Crossing the Line

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Crossing the Line Page 17

by Kendall Ryan

  Even though the door is closed, I can still hear the low rumble of music and chatter coming from inside. If Hannah’s first birthday party is anything like Lolli’s eighty-fifth, I’m guessing the house is packed to the gills. And a year ago, that scared me shitless. But my days of being overwhelmed by Asher’s massive family are long gone. Now I’m itching to go inside and see the people who have quickly become my second family.

  Once Lolli releases Asher from her vise grip of a hug, Tess presses a kiss to his scruffy cheek and takes our bags onto her shoulders. “I’ll take these up to your room. But I’ll warn you, Hannah’s crib is in the room next door. So if a crying baby wakes you up . . .” She puts her hands up in front of her in surrender. “Don’t blame me, blame the birthday girl.”

  Lolli gasps, her eyes widening at the mention of the little one we’re celebrating today. “We’re going to miss the smash cake! Ándale, ándale!” She scurries through the front door like a crab into its burrow, with Tess following close behind her.

  “Did she just say smash cake?” I cock my head toward Asher, looking for an explanation, but he just smiles and laces his fingers through mine.

  “She sure did. Come on, gorgeous. Let’s go see.”

  One step through the front door, and suddenly, I feel less like I’m at Lolli’s place and more like I’m inside a craft blog brought to life. Bunches of light blue balloons are arranged in every corner to look like bubbles, and the green streamers taped to the walls make some convincing seaweed. The icing on the cake is, well, the cake itself, which is on display on the kitchen island. It’s decorated to look like a treasure chest with gold chocolate coins pouring out.

  “Sheesh.” Asher whistles, craning his neck to take in the décor. “This seems like a lot of work for a party that Hannah won’t even remember.” The second the words come out, he shoots me a nervous sideways glance. “Don’t tell Nora I said that.”

  I mime locking my lips and throwing the invisible key over my shoulder. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  “Did somebody say secret?” Courtney appears out of nowhere, a marshmallow bar in the shape of a seashell in her hand. “I thought you two were done keeping secrets around here.”

  “Nice to see you too, sis,” Asher says with a smirk. “And no, no secrets. None you need to hear about, anyway.”

  “Are you sure?” She holds up her left hand, giving her ring finger a wiggle. “Do you guys have something to tell us?”

  My gaze darts over to Asher, expecting to see his eyes bug out of his head, but to my surprise, he’s pleasantly calm. There’s even a soft smile tugging at his lips.

  “How about we let her finish her residency before we start talking next steps?”

  My heart does a quadruple backflip in my chest. So I’m not the only one who’s been thinking about next steps. Noted.

  “Well, if it isn’t my favorite couple.” Amber emerges from the crowd, pressing one hand against her heart. “Have I mentioned you two look perfect together?”

  “Not since the last time we video chatted,” Asher says, pulling her in for a hug. “How’ve you been?”

  “I’m better now that you’re here,” she says, pinching off a bite of Courtney’s marshmallow treat and popping it between her lips. “I’ve spent the last hour trying to keep Brooke away from Hannah’s stack of presents. Whoever thought it would be a good idea to give sugar to a three-year-old is officially my enemy.”

  “Speaking of which, is there a spot for the cards?” I ask, fishing the bright blue envelope out of my purse.

  As if on cue, the birthday girl’s dad appears, giving Asher a clap on the back with one hand and snagging the envelope with the other. “I can take that. Thanks for coming, you guys.”

  “That money is for your daughter’s college fund, Todd,” Asher tells him. “No blowing it on beer and takeout, all right?”

  Todd laughs, putting one hand up like he’s taking an oath. “I swear it’s in good hands with me. Now with Nora, you’re at risk of it being used on more sparkly headbands she doesn’t need.”

  “Come on, everybody!” a voice that is unmistakably Lolli’s hollers above the chaos. “We’re about to do the cake!”

