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Blood Legacy

Page 16

by Sarah Hawke

  If Valuri had been a man, she probably would have exploded all over Serrane’s tits and face a half a dozen times already. Jorem certainly wouldn’t have been able to restrain himself, though given his historic lack of willpower that probably wasn’t a fair standard…

  Regardless, Valuri was completely enraptured by Serrane’s otherworldly beauty, and the prospect of feasting on her delicious elven nectar all night was impossible to resist. Valuri dove back in for another long, desperate kiss while simultaneously unbuckling her belt and wriggling out of her skin-tight leather trousers. She reached out for her pack, more thankful than ever that she had brought the phallus from Darkwind with her, and hastily fastened the harness around her waist. The instant she activated the runestone, one magical phallus slipped deep inside her quim while a second sprouted outwards just above Serrane’s taut, heaving stomach. The ranger gasped when Valuri pulled away, momentarily confused, before her bright blue eyes shot open at the sight of the glowing phallus now throbbing an inch above her belly button.

  “I brought a little friend along in case you wanted to play,” Valuri said. “Why don’t the two of you get better acquainted?”

  Before the ranger could even move, Valuri shuffled forward, grabbed a thick handful of the elf’s long hair, and shoved the phallus straight between her open lips. It was a gamble, obviously, and Serrane could have responded in about a hundred negative ways ranging from “annoyed” to “frothing with rage.” But Valuri trusted her judgment where other females were concerned, and she was confident she knew a true submissive slut when she saw one.

  And she was right. Serrane practically shuddered from an orgasm when the phallus slid down her throat, and when the Huntress clutched the sides of the ranger’s head and began fucking her pretty elven face in earnest, her taut little body began convulsing in euphoric delight. The enchantment in the phallus let Valuri feel everything as genuinely as if the cock actually belonged to her, and once again she found herself sympathizing with Jorem for a fraction of a second. Suddenly his total lack of control made a great deal of sense…

  “I knew the two of you would get along,” Valuri said, smirking as she buried to phallus so deep Serrane couldn’t possibly breathe. “Now flip over and show him that tight little elven ass of yours.”

  Valuri yanked the cock free, and just like she expected Serrane obediently flipped over onto her stomach atop the bedroll. She arched her back and stuck her ass straight up in the air, and she whimpered pitifully when the tip of the conjured phallus nudged inside her sopping quim.

  Shalassa’s tits, how is it even possible for any woman to be this wet and this tight at the same fucking time? Apparently Jorem was right about elf cunts…

  “Oh, gods!” Valuri stammered when she finally slipped all the way inside. The sensations from the phallus had set her own quim ablaze, and every thrust felt like she was fucking a cunt and having her own cunt fucked simultaneously. If this was what Red experienced all the time with her silly collar, Valuri was going to have to figure out a way to get herself one of those, too.

  “Harder,” Serrane blubbered. “Please…”

  Grinning, Valuri leaned forward until she could lick the elven woman’s pointed ear. “You like being prey, don’t you, slut?”

  The ranger whimpered pitifully between thrusts. “Y-yes.”

  “I bet your big, strong knight takes you like this all the time, doesn’t he?”


  “Do you beg him to hold you down?”


  “Do you beg him to hurt you?”


  Valuri grinned as she grabbed a thick clump of Serrane’s hair. “Well, you don’t have to beg me for anything, slut. I am a Huntress, and you are my prey. I take what I want…and right now, I want your perfect little ass.”

  Slamming Serrane’s head into her bedroll, Valuri held the other woman down and shifted the magical phallus from her tight quim to her even tighter ass. The elf tried to thrash and wriggle away, but she was powerless against the might of a freshly-fed Senosi.

  “Take…it…all!” Valuri said through clenched teeth as she thrust the phallus all the way inside. Serrane squealed, half in pain and half in delight, as the Huntress began pounding her bowels into submission.

