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Page 41

by G. K. DeRosa

  Celeste’s eyes sprung open and quickly scanning her surroundings, she recognized the Council’s circular room. Before her sat Dante, Seraphina, Balthazar, and Dalla. Celeste’s gaze was immediately drawn to the empty seat next to Dante, the one that belonged to Sierra.

  “How is Sierra?” she asked, the words popping out of her mouth before she could hold them back.

  “She has not yet awakened,” said Dante, a hint of emotion crossing his stoic face. “But I am told that this is normal as her body is trying to heal.” Celeste nodded, her heart filled with relief. A small part of her had thought perhaps Sierra had died, and that was why she had been summoned. “Stellan has brought us up to date regarding your encounter with the werewolves. I don’t need to stress the importance of you finding out whom they were working with,” he said.

  “Of course. We have a good lead that we are tracking down now,” she responded quickly. Celeste couldn’t help but feel like a fraud. The Council was counting on her to avenge all of those who had died in Astor, and they had no idea that their star Guardian wasn’t really special at all. It had been the ring. Stellan had made her promise not to tell anyone about it, despite her objections. As she stood in front of them now, the Council looking to her for revenge, she felt awful.

  “Good,” said Dante, “keep us abreast of the situation as it develops.”

  Celeste nodded and turned to leave, but then she halted. “Can I see Sierra?”

  Dalla escorted Celeste through the sunny streets of Astor, which had been miraculously restored to all of its glory. She couldn’t believe that this was the same war torn city of just over a week ago. Dalla smiled at her look of astonishment.

  “How did they fix everything so quickly?” Celeste asked.

  Dalla’s violet eyes looked down, a hint of embarrassment crossing her delicate features. “I did it,” she responded.

  Celeste was astonished. The amount of destruction that had wracked the streets of Astor had been extensive. She couldn’t help but picture dainty Dalla wiggling her nose and poof everything going back to normal. Celeste hid the smile forming on her lips. This isn’t a laughing matter, she told herself. Nico had shared Roman’s theory on the Albsurori coven with her, and though she didn’t want to believe it, she had to be cautious around this obviously powerful witch.

  “So how long have you and Stellan known each other?” Celeste asked. She couldn’t help it-- curiosity had gotten the best of her.

  A smile crept across Dalla’s face, which did not go unnoticed by Celeste’s keen eye. “A very long time,” she responded vaguely. Celeste opened her mouth to pry further, but they had arrived at the entrance of the hospital.

  Dalla bid Celeste farewell, and a young nurse escorted her to Sierra’s room. Seated outside her door, with dark eyes alert and back straight was Marco. His face lit up with a smile as his eyes scanned her body from head to toe. Celeste fought the burning sensation traveling up her cheeks at his penetrating gaze. She had forgotten how intimidating his stare was.

  “Ciao!” he said, jumping to his feet and kissing her on both cheeks.

  Now that he had stopped gawking, a feeling of happiness rushed through her at seeing her old partner. Though they had spent less than twenty-four hours together, Celeste felt strangely close to the cocky Italian after the intense experience they had shared.

  “How is she?”

  “No change, really. I’ve been here with her, rotating on twelve-hour shifts since Thursday.”

  Celeste peered into the hospital room. The sound of heart rate monitors and ventilators pierced the unnatural silence. Sierra’s still body lay on the white bed, her silver hair splayed over the pillow. Her skin was deathly pale and she looked older than she had just a few days ago, the lines around her eyes more pronounced. Celeste sighed at the grim sight, feeling a pang of guilt assault her. I should have never left her.

  Marco reached out and squeezed her hand reassuringly. “We did what we had to do,” he said in a whisper. From the look in his eye, it was clear that Celeste wasn’t the only one feeling responsible. Wanting to save everyone must be a guardian thing, mused Celeste.

  Marco walked with her back to the center of town when his shift ended. She had filled him in on the first hand details of the encounter with the Black Devils, and his eyes gleamed with delight as she told the story. It was fun for Celeste to talk to someone who really understood the daily struggles of guardian life.

