Love's Dance

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Love's Dance Page 1

by Karen Deen


  Copyright © 2018 by Karen Deen

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in either, electronic, paper hard copy, photocopying, recorded or any other form of reproduction without the written permission of the author. No part of this book either in part or whole may be reproduced into or stored in a retrieval system or distributed without the written permission of the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locations or persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademark status and owners of products referred to in this fiction which have been used without permission. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Published by Karen Deen

  Formatted by Opium House Creatives

  Edited by Opium House Creatives

  Cover Design by Opium House Creatives

  ISBN: 978-0-646-98582-4 – Paperback

  ISBN: 978-0-646-98583-1 - eBook


  Karen Deen has been a lover of romance novels and happily-ever-after stories for as long as she can remember. Reaching a point in her life where she wanted to explore her own dreams, Karen decided now was the time to finally write some of her own stories. For years, all of her characters have been forming story lines in her head, just waiting for the right time to bust free.

  In 2016, Karen put pen to paper for the first time, with Zach and Emily being the first characters fighting to have their story written. From that first word, she hasn’t been able to stop. Publishing Love’s Wall (her first novel in the Time to Love Series) in 2017 has ignited her passion to continue writing and bring more of her characters to life.

  Karen is married to her loving husband and high school sweetheart. Together, they live the crazy life of parents to three children. She is balancing her life between a career as an accountant by day and writer of romance novels by night. Living in the beautiful coastal town of Kiama, Australia, Karen loves to enjoy time with her family and friends in her beautiful surroundings.


  Firstly, I would like to thank all the readers for supporting my writing and taking this crazy journey with me. The beautiful words of encouragement after Love’s Wall was released, gave me the confidence to write this book. The Stevenson family continues to tell me their story with the next book, Love’s Hiding, already underway.

  They say the universe is a powerful force and often gives you what you need at the right time in your life. There is a special lady who has walked into my life. She has given me so much guidance, knowledge, encouragement and love that I am not sure I would be where I am without her. You have the biggest heart and in your crazy life always find time for me. I am so blessed to have found you and love you from the bottom of my heart for all you do. Thank you will never be enough.

  To my amazing beta team, Nicole, Sharon and Vicki. You take my babies and pull them apart. You give it to me straight. You are the women who make me a stronger writer. You push me to pull out that extra piece of the story I didn’t know was still hiding inside me. You are the best team a girl could ask for and my strength when I need it. I will always be so grateful to you for all you do for me.

  Sarah Paige at Opium House Creatives. What would I do without you? You have given me the most beautiful cover for Love’s Dance and suffered through editing and formatting this book along with my many questions. You are a beautiful soul who has taken me to the next level. I can’t thank you enough for all you do for me including holding my hand through this maze of publishing books.

  Thank you to my mum who never stops believing in me and supporting my dream. To my family who always supports me, encourages me and loves me for who I am.

  To my besties, Charmaine, Nicole and Sharon. We have been through so much life together and it just keeps getting better. We laugh a lot, we cry but we never stop living. Can’t wait for our next adventures, I am sure there will be many more to come. Love you girls.

  This book in many ways was for my children Josh, Caitlin and Aimee. My biggest wish for you in life is to be happy, healthy, loved and living your dreams. Life has many twists and turns, but never stop dreaming. When it is time the dream will happen. It may not be the way you pictured it or at the time you expected but it will be what is meant to be.

  To my husband, who every day tells me to keep reaching for that dream and does whatever he can to lift me up to reach for the stars. You are my rock and the love of my life. Thank you for always believing in me and loving me through the good and the bad.

  Thank you to all my readers. I hope you enjoy Love’s Dance as much as I loved writing it. I can’t wait to share the next book with you.

  Happy reading xx


  For all the news on upcoming books, visit Karen at:

  [email protected]

  Facebook: Karen Deen Author

  Instagram: karendeen_author


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37


  To my three amazing children.

  Dream big and reach for the stars. Never stop dreaming.



  PACING MY OFFICE, I try to think of a solution to fix yet another problem with the Branch Street project. Why do I have to think for everyone all the time? If the bloody demolition company had just listened and read the briefs we sent them, they wouldn’t have cut off the electricity for half the block.

  Instead, I have the surrounding Branch Street buildings calling my cell phone, blowing up at me because they’ve been left in the dark. Meanwhile, I am trying to get the electrical company to the site who seem in no rush, and the site supervisor is down there blasting the demo guys. This is yet another fuck-up and we haven’t even started to build.

  All in all, today has been a shit day.