  The crowd gathers around baby Hannah’s high chair, which is decorated with streamers that match the sparkly teal bow on her headband. She looks as cute as a button in her mermaid shirt and tutu. With her big baby blues and shock of blond hair, she could almost pass as a teeny, tiny Asher.

  That thought should scare me, but instead, it brings that warm, fuzzy feeling back to the center of my chest. Just like Courtney said last year—there’s always room for one more in the family. But that’s a long way away. For now, I’m enjoying the feel of Asher’s muscular arm wrapped around my waist, tugging me flush against him as he kisses the top of my head.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” he whispers, squeezing me tight.

  “Of course I’m here.” I sink back into him, loving the feel of his strong arms around me. And I’ve never been so sure that there’s nowhere else I’d rather be right now.

  “I love you,” he says, meeting my gaze.

  Little tingles travel through me at his words. It’s not the first time he’s said them, but somehow it still feels a little surreal. “I love you too,” I whisper back, my chest a little tight.

  “On the count of three!” Lolli calls out, waving her hands in the air like a conductor. “And a-one, and a-two, and a-three!”

  On her cue, the whole family bursts into the loudest, most off-key version of “Happy Birthday” I’ve ever heard, featuring the high, squeaky voices of Mack and Tyson, who have been having a little too much fun with the helium balloons.

  “Happy birthday to youuuu!”

  As we all cheer, Nora removes the unlit candle from the top of Hannah’s blue-frosted cake. “All right, Hannah. Have at it!” She gestures at the dome-shaped sugary goodness in front of her.

  Hannah blinks at her mama, then at her dad, and finally gives the cake a suspicious poke, sinking one tiny finger into the frosting. We all let out a collective “aww,” which makes little Hannah do it again.

  “The idea is for her to smash it,” Asher says, pulling his phone from his pocket to snap a picture. “But I guess Little Miss Manners isn’t about that life.”

  As if to prove him wrong, Hannah releases a loud, joyous squeal and presses an open hand straight into the cake, grabbing a handful of goopy blue frosting to shove into her mouth, and earns a triumphant cheer from the crowd.

  “Never mind.” Asher laughs. “I take it back. She’s pretty boss.”

  Once Hannah’s face is sufficiently covered in frosting, Lolli cuts into the treasure chest cake, and I volunteer to pass out slices. It’s a good opportunity to make sure I greet everyone individually. After discussing second grade with Fable, brainstorming second birthday party themes with Todd and Nora, and recapping my first year at the medical practice to Steve and Tess, I settle in on the couch next to Asher with an extra-large slice of chocolate cake as a reward.

  “You’ve been doing a lot of socializing,” Asher murmurs into my ear, his hand floating over to my thigh, which he gives a firm squeeze. “Maybe we should, you know, head up to the bedroom for a bit. Get some rest.”

  His gaze latches onto mine with a look I know all too well. I watch as his eyes shift from bright blue to a stormy navy, a sure sign that dirty thoughts are running rampant. I can’t stop the helpless shiver that races through me.

  “Now?” I whisper, wide-eyed. “With your whole family down here?”

  A devilish smile twitches across his lips. “What can I say? I like a challenge.”

  “Yeah, I learned that a year ago when you won me over.”

  I lean in to kiss him, my skin pebbling with goose bumps when he nips flirtatiously at my lower lip before pulling away. Damn, this man knows exactly how to turn me right the fuck on, even in the middle of a family birthday party.

  “So . . . bedroom?” he growls, his hooded eyes

  Before I can steady my breath enough to reply, he stretches his arms over his head in an exaggerated, obviously fake yawn.

  “I think Bailey and I are going to rest up a bit before the bonfire tonight,” he announces to no one in particular, and I just barely hold back a laugh.

  “Yeah, I’m beat,” I say, supporting his case. When in Rome, right? Or in this case, when in Coronado.

  “Go take a cat nap,” Lolli suggests in passing. “We’ll need you well rested to help Fable roast marshmallows without setting the beach on fire.”

