Little 15 (Cities In Dust)

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Little 15 (Cities In Dust) Page 11

by L. D. Wosar

  How are we ta know when Brant has magic? Do we wait until he makes pancakes fly one morning or when he makes everything stop motion? Sammie needed to be prepared. I am not sure how she reacted the first time she learned about her magic powers. Knowing her, I am sure she freaked out, acting like it was the end of the world. Will she try to stop her brother, in turn, killing him? On accident, of course.

  I have no idea where the professor gets the idea it would be best not ta tell Sammie. It is worse fer everyone if Sammie is kept in the dark about her brother. I have an idea, I think I can smooth things over and ask if she’ll be my girlfriend. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do. “Sammie, will ya be ma girlfriend? Ya will? Oh, fantastic. By the way, yer brother may be a warlock type freak like I am.” I punched maself lightly in the arm, pleased with ma idea with the sense it had ta work before I told her about her brother.

  It was weird walking the halls as a Junior in high school, there was no Becca and I was flanked by a couple of the girls from the cheerleading squad. After Ireland, I didn’t see Brendon for the rest of the summer, as I had to fly up near San Francisco for cheerleading camp and was there for a month. I missed him, but since I just got home last night, I was unable to text him or call him, besides that, I was exhausted and no sooner did I eat dinner, I was in bed.

  “I noticed during the party, Todd Rembrandt was checking you out, Sammie,” one of my new girls, Tiana, told me. She was gorgeous, more his type. If I was a teenage boy, I would be mystified by her light green eyes.

  “I - uh, no. I told you I have a boyfriend already.” And at the very mention of his name, I noticed Brendon leaning against my locker. I had to lie to Tiana about having a boyfriend, but still hoped it would come true, especially with my adorable leprechaun. However, even though I was sixteen now, he was respectful of my parents’ rule not to date until I was seventeen.

  “Were ya blowing me off?” I opened my locker, nearly hitting him with it. “Don’t try and kill me, Sammie-kins.”

  “Oh, you’re back to calling me Sammie-kins?” I slammed my locker shut and pulled him up the stairs to the first landing. “We aren’t in Ireland anymore and I thought you were going to tell me this massive secret on the plane.”

  He heavily sighed, resting his hands on his hips. “Is this why ya ghosted me fer a month and excluded me from yer birthday?”

  “For your information, Mr. Finnegan. I spent my sixteenth birthday while in cheerleading camp, so I am having a party this Saturday and yes, you are invited. There is no way I would think of not inviting you, although you are the keeper of secrets.” He was so close, I was breathless. As he leaned in closer, I squeezed my eyes shut, parting my lips for him. For my first kiss, until he pinched the tip of my nose, making a honking noise. “I really hate you at times, Brendon.” The first bell rang, “we need to get to class before we’re late on the first day of school.” I watched as he traipsed down the stairs, never taking his eyes off me and he tripped over the last step, nearly losing his footing. I burst out laughing and he jumped up with a grin on his face, trying to act cool after his blunder. “I will get that birthday kiss from you, Brendon Finnegan.”

  “Maybe!” My eyes widened, having no idea he could read my mind. Actually, he could, I think I am just dumb with love for my Irish lad.


  I told her maybe, when I meant definitely. I wanted nothing more than ta get out of the friends’ zone with Sammie; however, I needed to be honest with her first. It’s an old rule that the most important thing in any relationship is trust and if we start off with one lie, it will lead ta other lies and eventually heartbreak. My heart would be broken because she’d bash it without question with one more lie. I adore this girl more than anything and I am not going ta blow it. I can’t or I’d be a lesser man.

  I walked into my first period and slinked into the desk all the way at the back of the room. Oh, joy, Chemistry! What a terrible way to start ma day. But I have it on the rest of these students, I was first in ma potions class. Okay, I have nothing to compare, they are two completely different beasts. After the teacher took roll, I raised ma hand in the air.

  “Yes, Mr?” Mrs. Youngblood asked me, she was a woman in her forties and a safe guess that she coaches basketball because she looks rough.

