Blood Legacy

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Blood Legacy Page 2

by Sarah Hawke

  Kaseya sat down on the edge of the bed. “So the druid is right. You do possess the dragon blood.”

  “Maybe,” Jorem said. “The evidence is certainly mounting. I’m just not sure what it all means.”

  “Selvhara said she could brew a more potent potion with the proper tools and equipment. Perhaps here in the city we could—”

  “Let’s back up about ten steps, shall we?” Valuri interrupted. “Getting wolf girl the herbs to brew more strange potions is about a hundred lines down on our list of priorities right now.”

  Kaseya studied the other woman for a long moment. “If she is right about Jorem’s powers, we need to know…and soon.”

  “We’ve survived this long without him having delusions of grandeur. I’m sure we can last another few days.” Valuri sighed and crossed her arms. “Anyway, I know a liar when I see one. Selvhara wants something from you, and it’s not your seed or your blood or your charming personality. Trust me.”

  Jorem placed a hand on her arm. “So what do you want to do about it?”

  “I don’t know…yet,” she admitted. “I just want you to be careful. We have enough people trying to kill us already.”

  He smiled thinly. Her cynicism was grating sometimes, but he knew she wasn’t just being a bitch for no reason (at least, not this time). She just wanted to protect the group, and he couldn’t fault her for it.

  “You’re adorable when you’re overprotective,” Jorem said, placing his hands around her waist.

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh, please. I don’t even need you for food anymore. Red tastes better and she never gets tired.”

  “Yet you keep coming back,” he said, leaning down to kiss her. His tongue eagerly slipped through her lips, and she melted into his arms just like she had done a thousand times before.

  “I can take watch if you want to discipline her for a while,” Kaseya teased.

  Jorem finally pulled away and grinned. “Sounds like a great idea to me.”

  “I have a better plan,” Valuri said. Her impish grin from earlier returned the instant they heard the unmistakable clicking of high heels on stairs. The dark elf attendant reappeared a few seconds later, a small wooden chest in her hands. Valuri dashed over to retrieve it then shooed the other woman away and locked the door.

  “What the hell is all of this about?” Jorem asked, earnestly confused. “I thought you said you asked for supplies.”

  “I did,” Valuri said, carrying the chest over to the bed. “Just some basic essentials to help us relax since we’ll probably be waiting for a while.”

  Kaseya shook her head. “What are you…?”

  The amazon’s blue eyes gaped when Valuri cracked open the lid and reached inside. When her hands returned they were holding a set of manacles and a spool of fine silken rope.

  “Like I said, just some basic essentials,” Valuri told them, a sadistic grin on her lips. “So….who wants to relax first?”


  Given that they still weren’t sure how the Black Mistress would react to their presence, Jorem knew that they needed to remain vigilant. He didn’t believe that Solemi would actually march her army up the stairs or anything, but in theory her people could have been skulking around the adjacent rooms or otherwise organizing some type of elaborate trap for later. If he and the girls had possessed an ounce of good sense, they would have set watch and slept in their armor.

  Instead, they stripped Kaseya naked and hogtied her face-down on the bed.

  “Oh, gods…” Jorem gasped as he slammed into the amazon’s smoldering, sopping cunt from behind. Her body shivered with every thrust even though she could barely move; her arms and ankles were bound tightly together behind her back, and her knees were splayed open to give him complete and total access to her quim or ass as he saw fit. At Valuri’s request, Kaseya’s head was dangling over the side of the bed, though she couldn’t actually look down as long as Jorem kept a firm grip on her red ponytail.

  He was almost embarrassed at just how stiff he’d gotten upon seeing her bound like this. Her amazonian body was the epitome of physical perfection, yet now she was completely helpless and at his mercy…

  “Fuck!” he blurted out.

  “Don’t you dare fill her up yet,” Valuri scolded as she finished unbuckling her armored leather corset. “Escar’s mercy, have some self-control for once.”

  Jorem clenched his teeth and slowed his thrusts an instant before he exploded. Watching Valuri strip wasn’t helping; the thought of painting her pale tits was almost enough to push him over the edge again.