  “Celeste Wilder tracks down the werewolves and saves the day,” said Marco, a hint of sarcasm lacing his tone. A little voice in the back of her mind screamed “fraud!” as she laughed lightheartedly at his comment. If he only knew about the ring…They had finally reached the fountain and the tall apartment building where all the visiting guardians were housed.

  “It was nice seeing you,” said Celeste with a warm smile. “Are you sticking around for a bit?”

  “No, I’m leaving tomorrow. I have to get back to Rome. My brother has been covering my territory, but I’ve been gone long enough.”

  “I guess this is goodbye then,” said Celeste, surprised at hearing the tinge of sadness in her own voice.

  “It’s not goodbye, it’s arrivederci – until we meet again,” he said, his slight Italian accent sneaking out. He leaned forward and Celeste turned her cheek toward him expecting the norm, but he surprised her with a quick pop on the lips. Startled, her eyes shot open and she took a step back. “Scusi,” he said with a wry smile. “I couldn’t help myself.”

  Celeste shook her head and couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her lips as she watched Marco speed away down the street.

  Chapter 10

  Staring at her reflection in the mirror, Celeste applied the scarlet red lipstick that Natalie had insisted she buy. Turning it over, she couldn’t help but smirk at the name – Vampire Kiss. There won’t be any of that tonight. She took a step back for one last complete look, and she had to admit she was pretty pleased with the image staring back at her. Her golden blonde locks cascaded over her bare shoulders, giving her an older, sexier air. The strapless crimson dress hugged her body in all the right places, revealing curves she didn’t even know she had. She pulled fastidiously at the short hem, then she paused as a sudden realization hit her. The young woman staring back at her was a completely different person than the insecure seventeen-year-old girl in the black flapper dress she remembered from the prom. It had been less than eight months ago, and yet already it seemed like a lifetime.

  The doorbell’s loud chime reverberated up the stairs, and Rocky barked menacingly as he rushed down to the door. Celeste glanced at her watch – they were early! She quickly slipped on her red stilettos and grabbed her matching clutch.

  Celeste opened the door and her face lit up when she saw Brian looking as handsome as ever in a modern black suit. His generally tousled sandy hair was neatly gelled back, and his light green eyes sparkled.

  Brian’s jaw dropped when he took in Celeste’s sexy new look. “Wow Cel! You look hot!”

  Celeste giggled. “Thanks, you look pretty hot too.” She leaned in and adjusted his emerald green tie. “There, now it’s perfect.”

  Brian produced a small brown bag from behind his back and handed it to Celeste with a shy grin.

  “What’s this?” she asked.

  “Just open it.”

  Celeste untied the ribbon holding the bag closed and found a beautiful red rose corsage inside. As she opened the container, the most delicious fragrance filled the air. “You got me a corsage?” asked Celeste, her words catching in her throat.

  “Yeah, well, Nat told me what was going on with you and Roman and I figured you could use a little cheering up. Besides, I never got to take you to prom when we were in high school so I think I owed you one.”

  Celeste wrapped her arms around his wide shoulders and kissed him on the cheek. “You’re the best friend I could ever ask for,” she whispered in his ear.

  Brian blushed and rewarded her with a bright smile. “The ot
hers should be here any minute. I heard Nico rented some fancy car for the night so he’s picking up Nat and Marie, then swinging by for us.”

  “Oh right Marie. How are things going with you two?” she asked as they stood in the entranceway. For a moment she had forgotten all about her. A tiny part of her wished that Brian was her date, and she wasn’t just the fifth wheel to two happy couples.

  “It’s good, really good,” he said cracking a grin. “She seems so normal, it’s hard for me to get used to the fact that she’s a fairy.”

  “I totally get that. Have you met any of her fairy friends or family?” Celeste wondered if Marie had told him about her guardian father.

  “Nah. She really doesn’t talk about that stuff at all. I don’t know if it’s because of me since I’m just a human or what.”

