Present Tense: Pleasure Times Four (Out of the Fire Book 3)

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Present Tense: Pleasure Times Four (Out of the Fire Book 3) Page 14

by Candace Blevins

  But could he back up his orders?

  She peeked in his head and saw he was prepared for her to refuse, and saw that if she did, he’d put her into hobbling bondage, so she’d have no choice but to stay on all fours. He’d put nipple clamps on, a clit clamp, insert a huge butt plug, and collar, and then he’d walk her around the room like a dog. Her choice was to obey and crawl, or refuse and crawl.

  She dropped to her knees, leaned forward, put her hands on the cool hardwood floor, and crawled. Hands and knees. She stared at his bare feet because he didn’t force her to make eye contact. When she got closer, she stared at his cock, as that was how she’d been trained.

  Her former Master had a variety of ways for her to kneel, and she chose the one she was most comfortable with — ass on feet, thighs parallel to each other, arms behind her back holding her opposite elbows, back arched to push her breasts pushed up and out, and her eyes focused on his cock.

  He reached under the sheet, pulled nipple clamps out, and put them on her without comment. And without acknowledging her pain.

  “Beautiful. This position will do for today since you’re about to give me a blow job. In the future, unless you’re between my legs like this, I’ll prefer the knees spread wide so your cunt is on display. Look at my face, Kelsey.”

  His voice was gentle, and yet she couldn’t mistake the whisper of steel. He meant business. He expected her to obey.

  She met his gaze, and was once again struck by the blue of his eyes. The clean, hard line of his chin. The way his hair framed his face. And those beautiful lips.

  He gave her a small nod. “Your purpose for the next thirty minutes to an hour is to pleasure me. Today isn’t about your pleasure, so you won’t be allowed an orgasm. I trust you’ve been taught to control yourself in this way?”

  “I have, Sir.”

  “Excellent. No safeword for this session. If there’s a problem, tell me, but I’m using Eunice’s rules right now, so I’ll decide how urgent your issue is. Any questions before we start?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Very well. Deep throat my cock and pleasure it with your tongue. You don’t have to breathe, so I expect it to stay deep in that fucking throat. Hands stay where they are. If I come out of your throat, I finish in your ass.”

  Fabio sometimes enjoyed using a natural submissive for his pleasure, without worry of whether she got her pleasure or not. Never with a romantic partner, but when Eunice had a sex slave in the house who wasn’t supposed to orgasm, Fabio got off on the fact her only enjoyment from the act came from pleasing him — and in her own frustration.

  It surprised him a little that doing it to Kelsey made his dick so hard, and he analyzed the reasoning for a moment because he wanted to be certain Etta wasn’t screwing with his head.

  He knew Kelsey had been a consensual human sex slave to a vampire for years before being turned, and then had been a sex slave without the option to leave after she’d been turned. He knew she’d been passed around to the Master Vampire’s friends and associates, and his assumption was that orgasm control had been front and center.

  Eunice is a tough trainer, and his girls agree to give up just about all human rights when they walk in the door, but they’re assured proper nutrition, oxygen, and enough water to stay fully hydrated. Proper nutrition doesn’t assure them they’ll like what they get, or that they won’t occasionally have to skip meals as part of training, but they know they won’t be starved long-term. In contrast, once Kelsey became a vampire, starving and dehydrating her would’ve been part of her training. She’d had zero human rights once she became a vampire, so forcing her to crawl and do without oxygen absolutely wasn’t the worst that’d been done to her.

  And his dick was granite hard, his pulse a drumbeat throughout his body. Kelsey’s trainers had clearly spent time teaching her the art of going down on someone, because her tongue and lips and throat worked him better than anyone he could remember. Ten minutes of it, and he thought he might die if he didn’t come soon, so he congratulated her on not getting ass-fucked today, grabbed the back of her head, and proceeded to fuck her throat — hard, fast, and brutal.