  “Though I’ll admit, this is a good look for you, Red,” Valuri said, slowly squatting down next to the bed. She traced her fingernails through the amazon’s hair and kissed the tip of her nose. “If we actually survive all this nonsense, you and I are going to spend some quality time alone together.”

  She leaned in and locked lips with the other woman, and Jorem was seriously tempted to pull out and explode over both of them while they kissed. But for once he actually showed a modicum of restraint and slapped Kaseya’s ass instead. He grinned when her body quivered in delight again; not all of this was coming from the collar. From the very first moment they’d met she had demonstrated her desire to be dominated, and her euphoric whimpers were soft, sweet music to his ears.

  Valuri finally dragged herself away and licked at her lips. The fingers of her right hand furiously massaging at her clit while the fingers of her right dipped back into the toy chest. “With all the other drow stuff Solemi has down here, I was hoping she’d have a version of my favorite toy from the Castarium. It’s your lucky day, Red.”

  Jorem choked up on the leash and yanked Kaseya’s head back. Another wave of delight shuddered through her body, and she probably would have climaxed if he hadn’t stopped to pace himself.

  “It’s funny, but this little wonder should have been my first clue that Marcella was a big hypocrite when it came to magic,” Valuri said, her eyes widening in anticipation as she withdrew a leather harness. “Without this to entertain us, there might have been a riot in the dormitories. A bunch of teenage girls without any other outlets…I can’t even imagine the trouble we would have gotten ourselves into.”

  Valuri equipped the harness with practiced ease, but Jorem still wasn’t sure what he was looking at. The device was obviously magical; he could sense a faint aura of Aetheric energy within the tiny gemstones embedded within the straps. But the suspicious lack of a phallus made the whole device seem rather pointless…

  “All right, Red,” Valuri said, placing her fingers on the stones. “Get ready to meet your new Maskari.”

  The harness hummed softly, and a moment later a glowing, semi-transparent cock sprouted from atop Valuri’s quim. It was long and thick, and the more she fiddled with the gems the longer and thicker it grew.

  “Zor kalah!” Kaseya gasped.

  “You mean the moshalim never made you any of these to play with back home?” Valuri asked snidely. “They were probably just worried they couldn’t compete…”

  Jorem’s eyebrows shot up as the phallus continued to grow. “What are you doing?”

  “Speaking of being afraid of competition…” Valuri smiled impishly. “Don’t worry, Red here can take it. After all, I need to get her ready for your mighty, soon-to-be dragon cock, don’t I?”

  Kaseya swallowed anxiously. “I am not certain I can—”

  “You can do anything you put your mind to, honey, that’s why I love you,” Valuri said, tapping another gem. An instant later the phallus stopped glowing and actually hardened into what appeared to be normal flesh. “Now open that sweet little mouth of yours.”

  Kaseya barely had a chance to brace herself before Valuri thrust the enormous phallus between her lips. Jorem pulled back hard on the amazon’s hair as he slammed into her again, forcibly straightening her neck so the magical cock could slip in as far as possible. Most other women probably would have gagged, but Valuri was right about one thing: Kaseya ha
d an uncanny ability to rise to the challenge, and once again she didn’t disappoint.

  “Oh, shit,” Valuri breathed, her eyes fluttering shut as her body shuddered with pleasure. “It’s so sensitive…”

  Jorem watched in amazement as the tiny gemstones flickered. Somehow, the device must have been allowing Valuri to feel pleasure as if the cock were actually hers…and from the look on her face, she wasn’t going to be able to hold out for long.

  “This is way, way more advanced than the ones we had to play with,” the Huntress said as she probed the depths of the amazon’s throat. “Gods, is this how you feel when she swallows your cock every morning?”

  “More or less,” he snickered.

  “Fuck, why do you ever let her stop?”

  “It isn’t easy.”