  “Brian Kennedy, you are so not just a human.” He was one of the best humans out there in Celeste’s opinion. For a split second, she wondered how things would have turned out if she had chosen Brian instead of Roman.

  He chuckled. “You know what I mean.”

  “I just hope she knows how special you are,” she said, reaching out for his hand and squeezing it.

  “I think she does,” he said.

  “Good. Because if not, I’ll beat her up,” she said with a laugh. “But I will admit it was pretty cool having her around in Astor, although I’m still not fully over the fact that you told her about what was going on.” She put on her best ‘I’m still mad at you’ face.

  “Sorry about that,” he said. “I just knew I couldn’t help you so when she said she could, I couldn’t pass up the offer.”

  “I know. It’s just that Stellan and the guys still think that the Queen of the Fey could somehow be involved in all of this, so we have to be careful about what we say around Marie.”

  “I don’t want to lie to my girlfriend,” he said abruptly.

  “I’m not asking you to lie. I just don’t want you telling her everything I tell you.”

  “Right, like you used to do with me?”

  “I did it to protect you. I didn’t want you wrapped up in this crazy supernatural world,” she said, exasperated. How is it that somehow we always get into a fight about this?

  Just then they heard the roar of an engine pulling up into the driveway. “What the heck is that?” asked Brian, rushing to the window. Pushing the curtain aside, his eyes widened comically. “Oh man, you have got to see this, Cel!”

  Celeste threw open the front door and peered out into the darkness. She was practically blinded by the glaring halogen lights of a massive midnight-black Hummer. The engine rumbled as Nico put it in park and jumped out of the car with a huge grin on his face.

  “So what do you think?” he asked. Natalie rolled down the tinted window in the front seat and rolled her eyes.

  Celeste walked toward the beast of a car to take in the shiny silver rims and the deafening sound system. Then she noticed the small Jacuzzi in the back. “Well, I like the hot tub!”

  “See, I told you it would be great,” Nico said over his shoulder to Natalie. He turned back toward Celeste and having gotten a good look at her for the first time, his mouth dropped. “You look incredible!” He took her hand and spun her around in a circle.

  “Thanks,” she said. “I think I may have some trouble getting into that monster truck, though.”

  “No worries,” he said with a smirk, and he lifted her off of her feet before she could argue. He placed her into the backseat next to Marie and Brian and shut the door behind her. Then he turned back and motioned for her to roll down the window. “I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to escort you to yet another dance, Ms. Wilder,” he whispered.

  Celeste threw him a grateful smile and taking a final deep breath of the cool night air, rolled the window back up. She had just managed to put her seatbelt on when Nico slammed his foot on the gas and sped out of the driveway.

  Unlike their senior prom, which had been held in the school gym, the Oak Bluffs Community College’s winter formal was at the brand new Marriott. The entrance of the hotel was decorated in sparkling Christmas lights and evergreen garland with a fresh pine scent filling the air. A beautiful ten-foot Christmas tree towered over the lobby covered in silver and gold ornaments with colorful presents underneath. As they walked toward the ballroom, it hit Celeste that Christmas was only three days away. For some reason, she just wasn’t in the holiday spirit this year. She shook off the dreary thought as Nico opened the door to the ballroom, and her senses were rushed with a truly spectacular winter wonderland. Sparkly silver snowflakes hung from the ceiling, and shimmering white lights encircled the dance floor. There was even a snow machine in the corner where couples were lining up for a prom-style picture with a snow-capped mountain backdrop. It was enough to lift anyone’s bleak spirits.

  Natalie’s eyes widened, and her pretty pink lips formed into a capital O as she inhaled sharply and took in her surroundings. Finally, she said, “Well, it’s no 1920’s casino, but I guess it’ll do.”

  Nico shook his head at her remark and grabbing Natalie and Celeste’s hands, pulled them toward the dance floor. “I think I’m going to get a drink first,” said Celeste taking a step back. “You two go ahead, I’ll meet you out there.” Natalie looked dubiously at her. Celeste gave her a reassuring nod, and she disappeared with Nico into the crowd.