  “Ya just said ma name, Brendon Finnegan. What will be our first experiment?”

  “It’s mostly textbook work. Our first lab in a month. Why?” She never looked in my direction as she started scribbling on the white board.

  “Will one of the lab assignments be a love potion? There is a girl I am trying ta get ta fall in love with me, but she’s being impossible.” The moment Sammie stood up, I felt like I was punched in the gut and my cheeks were hot with blush. “Um, nevermind I asked. I need a bathroom pass, please.”

  “You had time before school, let’s start around the room and tell us all a bit about yourselves. Except you, Mr. Finnegan, we all know about how you and Miss Flowers are inseparable. But your accent is curious.”

  “It’s a brogue, not an accent. I am from Ireland and my family moved here, end of story.” I quickly told her as I braced my elbows on the desk, burying ma head. I know this was something I’d never live down. I can just see in our senior year, in the yearbook under ma picture, it will read. Lovesick puppy dog fer Sammie Flowers.

  At Lunch

  I swear I must have shared the first five periods with the same students in Chemistry class. All day, I was subjected to whispers and laughter. I walked into the cafeteria with my tray, filled to the hilt. I was starving and free food is free food. No sooner had I walked in, the whispers were now laughter and applause and I spotted Sammie with her head buried in her hands.

  Looking up, I noticed her cheeks were bright red, but there was a glimmer in her eyes, not anger; until she smacked me with both hands. “I can’t believe you said that in Chemistry class. Brendon, we have been inseparable since last year and they all know you were talking about me.”

  “Fine! I will keep ma feelings fer ya ta maself.” I took her hands in mine. “I know yer birthday would be a better time than now. But what harm is asking ya ta go steady over chicken nuggets and cold fries?”

  “I will give you my answer once you tell me what you’re keeping from me.” I shook my head. “Then I am not going to tell you that yes, I want to be your girlfriend.”

  “But ya just did and I am not going to tell ya that yer brother is just like ya and his dormant magic will come ta the surface on his twelfth birthday.” Sammie squeezed my hand and leaned back in her chair, staring out the window before she started laughing.

  “I always knew there was something off about Brant. It’s a relief and I knew it wasn’t my imagination when the outlet in the bathroom stopped working at the same time the bulbs burnt out in the sconces. It was this morning and he’s barely turned eleven. Is this what you couldn’t tell me in Ireland?” I nodded, though in shock at how well she took the news. “What do we need to do?”

  “I am still reeling from the shock that he’s a caster one year too early. I need ta train him, he can’t be on his own or else he will cause problems like ya did.” She understood the reason for only me ta train her brother, I wasn’t sure at this point if she wanted to be a part of it. There was no close bond between the two, but perhaps this is something that would bring them close.

  “That’s fine. You train him, I guide him.”

  “Ya can’t guide him, it has ta be a non-family member. Bsides ya may lose yer head and try to paralyze him.”

  Todd Rembrandt

  Some people couldn’t keep their discussions from everyone no matter how discreet they try to be. If Aisling were here, she’d have a heyday to hear there is one more Byrne in the mix. Oh, their poor human father, what will he do to find out both of his kids are casters? I quickly walked out of the cafeteria to the hallway, “Hey, Lucas, I am starting the text tree as Aisling suggested.” I let him know via message and produced a mass text to Aisling’s followers.
  Our leader is missing and it’s safe to say Brendon Finnegan and Sammie Flowers know her location. We need to stop them before they find out who we are, I am now putting the code phrase True Faith into play. I will text you after school with details of the meeting place and time. #truefaith.

  The first bell rang and I waited by the lockers for my first victim to pile out of the cafeteria, with the hopes his little girlfriend was with him. Knowing Sammie, she was going to keep her distance to keep up appearances that she is a pure and virtuous girl, although her thoughts suggest otherwise. As anticipated, Brendon was alone and this couldn't be more perfect when he walked into the men’s room. While he was in one of the stalls, I pretended I was counting sporadic pimples on my face, before reaching into my pocket for the tiny Proactiv squeeze bottles. I had a hot date with Tiana on Friday and I couldn’t have zits. I had to be perfect for her.

