Musings, or We Could Be Much More Advanced, But We're Too Comfortable Embracing T he Illusion Of Knowledge

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Musings, or We Could Be Much More Advanced, But We're Too Comfortable Embracing T he Illusion Of Knowledge Page 2

by T. R. A. Lynch, Sr

  By the way, since this book is not terribly long but offers much to ponder, I urge you to take a “7th Chapter Stretch”, and to phone, e-mail, and text everyone you know to go on-line right now and read this book. Thank you!

  Chapter 8

  The Pyramids

  As we continue, time lines become a bit more nebulous, since there really is no “bankable” consensus on when some structures were built. The Great Pyramid, for example, is said to have been built 5,000 years ago, or was it 10,500 years ago? It depends on who you ask. But one apparently irrefutable fact that is generally accepted, is that the “Pyramid of Cheops” is at the very center of the Earth’s land mass. Now, I have read some very impressive details explaining this “center of Earth’s land mass” business, and it appears to be no accident (odds are 1 in 3 billion) that the Great Pyramid’s site was selected. (There is little doubt in my mind that the person who chose this site, is the first person in recorded history to have said “Location, location, location”!

  Now, imagine, if you will, that after the third, and final, of the three pyramids at Giza was finished, some Persian tourist came along and said: “Hey, isn’t that cool that the pyramids’ placements resemble Orion’s Belt? Only too bad they weren’t 150 feet more to the right”. Interesting thought, eh?

  I’m sure you get my (implied) thought that from day one someone chose the exact spot where the first, and future pyramids would have to be in order to orient with Orion’s Belt and the center of Earth’s land mass. Coincidence? I think not! Sort of blasts away the claim that they were intended as tombs. Balderdash!

  And for anyone to claim that the layout of the 3 pyramids accidentally resembled Orion’s Belt, keep in mind that the Hopi and the builders of Toetihuacan did not have Giza brochures from AAA, yet were also mindful of some importance attached to Orion’s Belt.

  Chapter 9


  Alright, moving ahead in time a little more, we come to the year 2525B.C.+/_ and the construction of Stonehenge. Just imagine some Druid-type people, stumbling around the plain, spilling their mead all over themselves and saying: “Okay, we built that smokin’ man cave, so now let’s build a monument to celebrate, using ridiculously huge and heavy monoliths after dragging them some 600 miles, or so. Now, Maggie, you stand over there while Brian and I lift these 50-ton lintels, and you tell us how to situate them.” Maggie: “Okay, about a foot to the left. Not that left, you idiot, the other left. Wait, wait, wait. That’s too much---back a little--a little more. Oh yeah, remind me to invite Mum over, next week. Stop! that’s too far---back a little. How much did you say that lintel weighs? Okay, another 2.65 inches to the right. Not your right, my right. And one other thing, I could have gotten those monoliths at a better price because you stink at haggling. Okay, stop right there! That’s perfect--come see.”

  Then, when her husband joins Maggie, he explains: “You’re right, darlin’. It is perfect. Only, you weren’t standing where I told you to!

  I’m sure you get the picture. Once the vertical stones were in place, the 50-ton lintels must have somehow been easily maneuverable in order to make nano-adjustments needed to place them where they would accurately mark the Equinox, or whatever event they were designed for. And, don’t forget----the stars were moving, albeit slowly.

  Now, I suspect that, like me, when you go acquire building materials, you bring a mode of transport that is up to the task. (I try to avoid buying a Christmas tree that’s too big to transport, or too big for my house.) Yet, it appears that many ancient cultures felt quite comfortable using building blocks where the block’s weight was immaterial, simply not a concern. And while we’re at it, why so tall? For example, why did open-air structures still need columns over 65 feet tall? (e.g. Luxor) To accommodate who?

  It staggers the mind that great minds today (with or without the help of computers) cannot move multi-ton weights that ancient cultures used to move with apparent ease. Is it really lost knowledge, or were the laws of nature, or laws of physics different back then? Was there a change in the force (degree) of gravity between then and now? Are we really expected to believe that the task of moving multi-ton stones could not have been solved by Michaelangelo, Einstein, Tesla, Da Vinci, Ramanujan, Byma, or Trump? That seems inconceivable. Something (of olde) is missing.