  They were short on time, so he didn’t take terribly long before he exploded down her throat, holding her head tight to his body while his dick jerked and pulsated deep in her tight, cool throat. He finally collapsed backwards on the bed, his arms out to the side like overcooked pasta.

  “Drink from me down there. Make me come again. You don’t get an orgasm. Just blood.”

  She lifted her head from his cock, and those long lashes closed down over the hazel eyes with gold flecks. She licked the spot close to where his leg met his body, not too far from his balls, and then bit all at once, like a snake. Striking. His body gave one jerk at the sharp pain, but then it was gone, his dick was hard, and he came — hard. His body seemed to be paralyzed, otherwise he’d have jerked and tossed and fought the orgasm that didn’t end. The entire time she drank from him, his balls and cock worked together to empty him, and once he was drained, it was a dry orgasm, his cock jerking and moving, his insides doing the same, and bliss saturating every nerve ending in his body.

  When she finally finished, she lifted his legs, spun him around as she settled them in the bed, and then crawled under the sheet with him to hold him. “You’re okay,” she assured him. “Deep, cleansing breaths. Shall I ask Etta to send for someone to get juice?”

  He’d forgotten to breathe, and when she reminded him, he filled his chest in one long shuddering inhale. It took him four or five times of doing that before he could find his voice.

  “Did you drink more than blood?”

  “Not directly from you, only from the room once you’d let go of it.”

  “Why do I feel so weak?”

  “You just had a four-minute orgasm, most of it dry. It gave me pleasure to give you what you denied me. I hadn’t expected that.”

  “You weren’t denied in Australia?”

  “I was, and I hated it. I never found pleasure in it before.” She traced a finger through the ridges of his ab muscles. “Etta wants to come in, to assure you I behaved.”

  He pulled away, removed her nipple clamps, tossed them off the bed, and snugged her in close. “That won’t be necessary. I believe you. We can only lay here another couple of minutes. Eunice downloaded a driving game that gives and removes points based on whether you follow traffic laws — yielding and stopping and merging and such. He wants you to spend an hour on it before I take you to the office.”

  “Lie here.”


  “It’s lie here. Lay here implies we’re laying eggs or something.”

  Oh, fuck no. “New rule. You correct my grammar again, and I’ll cut a bar of Ivory soap in half long-ways, soak it a few minutes, and one piece goes in your mouth, the other in your ass like a plug, with part of it outside. You ever held soap in your mouth or ass for twenty minutes?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “From what I understand, you really don’t want to do either. Annoy me with grammar shit again and you’ll get two new experiences in one go.”

  She wisely kept her mouth shut, and he sat them both up and kissed her temple. “Get ready and come upstairs as quick as you can. Remember what Eunice said about ignoring his slave. When I came downstairs, she was in uncomfortable bondage, giving him a slow blow job while he played video games. Odds are, she’ll either still be there, or will have been shifted over to give Collosa a blow job while they play. No matter what, you don’t see her. You don’t acknowledge her. She has the same instructions about you.” He sighed. “In the past, when two females have these instructions, if one acknowledges the other, he makes the one who got noticed do something horrible to the one who broke the rule. So if you don’t want her having to pee in your mouth, or push needles through your nipples, don’t give her your attention.”

  When Kelsey went into the living room, she had to work not to stare at Collosa taking the slave in the ass. The wom
an was probably attractive when she didn’t have eyeliner and mascara tracking down her cheeks, and huge red splotches all over her face from crying.

  Kelsey only gave the girl a quick glance before looking away, and she purposefully turned her back on them and walked to the gaming chair she’d discovered she liked. Eunice was sitting on the floor playing the latest Far Cry. “Let me get to a place I can save. I have a driving game for you to try.”

  Kelsey moved and took a seat inside the setup with the steering wheel and pedals, and watched Eunice finish the fight and move to a sheltered position before he saved and pulled out so she could go into the game he’d downloaded for her.

