A Monster for Two Bears

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A Monster for Two Bears Page 2

by Kelex

  “Declan murdered my father.”

  Lane frowned, looking stunned. It appeared to take him a moment to respond. “I thought they said your brother fought for Gregor. Traylon was the one who killed Gregor.”

  “Had my father not changed bear law—Traylon wouldn’t have challenged my father in the first place. Had Declan and Ryder been able to keep away from Gage…” Kai sighed and took a few steps away. The water washed over him, but soothed nothing. “Had they followed the law, father wouldn’t have felt the need to change it. I know he did it for Declan… a way to bring his favorite home.”

  “You can’t seriously think Declan is the root cause,” Lane murmured. “And Royce was the favorite. He was the heir.” Lane frowned. “How does that work now? If Declan killed Gregor’s challenger…”

  “It means Declan is the new alpha,” Kai spat. “Declan and my father are alike in so many ways—which is why they fight, in my opinion.” Past tense, man. They fought. They’ll fight no more. Kai cringed at that thought, not ready to think of his father in those terms. “Royce is willing to step in line and do whatever my father tells him to. Declan always wants his own way.” Kai shook his head. “My father seemed to respect Declan’s stubborn streak. While Declan could care less. Once again, Declan got his way. I’m sure he convinced our father to change the law and to let him return.”

  “If he’s so special, your father wouldn’t have exiled him in the first place.”

  “Father wasn’t the same after that,” Kai murmured. “He’s had a lost look since Declan left. I think my father was so desperate to have that bastard home, he changed the law just to do it. And it got him killed.”

  Lane swam a little closer. He rested a palm on Kai’s chest. “That law he changed…” Lane lifted his stare and met Kai’s. “It wasn’t just for Declan and Ryder.” Lane cupped Kai’s cheek and turned his face. Kai saw the liquid emotion shining in Lane’s eyes. “It opens a door for everyone. Including us.”

  Kai’s heart clenched a little. For months he and Lane had been crossing the line, sharing one another, even though it broke bear law. “It was just curiosity. Nothing more. You know we shouldn’t have.”

  Had it really been just curiosity? Even now he ached to draw Lane close and unburden himself in his brother bear’s arms. Lane was his rock, always had been. Did he really think they’d be able to stop touching one another once their third arrived?

  If their third ever arrived.

  “Curiosity?” Lane asked, the frown marring his handsome face hurting Kai. Lane looked away, his jaw tight. He took a step away, and that gap might as well have been a punch to Kai’s gut. “You truly think it was only that?”

  Kai was silent. It had been more. He shook his head. “No… it was more.” He reached out and dragged Lane closer before holding his brother bear within his arms.

  “We’re not the only ones to have crossed this line, and you know it. It might not be talked about, but it’s a well-known secret that many brother bears have turned to one another,” Lane murmured, his head resting on Kai’s shoulder. “I’ve seen the way my own bear fathers look at one another, with love in their eyes. A love not so brotherly. A love much like the one they share with papa.”

  Kai still didn’t speak for a moment. He’d seen things for himself… brother bears who had appeared too close, too loving, in moments their defenses had lowered. “Brother bears seeking to ease their lusts is much different than choosing an omega as a mate. Two bears mate with a human. It has been our way since the beginning.”

  “You think they chose an omega?” Lane asked, pulling from Kai’s arms to glare at him. “From what we’ve seen and heard of mating, there’s no choice in the matter. Bears know their mate… were Declan and Ryder truly supposed to ignore who the gods picked for them?”

  “Why would the gods choose a bear as their third?” Kai growled, shaking his head. “I’m in no mood to debate this with you. Not tonight.”

  Lane moved a little closer, his hand beginning a slow path down Kai’s chest. “I know you’re hurting. I know you’re angry. I don’t want to argue. I want to be here for you… to listen… to hear you… and to shoulder some of this pain for you.”

  Kai pulled Lane against him again and growled a little. He didn’t want to wade through his anger and pain.

