A Warranted Box Set

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A Warranted Box Set Page 16

by Shannon Nemechek

  “My God,” he said as she walked away. “Can you get any more beautiful?”

  She stopped and turned her head, slightly looking back at him. “Yep, sure can.” She smiled and walked off. He jumped up, running after her, but she shut and locked the door before he could get to her.

  “No hanky panky. Go shower!” She laughed as he turned away and scooted into the bathroom. Once she heard the shower come on, she knew it was safe to open the door. She hurried and dressed, then pulled her blow dryer out. She was still blow drying her hair when she felt his hands on her hips. He twirled her around, hoping to steal a kiss. But instead of a kiss, her blow dryer flew from her hand and popped him in the eye.

  “Oh my gosh, baby. I am so sorry.”

  Laughing at himself, Raleigh held his eye as she lightly kissed his lips. “I guess I deserved that one.”

  “No, no. I didn’t mean to hit you, baby.”

  “I know you didn’t, darlin’. I’m just giving you a hard time.”

  “Are you ok?”

  “Oh yeah, darlin. I’ve dealt with a lot of harder hits than that.”

  “I am sorry, baby. I didn’t have a good grip on it when you swung me around. It just slipped out.”

  “Baby,” he said, cupping her cheek. “I’m fine. It’s just a flesh wound. How much longer before you are ready?”

  “Just a few more minutes. I want to finish drying my hair then put my face on.”

  “Sounds good, baby. Take your time. We got ’bout an hour before we meet the driver downstairs.”

  While Sam finished up, Raleigh prepared. He called downstairs to verify that the carriage was still coming at eight am. It would take them on a private French Quarter tour then drop them off on Jackson Street for their private tour of the bayou swamps by boat. They had a stop at a plantation along the way; they would eat lunch at the main house on the screened in porch. She would get to try mint julep and authentic Cajun food. He planned a private tour of the houses and shopping along the way. They would then return to the main house where they would have a special meal in their room. He ordered the best wine and made sure he had the necklace with him. He would place it on her neck at dinner. It has to be perfect; everything has to be perfect. I want her to melt in my arms tonight, he thought as he watched her apply her lipstick. Man, I wish I was that lipstick right now. Not much longer, baby, and you’ll be all mine, forever.

  Sam emerged from the bathroom and Raleigh stood frozen. Her hair was curled wavy and fell across her face and shoulders. Her skin glowed, and her lips were a cherry red. The way the dress fell just above her knees and her breasts fit perfectly just oozing out just enough that her cleavage almost spoke to him, lick me. She stood in front of him as he moved his eyes past her cleavage; he noticed that the sun peeked through the dress revealing her figure underneath. She was perfect, both inside and out. He didn’t say a word but motioned his finger for her to twirl around so he could get a full view of the entire package. He noticed one thing that the sun also revealed—one single string in the back, a thong. His breath caught and he sighed.

  “My God, you are the most stunning, sexy, electrifying woman I have ever met. I would’ve preferred no panties, but we will be in some areas that you're gonna want them on. So, once we get back to the main house, I will help you off with them and we can finish out the evening like that. Deal?”

  “Wait. What? You can see thru?”

  “Oh, yes. And it is to die for.”

  “Raleigh, seriously, should I change?”

  “Oh no, I want to show you off today. Keep it on. You can only see through if the sun shines through. And if it does, then they will get a glimpse into what I will get to be with tonight. So, you didn’t answer my question, darlin’. Deal?”

  “Ok, deal. Is it time to go?”

  “Yep, any time you’re ready, darlin’.”

  “Oh Raleigh, I am more than ready. I’ve waited for this my entire life.”

  “Well, let’s go then.” He gently guided her out the door and down the elevator to the lobby. Sam stopped by the fountain, closed her eyes, and made another wish, to have the most incredible day with the most amazing man she had ever met, that on this day he would fall madly in love with her, and they would make a life together. When she opened her eyes, Raleigh told her to keep them closed.