  Valuri cried out in joy, though it was taking every scrap of her willpower not to explode. She had always intuitively known that there was something extra special about fucking a woman in the ass. She had done it many times—and had it done to her many times—back in the Castarium with her Senosi sisters. But the sensations shooting through the phallus made everything even more intense. That, coupled with the fact that the Ranger-General of Highwind—one of the most beautiful and deadly women in the whole region—was a naked, quivering, suffocating mass beneath her…

  “Fuck!” Valuri screamed, finally losing control. At the same instant her quim seized in climax, the magical phallus exploded. Volleys of thick, scalding seed showered over Serrane’s ass, back, and hair. Every splatter made her even lovelier, and when Valuri finally came down she rolled the elf back over and drizzled the last few droplets over her pretty face.

  “This thing should be illegal,” the Huntress said as she idly stroked the phallus.

  “It is,” Serrane breathed.

  “Oh, yeah…” Valuri said, snickering. “From the first moment I saw you in Icewatch, I just knew we’d get along. The bitchy ones are always the filthiest. I should know…”

  Serrane, still panting, looked up at the throbbing phallus. “It’s…it’s still quite early.”

  “Believe me, I know,” Valuri said, stroking the shaft and marveling that it never truly went flaccid. “We’re only just getting started.”


  The Hatchery

  By the time the first splinters of daylight cracked over the Shattered Peaks, Serrane Starwind was so sore she could barely move—and not because of the rocky ground she was sleeping on. Her cheeks actually flushed in embarrassment when she leaned up, partially because she felt negligent for not setting watch and partially because of what she had done last night.

  Or rather, what had been done to her last night.

  She winced when the cool mountain air blew across her naked flesh, and she dug through her pack for the healing salves to try and numb her sore muscles…and other parts. Her new partner, unsurprisingly, did not seem uncomfortable in the least. Valuri was lying face down on the bedroll, her raven hair spilled across her shoulders and back. The howling of the wind barely drowned out her snoring.

  “Faarea,” Serrane muttered, rubbing the salve across her body. A part of her still couldn’t believe she had just spent the whole night underneath a woman she barely knew, but the rest of her was still basking in how amazing it had felt. Valuri had been absolutely ruthless in the best possible way…

  Shaking her head, Serrane pushed the memories aside and gathered up her armor and equipment. Duty called once again, and if they wanted to reach this wyvern hatchery by nightfall they needed to get moving as soon as possible.

  “Come on,” she said, shaking the other woman’s shoulder.

  “Ughhhh…” Valuri groaned. “Shalassa’s tits, what time is it?”

  “Time to move.”

  “Gods, you sound just like Red.” The Huntress slowly rolled over onto her back, but her eyes remained fastened shut. “Look, why don’t you go ahead without me? I promise I’ll catchup.”

  Serrane sighed. Why in the bloody hell am I always cursed with lovers who want to sleep in?

  She considered a number of strategies ranging from dumping a waterskin over Valuri’s face to pushing apart her legs and eating her out, but the ranger settled on a third option she knew for a fact would work: she held out her arm, pricked herself with a knife, and drizzled the blood across the Huntress’s lips.

  Valuri’s reaction was so immediate it was almost horrifying: her eyes shot open, her tongue lapped up the blood, and the tattoos beneath her naked flesh blazed to lif
e. Serrane pulled her arm away a moment later.


  “Fuck,” Valuri rasped. “Not what I really wanted for breakfast, but if you insist…”

  Without warning, the Huntress pounced atop Serrane and pinned her back against the ground. Her hands slipped beneath the elven woman’s armor and threatened to remove it again, and Serrane was seriously tempted to go limp and let Valuri use her body however she wanted. But then she thought about Julian and his mission and how many people were depending on them…

  “We need to go,” she said as the Huntress frantically kissed and nibbled at her neck. “Seriously.”

  Valuri slowly leaned back up, her eyes blazing hungrily. “A few extra minutes won’t hurt.”

  “It might,” Serrane said, stretching up just enough to softly kiss the other woman’s lips. “Come on.”

