Damaged Goods (Cruel Crimes Book 1)

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Damaged Goods (Cruel Crimes Book 1) Page 16

by Jarica James

  “I think you meant for my clothes to be off first, Keir,” she teased. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly as she breathed through her own need, her body telling how affected she was even if her voice was trying to hide it.

  “Nope,” I replied, nodding at Kyrell. He’d told us all about his fantasy of teasing her beautiful body with knives, running them lightly over her skin. I was more than eager to see it play out. He held out a hand for my switchblade since he wanted to replace his after the whole hand fiasco. I complied without hesitation, watching her eyes go wide and relishing the whimper that escaped as he neared, flicking the blade open. Starting with her shirt, he sliced away the thin fabric, tossing the scraps aside. She was speechless, continuing to whimper as he caressed her breasts through the lace, her hard nipples visible through the thin fabric. He pinched her nipples until she cried out, then moved on to her pants. It took a bit more work, but as soon as he pulled the denim away, she sighed. Her glistening pussy was on full display, and I loved that she’d left off her underwear, just for us.

  “Mm, look at you,” Ky praised, leaning down and licking a stripe over her pussy, tasting her with quick flicks of his tongue. When he pulled away, her growls of protest only added to his excitement, and he impatiently palmed his growing erection. He moved on to the final piece, her lacy pink bra.

  She hissed as he just barely nicked her skin, and my cock throbbed at the thought of what he could do with just a tiny bit more pressure. Killian was already naked, one hand on his cock and the other holding his favorite toy, a leather flogger. His hands toyed with the tasseled end as he watched Ky tease her with his blade.

  Now that she was fully naked, he paused, the blade between her breasts, each breath making it dig it into her skin. Her moans were nearly my undoing, and I tried to think of anything that would keep me from getting too lost in her beautiful blood-splattered body. That tiny piglet wearing the rain boots. Walking on the beach at sunset. Fuck, what other cute things can I think of? After all the years I’d waited to share her with my brothers again, I refused to let it end so soon.

  “This is going to be so much fun,” Ky growled, tracing it down her chest and over her abdomen, a red trail following his movement as he marked her skin, the flesh scratched just enough that blood dotted her.

  “Ky,” she whined, her voice low and needy as she fought her body’s urge to squirm under the loving caress of my blade in Ky’s hand.

  “Hush, Kitten. Let us worship you,” he told her, making room as Killian stepped forward, wanting his turn to tease Sana. She was so goddamn responsive that it made this all so much better. Her body pulled at the restraints as he slowly trailed the cool, leather over her skin, following the path our brother had set before him. When he flicked his wrist up then down, lightly cracking the leather down on her skin, she let out a cry, and I could see her thighs absolutely glistening.

  “So fucking gorgeous,” I whispered, Kill stepping back as I trailed a hand from her ankle, up her leg, moving out of his way. “You were amazing in there; you could command a room with that power. I was mesmerized, Princess.” She whimpered again as I passed her pussy, not giving in to her silent pleas.

  Killian continued working her up, landing stinging blows to her nipples and her thighs, red welts popping up with each hit. I stepped back and peeled off my own clothes, watching Killian bring her to the edge of her sanity over and over again.

  Reaching for her knees, I easily spread her further, appreciating my brothers’ thoughtfulness when tying her up. She gasped as the cool air hit her wet pussy, Killian teasing the leather strands over her breasts as I crawled on the bed. He gave one smack, her glorious screams the perfect background music as I dove in, flicking my tongue over her clit before biting down. I repeated the process, switching her between pain and pleasure, her soft cries and moans growing louder and louder. When her legs started to shake, I backed off, yanking her away from the edge again. Before she could protest, Killian moved next to her, positioning his cock at her mouth.