  “I have a surprise for you. I will guide you outside, baby.” As they approached the door, the doorman opened the massive wooden door to reveal a horse-drawn carriage. The driver stepped down and opened the door and waited for them to load up. As they stood in front, Raleigh said, “Ok, baby, open your eyes.” Sam opened her eyes and a silent shriek escaped her lips.

  “Oh my gosh, Raleigh, really?”

  “Yes, darlin’.” He held out his hand to help her up into the carriage. It was chilly out still, so the driver had placed two wool blankets on the seat. She quickly covered up. Raleigh sat down next to her. She put the blanket on him, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder as the driver started the tour.

  “Can you tell me now where we’re going?”

  “Yep, this part anyway. The second part is still a surprise, though.”

  “Ok, so?”

  “We are gonna tour the French Quarter for a little while, then get off at Jackson Street for the second half.”

  Sam’s head was spinning. She was finally getting him all to herself. No worries about being seen, no one knew them there. She didn’t have to worry about being interrupted by anyone. They could sit down and enjoy each other’s company, getting to know each other, really know each other. She had so many questions about his life and his history; she wanted to know it all. She decided she would share hers, too. If they had a chance for a life together, she would have to share her good and bad. They had all day, though, so she would wait until the right moment to interrogate him on his life.

  Once the carriage moved, Sam couldn’t contain her excitement and Raleigh loved it. He had never had a woman who was so open and appreciative of him. He didn’t care if she acted like a kid or looked stupid, she was just what he needed. He watched as she pointed out various buildings and landmarks. A couple of times he thought she might fall out of the carriage. When they came to a stop sign, she quickly jumped out and yelled at him to get out for a selfie. He obliged, smiling the entire time. He had never been so happy, and with Sam it could only get better from here. With each stop Sam jumped out for a picture. The driver told them stories of the different buildings and of the people. He also included a few ghost stories that Sam seemed to love hearing.

  When they pulled up to the tour agency, Raleigh jumped out and helped Sam to the ground. She couldn’t hide her smiling and wrapped her arms around him as they stood to wait for their car to come around. When it appeared, Sam was overwhelmed with excitement.

  “A limo?”

  “Yep, you ready for part two of our excursion?”

  “Oh my gosh, yes. Where are we going, baby?”

  “Nope, not yet. You will see. Now close your eyes. I have a surprise for you waitin’ in the limo.”

  She closed her eyes and held out her hand to him. What else could he possibly have or do to surprise me even more than he already has? This is a dream come true, spending the day with my dream man. He’s all I ever dreamed of my entire life. A man that would love me for who I am and care about me like I am the only woman in the world. It can’t get any better. Could it?

  As she slid into the limo, her legs felt the fine leather. The smell was a mix of berries, roses, and chocolate. And when she settled into her seat, she felt fur. Weird, she thought.

  “Open your eyes now, baby.” When she did she saw Raleigh was on the limo floor, holding a big teddy bear and the entire limo contained dozens and dozens of roses. There was a bottle of chilled wine, two glasses, and a plate of the biggest chocolate covered strawberries she had even seen. She instantly grabbed him around his neck, almost knocking him backward kissing him.

  “Oh, Raleigh. This is just too much.�

  “Not over with yet, darlin’. We’re just startin’ the day out. Got plenty more to come.” Sam watched out the window, taking in all the sights she could. She was blown away by the planning and thought that Raleigh had put into this day. He was definably the best catch she had ever made, and she wasn’t planning on throwing him back. He was definitely a keeper. As they drove through the remaining part of the French Quarter toward Canal Street, they passed many of the oldest buildings in New Orleans. Some were built as early as the eighteenth century. She loved history and especially the history of the pre-civil war and post-civil war era Old South. As they got closer to the Mississippi River, the pier came into view. She could see an old river boat.

  “Are we gonna go on that?” she shrieked as she pointed towards the boat.

  “Sure are.”

  “Oh my gosh, Raleigh. This is so cool. I can’t believe this. It’s like a dream come true. Where’s it taking us?”

  “That, my dear, is a secret. You will find out once we board. I promise, I will tell you.”

