A Warranted Box Set

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A Warranted Box Set Page 39

by Shannon Nemechek

  Raleigh let her in, so she could take Samantha’s vitals. “How’s she doing this morning?” Raleigh asked the nurse.

  “She is doing fine. Besides the raging headache she has,” Sam broke in.

  “I’m sorry, babe. Did we wake you?”

  “Naw. I was just laying here with my eyes closed. This headache is killer. You think maybe you can turn off the lights in here? And maybe this amazing nurse could get me something to help the pounding in my head?”

  Raleigh quickly got up and turned off the lights. The nurse walked out, and within a couple of minutes, she had two cups, one with water and the other had a pill. “Here you go, Sergeant. Take this. It will make you sleepy but will help the headache, I promise.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  “All right now, Sergeant, if you need me, just use the call button on the handle there. It will send me an alert.”

  “Okay, thank you, ma’am.”

  The nurse stopped for a moment then turned to Raleigh. “Was there something you needed, Chief?”

  “Oh yes, you wouldn’t happen to have any coffee running yet at the nurse’s desk, would ya?”

  “Well actually, we do. Would you like a cup?”

  “I will take a gallon if you have it, but for now a cup will do just fine, ma’am. Thank you.”

  “Sounds great. I will be right back with some coffee for you. Would you like me to have the kitchen bring you something for breakfast also?”

  “That would be great. I would appreciate that. I don’t want to leave the sergeant’s bedside.”

  “All right. I will be right back with the coffee, and I will get you a tray also.”

  “Thank you so much, nurse. What’s your name, sweetie?”

  “It’s Karen.”

  “Well, thank you, nurse Karen. I would very much appreciate some breakfast.”

  She smiled and sauntered off. Samantha giggled. “My my, you even got the nurse all hot and bothered with that charm of yours. I’m just glad you’re all mine, and I know how to repel the charm when needed.”

  Raleigh grinned. “Well, I wasn’t even trying this time.”

  “Baby, you don’t have to try. It’s that damn smile and those ‘come fuck me’ eyes of yours. They melt the hearts and moisten the panties of every woman you meet. Just remember you’re mine and mine are the only panties that come off.”

  Raleigh walked over to Samantha and lightly kissed her forehead. “Sammie, you are the only woman I want from now until the day I die. You have nothing to worry about. The only panties I wanna see on this floor or any other are yours.”

  Samantha pulled him in closer and kissed his lips. He fully accepted as she took her hand and rubbed his cock over his uniform. It didn’t take long, and his erection was so uncomfortable he had to unbutton a couple of buttons and pull his shirt out to cover what was straining to come out.

  “Baby, you best behave, or you are gonna have to help me take care of it. Besides, the nurse is due back any minute.”

  “I know she is.” Samantha smiled. “I wanna see how you handle yourself with a raging hard-on.”

  “Oh, Samantha you are naughty, girl. Once I get rid of the nurse, you might be in for a show.”

  “Might? I am counting on it. I love to watch you, and maybe if you do it really good, I will let you take care of me. Would you like that? Get your face down between my legs and show me how bad I’ve been.”

  Raleigh’s eyes burned almost right through her; he didn’t have to answer, she already knew. He was always ready, and she did love that about him. He was more than open to do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Just as he was getting ready to answer, the nurse cracked open the door and poked her head in. “I have coffee and the trays just got here. So why don’t you take this and I will go get your trays?”

  Raleigh grabbed the coffee and quickly drank half the cup before the nurse returned with breakfast. When she arrived back, she poked her head through the crack in the door and smiled. “Chow’s here!” she exclaimed, pushing open the door with her foot as Raleigh arrived just in time to help her, grabbing one of the trays and placing it on the bed table for Samantha. She handed Raleigh his tray as she smiled and winked at him.

  “If you need anything else, Chief, I will be right outside at the nurse’s desk. If you get bored and want something to do, I am sure I can think of something,” she said as she headed back toward the door. “And I mean anything,” she repeated as she walked out the door. Raleigh being the sweet and honorable southern gentleman he was, he replied, “Thank you, ma’am, I will make sure to come find you if I do.”