  Chapter 10

  The Philadelphia Experiment

  Speaking of Tesla and “something missing”, brings us to one of the strangest events ever recorded anywhere, any time, by anybody---the Philadelphia Experiment.

  Officially “known” as Operation Rainbow, the program, begun in 1931, used the technology and equipment provided by Nikola Tesla, and based on a concept called “unified field theory”, credited to Albert Einstein.

  The story goes, that Tesla was consulted by the U. S. Department of the Navy to develop technology that would make U.S. warships “invisible” to enemy radar. On the team was Hungarian-born John Von Neumann, who took the lead after Tesla was found dead in January of 1943. Based on accounts with conflicting dates, 2 notable tests were conducted.

  The first test was tried on July 22nd, 1943 in the Philadelphia Shipyard aboard the USS Eldridge, a destroyer escort, with Tesla’s equipment fitted on board. When the test was run at 9A.M., while hoping to make the ship invisible to enemy radar, the ship was reported engulfed in a “green glow” before becoming totally invisible.

  The second test, either on August 12th, or October 28th, 1943, was conducted with some adjustments to the equipment. This time, the entire ship was purportedly “teleported” to the shipyard in Norfolk, Virginia where it was seen by a multitude of witnesses. It remained there for an unknown period of time, before re-appearing in the Philadelphia Shipyard in a state of “flux”, with some sailors melded into decks and bulkheads. Two sailors aboard, seeing their shipmates in such distress (with the test equipment still active) allegedly jumped overboard landing in 1983, 40 years later! They were inevitably in touch with Von Neumann, who helped them return to their own time period (1943, again). These unexpected complications led the Navy to cancel the project.

  Now, who in their right mind, having the backing of the wealthiest, most powerful military in the history of the world, having witnessed a “successful” attainment of both, teleportation and time travel, would say: “Naa, it’s a waste of time and money. It’s cancelled!”) Can even one of you believe that? Good, because Operation Rainbow was reportedly re-named Project Phoenix and re-located to Montauk, Long Island where work continued on it, and other fields of research.

  You may find it interesting to learn that, when Tesla died at age 86, his body was found by a maid in his room at the Hotel New Yorker, and all Tesla’s notes and records were gone. In addition, after Operation Rainbow was brought to the attention of the press, the Navy denied such a program existed. Some believe that the Navy then launched one of its most extensive efforts at re-writing history, thus inspiring other military leaders to re-write the Roswell Incident.

  Chapter 11


  In 1947, on the 24th of June, private pilot Kenneth Arnold was participating in a mission searching for a missing plane. He claimed that during his search, he spotted 9 flying craft, later to be called “flying saucers” by the press. In his reporting of the incident, he reported that the craft looked like “ a pie plate, cut in half, with ....a convex triangle in the rear”. He also reported seeing a brown or green color to the craft.

  Now, this has long been cited as the first modern-day reporting of a UFO (unidentified flying object). Yet, if anyone has, as I have, seen some of the historical coverage documentaries of World War II, you may have seen an aircraft developed in Germany by 2 brothers, Reimar and Walter Horten. The craft was the Horten Ho229, the first flying wing with a jet engine, and it looked incredibly identical to a model identified by Kenneth Arnold as what he saw flying near Mt. Rainier. The Horten’s shape matched---and it was green! Another coincidence?

  I’m sure most of you have heard abo
ut how people in the Nazi war-machine (both military and scientists) disappeared as World War II drew to a close, fleeing to the 4 winds, and many arriving in both South and North America. It seems conceivable to me that some of the fleeing Germans landed in or near the American northwest and were seen by Arnold while they were on a “training mission” or, perhaps, being delivered to their new base of operations (whether governmental or private). And maybe that is why a government official said that nearly all UFO-sightings in recent years didn’t trouble him because he “knew” they were not extra-terrestrial.

  That having been said, internet research suggests that more than 100 UFO crashes have occurred world-wide, many with living (extra-terrestrial) survivors, and intact spacecraft. Surely this has presented the human race with a plethora of opportunities to reverse-engineer the craft, acquiring volumes of high-tech data.