  The Huntress groaned and rolled over. “Amazons, generals…you’re all way too serious for your own good.”

  Serrane chuckled softly and gathered the rest of her things. Thankfully Valuri was slightly less obstinate than Julian, at least insofar as mornings were concerned, and the two women were heading back up the rocky trail a few minutes later. This stretch of the journey was far more difficult than the first; within an hour they were already climbing more than they were walking. Thankfully Serrane knew these mountains even better than she knew the city, and they managed to avoid the most perilous cliffs and ascents while still making excellent time.

  They approached their final goal several hours before dusk, which almost made Serrane reconsider her decision to get started so early. But they were finally up high enough that she didn’t recognize the terrain, and thanks to the thinner air they needed to pause more and more frequently for her to catch her breath. After one final break, she was just about ready to push for the summit when her ears abruptly perked up.

  “Get down.”

  Valuri frowned from behind her. “What are—?”

  “Get down!”

  Serrane tackled the other woman onto a pile of rocks a split second before a shrill, bestial cry echoed down the face of the mountains. The shadow of a great winged beast surged across the nearby rocks, and the ranger pulled her cloak as tightly as she could over them while still craning her neck enough to track their enemy. Mercifully, the wyvern didn’t seem to have noticed them; it soared straight east back in the direction of Highwind, and after half a minute the beast completely vanished into the clouds.

  “Okay,” Valuri rasped as she rolled over. “I guess that means we’re here…and that this place is real.”

  Serrane gulped down a long, slow breath and a channeled a spell to enhance her hearing even further than normal. The buffeting winds and crumbling rocks drowned out almost everything, but eventually she picked out the rattling of armor and clomping of heavy boots.

  “The camp must be over that ridge,” she said, pointing about a hundred feet above them and to the right. “There’s no way to know how many we’re dealing with from here.”

  Valuri nodded and shielded her eyes against the orange rays of sunlight now splintering through the peaks on the western horizon. “Then we might as well wait for the cover of darkness. Approaching with this much light would be suicidal.”

  “Agreed,” Serrane said, grabbing her own bow just in case. She couldn’t imagine that the enemy would bother deploying patrols along such a remote, jagged approach, but if another wyvern took off and happened to look down they might be in trouble. “That outcropping should be large enough to completely block us from view.”

  The two women shimmied about a dozen yards to the side and hunkered beneath a particularly large stone awning. Between the rocks and their cloaks, they should have been practically invisible outside of point-blank range…but Serrane kept an arrow knocked on her bowstring just in case.

  “You know, if there actually is an army up there, I have no idea what we can do,” Valuri murmured while they waited. “Without a bunch of beasties to fly our own force up there…”

  Serrane nodded and glanced down the cliff face below them. Even if Highwind could still field an army, soldiers would never be able to get up here. She and Valuri may have literally been the only hope of sabotaging the Inquisitrix’s war effort…

  They resumed their climb the moment the sun finally set over the mountains, though they altered their approach to favor stealth over speed. The closer they got to the jagged ridge, the more voices Serrane could pick out on the other side. The faint light of multiple campfires flickered off stones ahead, and she started mentally revising her estimate of how many defenders they would find up here. Any fewer than fifty seemed careless, but any more than a hundred seemed wasteful. She really, really wished they’d had better intelligence than a single mark on a map.

  Once they finally reached the ridgeline, Serrane signaled for Valuri to spread out so they could get a better view. The Huntress nodded after she had shuffled over a few steps, and both women lifted their weapons as they peered over the edge…

  “Vinyathrim, caela sulil,” Serrane gasped as her eyes widened in horror. The area beyond the ridge was less of a plateau than a valley, complete with tall, shearing cliffs and a half a mile of interlocking snow-covered streams and small mesas. The area was undeniably gorgeous, especially when dappled in starlight. It was almost like the gods themselves had hidden away a tiny fragment of the ancient world beyond the reach of mortals. If the valley were empty, Serrane could have happily sat here marveling at its raw beauty all day.