  “Acne is a bitch when you’re a teenager, ay?” Dammit, I forgot this jerk could read my mind. “You’re one of Aislings boys, aren’t ya?”

  “Umm, no. We dated, that was it.” I glanced at his reflection in the mirror and he gave me a condescending smile.

  “If ya think of hurting Sammie or any member of her family, you may want ta reconsider who is going to be standing front and center, shielding them. Oh, fer yer information, Todd, Aisling isn’t worth a damn nor does she have influence without the essential magic she needs. So, why are ya protecting her?”

  I was surprised to hear this, not surprised that he knew her whereabouts but he was right, why are we protecting a lowly human? Because I have connections in the Draíocht Coven that would remedy the issue. “Who’s keeping her magic?”

  Brendon fingered his hair, as he straightened out his curls with the palm of his hand. “See, I can’t tell ya that because no matter how much ya want ta get yer hands on it, it’s in a very secure place and will stay there until the day she dies. So, I am going ta ask again, who is True Faith really protecting?”

  I raised my hands, cupping them around Brendon’s temples to show him the future of the one who needed to actually be destroyed. A young boy, so powerful and so dangerous with only one thought in mind - to destroy the world of all casters with the idea to be one of his kind. His powers surfaced today, a year early, no thanks to the chant that Aisling taught me and Lucas. It was our job to convince him to follow us, not his sister and definitely not Brendon Finnegan.

  Releasing my hands, I gave him an arrogant smirk as horror was written in his chocolate brown eyes. “After showing you that, it would be in your best interest to protect your little girlfriend and if you think to train Brant Flowers, it will be all for nothing. He will use it against you.”

  “He is going ta kill Sammie when he is sixteen, he wants ta merge with her even though he is too young and even thought they aren’t twins.” I nodded. “Please don’t tell me that ya plan on taking him to the Draíocht Coven ta free Aisling.”

  “It was the idea. When it happens, we will never tell you. Have a nice life and enjoy your little fling with Sammie while you’re both still alive.” I left him in the bathroom, leaving Brendon food for thought, as the wheels in my head turned in a sonic motion. It was an easy plan. Kill Brendon, Sammie and the rest of the Draíocht Coven, before we find the lockbox and free Aisling. I pumped the air with my fist like I just won the game with a winning touchdown. It was so good to be me.

  My parents decided to take Brendon’s advice and have my birthday party at one of my favorite hangouts, Dingus Bruhs. It was like a Dave and Buster’s but for teenagers only. It had every game known to man, like Skeeball, which Brendon beat me everytime. Some basketball game, which Brendon beats me on also. We have had so many pictures taken in the photo booth, they fill up half my scrapbook. All of my great times since we moved here over a year ago were spent with my best friend and now boyfriend. At this point, he was my missing boyfriend. It was already eight at night and we’d been here for two hours, yet, there was no sign of Brendon. I blew up his phone with calls and texts, all to go unanswered.

  We had already eaten our fill of junk food, including the dry as a bone cake and ice cream sundaes. I had a great time with my parents, Brant and my friends, but there was an emptiness in my heart without Brendon here. I wish I could just snap my fingers and make him appear, but I didn’t have that kind of compulsion.

  Tiana dared me to beat her at the Dance, Dance game and nausea hit me. It was mine and Brendon’s game, one that we would go toe to toe on, in a manner of speaking. We stood on the platform and started with the easy steps. Tiana was doing pretty good, until her scores went down and she was no longer on the platform. The game started to glitch and every light in the place went out. All in unison, everyone screamed and I crouched down on the game platform, crawling off until a pair of feet blocked me. “Where do you think you’re going, Sammie?” It was Todd’s voice and I gripped his legs, climbing up like they were tree trunks. I think he lost his patience and pulled me up by the wrists, dragging me out of the arcade.

  “Where are you taking me?” I asked as he continued to drag me to the parking lot, all the way down to the end of the dock.

