Crossing the Line

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Crossing the Line Page 8

by Kendall Ryan

  “Baby news?” Courtney asks, crossing her fingers with both hands.

  Amber nods, holding up a finger as she finishes chewing. “It’s Todd. He says that Nora and the baby are doing well, but they’ll both be in the hospital for a few more days yet.”

  “A few days?” Courtney chews worriedly at her lower lip. “Is that normal?”

  “It’s totally normal for a slightly early delivery,” I explain, hoping my calm will rub off on her. “And since this is Nora’s first baby, a little extra time to recover is normal too. It sounds like both mom and baby are going to be just fine.”

  “Did he say anything about us visiting, though?” Courtney’s gaze darts between Amber and me, looking for an answer that neither of us has.

  Amber’s fingers fly across her keyboard. Moments later, she has a response. “Nora can accept visitors anytime before four, but Todd says she’s resting right now. So, maybe in like an hour?”

  “That would give us time to pick up a present for the new mom,” I say.

  We launch into a brainstorming session of what Nora might want, agreeing that an assortment of things would probably be best. Just as Courtney hits the button to confirm our online purchase for in-store pickup, a soft thudding of steps comes down the stairs, and our girl time is officially over.

  “Well, look who decided to finally get out of bed,” Amber teases.

  Asher is standing in the doorway in swim trunks and a well-worn Ice Hawks tee, his hair freshly washed. And, suddenly, I’m thinking about him naked in the shower, the water beading down those six-pack abs, his arms flexing as he massages shampoo into his hair. Him lathering up his—

  Ugh. I’ve been turned on nonstop since our mini make-out session got interrupted yesterday. Granted, it was interrupted by the birth of his niece, which is about a million times more important than us getting handsy, but still. Try telling that to the desperate ache between my thighs.

  It didn’t help that seeing him get all emotional in the hospital waiting room tugged at my heartstrings and hormones. Now, knowing that the house is practically empty, it’s taking a lot of willpower not to drag Asher’s freshly showered body back up those stairs and into his bedroom.

  Double ugh. He’s the one with the concussion, not me, so why am I the one not thinking straight?

  “Really? Now that I’m ready to join you guys on the beach, you’re all inside?” Asher grabs a chip off the tray of nachos and pops the whole thing in his mouth at once, scrunching his brow in thought as he chews. “Did you guys put sloppy-joe meat on nachos?”

  “One question at a time, hotshot,” Amber says with an eye roll. “Which of those do you want answered first?”

  He huffs out a soft laugh, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Actually, new question. Do you think Nora’s up for visitors yet? I swear I’ve been checking my phone every five minutes waiting for updates.”

  “Way ahead of you, bro. I’ve got all the details right here,” Amber brags, tapping her phone screen. “Todd texted me to say Nora and the baby will be in for a few days yet, but she’s accepting visitors before four. And your girl, Bailey, is a genius who came up with not only the nacho creation, but also the best presents ever to take to Nora and the baby.”

  Amber’s word choice sends goose bumps up and down my arms. Your girl, Bailey. I like the sound of that a little too much.

  “You can make these for me anytime you want, Bailey.” Asher snags another nacho while raising a brow in my direction. “What’d you come up with for a present?”

  “Well, Amber and Courtney were talking about how Nora is super addicted to trail mix,” I say with a smile. “And since new moms need extra calories when nursing, we’re going to pick out some fancy trail mixes at a foodie boutique and put it in a basket with a pair of slippers and a couple of other little things.”

  “We already found a great pair online that’s available for pickup.” Courtney flips her phone toward Asher to show him the fluffy memory foam slippers we’ve already paid for online. “See? Bailey picked them out because they’re sunshine yellow.”

  “Her favorite color,” Asher mutters under his breath before turning his attention back to me. “You knew that already?”

  I’m not sure if he’s impressed or weirded out that I remembered such a minor detail about his sister, so I wave it off. “It’s no big deal. I just want her to feel special. All the attention shifts to the baby after its born, so the mom often gets forgotten about, if you know what I mean.”