  He wanted to forget.

  Kai pressed his lips to Lane’s, starving for the bear’s kiss. His fingers dug into Lane’s hips, the heat and musk of his brother bear’s body filling his senses. He could hear the quickening of both their hearts, the sound pulsing in his ears.

  It all overwhelmed him.

  Kai was raw.


  When he pulled away, he gasped, the tears for his father finally coming. Not letting him go, Lane dragged him close as he cried for the loss of the man, the bear… the legend who had been Gregor.

  Lane slid a strong hand to the back of his head, cradling it as he crumbled. He sat them down in the warm water, and let Kai release all the pain, all the anger. And when he was all cried out, they moved to lie on the grassy shoal of the warm spring and stared up at the night sky, searching for that shooting star once more.

  Chapter Two

  The danger to come…

  Declan gazed out at the early morning, lifting a cup of coffee to his lips. The sky was barely pink, in stark contrast to the dark mountain vistas rising up to meet it. Closer, smoke still rose from the pyre where his father’s body had laid. Later, he would go collect the ashes and clear away the debris left behind.

  And then he’d have to figure out how in the hell he would lead the den.

  It wasn’t supposed to be me. Dear gods, father… it was supposed to be Royce. I’m not prepared for this.

  He heard faint sounds behind him. Casting a glance over one shoulder, he saw Royce slipping in through the back door. After walking deeper in, his brother poured a cup of his own before joining Declan at the big picture window.

  Silence hung between them… with so many words that needed to be said.

  His brother drew in a deep inhale. “Seems you didn’t waste any time last night,” Royce murmured quietly.

  Was it so obvious he and Ryder had claimed their mate? “He changed the law,” Declan said, pausing before adding for me. Gregor’s decree had been for every bear in the valley, not just him. Hadn’t it? “I think it would’ve been disrespectful if I hadn’t followed through claiming the gift he’d given us.”

  After the funeral, he and his brother bear had claimed their omega, Gage. Now they were three, and stronger for it. He would need that strength in the days and weeks to come.

  “We both know Traylon’s kin won’t let this go… our family, our friends, and all those who sided with Gregor in this fight… they’re all in danger,” Royce said. “It could come tomorrow. A week. A month. But it is coming.”

  Declan urged Royce to the front door with him. They escaped the quiet of the house and sat on the big rockers that graced the porch. “You’re right. We’ll likely have a fight on our hands. We need to figure out where the battle lines are drawn and fast.” He turned to Royce and almost hated to ask the next words. “Can I count on your help?”

  Royce’s face was a numb mask. There was no emotion etched into the fine lines, but he sensed the maelstrom within. “You’re my brother… of course I’ll help you.”

  Declan stared at Royce, unsure what to say. He was asking for a lot, he knew it. “You… you were supposed to be alpha. I’ve robbed you of that. I’m sorry.”

  Royce shook his head and lifted a hand. “Stop. I wasn’t there. I should’ve been. I thank the gods you were, or else…”

  His brother’s words trailed off. What was worse than losing their father? To have lost him with no one standing up to avenge Gregor… or having to face a world where Traylon ruled over them… it made his stomach turn. Declan eyed his brother. He sensed there was more to it—disappointment and maybe something else? Jealousy? Disgust? Royce and he would have to confr
ont it eventually, but perhaps now wasn’t the time. “Your human just had a child. Who could blame you for not being there?”

  Royce was silent a moment. The glimmer fading from his eyes. “We need to protect our family. I’m thinking about sending Carson and the baby outside the valley for a while. Just until things blow over.”

  Declan frowned. “You think we’re in that much danger?”

  “You haven’t been here in a few years, brother. Things have changed. I halfway expected a challenge for Gregor’s seat to come at any time… had he told me about his decision to change this law, I would’ve had some idea. I could’ve been prepared and been there to protect him.” Royce sighed before taking another drink of his coffee. “Our father was a secretive man. He didn’t share much with me… until it was sometimes too late.”

