Kissing Reno [Brac Village 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Kissing Reno [Brac Village 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 6

by Lynn Hagen

  What if the person who had broken in returned? He pushed that question from his mind, refusing to be run off from his own place. Besides, Reno would be there in a few hours. He had to get his place cleaned up and presentable. Baker was a single guy, living on his own. There were clothes strewn about, dishes that needed washing, and his laundry could use a washer.

  Hurrying into his apartment, he set the bags on the table in the kitchen, kicked his shoes off, and began cleaning. If his mother was still alive, she’d have a heart attack that he was in a cleaning frenzy. Baker was lazy as hell growing up when it came to cleaning up after himself. Now that he had his own place, he kept it decent, but it definitely needed a good once-over.

  He hurried his laundry to the basement and then came back up, tossing the dirty dishes into the sudsy water before gathering the mess on the counter and tossing it in the trash. As he cleaned, Baker smiled to himself. He was going overboard trying to impress Reno.

  If he didn’t know any better—and he had no clue what it should feel like—he would think he was in love. Never in his life had he gone through this much trouble when he was having company. Normally, he didn’t care.

  He did now.

  Baker cared to the point he was mopping the floor. Once he thought the place was going to get as clean as it could get, Baker set about preparing dinner. He was so lost in thought as he prepared the meal that he screamed and swung the knife he had been using outward when he felt someone touch his back.

  “Whoa,” Reno said as he slid to the side, avoiding the sharp edge of the blade. “Easy there.”

  Baker blinked, his heart in his throat. “Don’t you know how to knock like normal people?” His brows knitted together as he scowled. “How did you get in anyway? I locked the damn door.”

  Reno took the knife from Baker’s hand and set it on the table. “Your lock sucks. A two-year-old could pop the damn thing.” He grabbed the chair from the table, twirled it around, and straddled it. “And I did knock, but you didn’t answer.”

  Baker’s eyes flickered to the clock on the wall to see it was only six thirty. “You’re early.”

  Reno laid his arms over the back of the chair, resting his chin on them. It was such a sexy pose. Baker had a hard time thinking as he stared at the swell of Reno’s biceps, the stubble on his face, and his pretty brown eyes that were outlined by thick, light-brown lashes. Too bad the guy kept his hair cut so short. Baker wouldn’t mind running his fingers through the strands. But it was as short as his dad’s was when he was in the military. “You said to surprise you.”

  And that he did.

  Going back to what he was doing, Baker once again felt his palms becoming moist and those dang butterflies in his stomach. He was losing his grip on the knife as he tried to slice the pickles. Setting it down, he grabbed a towel and wiped his hands off, trying not to seem so obvious.

  “Need help?” Reno swung one leg over the wooden chair, his entire body flexing with the move. He held his breath as his heart stammered. For a split second, Baker thought Reno was coming toward him. His throat dried out and knees felt weak, but then Reno veered over toward the counter.

  “Hot dogs and French fries. Damn, I haven’t had this in forever.” Reno picked one of the fries up from the cookie sheet and shoved it into his mouth as he grabbed two sodas from the fridge. “Easy dinner. I like it.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s all I know how to cook, easy stuff. If you want fancy then there are some restaurants around town.” Baker caught the moan as Reno pushed in behind him, his scarred hand brushing at Baker’s neck.

  “Easy is very good in my book.” Reno pressed a kiss to Baker’s ear, the soft tickle of his breath making Baker ache.

  Baker playfully shoved his arm into Reno’s stomach, stopping himself from turning and jumping the guy’s bones. “Liar, you said yourself that you wanted to stalk me.”

  Reno’s expression became somber as he stepped back from Baker. He wasn’t sure what he had said wrong, but he wanted the playfulness to return. Baker didn’t want to spend the evening in awkward silence. “If you think getting into my pants is going to be easy, you have another thing coming, buster.”

  Lips curving upward, Reno’s hand came forward to swat him on the ass. That was unexpected. But what really took Baker by surprise was how much he liked the tingle in the wake of Reno’s large hand. “I already got into them,” he reminded Baker with a tone that was filled with satisfied pride.

  Baker shook his head as he pulled the hot dogs from the oven and set them aside. “I don’t know what you like on yours.”

  Reno began making his as Baker tossed his on a bun and squirted some ketchup over the meat. He took a seat at the table. Reno shoved the chair he had pulled away back toward the table and joined Baker. “This reminds me of when I was a kid.”