  “I couldn’t stand to see the sadness in your big, doe eyes, so thought I’d be a nice friend and bring you to your boyfriend.”

  There was a small crowd gathered by the security office, all dressed in black robes. “You’re the true faith group that Brendon told me about. Where is he?”

  “I am here, Sammie, I’m,” he winced and couldn’t finish what he was saying as he was tossed into Todd.

  “Let him go!” I demanded and held my hand out when the dagger that was piercing Brendon’s neck drew blood.

  “Or what, Sammie? Are you going to zap me? I heard you have no powers to speak of, so you can’t even defend me to save poor Brenny Bren.” The boys laughed at the stupid nickname Todd gave Brendon. Teenage boys were so ridiculous at times and right now I had no humor or tolerance of bullies.

  “You think I can’t handle you all,” I backed away from them and reached for the necklace. I could see Brendon’s eyes widened while I opened the pendant and a surge of fire mixed with electricity raced through my body. I screamed, as Brendon continuously said, ``What have ya done?” It was chaotic, but what happened outside my head didn’t compare to what was happening inside my body. The crippling pain was replaced by the ultimate feeling of invincibility.

  “You may want to run, Brendon.” He twitched his body, knocking Todd away from him as he did what I asked, but he stopped after reaching a safe and far enough distance. My body limped deliberately to give Todd and the rest of the Aisling lemmings the belief that what came out of my mother’s necklace sealed my fate.

  Standing up slowly, I reached my hands over my head before I stretched my hands to the side, fluttering my fingers. Each and every body levitated and flew into the ocean; however, I saved Todd for last, as I left him dangling in the air. He begged to be let down, he begged for me to spare him. I had no reason to kill him, I wasn’t one to abuse what the devil had given me. “I will not kill you by proxy. I will not forgive your intentions, but I can forget for now. I hope you can swim.” I wrapped my hand around his neck, smiling with great joy to see the fear in his eyes. “I know this will not be the last time I will be dealing with you True Faith morons. But I will not let you ruin my birthday, so, let’s take a raincheck on your ‘Kill Sammie’ party.” Effortlessly, I swung his body, hearing the soft splash as he hit the water.

  There was a price to pay for feeling invincible, it lasted only so long and now I was wiped and my legs were like overcooked spaghetti and I was about ready to collapse to the ground until my angel with the dark brown eyes caught me. He rocked me, kissing the side of my head. “I want ta chastise ya fer opening the necklace too soon, but ya saved us tonight. We both would’ve been dead.”

  Lifting my head to face him, I gave him a slight smile. “I wasn’t going to die until I got my first kiss.”


rlier that evening

  Professor McCullough failed at taking away all of my magic, it was proof when I was able ta telepathically connect ta Todd. It also came as a surprise that it went as far as across the ocean. I gave him the code phrase, #truefaith, in case something bad were ta happen in ma absence and I couldn’t think of a better time to destroy Sammie and Brendon than on her sixteenth birthday celebration.

  His attune sense of hearing came in handy as he was able ta hear every gory detail, in turn, reporting ta me. I never did tell him where I was, he didn’t need ta know. Todd’s only duty was ta carry out my plan, first killing Brendon then Sammie. My train of thought was interrupted by the pounding on the cell door, it was six in the morning so that meant ma daily breakfast of dried up sausage and a piece of bread.

  I took ma time getting ta the door and knocked on it ta let whichever guard know I was standing there waiting fer ma nutritious, delicious scraps. When he opened the window, I smiled. He was cute and I had a mind ta invite him ta kill time. As if that would work, I looked a mess and I’m sure I smelled like death. But this was ta be another test.

  “I brought yer breakfast, Aisling.” He was a younger one and looked awfully nervous, especially when I grinned at him.

  “Come closer, you’ve got the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen on a lad.” He was just as stupid and did as I said. I bore ma eyes inta his and demanded, “ye will leave me yer wand and go downstairs ta get me a proper breakfast. I’m starving.”

  Just like that, he slid his wand through the bars and bowed, “I am going ta fetch yer full breakfast as ya ordered, yer majesty.”


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