  “Let me fuck your mouth, Baby Girl. I want to feel you gagging and screaming on this cock,” he growled, her mouth falling open without protest. In the time we'd spent getting reacquainted, we were breaking down that bratty streak of hers. Quite successfully, if I say so myself. “Hey, no biting!” Killian’s protesting cries were mixed with a moan and I bit back a laugh. Okay, maybe not that successfully, but our girl’s spirit is one of the most beautiful things about her. I had a feeling those two were going to have fun switching roles in the future, and I was already thinking I wouldn’t mind seeing her do some dominating of her own.

  Now that she was distracted, I dove back in, fucking her relentlessly with my tongue, her body writhing under me. I was so hard it was painful, but her release would be that much more intense if I teased her just a bit more. When she tensed, I stopped once more. Her cries were almost pitiful, but Kyrell chuckled darkly as he moved forward and pinched her nipples again, prepping them before he got the nipple clamps out of my nightstand. After I lined my cock at her entrance, I paused, waiting for him to to attach the clamps. She screamed, the sound garbled around Kill’s cock, and I took the opportunity to bury myself in her perfect, wet heat. Her tightly wound body couldn’t hold back anymore, her orgasm rolling through her with so much force that she was just lost in pleasure, her body ours to do whatever we wished with it. Her pussy pulsed around me as I fucked her, not letting her have even a moment to recover.

  She felt even better this way, tied down and at our mercy, pussy absolutely dripping for me. The last time I had her like this she’d left the next day, but I pushed that thought away. This was my first time being able to really own her, and I was going to enjoy every second of it.

  I pounded into her, the bed rocking from the force of it, her eyes unfocused as she hit that beautiful peace that came with submission, her body on overload and her mind quieting. It was a place she’d likely craved over the last eleven years, and I just knew she hadn’t found someone who could gift her that like my brothers and I could. We all worked so perfectly together that I knew we were ruined for anyone else. She was ours, just as much as we were hers. Fuck if that wasn’t scary as hell.

  Killian pulled out of her mouth, rubbing his hand over himself until he came, covering her mouth and chin with his cum. The sight was almost mesmerizing, and I was eager to add mine to it, my own orgasm building and running through me in shock waves. When it coiled low in my belly and I knew it was coming, I pulled out and did the same, coating her bloody skin with my cum. Sated for now, I moved away, giving Kyrell his turn. He immediately took my place, fucking her slowly this time, smirking as her body quivered beneath him. He tugged on her nipple clamps with one hand, the chain connecting them just long enough that he could grab it from his position. Killian snaked his hand between them, teasing her clit as Ky pulled lightly, mixing pleasure and pain until she came again, this time her body practically melting into the bed afterward, exhausted from the attention, but Ky wasn’t quite done.

  He leaned over her, taking a moment to release the clamps and using his mouth to soothe her nipples as feeling rushed back into them. When he was finished, he wrapped his arms around her, lifting her slightly and holding her as closely as he could with her still tied down. With his head buried in her neck, likely biting down, he started fucking her again, faster this time. The way his body covered hers was a position he seemed to prefer. The closeness of their bodies and roughness with which he fucked her was a restrained form of the torture he loved. He was in a power position, controlling both of their bodies, the way they’d mesh together, the sensations she would feel, and he could easily keep it pleasurable or turn that quick corner into pain.

  When he came, he stayed deep inside of her, her cries joining his before they both collapsed. Killian and I worked on instinct, untying her and gently rubbing her red wrists and ankles while Ky climbed off. He walked over to the bathroom and returned with a few washcloths and towels, tossing one to each of
us. We cleaned her slowly and gently, removing the evidence of her torture session downstairs and our own version upstairs. Grabbing the covers, I pulled it over the two of us, the others kissing her before going to their own rooms, leaving me and my princess alone.

  “Keir?” Her voice was soft and tired, and I pulled her closer, snuggling her into my chest.


  “I love you.” With that, she drifted off to sleep, my queen who had shown just how perfect she was for us all.

  “I love you, too,” I said, the first time I’d uttered those words to a woman who wasn’t my blood. I always had, and I already knew that I always would, but she wasn’t ready to hear the depth of my feelings yet, no matter how badly I wanted to proclaim them. Soon, I promised myself. Give her just a little more time.