  Asher’s eyes deepen to a darker, more serious blue, his lips parting ever so slightly in the softest, subtlest smile. “I think you make a lot of people feel special, Bailey.”

  Remember those goose bumps on my arms? Yeah, well, now they’re everywhere. And these aren’t just your average goose bumps. These are the kind of goose bumps that make your whole body tingle and your toes grip the kitchen tile. These are next level. They send you straight to cloud nine.

  We do a little more damage on the nachos before Courtney and Amber head upstairs to rinse off and get ready, leaving Asher and me alone for the first time since last night.

  “So, you’re getting my sister a present before I do, huh?” Asher rakes his fingers through his hair, giving me one of those amused half smiles he’s so famous for.

  I can’t look him in the eye without turning pink. “I hope I’m not overstepping,” I say, directing it more at my toes than to Asher. “Maybe it’s weird for Nora to get a present from me since I hardly know her.”

  “You’re not overstepping. You’re being thoughtful. I can’t believe you knew her favorite color already.”

  I shrug, chewing my lower lip as I shift my gaze to meet his. “I try to remember details. Plus, I really like your sisters.”

  “They seem to really like you too.” He props his forearms on the kitchen island, giving me a world-class view of the thick veins running up them, then leans in until we’re close enough that I can feel his breath on my skin. “But not as much as I do. Which is why I think you should come by my room tonight.”

  His voice is low and teasing. But I’m 100 percent up for the challenge.

  “Maybe I will,” I say once I find my breath, my voice quivering ever so slightly.

  Is he going to kiss me? Is he going to lift me onto this island and press his mouth to mine right here, right now?

  Instead, he takes one thumb and presses it gently against my lower lip as his tongue sweeps over his own. “Can’t wait, cutie.”

  He shoots me a wink, then pulls away, sauntering toward the sliding glass door. Just like that. As if he hadn’t just left me hot and heavy in his wake.

  But as he tugs the door open, he pauses, looking over his shoulder, his eyes glittering with trouble. “Do you happen to know what my favorite color is?”

  I shake my head. “What is it?”

  “As of today?” His gaze wanders from mine, tracing the curve of my shoulder and landing on the cups of my bikini top. “Pink. And it has absolutely nothing to do with my new niece, by the way.”


  * * *

  Sorry, Not Sorry


  “Knock, knock,” a female voice calls softly from the hall.

  I pull open the door to my bedroom and am met with the sight of Bailey standing in front of me, dressed in a gauzy white sundress, her feet bare. “Hey.”

  Her eyes meet mine as she stammers out a barely audible hi, and then her gaze tracks hotly down my naked torso, lingering over my chest muscles and abs. A pink tinge spreads over her cheeks.


  I knew she was due back soon, and she’d promised to check in on me. My sisters had texted photos from their visit at the hospital. The fact that I’m shirtless and fresh out of the shower is a total coincidence.

  Yeah, right. Hashtag Sorry Not Sorry.

  I might be playing with fire, but fuck it, I’m too far gone to care. I want her. And if I’m being honest, I always did. I just figured she was too good for me�
��she’s a smart, career-driven woman. I’m known for one-night stands and casual hookups.

  But seeing her here, in my space, with my family, it’s changing things. Making me want things, things I never thought I’d want.

  It’s not that I’m allergic to monogamy. It’s just I’ve never seen the point—never met a person I wanted to lock down as badly as I do Bailey. She’s honestly the first woman I’ve ever pictured myself in a relationship with.

  “Is now still a good time?” she asks, the color on her cheeks deepening. Has she been reliving that kiss like I have?

  “Of course. Come on in.”

  She steps around me and into the room, and I close the door behind her.

  It’s then I notice that she’s carrying a couple of the instant cold packs Trey had stocked her up with before we left the training facility.

  She holds one up. “Figured it was time for one of these.”

  I nod. “Sure.” I wait for her to hand it to me, but she doesn’t. So I sit down on the side of the bed and straighten my right leg out in front of me. “You want to do the honors?” I ask when I realize she still hasn’t moved from her spot at the edge of the bed.