  Declan had been exiled the last few years… for a crime he didn’t commit against the omega that had become his mate.

  A mate he couldn’t claim because of outdated laws.

  Without being able to claim Gage, he’d been unable to prove he would’ve never harmed the male that was his and Ryder’s. Now he was back and he’d been tossed into the deep end. It didn’t help that he hadn’t involved himself in den politics before he’d been exiled.

  “Wait… he didn’t share with you? I thought he was grooming you to take over?”

  “He was. Or so he thought he was. He refused to share some things with me, even if I came out and asked. Gregor said I would be privy to those things once your ass was in my chair.” Royce eyed Declan, chuckling. But the half-smile faded fast. “I don’t know how much help I’ll end up being.”

  “I need to go through his office… see if I can figure out what he was working on,” Declan said. “It’s going to be bumpy over the coming weeks.”

  “I can help, if you want it.”

  Declan nodded. “I’d appreciate any help right now.”

  He looked out at the sun rising over the mountain, the pinks and oranges of the morning reminding him what was at stake. This land had been bear shifter territory since before the continent had been “found” by humans. The valley was safe. From outsiders.

  But those within had the power to destroy it all.

  Was it as bad as Royce suggested?

  “Where are you sending Carson and the babe?” Declan asked. Royce and Jared’s human had just given birth. The babe was but a few days old. They were in danger.

  “Uncle Benny’s place,” Royce said.

  Declan gasped. Benecio had been exiled many, many years before… when Declan had been a very young cub. He barely remembered the man. Gregor rarely left the valley, and Benny wasn’t allowed in it, so they’d only seen the man once in Declan’s lifetime. “Where is he? How is he?”

  “A suburb of Chicago. I’ve kept touch here and there over the years.” Royce paused. “He seems to have made a decent life for himself and his family out in the human world.”

  Royce, being the oldest, remembered their uncle more than Declan did. Like Royce, Benecio had been the heir apparent—only to end up kicked out of Bear Mountain by his own father, Declan’s grandfather.

  Gregor had then become alpha by default.

  History repeating itself in some ways?

  “Does he know about dad?” Declan asked.

  “I called him late last night. He knows. And he’s the one who offered a safe spot for our human and babe.”

  Declan grew quiet. He sensed Royce had told Benny everything… including the things his brother wouldn’t say to him.

  “How did he take the news?”

  Royce met his stare. “It was hard, I’m sure, but he seemed to take it well. They’d grown apart over the years.”

  Declan eyed his brother. Just as we have.

  Royce continued. “I think that distance buffered Benny, to a point. Made it hurt less, perhaps.”

  “Royce… I hope we—”

  Royce rose from his chair. “I need to get going. I just came down to check the fire and see to the ashes.”

  “I can do that,” Declan said.

  “No,” Royce said, heading down the few stairs to the yard. “You’ve done enough. I’ll take care of it.”

  Declan trailed his brother, refusing to make Royce do all the work. After getting a glare, he joined in and they both dismantled what was left of the pyre in silence. They spread the ashes slightly to cool them more and ensure the fire was out. Once the remains were in a small wooden box, sealed away, they both turned to one another.

  “I should be getting back,” Royce mumbled.

  “What about Kai and Landon?” Declan asked.

  “You stepped into our father’s shoes… that means you have to tend to them, too.”

  Declan eyed Royce. “If the danger coming is as bad as you think, maybe we should see if Benny has room for them, as well.”

  “Sending them away?”

  Declan shook his head. “No. Well, not like the way you mean. I already have a brother bear and a mate to watch over and protect. I can only be spread so thin.”

  Royce cocked a brow. “You’ve got thousands to watch over and protect.”

  He met his brother’s hard stare. “I never wanted this. I just reacted. I wanted to save him.”

  “Regardless if you wanted it or not, it’s now yours.” Royce looked away. “I can make a call about the boys. Benny will likely agree. But I don’t know how well Kai and LJ will like that news—particularly Kai.”