  It had been days of working with the Adrostos’ protection detail haunting my shop, and I was damn close to losing my mind. The only one who didn’t bother me was Carlo. He sat in his car right out front for his shift instead of sitting inside, scaring my poor customers. Maybe that has something to do with him cleaning up the aftermath of my torture session.

  “I need coffee to deal with this,” Dani complained after our last customer practically sprinted outside. The intimidating man in a suit, arms crossed and sunglasses on, watching over the store from the corner was apparently too much for him. Same, dude.

  “Hot chocolate for me,” I said, holding out a twenty for her. She snatched it and ran out, saluting our detail as she went. Not even ten minutes later, she was walking in, disheveled and distinctly coffee-less. Alarmed, I dropped the games in my hand and rushed over. “What’s wrong?”

  “Another attack,” she growled, and the statue in the corner finally moved, going to the window, gun out and ready. A family was about to come in until they saw him, the mother squeaking and rushing her kids off in the opposite direction.

  “I won’t stay open for long at this rate,” I grumbled. “Do we have a dead body to send for cleanup?”

  “Nope, this time it was just stalking. Two men were following behind me, acting totally suspicious, and when I switched course, they ran after me,” she explained, fixing her hair in the window and straightening out her clothes, hands shaking from the adrenaline. While she did that, our Adrostos-approved shadow had his phone to his ear.

  “Boss, another one. Okay, I’ll tell them,” our nameless guard said before hanging up. Freaking snitch. “Boss wants you to close up and go to their place.”

  “Good for him,” I snarked, crossing my arms. “I’m not shutting down… again.” I’d been closed for far too many days lately, and I wasn’t going to just hide away. I’d made it this far, and I could take care of my fucking self. How did they think I’d survived all these years without them? Besides, these Lachs are pussies compared to Grandfather Eros. A Priamos can handle anything they try.

  “You’re going,” he insisted, puffing out his chest in a mistaken attempt to look intimidating as he stepped forward, but I pulled my own gun out. There was no way I was going to let him force me anywhere, fuck that.

  “I’m your queen. I can veto any of the Boss’ decisions that I want to. So, you can get the fuck out of my shop on your own two legs and of your own volition, or you can leave in a body bag. Your choice,” I warned him, aiming at his head and glaring. With an unintelligible grumble, he pulled out his phone, turning and walking out to the sidewalk. He paced back and forth, hands flying as he explained, most likely to Keir. I had to give it to him; he looked pretty pissed off at me, but there wasn’t an ounce of fear in his eyes or his body language as he shared the news that was sure to send all of my Adrostos into a fit of anger.

  “Damn, Sana, put those men in their place,” Dani cheered, hopping up on the counter. “Want to take a bet for how long it takes them to walk in your door?”

  “Nope, that’d be a foolish bet to take, and we both know Eros never suffered fools in the Family. I give them five minutes,” I shot back, already wrapping things up and handing Dani my keys. “Lock up behind me if they get stupid?”

  “Done,” she promised, completely losing it when the door slammed open and Keir stomped inside, eyes livid and nostrils flaring.

  “Hello, love,” I joked, but he silently threw me over his shoulder before turning and walking right back out. “Put me the fuck down!” This time I wasn’t shocked; I was furious. I might submit to them in bed, but I was a fucking person, and I deserved for them to show me the same respect they demanded of everyone else.

  “Dani, you coming?” he called out, completely ignoring me.

  “Not a chance, big guy. I’ll be heading home and then looking for a new place,” she said, the jingle of keys following close behind us.

  “You know, we have an apartment building a block away from ours. Look it up- Adrostos Property Management,” he offered casually while I screeched and fought to get down. When that didn’t work, I wiggled around enough to catch his arm, biting down hard. His grip tightened around me, but otherwise, there was no sign that I’d done anything at all. Pain loving son of a bitch.

  “Are you two fucking serious right now?” I growled, but Dani just laughed. If she gets this on fucking camera, I swear...