  Chapter 12

  Ark of The Covenant

  Right now, I can see some of you jumping up from your seat saying: “Aha! What happened to your so-called chronological order that you now mention the Ark of The Covenant?!”. Well, resume your seat, and let’s find out. As I’m sure all of you know, we have seen many items made of gold (or gold-plated). And that’s what this chapter is really about. Gold!

  Now pure gold is 24 karats, or 24 of 24 parts. So, 18 karat gold is 18 parts gold, and 6 parts something else, or (18/24), or 75% gold. Consequently, 14 karat gold is 14 parts gold, and 10 parts something else, (the parts must always total 24) or 58&1/3% gold. Now most of my life I have seen 10 karat gold jewelry sold in stores (you probably own some) because the lower the gold content, the lower the price. Now I’m okay with the pricing issue, but being a bone-headed semanticist, I just can’t bring myself to call 10 karat gold gold. I mean, hello, people! It’s less than 50% gold. And they have the nerve to call it gold jewelry? Where’s the outrage? That’s akin to filling a mug with cream and adding a teaspoon of brewed coffee! That’s not coffee with cream---it’s cream with coffee!

  But we let them call it gold, because it’s an illusion that we comfortably accept. Okay, now that that’s out of my system, lets’ get to the good stuff. Gold!

  We have seen gold in many, many forms; rings, bracelets, earrings, broaches, knives, forks, and spoons. We’ve even seen it in large shapes; dinner plates, statues of Buddha, crowns, thrones---you name it. But only ONE TIME in all of history (to the best of my knowledge), has something made of gold taken on powers of its own! And that singular item is: The Ark of The Covenant! Ta-da! Yes, the Ark of The Covenant had powers of its own as we saw in Genesis and 1 Samuel (where 70 descendants of Jeconiah were struck down merely for gazing at it). The Ark also created much havoc while it was held captive by the Philistines. And then, of course Uzzah, who died for having touched it. And at other times it was said to emit lightning, to levitate, and who knows what else?

  Now, I know the Lord can infuse such powers into any object of His choice in complete defiance of all of the known laws of Physics, but in the 1990s, someone named Richard Andrews claimed to have built a replica in a college laboratory, and that the replica, itself, generated an electrical charge. No-one seems to have debunked these claims.

  Sooo--the unique shape of the golden object resulted in its possession of powers lacking in any other shape made of gold. Curious! I wonder if any other shapes may result in the acquisition of properties not normally seen in one material or other.

  What I’m suggesting is, that some of you out there who are smarter than I, who have access to even modest amounts of gold, silver, unobtanium, platinum, obscurium, or such, should experiment with the metal of your choice and, perhaps shape it into a new shape (circuit board?) that takes on powers or characteristics never before seen in that material! (And don’t forget: thousands of times it has been Authors who inspire scientists and inventors with the idea that ultimately results in some wonderful creation or invention.) So, where do we look for possible shapes to experiment with?

  Let’s see a show of hands: How many of you out there really believe that Crop Circles are merely Extra-terrestrial graffiti, or something as pedestrian as: “Klaatu was here!”? Remember the bumper sticker that read: “If you can read this, thank a teacher.”? How about: “If you can decipher this, benefit from it.”.

  If we consider the likelihood of chronic intervention by extra-terrestrials, and many believe there are numerous supported such events in history (e.g., the Anunaki of the Sumerian texts, the enlightenment of Enoch, Alexander the Great at the Siege of Tyre, etc.), it is conceivable that the E.T.s are monitoring our “evolving”, and occasionally “lending a hand”. And since we are well within the era of human advancement that most concerns the Intergalactic scrutiny of Man---Nuclear power and DNA, we might expect some form of communiqué to helps us along. That is why I suspect that (legitimate) Crop Circles are clues from the E.T.s that will hasten our advancement if we can figure them out.

