon. I remember who she is now, she was a grade above me in high school. She was a very shy girl if I remember right. She was also nice and very well mannered. She is cute, pretty, the classic girl next door look, every guy loves but doesn't want to date because they think the girls are too nice. She is someone I can see James settle down with.

  I smile at them and watch her try and flirt with James. I don't think he is getting the hints, or he doesn't care. I hear the door chime and look up to see Hunter walking in with Don. Giving me an excuse to leave these two alone so Kannon can try and hook my brother, I excuse myself and walk over to where Hunter and Don are sitting.

  “Hey, you guys mind if I crash your lunch?” I nod my head over to James and Kannon.

  Don gets a huge grin on his face. “I don't mind Payton. It’s good to see you again.” He eyes my face, looking for the battered face he saw a few weeks ago.

  “It’s good to see you again too Don. At least I can see you this time and I am not a bloody mess.” I smile at him trying to crack a joke. I feel Hunter stiffen as I sit down and look over at him. His body language tells me he did not like my attempt at a joke.

  I look down at the table, mentally slapping myself for saying that. Hunter grabs my hand, I can feel the tension in him by the squeeze of his fingers. It’s not hard enough to hurt but enough to know he is upset. I keep our hands together and move them to his leg lightly placing them on his upper thigh. I lean into him to feel his warmth, and as I do I can feel the tension melt from him.



  When Don called to see if I wanted to have lunch with him before our shift, I was all for it. I didn’t want to bother Payton, I knew James would have gone over there to talk to her after last night and I wanted them to talk. When we walked into the diner, I caught Payton's eye right away. I wanted to go right over to her but decided that it would be better to leave her and James alone. I was glad to see them here together and not fighting. Barb comes over and takes our order and leaves us be. I always wondered if Barb and Don ever had a thing for each other. They flirt endlessly. Payton always says that it’s cute that they flirt at their age.

  I smile to myself thinking about her and as soon as I do, Don kicks me under the table and ticks his head forward. “Payton is on her way over.”

  My heart rate picks up in an intense way. Just the excitement of her coming over here has my nerves on alert and my heart pumping like it’s in a race. I love that she makes me feel this way. I feel alive like nothing can hurt me.

  She has been sitting here for about five minutes now. The joke she tried to make pissed me off. I know she was trying to lighten the mood, but Keegan is something I cannot joke about. I really need to get control of my anger, but Keegan pisses me off. I feel her lean into me and her touch alone makes the anger melt away. I wonder if we ever get married if I would always feel this way for her. The love and joy I feel when she walks into the room

  Damn, I don't know where that thought came from. It is a thought that has no right to be in my head, but a thought I can’t help think when I am around her.

  “Hunter.” I don't really hear her say my name. I just feel her shake my arm. I snap out of it and look over at her and then to Don. “Hey, sorry what were you saying?”

  She looks at me then down at the table. “Your food is here.”

  I look down at the table and see my burger sitting in front of me.

  “Are you OK?”

  She puts her hand on my arm, her touch feather light. I can see the worried look in her eyes. I don't look at her. I hear Don clear his throat to get my attention so I look at him.


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