  “Right.” She nods like she’s suddenly remembering what we’re doing here.

  It’s okay. You can look at my six-pack anytime you want, sweetheart.

  Just when I’m considering if there’s a chill way I could make a joke about her kissing all my boo-boos, Bailey launches into a story about today, about something funny Courtney said, and then visiting Nora and the baby, and how she and Amber realized they both hate yoga.

  Honestly, I should be paying better attention, but all I can focus on is the thought of the soft pads of her fingers as they stroke over my bruised skin, inching ever closer to my stiffening cock. She smells so good, like sunshine and shampoo, and my mood is immediately lifted when she takes a seat on the bed beside me. Then she hikes up my shorts to expose the tender spot.

  The truth is, she’s freaking perfect. And that scares the hell out of me. No girl is perfect, right? Except to me, Bailey is. She’s stunning. Funny. Smart. Driven. Educated. I should stop tallying this mental list, and I do, because Bailey is directing those gorgeous dark eyes my way again.

  “Any other symptoms I should know about?” she asks, looking down like she’s pleased with my recovery so far.

  “Nothing that you kissing me won’t cure,” I say, curling one hand against the back of her neck to urge her forward.

  She comes willingly and rewards me with a slow, sweet kiss. It’s perfection.

  If I thought kissing her the last time was perfect, today is on a whole new level. There’s familiarity now, and a level of skill I couldn’t appreciate last time in my over-excitement. When her lips part, I slide my tongue against hers, and Bailey shivers.

  Then she does something I don’t expect at all. She places her palms flat against my chest and pushes until I lie back, and she crawls right into my waiting lap, straddling me.

  Fuck yeah.

  I cup her ass in my hands as my tongue flirts with hers. I’m fully hard now, and Bailey rocks herself against the firm ridge in my shorts. My entire body shudders at how good that feels. Her movements knock the ice pack out of place, and it rolls next to my thigh, the cold startling me. I toss it across the room and keep right on kissing her.

  “This okay?” I ask when she pulls her lips from mine.

  “Less talking. More kissing,” she says, diving back in for more.

  I groan, long and low in my throat, when she rocks against me. Her dress has ridden up her parted thighs, and I can feel the warmth between her legs as she presses against me.

  Part of me wants to ask her what we’re doing, and if she’s sure she’s okay with this. In all the years I’ve known her, we’ve never ventured outside the friend zone. But the other part of me, the hornier part, tells me to shut the hell up and enjoy the moment.

  Her hips shift restlessly on top of me, and I let out a long groan. “Fuck, Bailey. You feel so good.”

  “Touch me.” She breathes out the words, rocking her hips against me more firmly.

  “Happily, sweetheart.”

  I place one more soft kiss on her mouth and then my lips move lower, tracing the pulse in her throat, then nibble at her collarbone as I pull down the top of her dress and work my way toward the generous swell of her breasts. They are more than a handful.

  “Fuck, I’m the luckiest man alive right now.”

  She chuckles for a moment, but the sound quickly turns to gasps as I tease one perky nipple with my tongue.

  “Or do you do this with all your patients?”

  She pulls back, and I immediately regret the thoughtless words that left my mouth. Way to be a fucking dipshit, Asher.

  Her body tensing in my hold, she says, “You’re right. This is totally unprofessional.”

  “Bailey, I’m kidding. I know you would never. Forgive me for being an idiot? I’m going to blame it on the blood flow that’s all been diverted south.”

  She twists her lips—it’s almost a smile—and shakes her head at me.

  “We’re both adults. If you want to stop, then that’s exactly what we’ll do, but if you want to keep going, I would love to make you come on my tongue. Or my fingers. Or my cock.” Or all three . . .

  She kisses me again, and I smile against her mouth. I’m so happy.

  “That what you want too?” I ask.

  “Yes . . .”

  When she hesitates like there’s something more on her mind, I ask, “But?”

