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Wilder Page 9

by G. K. DeRosa

  He paused with a sigh and ran his hands over his face.

  “But inevitably every four or five years we were forced to move on, and leave whatever life we had created to conjure up a whole new one, in a new town, with new people. That was what brought us to Oak Bluffs for the first time in the early 1950’s. And it was here that our parents were killed.”

  This time it was Celeste who leaned across the coffee table and gave Roman a comforting touch. “Why would you come back here then?”

  Roman chuckled. “I keep asking myself the same question.”

  They spent the rest of the morning playing a series of twenty questions. She found herself fascinated by all of his intriguing adventures filled with magic, world travel and encounters with werewolves and monsters. She began to fear him less. She found it incredibly odd how comfortable she now felt around him, thinking I am sitting with a vampire on my couch in the living room and I am not freaked out.

  “Celeste,” Roman interjected seriously, “I don’t want to mislead you about my life as a vampire. There have been some very dark times as well. I’ve been able to move past it, but I am constantly battling my basic instinct. Nico and I, we manage pretty well, but the others, they’re not like us. Now that you know about our existence, you must be careful.”

  “I will be. I promise, no more picking up cute guys at Ralph’s,” she said with a smirk.

  “Oh, so you thought Patrick was cute?”

  “No, not really. I prefer my guys a little older.”

  Roman squirmed in his seat, clearing his throat. “It’s after one o’clock—you must be hungry. Would you like to go out for lunch?”

  “Do you even need to eat?”

  “No, I don’t. After all of these years of trying to live a human life, I’ve become quite accustomed to adhering to social norms. And I like food.”

  “Then sure, I am pretty hungry. Now that I think about it, I didn’t even get to eat at my senior prom last night with all the distractions.”

  “I’m sorry about that.” His lips twisted into a scowl. “I am truly sorry that I ruined your prom.”

  She shrugged and gave him a smile. “It’s okay, I really wasn’t that excited about it in the first place. And I guess since you did save my life, we can call it even.”

  Roman led Celeste out to his car, opening the passenger door for her. As she buckled herself into the sporty bucket seat she noticed blood on the headrest. A wave of fear came over her, but she steadied herself. “Is this blood?”

  “Yes, it is. It’s your blood actually,” he said very matter-of-factly.

  Celeste instinctively reached for the back of her head searching for the spot where she hit it when she fell on the road. “What happened when I fell? Why don’t I have a cut or even a bump? My dress has blood all over it.”

  “It’s another one of our vampire perks I guess you could say. Our blood can heal humans. When you passed out, we worried you might have a concussion, so I fed you some of my blood and it healed you.”

  “I drank your blood?” A nauseated expression crossed her face.

  “You loved it.”

  She elbowed him teasingly, and he pretended to wince in pain. “So I know this is probably a stupid question, but am I going to turn into a vampire now?”

  Roman laughed. “No, it’s not that easy.”

  “Then how?”

  “Well for starters you have to be bitten and drained of your blood, and then when you are almost at the point of death you have to drink a substantial amount of vampire blood. Then you would die, and when you awoke you would no longer be human.”

  Celeste was so engrossed in the conversation that she hadn’t realized they had just pulled up to Ralph’s Diner. As they walked in, Natalie waved happily from a booth in the corner. She signaled for them to come over, and as they approached a sandy-brown head turned around.

  “Hi, you two!” said Natalie cheerily.

  Brian gave them a once over. “Why don’t you guys come sit with us?”

  “I don’t believe we’ve officially met,” said Roman politely. “I’m Roman, Nico’s brother. You must be Brian.”

  “Yeah, hey.”

  Celeste slid into the booth next to Brian and Roman sat across from her next to Natalie. Celeste wondered if they were intruding on a date and tried to communicate with Natalie via facial expressions, but Natalie just looked utterly confused.

  “So what are you two doing here together?” Natalie arched a curious brow.

  Celeste’s expression blanked as she searched for an explanation.

  “Celeste forgot her feathered boa at our apartment last night, and Nico was hung-over so I offered to bring it to her.”

  “And I was hungry so I convinced him to take me to lunch.” Celeste schooled her expression to normal.

  “So what were you doing at our prom last night, Roman?” Brian speared him with a dark stare.

  Celeste looked at Roman anxiously, but he easily replied, “I was asked to be a chaperone actually. I am a member of the St. Alice High School Board, and when I found out my little brother was going to the dance, I decided to go to keep an eye on him.”

  “And dance with his date?” Brian leaned across the table, a hint of jealousy lacing his tone.

  Celeste nudged Brian with her elbow and shot him a sharp look. She didn’t think that Brian had seen them dancing. At the time he and Natalie were being crowned Prom King and Queen. “I asked him to dance with me,” interjected Celeste. “He was standing by himself, looking bored, so I dragged him out on the dance floor.”

  Natalie broke in and started chattering about how much fun the night had been and how honored she was to be chosen Prom Queen. Celeste was relieved by the change of subject.

  After lunch, the four of them walked out together. Natalie grabbed Celeste by the arm so they were a couple steps behind the boys, and whispered conspiratorially, “So which brother are you dating?”