  Samantha, who watched from her hospital bed, was not amused in the very least, but she knew Raleigh well enough to know he was just being himself, so she didn’t blame him or for that matter the nurse for being attracted to him. She knew she wasn’t the only woman in this world who thought that Raleigh Fitzgerald was drop dead gorgeous. It happened wherever they went—women would fall all over themselves to get close to him, but Samantha knew he only had eyes for her, and she liked it that way. But she also couldn’t turn down the chance to give Raleigh a hard time about it.

  “Really? She’s gonna just go and proposition you right in front of me? Wow, she’s got some big ones. She’s damned lucky I’m in this bed, ’cause if I wasn’t, she would be. And you—you just go on with your charm and let her do it. I should kick your ass first.”

  “What? I didn’t do anything but help her with a tray and ask for coffee,” Raleigh replied, trying to defend himself.

  “Well, you probably went out there all smiles and shit, and you know how the women just fall all over their shit when you smile.” Samantha tried to stifle her smile, but it was getting more difficult. “I know that’s how ya got me.”

  It was then he realized she was taunting him, and he walked over to her bedside and kissed her. “You know what happens to naughty girls that tease, right?”

  “Oh yeah? And what would that be?” Samantha baited.

  Raleigh placed his hand on hers and guided it to his crotch. “That’s what happens. Can you feel the affect you have on me, Miss Samantha?”

  “Oh yes, I feel it. Now when can I see it? You, my dear, owe me a show. My very own peep show. I’m ready, and it seems so are you, so let’s get this party started. Whatcha think?”

  “I think I’m always hungry after an orgasm, so let’s call this show and breakfast. Why don’t you help me out some and get me started?”

  Samantha stared into his bright brown eyes as she began to rub his hardness, Raleigh’s hand still covering hers as they rubbed together. Samantha paused and started to pull away. “Whoa, where ya goin’?”

  She grinned back at him. “Nowhere. I am gonna get better access.” She began to unbutton his uniform pants. One button, then two, and as she unbuttoned the third, his erection fell into her hand. “Going commando, I see? I do love that about you.” Before he could reply, she had wrapped her fingers around his hardness and began to pump back and forth. The faster she went, the more Raleigh had to stifle his moans. My lord, that woman knows how to get me off, and she has the softest hands I’ve ever felt. Her movements were faster, and he could hardly control himself as he began to meet her movements. Raleigh shuffled through the sheets that covered Samantha, attempting to get his hand between her legs to give her the same pleasure she was giving him, but every time he got close, she moved.

  “Oh no, baby, you promised to eat my pussy, not finger me. I will only accept your tongue at this time. And since at this moment I have you by the cock, you will wait your turn. Once I get my show.” Samantha then released her grip from his engorged cock and ordered him to masturbate for her.

  “Show me how you fuck yourself, Raleigh. I wanna see you, and while you show me, I am gonna pull this sheet down and show you how I get wet watching you.” Pulling the sheet from her body, she lifted her hospital gown to expose her breasts and spread her legs open. Then mo
ving her hands over her body, she took one hand and squeezed her breasts, and the other hand made its way to her pussy. Raleigh’s cock twitched as Samantha put one finger inside her wet hole, and as she fingered herself, Raleigh’s movements quickened, and his moans grew louder.

  “Do you wanna fuck me, baby?” she teased. “Do you wanna lick my pussy?”

  The more she spoke to him, the harder he squeezed his erection and the faster he pumped. “My god, yes, baby, I wanna fuck you so badly right now.”

  “No, you only get to eat. No fuckin’ this pussy till we are home. If you want the pussy, you must beg for the pussy.” Samantha sat up and turned to the side of her hospital bed. “Do you want my pussy, Raleigh?”

  “Oh god, yes!” he answered.

  “Well, show me then. Get down on your knees and watch me finger my pussy while you fuck your hand. I want you close enough you can feel the heat from my pussy. Now get on your knees.”

  Raleigh complied, and Samantha wrapped her legs around his shoulders, close enough that he could feel the heat from her, but not close enough that he could lick her, at least not yet.