  And perhaps it was wrong to do so, but she dipped into the poor girl’s head to see what she was thinking. The woman was twenty-six, and was married to a forty-five-year-old man. She loved him, but she also loved his money, his mansion, and the life of luxury she now led. She absolutely did not want to have to submit to these three men, but she’d screwed up and gotten a traffic ticket and then mouthed off to her husband about it, and he’d decided she needed a reminder of how to properly submit. She could walk out at any time, but he’d kick her out of the house and divorce her if she did, and her prenup said in the event of a divorce she’d receive ten grand for every anniversary they celebrated until their tenth, and then she’d get a hundred grand for every anniversary past that. They’d been married three years and no way was she going to fuck this up.

  Kelsey pulled out of the woman’s head and focused on the game. We all have to make decisions about who we are and what we’ll accept. This woman had done so. True, it meant she was taking a baseball-bat sized cock up her ass and was in agonizing pain, but it was her choice. She had a safeword that would stop everything — she was choosing not to use it. Kelsey had put up with much worse for five years because she wanted to be a vampire.

  Eunice stretched his legs out in front of him from his seat on the sofa. “Every point against you for a traffic violation will be a clothespin on one of your breasts. You’re covered now, but at the first fuck-up, this pretty shirt will come off. If you wreck, I have nice strong clamps to go on your nipples.”

  She looked into the bowl he’d put on the coffee table and saw stainless steel clothespins she knew from experience would hurt like fuck, and industrial clamps meant to hold huge pieces of lumber together. There were five, and she figured that meant one for each nipple, one for each of her outer labia, and one for her clit.

  “I respectfully ask for a five-minute practice session before I start over and begin fresh with your consequences, Sir.”

  “Since you asked nice, sure.”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to point out he should’ve said nicely, but she figured he’d take to that about as well as Fabio had — and that he might change his mind about allowing a practice session.

  “Thank you.”

  “Does she get an orgasm?” James asked from behind them, and it took a second for Kelsey to realize he was asking if the slave could have one.

  “Up to you,” Eunice told him, “but I’m not sure she can pull one off right now. If you order it and she doesn’t, you’ll be responsible for punishing her.”

  “Play with your clit, you little cunt,” James told the woman. “You have five minutes to get yourself off while I fuck your ass, or I’ll set you up on the fucking machine for two hours when I’m done with you. We’ll see how you do with dildos fucking all three of your holes while you’re bent over with weights on your nipples and clit.”

  Based on the sounds she was hearing, Kelsey thought he’d released one or both of her hands, and the woman was now trying to work herself to an orgasm. His threat for the fucking machine had sent both arousal and fear hormones into the room, and Kelsey figured that would probably help the woman find an orgasm.

  The fact such a machine existed somewhere in this house had Kelsey wondering if they’d someday put her on it — and whether she’d like it or hate it.

  Twenty minutes later, Eunice was impressed that Kelsey managed to focus on the game while he fucked his little cunt of a toy doggie style on the rug beside her. He was in her pussy, and he’d wedged a huge, knobbed dildo-shaped plug into the slave’s asshole. He felt the knobs and ridges as he slowly went in and out, in and out.

  He enjoyed the process of training slaves, but once they were trained, he lost interest in them. He didn’t figure he’d ever own a slave long-term, because if she was too dumb to learn then he wouldn’t want her around, and he’d never been one to allow a smart-assed masochist to brat for punishment. Oh no, he found something they truly hated, or a number of somethings, and they quickly learned to obey.

  There was no way to continually train an intelligent woman for years and years, which meant there was no way he’d ever find the perfect slave. He’d come to terms with this years before, and he found pleasure in training slaves for other people, or for training slaves because they wanted the experience. Either way, he charged five thousand dollars for the first three days, and a thousand dollars a day after. Touch-up training was a thousand per day with a three-day minimum. It’d turned into a lucrative side business.

  Sometimes he liked the woman, sometimes he didn’t. This bitch was a shallow cunt whose heart wasn’t into submitting, but that didn’t mean he was any rougher on her than he’d be on a slave he happened to like. In fact, when he found one who wanted to submit, who got off on submitting, he was often harder on her than he’d be on one who was just going through the motions because her Master required it.