  “I’m not dating anyone!” Celeste hissed, knowing that Roman’s sensitive vampire hearing could undoubtedly hear every word they said.

  Brian turned back toward the whispering girls. “Hey Cel, why don’t I take you home so Roman doesn’t have to go out of his way to drop you off?”

  Celeste glanced over at Roman who returned a guarded look, revealing nothing. “Yeah sure, just give me a second. I need to get something from Roman’s car.” She walked over to Roman who was leaning casually against the Porsche. It astonished her how he could make any ordinary pose so attractive.

  “Thanks for coming over to talk to me today. I appreciate your honesty, and I feel much better about all the vampire stuff,” she whispered.

  “Of course, anything you need.” He firmly gripped her by the shoulders.

  Celeste stood there transfixed for a moment gazing into his deep blue eyes.

  Roman dropped his hands stepping back as Brian pulled up, his Mustang roaring. “Be safe,” he mouthed as they drove off.

  As Roman drove home watching the sun set over the trees, he smiled for no particular reason. It was the first time in a very long time.

  Chapter 11

  Celeste leaned against her bay window with an American history book open in her lap, distractedly chewing at the end of a pen. Finals started tomorrow and she had been so preoccupied lately that she was behind in her schoolwork. As she gazed out the window, enjoying the balmy morning breeze, she couldn’t help but think about Roman and Nico. They had actually been alive during the Great Depression, World War I and II, the Kennedy assassination—all of the eras and events that she was studying now. Then her father’s cautionary words from the dream crept into her conscious thought. You must protect the world from evil creatures. She hadn’t told Roman or Nico about the dream, and guilt ate at her insides.

  How can I tell them? They’d think I’d gone insane. And how am I supposed to protect anyone? I’m just a normal girl.

  “Morning, Celeste!” Her mom peeked into her room. “How’s the studying going?”

>   “Not so great.”

  “I brought you an energy-packed breakfast to help.” She walked in and set the tray next to her bed.

  “Thanks, Mom. Have you even been to bed yet?” Her mom was still wearing her favorite pink scrubs.

  “No, I just got home about an hour ago, but I wanted to see how you were doing before I went to sleep.” She cupped her daughter’s cheek. “Any more nightmares?”

  “Luckily, nothing.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, sweetie. Let me know if you have anymore, okay?”

  “Sure, Mom.”

  Celeste almost stopped her mother before she walked out of the room. She wanted to ask her why she had bolted yesterday when she had mentioned the nightmare. Instead, she buried her nose in her book and forced herself to study. Something told her she wasn’t going to get an honest response anyway.

  After a couple more hours of studying, Celeste needed a break. She checked her cell phone and Brian had texted.

  Come over. I need a study break.

  Convincing herself that she had already been pretty productive, Celeste shut her book with a hint of satisfaction and headed over to Brian’s.

  Maxi came running to the door when she knocked, jumping into Celeste’s outstretched arms. “I missed you, Cel! You never come over and play with me anymore.”

  “I know, I’m sorry Maxi, but I’ve been so busy with the last few weeks of school. I promise we’ll have a play date soon.” She lowered her back down on the floor and patted her head affectionately.

  “Okay, Maxi that’s enough. Celeste and Brian have to study if they want to graduate.” Mrs. Kennedy appeared and dragged her out of the living room.

  “I miss her,” said Celeste.

  “That’s just because you don’t have to live with her.” Brian jogged down the stairs.

  “Don’t be mean to your little sister!” she scolded.

  He rolled his eyes as he led her to the couch in the family room. “Anyway, how’s the studying going?”

  “Not bad. I’m glad we started studying early because the past week has been a total loss. How about you?”

  “I’m having a hard time concentrating, but I’ll pull it together.” He looked away, pulling out his cell phone from his jeans’ pocket.

  “Why? What’s going on?” She could tell he was avoiding her gaze as he played around with his phone.

  “Just stuff,” he answered vaguely.

  “I know how you feel. I’ve felt like my life has been a whirlwind the past few weeks. You know, it’s my eighteenth birthday on Friday, and I haven’t even given it much of a thought.”

  “Of course I know. I would never forget your birthday. This will be our fifteenth time celebrating it together,” he said, finally glancing up at her.

  “You’ve been keeping track?”

  “It’s not that hard to figure out.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “My family moved in next door when we were both three years old, and we’ve spent every birthday together since then.”

  “How about that year that you were at basketball sleep-away camp?”

  “You mean the year that I ran away from sleep-away camp?”

  Celeste let out a laugh. “That’s right! Your parents and all the camp counselors were freaking out because they thought they had lost you and you turned up at my house.”

  “I guess I just couldn’t stand the thought of missing your birthday.” Brian smiled at the memory. “And since it’s a pretty important birthday, I have a feeling that someone might be planning a little something special for you.”

  “Seriously? Natalie better not be throwing me some huge party.”

  “You didn’t hear anything from me, I’m not a snitch,” he said. “But you may want to talk to her about the guest list unless you want all of Oak Bluffs invited.”

  Celeste laughed.

  “So are you and Roman dating or something?” Brian asked abruptly.

  “Whoa, where did that come from?” She turned to face him.