  When the limo came to a stop, Sam didn’t wait for the driver. She jumped out of the limo, jumping and waving at Raleigh. “Come on, baby. Let’s go.” She pulled and yanked on his arm, trying to pull him out of the limo as fast as she could.

  As she pulled him, he asked the driver, “Can you be back in the morning to pick us back up and take us back to our hotel?”

  “Yes, of course, sir. The hotel hired me for you, so I will be here. Safe travels and enjoy New Orleans.”

  “Thank you, man. If it’s ok, can you take all this to the hotel while we are gone?’

  “Of course, that is what I am here for. I will see you when you get back.”

  “Thank you.”

  Sam dragged Raleigh onto the boat ramp. He laughed as she struggled. “Slow down, baby. They aren’t leaving without us.”

  “Why wouldn’t they? They have a schedule to keep.”

  “Not today they don’t, darlin. Their schedule is our schedule. I rented the whole boat for the day.”

  “Oh my gosh, Raleigh. How?”

  “Same way I do everything, my dear, my charm.” He winked at her and took her hand in his. “Come on, baby. Let’s board. We got a lot to do today.”

  They boarded the boat, found a table near the bow, and watched as they pulled out into the Mississippi River. A waiter came out to their table and delivered a chilled bottle of wine, and Raleigh poured them each a glass. Sam watched as the boat passed various landmarks and buildings; her face lit up at each one. He stared at her, mesmerized by the way she looked and how she was enjoying the day. He loved how her face lit up as they rounded the first bend in the river and the plantation came into view.

  “Oh my gosh, Raleigh. Look at that, it’s so beautiful. I wish we could stop.”

  “That, my dear, is the first part of this surprise,” he said smiling.

  “Are you serious, baby? Oh my gosh. A real plantation?”

  “Yes, baby, an actual plantation.”

  As the boat slowed, it came to a stop at the docks of the plantation. A bevy of period-dressed people gathered at the docks to meet them. Raleigh watched her as she leaped off the boat and onto the docks. He stood in awe of her as he watched her interact with the actors of the plantation.

  Chapter 19

  “Welcome to Julep Alley.” The actors welcomed them with a rousing rendition of “When Johnny Comes Marching Home.” Sam was elated. Raleigh stood back and watched her as she grew more and more animated. She motioned to him with a “come here” wave. He quickly moved toward her; he couldn’t get to her side fast enough.

  Two actors who appeared to be the owners of the plantation approached them, each holding period clothing. Once they were face to face with Raleigh and Sam, they handed over the garments. The male actor told them that to receive the royal treatment at Julep Alley, they must become the new owners of the plantation. This, of course, Raleigh already knew as he had set up the entire day. He knew that this would be just what Sam would love, especially after he caught her in the hotel pretending to be a southern belle of the Old South. This trip would be her chance. She would be the lady of Julep Alley. She would love it; he knew it.

  When the lady of the house handed Sam her gown, she crossed her arm in hers and showed her to the changing room where she would have women to assist her dressing. Sam skipped the entire way. When she walked in, a bevy of ladies were waiting to do her hair and makeup and help her into her dress, a beautiful recreated civil war ball gown. It was made of taffeta the color of violets, black lace, and ruffled at the hem. It lay off the shoulders, and each arm had black lace and puffed out caplet sleeves. It was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. She had black silk gloves that went all the way up to her elbow and a black umbrella that would keep the hot southern sun off her shoulders. Her shoes were black lace up heeled boots and a large full underskirt. Not easily accessed for sure. He will definitely have to wait to see what’s underneath.

  As she dressed, she told one lady she felt like Scarlett O’Hara getting ready for the ball at White Oaks. This was her greatest dream come true. She couldn’t wait to see what Raleigh was wearing.

  It was getting toward lunchtime, and she was starving so she had the ladies hurry with her hair. They put her hair up, rolled in the back, with a black lace net, then topped it with a stunning hat of violet and black lace adorned with two blackened peacock feathers. They freshened her makeup and then walked her out to meet Raleigh. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she approached him. Will he like it?

  As she approached him, his mouth fell open, and he could hardly put words together. A faint sound exited his throat like that of a roaring lion. At first she wasn’t sure what to make of it. He stood frozen just staring at her.