  The problem was that it wasn’t empty. Not in the least.

  “Remember when I said the Inquisitrix wouldn’t waste a whole army defending a single base in the mountains?” Valuri asked. “Well, I was wrong. Jorem levels of wrong.”

  Serrane slowly shook her head. There were definitely more men than she had expected—dozens upon dozens of tents were littered about the area, easily enough to support a whole battalion of soldiers. But the presence of an army was far less disturbing than the seemingly endless rows of wyverns lined up in rows behind them.

  “How is this possible?” Serrane whispered. “There must be a hundred of them out there…”

  “Not counting the dozens already flying over Ostvara and gods know where else,” Valuri said. “This is insane. How long does it normally take for these things to mature?”

  “Several years, at least, and the females only lay a few eggs at a time.”

  The Huntress grimaced. “I don’t understand. Marcella would have had to start breeding these things not long after she conquered the city. I grew up in the Castrium—I would have heard about something like this.”

  Serrane shrugged. “I suppose she could have found a clutch of eggs somewhere, but even then it doesn’t seem possible to have bred so many…”

  She sat there in horrified silence, a thousand separate visions of Highwind’s fiery destruction flashing through her mind. Even without riders, a handful of these beasts would have been a serious threat to the city. A hundred of them might as well have been the heralds of the apocalypse.

  “Well, I may have the smallest amount of good news,” Valuri said as she carefully squinted through a spyglass. “The Inquisitrix doesn’t have anywhere near enough of these new channelers to ride in the saddle of every wyvern.”

  Serrane frowned. “How can you possibly know that? Can you sense their magic all the way up here?”

  “Not even close. Even if they were actual sorcerers I couldn’t sense them from this far away.”

  “Then how—?”

  “Two reasons,” Valuri said as she adjusted the spyglass and panned it across the length of the enemy camp. “First, only a few of the idiots down there are wearing the colors of these ‘Knights of the Crimson Flame’ we encountered in Riverbend. I doubt there are more walking around incognito.”

  Serrane nodded. “And the second?”

  “If she had a hundred channelers at her disposal, Marcella wouldn’t have bothered stockpiling an entire vault full of oil.

  Valuri offered Serrane the spyglass, but the elf shooed it away and squinted instead. The campfires and torches spread throughout the valley had actually masked the one darkened area a few hundred yards down the cliff to their right. Once her eyes adjusted, she spotted the shadowy silhouettes of men hauling barrels into a wide-mouthed stone cavern.

  “How do you know they’re carrying oil?” she asked.

  “Because there are a couple of especially brutish guards making sure no one gets a torch within a hundred feet of the entrance,” Valuri said. “It’s also reminiscent of Ayrael’s strategy back at Icewatch. Except instead of dropping hordes of Roskarim berserkers over the walls, these assholes plan to drop oil.”

  “At which point the channelers among them could ignite the spills,” Serrane reasoned, her stomach clenching so tight she almost wretched. “They could burn the whole damn city to the ground.”

  Valuri nodded solemnly. “If I recall correctly, the orcs tried something similar during the Winter War. They catapulted barrels over the walls and then tried to ignite the pools with arrows and magic.”

  Serrane pursed her lips. “I remember reading about that in General Hastien’s journals. He sent his rangers out into the enemy ranks to sabotage the catapults before the flames spread. Most of them didn’t make it back.”

  “Well, if we try going down there we won’t be coming back, either,” Valuri muttered. “I don’t mind an uphill battle, but I draw the line when I’m outnumbered two hundred to one.”

  “Le’thos,” Serrane hissed, slumping back behind the ridge and running a hand back through her hair. “They won’t even need to burn the whole city. If they set fire to enough buildings, panic and fear will do their jobs for them. The Council will be forced to surrender.”

  “A woman who sees herself as a living god obviously has ambitions beyond conquering one city-state,” Valuri said. “Torching a few buildings and forcing surrender will leave Marcella’s armies almost completely intact.”


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