  “Do you like that, baby? Can you smell my pussy? Do you wanna eat my pussy?

  “Yes. Yes, please yes. I wanna make you cum all over my face. I wanna lick that cum, please baby, please.” Raleigh pumped faster as he watched Samantha finger herself, and when she began to moan, he couldn’t take it anymore and blew an orgasm so intense that if he hadn’t been on the floor already, it surely would’ve put him there. He continued to watch Samantha until finally he couldn’t take it and dove between her thighs, licking and sucking, breathing in her essence. Her scent always drove him completely crazy.

  He explored her folds as he swirled his tongue over each line and curve until he found her clit; at the same time, he fingered her to orgasm. Looking into each other’s eyes as she climaxed, the connection between them was more intense and overwhelming than either of them had ever experienced. She leaned into him, and he touched her cheek, pulling her into him. They kissed a kiss unlike any they had ever shared between them. It was a kiss—a forever kiss—one that said, “We are one, forever and always.”

  As Raleigh pulled away, he felt an overwhelming urge to tell her again how he felt. He never wanted her to forget that despite everything, she was and always would be his one and only. “I love you so much, Samantha, more than anyone in this entire world, and I am so happy we are going to spend the rest of our lives together.”

  “I love you too, Fitz. I never thought in a million years I would ever meet anyone like you who would sweep me off my feet and turn my world upside down until the day you walked into my life. The day I met you was the day my entire world changed and the day my heart opened back up to love. That day I saw you in baggage claim at O’Hare Airport was the day I fell in love with you. When you smiled at me and your eyes lit up, my heart melted, and my knees went weak. I thought for sure I was going to pass out. At first, I had the mystery man I had dreamt about always in the back of my mind then when I learned that man was you, everything was as clear as the day you picked me up and held me in the helicopter to safety. It was those eyes and that smile and the sound of your voice that said, ‘You’re safe now and we are taking you home.’ I had never felt safe again until that day in the airport. You are my future, Fitz. You are the one and only man I can ever think about spending the rest of my life with. You are my world and my one and only.”

  As she spoke those words, Raleigh sat and listened, holding closely, then he got up and sat next to her on the bed. “I am a very lucky man is all I gotta say. You, Samantha O’Hara, are one of a kind, and I can’t wait to call you Mrs. Fitzgerald.” Raleigh kissed her on the forehead and held her closely. After a few minutes, Samantha’s stomach rumbled and growled.

  “Well, someone must be hungry. Why don’t we get this breakfast ate before it gets cold?”


  As they finished breakfast, Raleigh briefed Samantha on Senator Warren and told her that Chance had him at a safe house until they could do a full interview, and that Chance needed to bring in some other agents as well as a mystery witness he had met in Frankfurt, Germany. All Raleigh knew was that the witness was female and a banker with Deutsche Bank. They would know more once Chance got her into town. Then despite his best efforts they would most likely have to pursue Saheed into Afghanistan.

  “It’s not over yet, Sammie. I’m not sure when we will be going, but I do know once we do and I get there, I will kill him. Not just for me but for you. He will never touch you again. I promise you.”

  “I know, Fitz. As much as I hate it, I know you have to do your job. I support you one hundred percent, and I always will.”

  “We support you too, Boss.” Bryant poked his head through the crack in the door.

  “How long have you been there, Bryant?” Raleigh replied.

  “Oh, I’d say since the first ‘I love you.’ We’ve just been waitin’ for the best time to pop in. We didn’t want to interrupt the show. This was better than some of the girly movies.” Bryant pushed the door open, and following closely behind were Adams, Macalister, and Jackson, who was the first to apologize. “Sorry, Boss. I told Bryant we should go, but you know this asshole,” Jackson said.

  “Yeah, I do, all too well,” Raleigh replied.

  “We just came by to check on Miss Samantha,” Macalister explained. “We didn’t mean to interrupt, but we also thought you might wanna know we are leaving for Afghanistan in two days. Matt is setting up the mission now, and that Maxwell guy has sent a ton of intel over to Matt in just the last couple of hours. Matt is sorting through it and will brief you, but yeah, we are going. Just thought you’d like to know.”