  “When you’re done acting like a child and being careless with your life, we can talk,” he said simply. “And when I do put you down, you’ll follow orders.”

  “Doubtful,” I hissed, but when he let me go, I was hauled into the car by someone else. “Guys, this is ridiculous! I’m not some damsel in distress.”

  “It’s a completely appropriate response to a credible threat, and if you were thinking about this as a queen, you’d know we’re making the right decision.. I have no intention of gambling with your life. None of us can afford a bet that high,” Killian bit out. Kyrell pulled away from the curb once Keir was back in the car, not saying a word. Killian kept his hold on me the entire way, only making my anger fester until I was ready for a fight, something in my mind switching from frustration to survival instinct.

  A brief flash of being blindfolded and tied up, thrown in a car, and driven to an abandoned hospital overwhelmed me. Once I was dropped off and left behind, I had to untie myself. Of course, it couldn’t just end there… I was also stalked through the halls. I’d spent days evading assassins, gathering weapons, and waiting to make my move. Then they’d caught me as I slept, throwing me over one of their shoulders and carrying me out. The only reason I’d gotten away was the knife I always carried. I blinked away the memories and tried to remind myself that it was just Keir, that I was fine, but it wasn’t helping.

  When we climbed out of the car, Kill gripped my arm and dragged me with him, making me lose my hold on the nerves that had been building. I bit down on his forearm hard enough that I tasted blood, even through his clothes, and his hold loosened just enough that I sprinted away. At this point, I was acting on primal instinct, the need to escape ingrained so deep within me that I couldn’t even fight it.

  “Otsana!” My name echoed down the street, but I was already dodging into an alley, my mind blanking as I let go. All rational thought had deserted me. Flashes of fighting off hordes of men ran through my mind as the triplets ran after me. I knew I was being ridiculous, that these guys weren’t enemies, but something had switched in my brain, and I couldn’t turn it off. With so many changes and so many recent attacks, I’d been locked in a state of hyper-vigilance. Waiting for Eros to step up his game, to end this charade and come for me himself. It was a persistent thought I couldn’t shake.

  With my scattered thoughts, I didn’t stand much of a chance, and the guys caught up to me all too quickly. A heavy body slammed into me as I reached the field at the other end of the alley, my body smashing into the grass. I immediately tried to scramble away, glancing back at him in terror as I used everything in me to escape, to reach for my knife. The odds weren’t in my favor, their body blocking me from grabbing my weapon, the weight of him on top of me limiting my movements to little more tha
n a futile wriggle.

  “You won’t take me,” I growled, continuing to struggle.

  “Breathe. You’re safe. We aren’t going to hurt you, Sana. Stop this!” Kyrell’s firm but soothing tone cut through the fog I was in, the fight draining out of me as he clutched me to his chest, not giving me an inch to move. His strength grounded me, the pressure of his body giving me something to focus on other than the panic in my mind. He didn’t speak again until my body finally relaxed. “We might need to talk about those eleven years and what you’ve been through, Kitten.”

  “No,” I said, the word sounding so pitiful I could barely admit it to myself. “I’m fine. I’m a Priamos; we don’t break.”

  “No one called you broken, but this was... unexpected,” he mused. “We can’t have any more unexpected if we’re going to keep you safe. Now, if I let go, will you come inside?”

  “I guess,” I sighed in defeat. That was twice now I’d had a breakdown in front of them; there was no putting this off any longer, especially since this time was much worse than the first. “How can I be strong if I shut down when I’m in danger? Even I can’t predict when it’s going to happen!”

  “You’re not shutting down; you’re fighting on instinct,” he countered, letting go so he could stand then holding out a hand for me. “Don’t make me run again. These shoes were two thousand dollars.” That was enough to pull a rough laugh from me, but I still didn’t meet Killian or Keir’s eyes as we approached them again. They had stopped a few feet away, giving Ky a moment with me, and they didn’t pry as we approached. Instead, we calmly and quietly headed back to their building, Keir entering the code to let us in.


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