Love at First Sight : Books One-Three

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Love at First Sight : Books One-Three Page 7

by Loni Ree

  "Whoa there, Sonny. There's no way you can have a wedding in four days." She looks between Ethan and me, and I'm still too shocked to respond.

  "It doesn't take any time to get married in Las Vegas. Emma, what do you say? Can we forget all the drama and fly off to Vegas to get hitched?" As he's speaking, he pulls the most perfect diamond ring out of his pocket and slips it on my finger.

  I jump into his arms and kiss his lips. "Let's get this done. I love you so much." I can't believe he figured out how much I dreaded having to plan and deal with my family if we had a big wedding. This is the perfect solution to the problem.

  "I love you, too, baby. You're the best delivery I ever got." He smiles, and I throw back my head and laugh before taking his lips in a deep kiss.

  As he's kissing me, I hear Aunt Maureen comforting Mom. "At least you’ll save some money, and married is married, no matter how it happens. She's not an old maid."

  Ethan's brother and Grammy and my mom and Aunt Maureen all come to Las Vegas for our wedding. We have a small ceremony in a beautiful chapel in our hotel. After the wedding, we have dinner with our family and then spend the rest of the weekend alone in our suite before flying home on Sunday night.

  I'm packing my boxes to move into Ethan's house the next weekend when I come across the rest of the ceramic babies. I hold up the box to Ethan and laugh. "Without these guys, we would never have met."

  He looks in the box and laughs. "When you started shouting about babies, I thought you were pregnant. It freaked me out. All I could think was that no one but me should be able to get you pregnant. I wanted to kill whoever had knocked you up.”

  "You're such a caveman. Aren't you happy you're the one who got me pregnant?"

  He laughs for a second, and then shock moves over his face as my words sink in. He lifts me and spins me around. "God, you mean so much to me. I love you and the little one." He smiles down at me then looks over at the box on the ground. "But I refuse to have ceramic babies around the house. I put my foot down there."

  I shake my head and laugh. "I'll let you explain that to Aunt Maureen."

  He closes his eyes and groans at my words, and I hug him tight and kiss the side of his neck.


  Our baby is growing steadily and will soon be here. Life is just about perfect. Watching Emma's little tummy expand makes me want to beat my chest. She grumbles and complains, but I love all the new changes in her gorgeous little body. Derek teases me about how pussy whipped I've turned out to be, and I shrug my shoulders and tell him to wait until he falls hard for the perfect girl.

  The luckiest day of my life was when the delivery guy screwed up and sent Emma right to my door.

  Epilogue 1

  Emma-Four Months Later

  Watching Ethan cuddle little Ellie brings tears to my eyes. Her tiny body almost disappears when tucked into his large, powerful arms. These postpartum hormones are running rampant through my body, and the urge to attack my husband before the full six weeks healing period passes is getting harder to resist every day.

  Ellie is the perfect baby, happy and content. She hardly ever cries and is rarely demanding, so we've adjusted to parenthood surprisingly easily. I have no complaints except the need to wait so long before jumping my handsome husband's bones.

  "Mommy, your services are needed," Ethan calls from the living room, and I walk into the room to find Ellie rooting around on his chest. "She isn't going to find what she's looking for on me." He smirks as he hands the little angel over to me.

  As I sit on the sofa and settle in to feed her, Ethan leans over and whispers, "Thank you for giving me everything in the world," before he takes my lips over her little head.

  Epilogue 2

  Ethan-Two Years Later

  I watch Ellie race around Aunt Maureen's living room, chasing after the poor cat. Her brown curls bounce behind her, and she giggles as Spike runs under the sofa. When Ellie hurries by, I catch her and her tickle tummy. Her shrieks fill the room, and Emma pokes her head around the corner to check on us, but I wave her off and keep playing with Ellie.

  Emma's seven months pregnant with our twin boys, and chasing a two-year-old around Aunt Maureen's Labor Day Celebration is too much for her at this point. This twin pregnancy has been so much harder on her body, and she has a rambunctious toddler to chase, also.

  We hired more help at the gym, so I have started bringing most of the paperwork home to complete so that I can help her out as much as possible.

  "Ethan, I told Emma I want to have Ellie spend the night at my house with Chloe this weekend. Chelsea is dropping Chloe off after work Friday night." Aunt Maureen catches me in the hallway and tries to convince me to let Emma spend the night over at her house with Chelsea's daughter, but Ellie has never spent a night away from home.

  "Aunt Maureen, let me talk to Emma." I stall her until we can decide how to proceed.

  Ellie chases poor Spike out the kitty door—yes, my child crawled through the door—I look out and wave at Derek as he signals that he sees her coming. He takes over my munchkin patrol, and I turn to find Emma.

  She's sitting in a recliner in the den, and I stroll in and drop down next to her. After reaching over to run a gentle hand over her growing tummy, I ask, "What do think about the sleepover this weekend?"

  Emma looks around for anyone who can hear what she's going to say, then when she sees we're alone, she leans over and whispers in my ear, "This may be the last weekend I can have wild monkey sex before the babies come."