  When their eyes met, a smiled escaped and he finally told her, “Baby, WOW! You look so beautiful. I never thought you could be more beautiful than you already are, but WOW, I was wrong. You belong down here with me, down in Alabama. We were destined to meet, and we are destined to be together.”

  “You really think so?”

  “Oh yes, darlin’. Without a doubt.”

  “Well, you look very dapper yourself. Reminds me of the suit Rhett wore to the ball at White Oaks. Looks exquisite on you. I could get used to seeing you dressed like that.”

  “Well, my darlin’, you will only get to see me one more time dressed like this.”

  “And when is that?”

  “That, my dear, is a secret for now, but I think you can figure it out. You’re a pretty smart filly.”

  Raleigh crooked his arm in hers and they walked up the large front steps of the main house where lunch was waiting for them. As they walked, he almost sensed that Sam was skipping under all that taffeta, but he wasn’t sure. It was still adorable. Raleigh pulled the chair out for her and helped her closer to the table. One waitresses, acting as a slave, came to their table and poured them each a tall glass of chilled mint julep.

  “Your first course will be out in just a moment. I hope you enjoy. If you need me, just ring this here bell.” She handed Sam the bell and headed inside the main house.

  Sam was speechless for the first time in a long time. All she could do was stare and say, “Thank you” She had said it at least twenty times, and Raleigh continued to smile and tell her she was welcome and she deserved it. When the waitress returned, she brought a bottle of wine and two plates, each containing fried chicken, mashed sweet potatoes, black-eyed peas, and cornbread. Raleigh watched as both plates were placed in front of them and their wine was poured.

  “Oh yeah, this is my favorite. Hope you know how to make all this, darlin’?”

  “I can probably manage. I am a pretty good cook, I’m told.”

  “So what do you think so far, darlin’?”

  “Oh, Raleigh, this is amazing. It’s just beautiful here, nothing like I ever imagined. Thank you, baby.”

  “Baby, you don’t have to keep thanking me. You deser
ve this and you deserve so much more.”

  “But I haven’t done anything.”

  “You, my darlin’, have done more than you will ever know.”

  “Well, tell me then. I’d like to hear it.”

  Sam picked up a piece of chicken and took a bite. Raleigh laughed as pieces fell into her lap.

  “Darlin’, use your fork and pull it apart. I swear you are the cutest.”

  “Ok,” she said, laughing. “No changing the subject. We are alone and we should get to know each other besides what’s under these clothes. That part I think we got covered.”

  “Yeah, I think you’re right about that.”

  “So, tell me what have I done?”

  Raleigh sat back and thought for a moment. Here goes nothing. “Well, darlin’, it’s a bit of a long story.”

  “Well, I got time, so shoot.”

  “Most of it, you know already and then what you heard during Jared’s interrogation. So, I will start from the middle. He and I were part of a five-man team. We’d been on a lot of missions together, more than I can even count on both hands. We had been sent to the Takar Ghar mountains to find and engage a group of fighters hidden up in the caves. They hit our FOB a few times, and the Lieutenant Colonel was getting a little tired of dealing with it, so he sent us out. Things were fine until they ambushed us. Killed three of our guys. I was shot in the shoulder and Jared in the leg. We fought them for a while and we were surrounded, pinned down all sides. We took a lot of them out, but eventually they overran us and captured us. They took turns torturing us. At first they tortured us in front of each other, then I guess they decided that wasn’t working and would drag us off to another room. It killed me as I heard them torturing Jared. I would scream and tell them to take me, but that just enraged them and they would beat me ’til I was unconscious. When I would wake up, I could hear them at it still. The screams of pain I heard from Jared still haunt me. I heard later that they had recovered the bodies of the men they had killed and displayed them in the town. They cut their heads off and put them up on stakes as a message to all in the village to not help the Americans. When we escaped, I helped Jared down the mountain. His leg was infected and looked pretty bad. I thought he might lose it. My shoulder was infected too, but the docs were able to fix me right up. We then went to Germany for more treatment, then back to Bragg to recover. Ya know what kills me now?”


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