  And all of them were well-trained when he finished with them.

  When Kelsey finished her forty minutes of driving, she was naked with three of the cruel clamps a huge distraction — one on each nipple, and one on her right pussy lip. She had a dozen or so clothespins on her breasts, and the scent of her pain filled the air. He’d put the slave into the birdcage, and she was now sitting hunched over, her knees to her chest and her arms around her legs, swinging from the ceiling. She still wore the huge, knobbed plug in her ass, and he’d added an identical one to her pussy — and a rope harness to make sure both stayed in. Her tongue was captured in chopsticks and hung out of her mouth, because the bitch had issues with staying silent. He’d known she needed to pee when he put her into it, there was no reason for her to keep telling him, but without something to hold her tongue, she would’ve.

  The base of the birdcage had a nice lip, so it was fine for her to pee in it. She’d sit in her own urine once she did, but he wouldn’t leave her in it longer than fifteen minutes. Just enough so the rope would soak it up and she’d feel the wetness both under her and around her. Then he’d make her clean it up, sanitize it, and then go outside and do pushups and pullups and other exercise for an hour before he’d finally take the harness off and allow her to shower.

  But the bitch had to let go of her damned stubborn-headedness and pee, first.

  “You have a choice,” he told Kelsey. “I can take the clothespins off with a whip, and then remove the industrial clamps by opening them and releasing them properly, or I can add weights to the industrial clamps until they are dragged off, and then I’ll take the clothespins off by opening them first.”

  “The first, please sir.”

  “Ask me to do it.”

  “Will you please use a whip to take the clothespins off, Sir?”

  “Gladly. Walk to the wall, put your back to it, and grab the handles out to the side. If you let go, everything comes off the hard way.” He pointed to the wall he wanted her at, and smiled when she obeyed without comment.


  Eunice was about to take the slave with him on his morning run when Mac dropped Kelsey off after her shift at Drake.

  She kept her eyes glued to him when he asked her if she wanted to run with him. “Not today, but thanks for offering. This city has no twenty-four-hour manicure places, so I’m going to have to do my own nails.”

  He sent the slave outside to do her warmup, and told Kelsey, “I
believe the local vampires have someone who comes to them.”

  “And I’ll go that route for a special occasion, but it isn’t an expense I want to deal with every week or two. I understand we’ll be interviewing for someone to come in and clean the house this evening?”

  “Yes. We have three people with the kind of clearance Drake security requires. All three know about shifters and vampires, and two of them will offer up their necks for an additional fee.”

  He took a step closer to Kelsey. He’d been so focused on her ignoring the slave when she’d first came into the room, he’d missed the fact that something was bothering her.

  “You okay? Were there problems at work?”

  “No problem. Aaron looked at the notes for what I’ve shot so far, and he took me down to the range. He made me shoot three different nine-millimeter guns, and they were all too much — too loud, too violent. Then he made me shoot a forty-two, which was worse, and a forty-five.” She sighed. “When I shot the nine again, it wasn’t so bad. He gave me the test everyone has to pass. I aced the first part, when it was just the target, but then we went into another room, where mannequins or dummies or whatever pop up, and you have to decide whether to shoot them or not.”

  “Everyone who comes to us without experience fails that one the first time.” He pulled her into a hug because she seemed to need it. “If you fail it three times, there’ll be consequences for the fourth time, but you’ll have plenty of practice sessions between tests. It’ll be fine. You’ll be fine.”

  “He asked me something, when I told him I just wanted to stay hidden so I’d never have to decide whether to shoot someone or not.” She drew in a breath — more than she needed to speak, which meant she was trying to deal with her anxiety. “He asked if I’d rather be a gardener in a war, or a warrior in a garden.”

  Eunice couldn’t help his smile. Aaron liked their little vampire. He didn’t take that kind of time with all the new employees.


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