  "I'll let Aunt Maureen know that Ellie will be here." I kiss her nose on my way to find Aunt Maureen, and the sound of her laughter follows me from the room.


  Nerd Boy

  By: Loni Ree

  Copyright © 2019 by Loni Ree

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Edited By: Kendra's Editing and Book Services

  Cover Design By: Karlee Fast at KL’s Book Designs

  Created with Vellum

  Chapter 1


  “I have a present for you, Nerd Boy.” The fucker’s whiny voice cuts through my concentration, and I have to count to ten before turning around. Since the company CEO went on vacation a week ago, this new asshole thinks he can get away with anything. He has no idea how close he is to getting his ass thrown out of here physically. After mentally preparing myself, I turn to Jerry the Jerk, and my mouth falls open in shock as all the blood in my body rushes toward my dick.

  Standing next to the slimy bastard is the most exquisite creature I’ve ever seen. My eyes travel from the top of her deep red, silky hair down her heart-shaped face. I take in the wide, azure blue eyes hidden behind huge, round glasses and continue down her fabulously curvy body that no drab, baggy clothes can hide. My heart beats in a funny rhythm for a second before I realize that my life will never be the same.

  As she’s nibbling on her plump bottom lip, my cock keeps growing harder and thicker in my khakis until I worry that both Jerry and the goddess will notice my predicament. After clearing my voice a couple of times, I finally manage to speak to my new obsession and offer my hand. “Hi, Dylan Drake, nice to meet you.”

  The jerk steps between us, and I growl at him, but he doesn’t seem to care as he boasts, “Chloe is new to Harlington Technologies. I decided that she’ll be working with your group.”

I love the thought of Chloe working for me, Jerry doesn’t have the authority to assign members to my group, so I inquire, “Have you gotten approval from Tate Bennett for this assignment?”

  “Don’t worry about business that’s above your pay grade, Nerd Boy,” he sneers then turns to Chloe. “You’ll be working in this division under Dylan Drake. My human resources assistant can arrange everything you need. I’ll talk to you later.” When he turns and smirks, I realize it’s time to make sure Jerry the Jerk knows how it feels to be taken down a few pegs. I bide my time, but soon, Jerry isn’t going to be smiling anymore.

  After he walks away, Chloe turns to me and shudders. “What a jerk.”

  “Yeah, I’m not sure how he has a job, but when Tate Bennett returns from vacation, hopefully, he will do something to fix Jerry the Jerk’s ego. It went insane when Mr. Bennett left a week ago.” I extend my hand again. “Dylan Drake, I’m happy to have you on my team.” This time, she places her warm little hand in mine, and electricity streaks up my arm. I have a hard time controlling the moan that tries to escape me. My dick has laid dormant for all my thirty-two years, and this little sprite now has it fully erect and ready to go.

  “Chloe Jordan, I’m sorry I got thrust on you as such a surprise.” As she speaks, a blush covers her face and neck, and I realize I’m still grasping her hand.

  I reluctantly let go and smile to reassure her. “I’m very happy to have you on board. I’ll show you around, and we can go out to lunch to get to know each other some.” The offer shocks both of us. I’ve never been comfortable around women, but I’m not letting my discomfort allow me to lose this chance with my dream girl.

  I show her where she’ll be working, and after she puts her belongings away, we take a tour of Harlington Technologies. During the tour, several men stare a little too long at Chloe, and my warning glares broadcast my displeasure. My unusual behavior shocks my coworkers, and I know rumors will be flying soon, but I don’t fucking care. I want everyone aware that Chloe is off limits. Nerd Boy has been replaced by Alpha Male, so all these assholes are going to find themselves running for cover. Jerry the Jerk is first on my shit list.

  After our tour, I whisk her away for an early lunch. Throughout our lunch, she fidgets and seems nervous and uncomfortable. The way she closes her lips around her straw to drink has me imaging her lips wrapping around my cock, and I have to discreetly adjust myself under the table. When she takes a bite of her burger and sighs, I almost come in my pants. I barely have time to control the growl that climbs up the back of my throat. Chloe keeps looking at me questioningly, and I wonder if my pain is showing on my face.

  While we are eating, she tells me that she recently graduated from college and moved to Harren from Colorado. Harlington Technologies offered her a job several months ago, and she moved here last week to work in my research and development department.

  While I’m pissed that I wasn’t informed about a new employee joining my team, Chloe Jordan has knocked me on my ass. I’m scrambling to find a way to impress the little doll without scaring her off. My secret weighs heavily on me, and I wonder if I should come clean now or wait until she knows me better and trusts me more.

  I give Chloe a brief overview of what I’ll expect from her at Harlington Technologies but hold off on pushing the personal side of our relationship, for now. I’m afraid of overwhelming her too much since I don’t want her to flee. Because she seems skittish, I want her to fall for me before I inform her that she’s mine forever.

  When we finish eating, it takes several minutes of me doing boring calculations in my head while thinking about Jerry the Jerk’s whimpering voice before my dick is under control enough for me to stand without embarrassing myself.