  “Louisa, get Luke to my office now,” I yell through the door to my assistant. Someone else can sort this shit out while I attend my scheduled meetings. Zach is busy and is already stressed past the point of normal. Emily, his wife, is due to have their baby in the next few weeks and he has been a nightmare to work with. He is always so stressed and anxious. Zach sat us down as a family after meeting Emily and told us about his daughter Faith. He told us many years ago his ex-girlfriend had been pregnant and not told him. The baby, a little girl he named Faith, was born early with birth defects. She died soon after. Zach never got to see her, and her body was donated to science by the mother. Zach was devastated. It was sad and a shock to us all. We had no idea. We have given him as much understanding and support as possible. I want
ed to find that bitch ex-girlfriend of his and rip her apart for how she treated Zach and Faith. Protecting the family is my job.

  This pregnancy has been hard on them both. He has every right to be fussing and stressing over Emily. To be honest, I’ll be relieved when this baby is born so we all know that Emily and my niece or nephew are safe and well. Emily is a natural when it comes to motherhood and is a beautiful mom to twins, Sophia and Samuel. The three of them have brought so much happiness and life to our family. Zach is content. I love all three of them and will always be there for them. Zach is very protective of them, but so is the whole family. Looking back, Emily, Sophia and Samuel are the only treasures that the Branch Street property has given us. Living as a single mom in that dump must have been hell. Now Emily and Zach are married, she’ll never have to struggle on her own again.

  “What have you got your knickers in a knot about this time, big brother?” Luke asks as he enters my office with a stupid grin on his face.

  Just once, I wish I could say he took his job seriously. Luke is always joking around, whether at work or home with the family. I love my brother but he drives me crazy most days.

  Most of the time, Zach acts as the middleman between us, but when he isn’t in the office, Luke is barely tolerable. Being CEO of the family’s building company, we’re bound to clash. Working with my brothers, Zach and Luke, is a challenge, and add on top the constant eye-rolling from my sisters Alesha and Lilly. They are my family and I love them, but each and every one of them pisses me off on a daily basis.

  If they would just do things my way, we wouldn’t have a problem.

  “Just once, could there be no smartass comment when you walk into my office, Luke? We have a shitstorm brewing and you drew the lucky number to sort it out. The bloody demo guys have cut off the electricity to half the neighborhood in Branch Street, and I don’t have time to handle it. Stuart, the site supervisor, is sorting out the demo team, but I need you to get that electricity back on ASAP before we have people wanting to rip us apart. We don’t want anyone sitting in the dark tonight. It’s just after two so we have four hours before nightfall and the temperature drops. Do your best.”

  “How stupid are those demolition guys?” Luke runs his hands through his hair in frustration. “We give them every single piece of information they need to make sure this doesn’t happen. Far out. Now my day just went to shit, didn’t it? I’m going to be pushing it to get the power back on in four hours, Grant, you know that. I will try but can’t promise it. The power company doesn’t care when they are fixing other people’s stuff-ups. Wish me luck.” Luke turns to walk out, hesitates at the door and turns back to me. “Hey, have you spoken to Zach today? I’m worried about him. Now that we are down to the last few weeks, he’s hanging in there, but only by a few threads, I think. God, I hope the baby is born without any issues. Zach is going to be a mess if anything goes wrong.”

  “Yeah, I am concerned too. I spoke to him earlier and he was doing okay. I also heard Emily in the background telling him to stop fussing. They are trying to be brave, I think, but I know they’re both nervous. We have to just keep our fingers crossed and be ready to be there for them both no matter what happens.” A look passes between us. A look that speaks of the love we both share for our family. It’s one thing we can agree on.

  Family is the most important thing in our lives.

  “Thanks man,” Luke says. “I’ll go kick some ass on site and get this sorted. Keep you posted.” With that, he turns and is gone. My little brother is the joker of the family but still works bloody hard. I’m not one to babble mushy words. I’m proud of him and what he achieves. Just like I’m proud of all my brothers and sisters. Working together, we’re a well-oiled machine. Problem is, I’m the driver of this machine. My siblings give me shit about being bossy and controlling, but someone has to do it. Dad retired and left the business to us to expand. Alesha and Lilly are great at running the office, and coordinating projects on-site, while Zach and Luke both have their roles and keep the work coming in with their talents. This leaves me as head of the company and family. I didn’t ask for the role, but being the oldest, it’s just the way it is.

  With Luke sorting out the Branch Street dramas, I get on with the rest of the day which is comprised of meetings for other projects that are both in progress and new ones we are trying to get off the line.