  She chews on her lower lip for a second as her gaze flicks up to the door. It doesn’t have a lock, unfortunately, and I think Bailey’s just realized that.

  “What if someone comes in? Maybe we shouldn’t get naked.”

  I’d like to assure her that Lolli wouldn’t just barge in without knocking first, but let’s be honest. My grandmother does a lot of things I wouldn’t expect her to. Like mechanical bull riding.

  “I can work with that,” I say, nuzzling her breasts again. I’m a little obsessed with these, apparently.

  I lift Bailey off of me and place her carefully in the center of the bed. Then I crawl down her body until I’m eye level with the lace of her panties. Her dress is rucked up just enough, and I plant one hand on the soft skin of her stomach, and move her panties to the side with the other.

  Bailey trembles when my tongue touches her clit.

  With lazy flicks of my tongue, I tease her until she’s dragging her fingers through my hair and making soft, need-filled whimpers. She tastes so good, and her body is so responsive to every lick and nibble. When I seal my lips to her and suck, her hips shoot up off the bed. After a few minutes more, Bailey comes apart, gasping and quivering against me.

  She’s breathless when I lie down beside her.

  “That was so hot,” I say, grinning at her.

  “Don’t get too cocky,” she says, but she’s smiling too.

  God, this feels so right—her and me. I chuckle and turn her lips to mine so I can press one more kiss to her perfect mouth.

  “What about …” She looks down at the eager erection tenting the front of my pants. “Should I…?”

  Just the thought of her touching me has me ready to explode. “I’ll take care of it later,” I say, kissing her again.

  Bailey adjusts her panties and tugs down the skirt of her dress. “Well, that was fun,” she says, still slightly breathless.

  “I’m here all week,” I joke.

  She shakes her head, watching me with a soft expression. “Don’t worry, Ashe. I know it’s just a week. I’m not looking for a relationship.”

  “You’re not?”

  She laughs. “God, no. I’m just about to enter one of the busiest times of my life. I’ll hardly have time to even sleep, let alone tend to another human being.”

  “Right,” I grit out. “Of course.” The words feel like sandpaper in my throat.

  A few minutes later, after Bailey has r
epositioned the ice pack against me, she gives me one last kiss and then pauses at the door. “Ice that for at least twenty minutes. See ya downstairs later, right?”

  “Don’t eat all the snickerdoodles,” I say, smiling.

  But inside, my chest is tight. I feel like someone just dropped a bomb on me, and I have no idea why I’d feel anything but incredible right now. I just pleasured a gorgeous girl, a girl who takes care of me, and who gets along with my family. I should feel like the king of the freaking world right now, not like a sorry lump of shit.

  With a deep sigh, I shove a pillow under my head and close my eyes, trying to figure out what the hell just happened, and why the thought of Bailey not wanting a relationship makes me feel so grumpy.


  * * *

  A Watched Phone Never Rings


  It’s 10:55 a.m. and I’m sitting cross-legged in the middle of my bed, wondering if staring at the time on my phone will make it move faster.

  I need it to be 11:00 a.m., a.k.a. the start of Aubree’s lunch break. I texted her this morning, telling her I need to talk, not just text. Because if I don’t tell someone about what happened with Asher last night, I think I may actually explode.

  Or let it slip in conversation with his sisters, or in front of his family. Which, frankly, would be way worse, and I’d possibly die of embarrassment and humiliation.

  At breakfast this morning, I’m pretty sure I visibly flinched every time anyone said “come” or “down” or any other word that my brain could twist into an innuendo about what Asher and I did last night. And when he met my eyes from across the breakfast table, smirking with his lips around a forkful of eggs, the mischievous blue depths of his eyes hinted at his indecent thoughts.

  I wished I could extract every single one of them like a suture from an incision, but no such luck. Which was for the best, because I doubt my own impure thoughts would have been as easily concealed. My face threatened to turn as red as a tomato at the idea of getting him naked. That’s not a fact I need his grandmother aware of, no matter how close I’ve grown to her this week.


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