  After receiving the job offer at Harlington Technologies, I jumped up and down like a fool then celebrated for a whole week. Never in a million years did I imagine I’d get to work for the great Dylan Drake. He’s famous in all engineering classes after inventing a new computer program that runs household items and devices. Even though he sold the patent for the program to Harlington Technologies, Dylan still came to work here right after graduation and has become one of their top engineers.

  When I walk into the lab with the human resources jerk and see Dylan for the first time, my heart almost beats out of my chest. With a red and black plaid shirt pulled tight across his large chest and tight black jeans that hug his perfect ass, Dylan Drake certainly doesn’t look like some nerdy engineer. The black plastic frame glasses covering his deep brown eyes don’t take away from the appeal of his masculine face. His jet-black hair, with a few little gray strands here and there, is slicked back, and you can tell he runs his hands through it several times a day. My fingers itch to run through the thick strands and see if it feels as silky as it looks. When he smiles at me, the dimples in his cheeks match the cleft in his chin, and I instantly fall for the whole package.

  My first day at Harlington Technologies passes in a blur of shocks. After meeting my engineering idol, I spend the rest of the day getting to know him and fall a little more in love with him with each passing moment. Throughout our shared lunch, I get the feeling he’s attracted to me, but I’m way too shy to come out and ask. He keeps staring at my lips, and I could swear he even growled at me once. My practical side keeps warning me that it’s wishful thinking on my part that such a hot, smart guy would want me, and I can’t help but hope I’m not wrong. By the end of the day, he’s given me a spectacular work area next to his and assigned me to help him on my dream project.

  After practically floating back to my new apartment, I call my dad back home and tell him all about my first day. Since my mom died seven years ago, Dad has been my strongest supporter. He’s not at all shocked about my first day, commenting that Dylan Drake and Harlington Technologies should appreciate getting such a great new engineer. Of course, my proud father would feel that way.

  My entire morning ride to Harlington Technologies takes forever. I didn’t even close my eyes last night, and my body is feeling the effects of my sleepless night. I dressed in my best business suit, hoping Dylan will notice. I splurged on the outfit since the light gray jacket looks great up against my dark red hair and helps draw attention to my best feature. I also applied more makeup than I usually do because of the large circles under my eyes. Hopefully, the three cups of coffee I consumed will carry me through the day. Before my feet cross the front threshold of the building, Jerry Dorsey’s creepy voice calls my name and I cringe.

  “Chloe, I need you to fill out paperwork, and I want to do your formal tour.” Trying to keep a straight face as he talks takes all of my effort as the disappointment runs through me.

  “I filled out quite a bit of paperwork yesterday, and Dylan gave me a very thorough tour.” His eyes narrow as I’m speaking, and I wonder why he seems so angry all of a sudden.

  “Mr. Drake is too busy and shouldn’t be giving tours, and you still have more paperwork. Come with me please.” When he turns and puts his hand on my lower back to lead me toward his office, I have to count backward in my head to keep from visibly shuddering at his touch.

  The hair on the back of my neck rises, and I back away a little when he closes us in his office. The creep tends to stand way too close, and his awful breath turns my stomach. “Have a seat, Chloe, and I’ll get the paperwork.” He points at the chair right next to his desk, and I sit as far away from him in the chair as possible.

  When he hands me a stack of papers, I look down and recognize all the paperwork as exactly the same documents that I filled out with his assistant the day before. “Mr. Dorsey, I already filled out all of these forms. Ms. Cooper has them.” He begins shaking his head before I even finish speaking.

  “You’ll have to fill them out again. Here’s a pen.” He rolls his chair close to me, and I swallow before taking the pen and starting on the paperwork. As I write, I can feel his eyes on me, and it sets the three cups of coffee in my stomach churning. “You know, I
usually take all the new hires out to lunch. After our tour, I’ll take you out and you can tell me all about your college experience. You should thank me. I’m the reason you have this wonderful position at Harlington Technologies.”

  The coffee stops churning and starts coming up the back of my throat at this point, and I wonder if my dream job is about to turn into a nightmare. The door flies open, and Ms. Cooper and Dylan are standing in the doorway. “Why are you making her fill out that crap again?” Dylan looks incensed, and Jerry jumps to his feet.

  “How dare you burst into my office like this. I’ll have your job for this, Nerd Boy,” the little weasel stammers, and the sweat rolling down his face belies his confidence.

  “You are going to learn a few hard facts real soon. Come on, Chloe. Jerry, let me give you a warning: One word from me and you will never work again, Creep Boy,” Dylan spits out to the shocked asshole and his assistant. Then he takes my hand and pulls me from the room. When we get to his lab, he shuts the door and turns to me. “We need to talk.”

  Chapter 2


  Jerry Dorsey has called me Nerd Boy for the last time. My secret is about to be revealed, and all my tormentors need to run for cover. After the shit show with Jerry, I explain everything to Chloe.

  “After designing Home Perfect, Tate helped me create Harlington Technologies, but I was so shy and socially awkward after college, I knew I would never be able to run a multi-million-dollar company. Tate and I came up with the idea for him to run the company while I continue with research and development. I own the majority of the company, but we have kept that a secret through a holding company.” At first, she’s utterly shocked, but she finally knows why I allowed the charade to continue for so long.


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