  “Great idea, Lolli.” Asher’s voice is sugary sweet as he pushes to his feet, offering me a hand. “Shall we?”

  I place my hand in his, enjoying the trail of goose bumps chasing up my arm. “We shall.”

  And five minutes later, we do.

  Hard and fast and wild, and better than ever before.


  I’ve never gotten naked this fast in my entire life, but Bailey seems completely uninterested in foreplay. Which is fine by me. More than fine, actually.

  As I stand with my back to the door, she palms my cock, sliding her fingers over me, and I let out a grateful sound.

  “Quiet,” she says, bringing a finger to her lips.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I whisper, pushing her panties—the last scrap of clothing between us—to the floor.

  Seconds later, we’re on the bed kissing. And when she parts her thighs, I kneel between them. I can’t help but notice the way she admires me. Her gaze lingers on my broad chest, then slowly sinks to my chiseled abs and then back up to my face.

  I smile. Bailey grins back.

  And then I’m grinding against her, only to discover she’s already wet. Bailey makes a low sound in her throat.

  “Shh.” I place my hand over her mouth at the same time that the first slow thrust of my hips pushes my hardness slightly into her soft heat.

  Bailey’s eyes widen and lock on mine, and then begin to sink closed as pleasure washes over her features.

  I press in deeper, and she whimpers. I know I should, but I can’t bring myself to go slow. Driving my hips forward, I close all the remaining distance between us. I have to bite my lip to hold in a groan.

  Bailey feels incredible. Tight and wet and hot. It’s heaven. Only adding to this moment is the illicit and clandestine nature of us sneaking off early to fuck like rabbits in my room.

  “Ashe . . .” She pleads with her eyes when I move my hand.

  “Gonna be quiet for me while I make you come so hard you want to scream my name?” I whisper this and other filthy things into the soft, sweet skin of her throat.

  Bailey makes a helpless, pleasure-filled sound that vibrates in the room, and I place my hand right back over her mouth.

  I give my head a little shake. “That’s not gonna work, sweetheart.”

  Can’t have my freaking grandma hear me banging my girlfriend. Talk about an awkward walk of shame in the morning.

  I’m deciding if it would be uncool to place a pillow over her head when Bailey gives my chest a shove. I move off her, already missing our connection. I think she’s about to tell me this isn’t going to work when she sits up, but then her legs swing over the side of the bed and she’s on the move, heading toward the small attached bathroom and giving my hand a tug.

  I obviously follow her, my throbbing erection bobbing with each step. And there’s zero time to feel awkward about this, because my hot-as-sin girlfriend is tugging me inside the space and hoisting herself up on the counter. When she parts her knees, I kick the door closed behind me and then my mouth is hot on hers. Her tongue strokes mine as I enter her again.

  My knees buckle at how good she feels.

  Planting her hands on the counter, Bailey rocks her hips closer to mine, grinding up against me.

  “Baby . . . you’re gonna make me lose control.” My voice is a desperate plea.

  “Do it,” she says, breathless.

  “Not until you come all over me.”

  She gasps and meets my eyes. “I’m close.”

  The feeling of her bare is indescribable. I know I’m not gonna last, but I force myself to breathe, and somehow I hold out.

  Bailey’s hands leave the marble countertop, and then they’re gripping my ass, pulling me closer as she cries out. “There.”

  “Yes, beautiful,” I murmur, kissing her temple as she starts to tremble. “That’s it.”

  Wildly, recklessly, she falls apart, shivering as she clings to me, her arms around my neck now, her lips pressed against my throat. The amount of trust and love flowing between us is so big, so powerful, there’s not a word for it.

  I can’t last. And not just because of how amazingly hot the sex is between us, but because I can feel her all the way down to the furthest depths of my soul.

  Moments later, I spill inside her in hot, wet bursts. I’m wrecked and sweaty and totally breathless, so it takes me a second to realize Bailey is laughing.

  “What is it?” I ask, carefully withdrawing.

  She’s laughing harder now. “We just had sex in a flipping bathroom while we hid from your family.”