  “Thanks, Mac.”

  Then it was Adams’ turn to get nosey. “So, Boss, what gives?”

  “What ya mean?”

  “I mean when you plannin’ on tellin’ us?”

  “Telling you what?”

  Laughing, Samantha said, “I think he means when were we gonna tell them we are engaged?”

  “Oh, yeah, guys, Sammie and I are getting married. And y’all are groomsmen. Just FYI.”

  “Well, when ya making it official?” Adams responded.

  “We haven’t decided yet, and now that Raleigh and y’all have to leave, we won’t decide on a date until y’all come back. So, guys, please bring my man back home in one piece. Please.”

  “No problem, Sammie,” Bryant replied.

  “We got his back,” Jackson and Mac responded. “Well, come on, guys, let’s let these love birds be alone.”

  “Thanks, guys, I will see ya when Sammie gets out of the hospital. Doc said be another day or two.”


  Two days later

  “Sammie, you dressed yet? SP is in an hour.”

  “Yeah, just trying to get my shoes on. I am so glad I am not in the fucking hospital anymore. It was driving me bat shit crazy.”

  “I know, baby, I am glad too. Now, Tanner Jacobson, one of the guys from another squad, is gonna come stay with you until I return. No hanky panky. He’s a cute country boy, and I know how you like those. So hands off.”

  “Raleigh Fitzgerald, you are the only man I want. But since you are forcing a body guard on me, I am hoping he is at least some eye candy.”

  “Well, if I was a chick, I would do him,” Raleigh responded. “Now, woman, let’s go so I can get back here to you.”

  Samantha came out of the bedroom and grabbed her purse “All right, I’m ready.”

  Raleigh grabbed his bag and ushered Samantha out the door to the truck. The drive was mostly quiet and consisted of Samantha holding Raleigh’s hand as they drove on post and to the airfield. Once they arrived, Raleigh got out and then came and opened Samantha’s door, helping her out of the truck. As they stood holding each other, the engines on the C-130 started up, and that was Raleigh’s signal that it was time to go. “Samantha O’Hara, I will be back in your arms before you know it. I love you more tha
n life itself, and I will be yours forever soon.” Raleigh pulled her into him and started to kiss her when she said, “I know, now kiss me, you fool.”

  When their lips parted, Samantha said, “Come back to me, Raleigh Fitzgerald, and don’t take too long or I will fly over there and kick your ass.”

  “Oh my, I do love it when you talk tough.” Raleigh grabbed his bag and then started off towards the C-130. When he turned around, he saw Samantha wiping what he guessed were tears from her eyes. “Don’t worry, baby, I will be back before you know it, and when I do, I will make you Mrs. Fitzgerald.” With a wave, he boarded the plane followed by the rest of the unit: Adams, Bryant, Macalister, and two other men.


  The Bryants of Milwaukee, Wisconsin were famous for their wealth, their brewing skills, and the exploits of their oldest son—the infamous Andrew Bryant, Jr. Andrew was the heir apparent to the family business and fought the title every chance he got. He did anything he could by any means possible to avoid becoming his father so he did the opposite of what they wanted. His parents had always planned for Andrew Jr. to take over just as Andrew Sr. had from his father. His parents wanted to retire and enjoy their golden years once he graduated from college. Knowing the family business would be in their son’s capable hands and continue for generations to come gave them some peace of mind.

  Andrew Jr. had plans of his own, his parents just didn’t know. Like his grandfather, he would join the Army and run as far away from the brewery and his family as possible. The problem would be leaving his younger sister Annabelle. In his mind he knew Annabelle would be ok; she was a Bryant, for God’s sake, a Bryant through and through. His heart, however, knew Annabelle was a strong-willed and intelligent girl with a mind of her own. But for Andrew Jr., leaving Annabelle to face their parents alone was not the easiest decision he would ever make, he just didn’t know it yet. When the day arrived, he had to be selfish and do what made him happy, not what made his parents happy.


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