  Celeste was left with Brian and Marie who were holding hands and ogling each other nauseatingly. Brian noticed Celeste’s downhearted expression and dropped Marie’s hand. “I’ll go get us all drinks,” he said. “I’ll meet you at the table,” and he faded into the mass of people in line at the bar.

  Celeste and Marie took a seat at their assigned table, which had been cleverly named “The North Pole.”

  “Cute,” said Marie, picking up the table card. It had been too dark in the car for Celeste to notice, but she finally got a good look at Marie’s dress. It was the same emerald green of Brian’s tie, and it really brought out the color in her eyes. Marie looked beautiful, her long auburn hair sleek and straight standing in bright contrast to the flowing green dress.

  “Hey, I don’t know if I ever thanked you for coming with me to Astor. You took a big risk, and I appreciate it,” said Celeste, trying to yell over the loud music.

  “No problem. It was kind of fun to have some action for a change,” she said, her eyes twinkling mischievously. “I’ve been trying to keep a low profile and blend in with the humans – you know, have a normal college experience, but it’s been hard.”

  Celeste knew exactly how she felt. “So how come you decided to go to college and have the whole human experience?”

  She shrugged her shoulders noncommittally. “I don’t know, really. I guess it’s because I lived among the Fey for most of my life, and I wanted to see what else was out there.”

  “Did you always know your dad was a guardian?” she asked cautiously. Celeste had wanted to ask more about Marie’s dad ever since she found out about him in Astor, but she hadn’t had the chance or the courage.

  “No. I found out just a few years ago. My mom raised me by herself, after the fairies took her in when she got pregnant with me. I guess she and my dad had one magical night and then she never saw him again,” she paused, sorting through her thoughts. “Once I started asking about him, she had to come clean. Then, I went to find him.”

  “Wow, that’s really brave,” said Celeste.

  “I guess maybe that had something to do with me wanting to explore the rest of the world out there. Once I realized I wasn’t just a fairy, I needed to know more.”

  Brian returned juggling the three drinks in his hand, interrupting their conversation. Celeste reached out to help him with a glass, and he sat down between the girls. “Man, sorry it took so long, but the bar is a mess. It’s a good thing I brought this,” he said as he patted the interior pocket of his suit jacket.

  Marie and Celeste smiled as Brian pulled out a rather large flask from the hidden compartment. He
looked around suspiciously and quickly poured the clear liquid into their glasses.

  “Cheers!” they said in unison as they clinked their glasses together.

  As the hours went by, Celeste was surprised to discover she was actually having a good time. The five of them had spent most of the night dancing and as Celeste moved to the thrumming beat, she felt like she didn’t have a care in the world. Okay maybe the vodka helped too. Every now and again, she felt a slight something in the pit of her stomach, but she blew it off assuming it was the alcohol. As she continued dancing, Nico spun her around, and she lost her balance bumping into a group of guys. There it is again. She turned around and apologized to the perfectly normal looking guy she stepped on and quickly scanned the crowd, but there was nothing – no supernatural creatures, just college kids.

  Celeste wondered if all the alcohol in her system could be dulling her powers. Deciding to cut herself off from any more booze, she walked back over to Nico and took his arm. “Do you sense anything funny?” she whispered in his ear.

  “No, not a thing. Just relax and have fun Celeste! Even you deserve a night off.” His eyes were glazed over and he was dancing like a maniac, which Celeste took as a sure sign that he too had a lot to drink.

  Leaving the others on the dance floor, she decided to make a quick circle around the ballroom. As she walked, she noticed how unsteady her feet were under her. She took a couple deep breaths and tried to focus on her power. Nothing. Circling back to her table, she sat down with nothing but empty seats all around her. She took a sip of water and hoped that the dizziness would soon fade. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a slight movement behind the snow machine. She whipped her head around and was consumed by a bout of nausea. Steadying herself, she stood up slowly and began walking toward the quiet corner.

  As she got closer to the snow machine, she felt a slight stir in her stomach. She held her breath, and as silently as she could she peeked her head around the snowy backdrop where the pictures had been taken.


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