  Therefore, any of you who have access to work in metallurgy---crafts people, jewelry designers, high school or trade school Metal Shop students, college level researchers, prison inmates with time on your hands, or hobbyists, get images of Crop Circles and fabricate them into the metal of your choice, and let’s see if you “accidentally” invent an inter-galactic antenna, a Universal Language Interpreter, a “cloaking” mechanism, a Teleporter, or a portable anti-gravity device. Any one of these successes would make you a gazillionaire (but also a target, so be careful).

  (Here’s a tip for those of you working on Time Machine Technology: Think “shielded Mobius electromagnet”.)

  And remember, if the first pattern doesn’t work, your material is re-usable! Good Luck, and God help us!

  Chapter 13

  The Ultimate Weapon

  I’m sure most of you have seen the 1946 Frank Capra film, “It’s A Wonderful Life”. Besides being one of my favorite movies of all time, it’s also considered by many to be among the best movies ever made.

  For those of you who haven’t seen it, the general theme is about how a man discovers how different the world would be if he had never been born. If you have seen it, you may recall that George Bailey saved his little brother Harry’s life, and the life of a child that a pharmacist almost accidentally poisons. Harry, himself, since he lives, goes on to serve in World War II, saving a “transport full” of U.S. military personnel. Of course, there were other impacts on George Bailey’s community that were different (and tragic) had he never been born, but, thankfully, he was, so the community of Bedford Falls was spared much misery. (I wonder how many George Baileys have been aborted!)

  Now, one of the principal reasons doubters give for the unlikeliness of extra-terrestrial visits, is the improbability that E.T.s could live long enough to make the minimum 4-light year journey from the nearest neighboring star system. Seems like a valid point. Even at our best speed it would take us nearly 3,000 years to travel that far. So if E.T. could travel 10 times as fast, it would still take them 300 years to travel from there to here. That’s a lot of MREs!

  Yet we have thousands, and thousands of sighting reports, photos, and videos of apparent other-worldly craft visiting our planet. And if E.T. has been visiting us for thousands of years already, how might they accomplish this?

  Believers (in E.T.s) explain that, among E.T.’s superior technologies, they have evidently mastered Time Travel. And even some native Terrans have deemed Time Travel as existent, as evidenced by Operation Rainbow (Chapter 10).

  Now, have you ever wondered how difficult it is to get the Heads of State from around the world to agree on anything? For example, 4 P.M (no minutes) Eastern Standard Time in Tehran is 12:30 P.M. (different day), and 2:45 A.M. in Kathmandu. They can’t even agree on how many minutes past the hour it is! Then there are constant conflicts over property lines (borders), oil prices, fishing rights, and the list goes on, and on.

  Yet, nearly ALL governments seem to agree on one thing: keeping UFO-related information Classified! And what type of threat might be eff
ective in convincing them to keep hush about E.T.s on our planet? Oh, you sharper ones got it already. That’s right---Time Travel! Howzat?, some of you ask.

  Consider, if you will, that you are the Ruler of a developed country, with your own palatial residence(s), your own army of bodyguards, your own fleet of aircraft for your own personal use (no matter how blatant), your own Hot Phone to other heads-of-state, bullet-proof limousines, and no-one can force you to produce your own personal birth certificate. Sounds pretty secure, eh?

  Well, what if you wanted to play the big shot and reveal all your government has on record about UFOs and E.T.s? What’s to stop you? Death threats? There’s a chance you’d go to Heaven. And what about all those rumors of virgins waiting up there? Okay, I’ll explain.

  If E.T. (or his/her agent) were to ask you to keep mum about UFOs, etc., but you preferred to go public, they could advise you to see “It’s A Wonderful Life”, then point out that they possess Time Travel Technology (T3). Therefore, if they wished, they could go back in time and alter your past so that, instead of being the head-of-state, your best job might be tending to the state of the head (Loo).

  So, using Time Travel as the Ultimate Weapon, they could alter someone’s past so that the Present they know, would never occur. Simple, really. Just lose their birth certificate, diploma, miss a critical deadline, or have someone accuse them of some heinous crime, thus, ruining their good name, and taking away any prospects for a decent future. So, who wouldn’t agree to keep quiet under that threat, the threat of losing all you hold dear?


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