  “Well, I know you’ve been hanging out with him, and at first I thought you liked his brother, but now I’m not sure anymore,” he said rapidly, as if he had been holding his breath the entire time.

  “No, I’m not dating anyone. I like them, though. They are so different, ‘ya know? Not the average guys you’d meet around Oak Bluffs. They’re fun.”

  “Good, I’m glad you’re not dating either of them.” Brian’s jaw ticked. “I think there is something weird about both of those guys.”

  Celeste rolled her eyes. “I sensed that when you gave Roman the third degree at the diner yesterday. What was up with that?”

  “I don’t know. I just don’t like the way he looks at you. Honestly, I don’t like it when any other guy looks at you.” He leaned in and stunned Celeste with a soft kiss.

  Celeste was so surprised that she didn’t even move at first, but as her brain slowly realized what was happening she put her hand on Brian’s chest to stop him. She pulled away awkwardly.

  Brian peered down at her, his cheeks reddening. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, it’s okay,” she said uncomfortably. “You just really surprised me.”

  “I’ve been wanting to do that since the sixth grade, Cel.” He ran his hand over the back of his neck.

  “You have?”

  Brian nodded. “I just figured if I didn’t do it now, I may never have the chance again. I didn’t want to risk losing you to one of those guys.”

  How could I have been so clueless?

  “Please say something,” he whispered.

  “I don’t know what to say, Brian.” She fidgeted with her necklace. “You know I care about you so much; you are my very best friend. I’m just not sure I feel the same way that you do.”

  “Let’s just pretend this never happened then.” He stood up abruptly, trying to hide his embarrassment.

  “Are you sure?” she asked, standing to look him in the eyes.

  “Yeah, it’s no big deal.”

  An onslaught of emotions swirled through Celeste’s chest. She struggled to find a comforting word, anything to take away the misery that was written all over her best friend’s face. When nothing came to mind, she pulled him into a hug instead. She gave him a hasty kiss on the cheek and ran out the door.

  As Celeste sprinted across the lawn to her house, tears streamed down her face. A pang of guilt shot through her gut. That was the last thing she wanted to do. On some level, she wished that she felt the same way as he did. Things would be so much simpler. Instead, she felt this incredibly intense connection to a vampire? What was wrong with her? She plopped down on her bed, miserable, as she contemplated what an awful person she was.

  So much for my perfect first kiss…

  Celeste had imagined her first kiss at least a thousand times. She knew very well that most of the girls her age had already been kissed if not done much more than that. But Celeste had always been different. She had seen countless movies where the pretty girl finally gets the hot guy of her dreams – a tear-jerking goodbye scene at an airport, a passionate moment of realization under dire circumstances or a classic kiss in the pouring rain with a montage of romantic music playing in the background. And hers had been nothing like that. She supposed it was rather appropriate that her first kiss was with Brian, since he was “the guy” who had been there for her through it all, but it wasn’t the epic moment that she had been envisioning for so many years.

  Celeste dozed off at some point and found herself in a vivid dream. She stood in front of the old Oak Bluffs Library, and a horde of vampires marched toward her. In her hand, she clutched a sword with an elaborate engraving on the hilt, and she felt an array of other weapons concealed in various parts of her clothing. She looked up as they grew closer, noticing that she was absurdly unafraid. With a powerful lunge, she threw herself into the advancing mob with her sword raised. Someone appeared at her side, and she spun around to see her father. He wore full fighting gear, sweat glistening on his forehead. His hazel ey
es blazed as he slashed his way through the vampires. She followed him, and they fought side by side for what seemed like hours. Her sword became an extension of her arm, so that with every slice she took down an enemy with brutal force. There was blood everywhere, causing a wave of nausea, but she took a deep breath and drew on a new found strength to continue on. When all the vampires had been killed, Celeste’s father turned to face her, placing his hand on her shoulder. “Well done, Celeste. You are going to be a powerful hunter, and you will make an excellent Guardian.”

  Celeste awoke with Rocky licking her face with his warm, rough tongue. She glanced drowsily out the window at the already setting sun; she had been dreaming for hours. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a slight movement in the oak tree. The majestic black falcon was watching her. It perched on a thick branch closest to her window, its powerful talons clenched around the limb. Its piercing blue eyes locked with hers. “Roman?” she said aloud, taking a step toward the window. The bird unfolded its black-feathered wings and took off into the night.

  Fabian sat in front of the fireplace, his long silver hair radiant in the firelight. Impatiently, he twisted the gold ring around his finger. “It has been three days, and I have heard nothing from that incompetent vampire, Patrick. How difficult could it be to find one girl and bring her to me?”

  “I hate to say I told you so, but you should have sent me,” said Alek as he smoothed his slick platinum hair back. “A newly turned vampire is hardly reliable even on his best day.”

  “You know very well why I couldn’t send you. As youthful as you appear, you would not have been able to blend in with a group of high school teenagers, which is why I needed Patrick. I thought that he would be capable of a simple task, but apparently I was mistaken.”

  “Shall I go to Oak Bluffs to see if I can find him, or will you send another one of your minions?” Alek sneered contemptuously.


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