  Jorem had never heard of a device like this, but he shouldn’t have been surprised that the Black Mistress of all people would have one. The only problem was that they might not be able to convince Valuri to give it back…

  Once she began fucking Kaseya’s face, Valuri leaned forward enough that Jorem could kiss her. Their tongues plunged deep into each other’s mouths as they ruthlessly, relentlessly fucked their amazon toy from both ends. For a single perfect moment, Jorem’s darkest fears about war, dragons, and death were a thousand miles away. All he cared about was the two women he loved more than anything in the world.

  “Shit, I can’t hold it!” Valuri gasped. “You ready to give it to her?”

  “Definitely,” Jorem breathed.

  Their foreheads pressed together even as their lips parted, and Jorem looked right into her green eyes as they both pounded away. Valuri’s frantic breathing and fluttering eyelashes drove him almost as crazy as Kaseya’s desperate gurgles, and he slammed over and over into the amazon’s perfect cunt…


  He and Valuri cried out at the exact the same instant, and he clutched onto her arms as he pumped Kaseya full of his seed. Despite being restrained, she still churned her hips and milked him with the walls of her quim, and he filled her so quickly that white, viscous lines began streaming down the back of her thighs before he withdrew.

  But even more shocking were the trickles of seed leaking from her lips. He didn’t understand how it was possible, but apparently this toy phallus could do everything…

  “Swallow it all, Red,” Valuri said, grabbing the base of the amazon’s skull and holding her tight. “That’s a good girl…”

  Once again Kaseya was up to the challenge. Her throat bulged as she swallowed everything the magical member gave her, all while her own body shuddered in climax. She looked so unbelievably beautiful with her toes curled and her lips covered in seed that Jorem could already feel the blood rushing back into his member.

  “Shalassa’s tits, Red, that was…” Valuri trailed off as she withdrew her cock and clutched it in her hands. On impulse, she began rubbing the swollen, seed-spackled tip across Kaseya’s lips. “Do you have any idea how often I’m going to fuck you now?”

  “As often as you desire,” Kaseya said, smiling between licks. “Maskari.”

  The word literally made Valuri’s nipples hard, and she was just about to grab the amazon’s head and start fucking her face again when Jorem snatched her wrists and shook his head. “Give her some air.”

  “Hell no!” Valuri protested. “I’m going to—”

  “Get your ass over here!”

  She squealed in surprise when he hoisted her up on to the bed with ease. Her Senosi powers may have given her the strength and speed of a vampire, but her slender five-and-a-half-foot tall frame was still easy to fling around if and when he wanted to.

  “Clean her up,” Jorem commanded.

  Valuri didn’t need to be told twice. She dove between Kaseya’s bound legs and lapped up Jorem’s sorcerous seed as quickly and greedily as she could. Her tattoos began glowing almost immediately, and he gently dragged his fingertip down the length of her spine until he reached e irresistible feminine curves of her ass. The moment she finished her feast he smacked her as hard as he could. It triggered a full-body spasm and an orgasmic shriek so loud half of Darkwind probably heard her.

  “Take her,” Jorem said, smacking Valuri’s ass again. “Take her now.”

  The Huntress lunged forward at her bound prey, and she thrust her conjured cock into Kaseya’s cunt without the slightest hesitation. Both women cried out in unison, and Valuri’s eyes rolled back into her head as she grabbed a thick handful of red hair and pulled.

  “Holy fuck!” she stammered. “Why didn’t you ever tell me she felt this good?”

  Grinning, Jorem positioned himself behind Valuri and cupped his hands over her tits. She moaned every time he squeezed, and she actually bit down on her lip hard enough to draw blood when he placed his cock at her desperate, sopping quim. He thrust into her with exactly the same amount of gentle finesse she had used on Kaseya—which was to say, absolutely none. Within seconds their hips were bucking in near unison, and he even grabbed a handful of her black hair while she did the same with Kaseya.

  “Ahhh!” Valuri cried out again as her cock exploded. Jorem could feel every spurt, every thrust, as it echoed through their joined bodies, and he immediately lost control. But rather than flood the walls of Valuri’s quim, he gave her what he knew she wanted—he pulled out at the last instant and sprayed her instead. Her shoulder blades, her lower back, her ass…by the time he finished, there wasn’t a single dry spot in sight.