  Grabbing my briefcase off the desk, I check my phone and head towards Louisa. “I’m out of the office for the rest of the day but will be on my cell if you need me.” I continue walking to the elevator, aware I’m running late after all the drama of the morning. I have to be across town in ten minutes, but no matter how good a driver I am, ten minutes is unrealistic. I know Louisa would’ve already called my next meeting to make them aware I’m running late. She runs my schedule perfectly and understands I don’t waste time giving instructions. I expect my staff to think ahead. I know the staff in the office fears me, which is the way I like it. It keeps them on their toes and working hard.

  The afternoon is disappearing fast. I’m heading back to my car to drive downtown for my last meeting of the day. It’s with the council members who are preparing to vote on our next proposed development down on the river bank. They need to be walked through the proposal. It frustrates the hell out of me that the people in power, the ones responsible for making the decisions, are so stupid. They have no idea what is going on. My job in this meeting is to explain what our family company is proposing and convince them of the benefits to the community. We’ll take a rundown factory area and transform it into housing and parklands that will be affordable for the low-income families. It has always been important to our family to ensure we help other families who are struggling with housing, more so now after we met Emily and the kids who’d been living in one of our acquired buildings. They were barely surviving, living in less than adequate conditions for a single mom and two of the cutest seven-year-olds I know.

  Crossing the road to the town hall, my pocket starts vibrating. Grabbing my cell, I read the screen. Zach. Anyone else, I would let it go to voicemail but not for Zach, not at the moment.

  “Zach,” I greet.

  “Grant, I need your help. We’re on our way to the hospital. Emily’s waters have broken, and she’s gone into labor.” Zach is yelling and talking at speed.

  “Whoa, Zach slow down. Is Em okay? Isn’t this a little early?”

  “Of course, it’s early, Grant! Too fucking early. The baby was supposed to stay in there for another two weeks. I just need to get her to the hospital and let the doctor make sure they’re both okay.” Zach is wound up but who could blame him? After losing his first daughter in terrible circumstances, he is extremely protective of Emily and their unborn child.

  “Just stay calm, Zach. It’s all going to be fine, I promise. Just don’t drive like a lunatic. I don’t want to have to visit you in the hospital in the bed next to Emily. Just get to the hospital safely and everything will be okay.” I can hear the directness in my voice. My big brother speech, bordering on a father voice is both calm and assertive at Zach.

  “Grant, just listen and let me tell you what I need so I can get off the phone. Sophia is at her dance class down on Lester Avenue at the Dream to Dance school. Miss Zara is her teacher. We need you to pick her up at 5:30PM after class and bring her to the hospital. Samuel is with Mom and Dad and they will meet you at the hospital.” Zach stops talking as I hear a scream from Emily. I feel my heart jump at the thought of the pain she’s in and the panic Zach is feeling. I’m the one who’s supposed to fix all the problems in the family, but I feel useless right now. There is nothing I can do and it pisses me off that I can’t control the situation.

  I can hear Zach talking Emily through the contraction and then he’s back.

  “I have to go, Grant, Emily needs me. Just please take care of our little girl.”

  “Arrrggghhh, Zach! I forgot how much this shit hurts.” The phone call ends abruptly, and I am left standing
on the sidewalk. Zach must be going crazy trying to drive and look after Emily while she’s in so much pain. I don’t know enough about babies to know how worried I should be about the labor starting early. What I do know is that there is nothing I can do to help the arrival of the baby. What I can do, however, is take care of little Sophia.

  There is something special about Emily’s children. From the first day I met them, they had me hooked. Samuel is such a live-wire and has verbal diarrhea. His thirst for knowledge is fantastic. He will go a long way, that boy. And I could only hope nothing ever squashes the enthusiasm for life Sammy has.

  Sophia stole my heart from the very first moment I saw her hiding behind Zach and Emily. A shy little girl who had lost all her confidence around people she didn’t know.

  Especially men.

  Life has been hard for them all and it’s shown in her insecurities. I understand her need to only talk when necessary. Sophia is a deep thinker. She’ll only share her thoughts if she feels it’s important. We’re similar like that. I think that’s why we have a special connection. I don’t relate to children at all, but Sophia is different. I knew we were developing a special bond which started the moment she leapt into my arms when I found her and Samuel on the farm, after their runaway attempt. I wrapped her up in my arms and knew then I would love and protect this little girl forever. We have a special connection of the soul. One I will never let anyone break.



  There’s a sense of pride that falls over me at the end of each day seeing the smiles of my little ballerinas. The joy they show in a smile tells me they had fun in their lesson, which is all I care about. The skill of dancing will come to them as they get older. If they aren’t enjoying the class at this young age, then they are never going to grow up loving dance like I do.


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