  “So what?”

  “So, that’s insane is what.”

  I shrug and grab her a wad of tissues. “It worked out.”

  She swats at me, smiling as she accepts the tissues to clean between her legs. “You’re crazy.”

  “Crazy about you,” I say with a grin.

  • • •

  The next morning I pour myself a mug of coffee and join Bailey at the kitchen table.

  It’s another beautiful day in paradise, and I’m grateful we get to spend the week here, vacationing together. I told Bailey we could have gone anywhere—any exotic location she wanted in the world—but she chose here, my grandmother’s house, insisting we couldn’t miss Hannah’s big day. I swear it made me fall a little deeper in love with Bailey, if that were even possible.

  “You sleep okay?” I ask her, enjoying the view of her sleep-mussed hair and the sight of her in my oversized T-shirt.

  “You wore me out,” she murmurs, giving me a soft look from across the table. It makes my body heat up a few degrees.

  A few seconds later, Lolli wanders into the kitchen, settling herself in besides Bailey.

  “I slept like the dead last night. You guys were so quiet up there,” she says, looking between Bailey and me like she’s amused by something. Or maybe she’s trying to feel us out to see what actually happened after we went up to bed at such an early hour.

  I shrug. My gaze flicks to Bailey’s, and her lips twitch with the secret knowledge of what we did last night. We were only quiet because of how creative we got when I fucked her brains out.

  Mission accomplished.

  “What’s on the agenda today?” Bailey asks, rising from her chair to refill her coffee. I suspect she’s just trying to change the subject. Smart girl.

  I shrug. “I hear there may be a cannonball contest later. Fable’s judging.”

  This makes Bailey laugh. “Oh, you’re going down,” she says.

  “No way. I’ve got the best cannonball in the game, remember?” I smirk.

  I realize Lolli is grinning at us like a loon. I also realize that with Bailey by my side, life is so much sweeter.

  • • •

  Thank you so much for reading! If you want to read the sizzling bonus scene when Asher and Bailey are interrupted by Landon . . . sign up at the link below and I’ll send the scene directly to your in-box. Trust me, you want this scene (written entirely in Asher’s point of view)!


  Up next in this series is a book you do not want to miss! Down and Dirty is about the rookie Landon and the feisty Aubree. Landon is a swoony, stubborn waiting-for-the-right-girl hero you will melt for. There’s plenty of high-heat first times and feel-good fun. Hang on to your panties, ladies! I. LOVE. THIS. BOOK!


  Up Next in this Series
/>   Whoops.

  Last night in Vegas is a blur. Now I’m waking up naked wrapped around Landon freaking Covington, my stupidly hot and younger guy friend, with a wedding ring on my finger and a marriage certificate on the table next to me.

  Like I said, Whoops. I’m thirty. I should know better, but what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?

  Well, apparently not.

  Because I’ve married the last alpha-male virgin on the planet. Yep, virgin. And my stubborn, oddly traditional new husband doesn’t want a divorce. He wants me. But there’s no way we could ever work. I’m a cat person. He loves dogs. I like tacos. He wants pizza. I love dirty, wild sex . . .

  We also bicker nonstop about the dumbest stuff. The frown on his full mouth and tick in his jaw when he’s angry are more than a little distracting. Turns out there’s a fine line between love and hate, and crossing it lands me straight into his bed.

  This is Book 5 in the Hot Jocks series. Each book is about a different player on a fictional ice hockey team, and each can be read as a complete standalone. Landon is a new rookie on the team. The heroine, Aubree, is the director of the team’s charity organization. Enjoy!

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  About the Author

  A New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA TODAY bestselling author of more than two dozen titles, Kendall Ryan has sold over two million books, and her books have been translated into several languages in countries around the world. Her books have also appeared on the New York Times and USA TODAY bestseller list more than three dozen times. Kendall has been featured in publications such as USA TODAY, Newsweek, and In Touch Magazine. She lives in Texas with her husband and two sons.


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