  Kai had been barely sixteen when Declan had been exiled. Now he was nearly a man at nineteen. But Landon—or LJ as they’d apparently started calling him during his time away—was just seventeen—he could use that to his advantage. “We can tell Kai he’s protecting his baby brother and your family. Give him a task.”

  Royce chuckled. “That might work… but might not. The gods know with him.” He scrubbed his face. “What of their brother bears? Lane and Chase won’t like being separated from our brothers.”

  “They can go, too, if Benny’s willing and able.”

  “Your omega?” Royce asked, lifting a brow.

  Declan shook his head. “Sending him away right now might send the wrong message.” He hated the thought of Gage in danger, but who better to protect the omega than he and Ryder? “He’s a bear… he can protect himself a lot more than a human, a babe, or a child.”

  “Like he fended off that attack all those years ago?” Royce asked.

  Declan growled. “We both know who attacked him. Last night, they paid with their lives.” Traylon, and his brother bear Oberon, had been the ones who had attacked Gage… and also the ones who’d challenged and murdered Gregor. They’d both died for their sins… and Declan was sad that happened. “If anyone even tries to touch my omega, they’ll die, too.”

  Royce clutched the box with Gregor’s ashes a little closer. “I’ll make the call to Benny. See how much room he has. You might want to talk to Lane and Chase’s parents. Explain everything.”

  Declan nodded. “Just two more things to add to my ever-growing to-do list.”

  “Get used to it,” Royce said with a chuckle. “I can meet you here tomorrow morning, to help break the news to the boys. Then we can head over to Gregor’s office and start digging through the chaos. See if we can find a starting point.”

  “I appreciate it,” Declan said.

  Royce eyed him, an odd look on his face. He opened his mouth to say something, but snapped it shut and began descending the porch steps.

  Declan almost asked what his brother was about to say but decided maybe it was best he didn’t. Royce was being helpful in a moment he didn’t have to be. He’d half expected a combative asshole when Royce had slipped into the house.

  He might’ve been an asshole if the roles were reversed. Declan waved to his brother as the man drove past in his pick-up and then he turned back to the mountain looming large over the valley.

  Thousands of people.

  Declan was responsible for them all.

  Dear gods, w
hat have I done?

  He drained his cup before returning to find his brother bear and omega still sleeping in the mass of twisted sheets and blankets he’d left them among in the wee hours. Declan slipped back into the bed and drew Gage into his arms, breathing in the male’s scent.

  I can do this.

  I have to do this…

  * * * *

  The following morning…

  Kai twisted to his side and curled up against Lane’s body.

  Lane, still half asleep himself, nuzzled closer. “It’s cold.” He lifted long enough to grab another blanket from the bottom of the bed before collapsing and pulling it over them.

  Kai collected his brother bear into his arms and pressed his forehead against the side of Lane’s. “Can we just stay in here forever? I can’t face another day like yesterday.”

  The day before had been a whirlwind. People had been in and out of the house, paying their respects. Declan and Royce had avoided most of it, leaving him and his brother to deal with the chaos. LJ had looked numb and out of it most of the day. So it had been left to him to handle all their guests.

  “We can put a sign on the door, asking for a little peace and quiet,” Lane suggested.

  “As if they’d pay attention,” Kai said. “Everyone in this den is nosy as hell.”

  “Can you blame them? Our alpha is… gone… and we didn’t get the replacement everyone was expecting. I’m sure everyone is curious about what Declan does next.” Lane paused. “And when I stopped by home yesterday, my dads were worried and almost wanted me not to come back here. They said we might be in danger.”

  Kai lifted his head. “In danger? From who?”

  “Traylon’s people. They’re not happy with the way things went down. Father seems to think your family has a target on their backs.”

  Kai rested his head back on the pillow, a frown deepening. Had Declan gotten them even deeper than he’d realized?

  Lane spread a palm over Kai’s bare chest. “Should we be worried?”


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