  “Oh, gods…” Valuri breathed, her tattoos flaring even more brightly as they siphoned the magic from his seed. “How did I ever live without you, Red?”

  The amazon smiled tiredly but didn’t have the strength to reply. Jorem knew the feeling all too well.

  “I’ll take first watch,” he said, slumping back on the bed. “Right after I take a little nap.”


  Darkwind was easily one of the most extraordinary places Selvhara had visited in a very long time. She had spent almost her entire life on the shores of the Varellon, and aside from a handful of independent sanctuaries, racial strife was as powerful a force as the endless battle between sorcery and divinity. Elves against humans, humans against basarn, basarn against drolask…there were times when the cycle of violence and hatred seemed utterly unbreakable.

  Ostensibly, this little haven was different, though she had a feeling that the spirit of cooperation was only skin deep. From what she knew of the region’s history, most of the refugees living down here were the children of rape and violence themselves, and she doubted they harbored much love for the humans who had all but abandoned them.

  It didn’t take long to prove her theory correct. After leaving the dragon and his harem in their room, Selvhara cautiously flit about the settlement, conversing or eavesdropping where appropriate. She didn’t find a single trueborn elf, though there were plenty of half-breeds. The “retharri,” as they were called in Varellon, were often as shunned as the most savage basarn. In a continent where blood and legacy were everything, mongrels of all kinds were almost inexorably reviled.

  Here, it seemed, that was not always the case. Selvhara spoke to anyone who seemed interested and willing, and they helped paint a picture of a region filled with problems but also opportunities. The presence of the Fount had clearly shaped their civilization in profound ways. With so-called priests and wizards being able to tap into the Aether without a Conduit or sorcery, blood and ancestry had significantly less cultural importance. Retharri in particular seemed genuinely well-liked, and everyone she talked to was convinced that their leader, the “Black Mistress,” would soon transform Highwind and the entire region into a multiracial paradise. Precious few of them were concerned about the Inquisitrix and her armies.

  They were wrong, of course, but Selvhara didn’t burden them with the truth. All she wanted was information, partially to aid Jorem and partially to inform her true master. When the One God returned, he would need to know as much about this land as possibl

  She was consistently surprised how little the people here knew about the factions that dominated politics across the sea. The Last Dawn, the Sarodihm Kalefarr, Vin Aetheri, the Watchers…for the most part, no one had even heard about them. At best the average human had a vague understanding of the Avethian Empire and its masters, but to them the Wyrm Lords were as mystical and illusory as any other legend. They couldn’t see—or didn’t care—how much their entire civilization had been shaped by the ancient elves. She knew she shouldn’t have been surprised, and she definitely shouldn’t have been annoyed…and yet, she couldn’t deny how much their ignorance bothered her.

  Selvhara was just about to return to the others when her nose picked up a familiar scent from deep inside the shadows of an adjacent street. She paused, wondering if she was being followed, and decided to loiter in place for a few minutes as a test. It didn’t take long before the scent drew closer, and she eventually turned to see the Black Mistress’s dark elf attendant, Varassa, saunter forward with a strange smile on her face.

  “Vendui, abbil,” the drow said in her smooth, sultry voice. “I am surprised to see you out here. Were the accommodations in the spire not to your liking?”

  “They were quite generous,” Selvhara said, smiling back. “But this settlement is quite fascinating. I couldn’t help but explore.”

  “Ah, of course,” Varassa said coolly. “I admit, I was surprised to find yet another female on the arm of the rivvil sorcerer, especially a Sarodihm like yourself.”

  “War often forges unexpected alliances. We must all stand together against the armies of this ‘Inquisitrix.’”

  “Mm,” the drow murmured, her blur eyes glimmering. Selvhara hadn’t spoken with a Vaetharri elf in a very long time, not even back in Varellon, but she had always been enchanted by their gray skin and white hair. Varassa was particularly striking, and not just because of her low-cut armored skirt or the imperious heels on her boots. She had the unmistakable air of authority about her despite the fact she was apparently just a handmaiden. Selvhara couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to that particular story…


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