  The light musing in Reno’s tone made Baker smile. Whatever had Reno looking somber was gone. “Not me,” Baker said as he picked a fry up off of his paper plate. “Had this for dinner last week.”

  “At least you can bake,” Reno said. “I can’t even do that.”

  “I helped my mom in the kitchen a lot growing up. She wasn’t that great of a cook, but she knew how to bake.” Baker felt that familiar tug whenever he thought about his mom. She was kind, sweet, and loving. He missed the hell out of her. Ever since she died, his dad hadn’t been the same. He was more closed off, criticizing Baker about the stupidest shit.

  He missed the way his dad used to be, but didn’t blame him for the heartache he was suffering. When Baker lived at home, there were nights when he had heard his father crying in his room. That right there made Baker give his dad leeway in his bitter battle for Baker to make something of himself.

  He held a job and was happy. Baker didn’t want to become a lawyer or a doctor. He liked his life.

  “It seems she taught you how to make a mean hot dog as well,” Reno teased. “I never had one baked before.”

  “Boiling takes the flavor away.” Baker finished his meal and sat there nursing his drink. He wasn’t sure what to do now that he was done eating. He hadn’t thought that far ahead. Hell, Baker hadn’t thought at all. Inviting Reno to dinner was last minute. Cleaning his apartment and getting dinner ready had been the only thing on his mind.

  But now that he sat here, watching Reno polish off the last of his fries, Baker wondered if the guy would leave, or…he just wasn’t sure. He felt his nerves twisting into knots as Reno tossed his plate and downed the rest of his soda. “That hit the spot.”

  Baker played with the bottle with his fingers as he glanced around the kitchen. “You want to watch a movie or play a game?”

  Reno’s eyes darkened as he turned back toward Baker. “What kind of game?” The question was asked in such a way that Baker couldn’t mistake it for anything but lust.

  “Video games, horndog.” He rose from his chair, giving Reno a well-placed eye roll. “What did you think I was talking about?” He knew and wasn’t sure why he was asking.

  Baker felt his skin grow tight when Reno swept his eyes from head to toe over Baker’s body. “An adult game of hide the sausage.”

  Baker burst out laughing, holding his side as tears rolled down his face. He wasn’t sure why that statement was so funny, but he found himself in a fit of laughter. Reno was laughing as well, his handsome face lit up as his dark eyes sparkled with enjoyment.

  Breath leaving his lungs, Baker was pulled into Reno’s strong, tanned arms, the man kissing him on his cheek. What a chaste kiss. “You are too damn adorable,” he said and then let Baker go. “We can play a game or watch a movie. I’ll leave that up to you.”

  Adorable had never been used to describe Baker before. He felt like a damn puppy at Reno’s words. Heading into the living room, Baker found himself hoping for things he shouldn’t be. As much as he questioned the idea of becoming Reno’s mate, the thought was foremost on his mind as he grabbed a movie and took a seat.

  Chapter Seven

  Reno sat ba
ck, his eyes flickering over the screen of the television. He wasn’t really watching the movie. He was too busy moving a little closer to Baker, letting his fingers lightly play on the man’s shoulder.

  The tips trailed over his mate’s shirt and then up to his exposed neck. Baker was sitting there as if oblivious to what Reno was doing, but Reno could see the goose bumps on his mate’s skin.

  “I’ve been waiting to see this movie. I bought it last week and haven’t had a chance to sit down and enjoy it.”

  Reno wasn’t sure if Baker was babbling because they were alone or if he was telling him in a subtle way that he would much prefer to watch the movie than fool around.

  There wasn’t going to be any fooling around. Not in the sense that Baker might be thinking. Reno planned on claiming his mate tonight. It was all he could think about since his mate had visited him at the firehouse and they had sucked each other off.

  It had taken every ounce of will not to take him on that bunk. Baker had been so willing, so ready. Reno was pretty sure he could have talked the human into it.

  But Baker wasn’t just some guy he was trying to get into bed. Taking him in the firehouse wasn’t what Reno had wanted. Privacy was what he needed because Reno planned on making the man scream in pleasure.

  Reno leaned in just as Baker stood. He fell forward on the couch, growling lightly to himself as he caught himself before his face hit the cushion.

  “I’m thirsty. Do you want anything to drink?”

  Reno turned his head, staring up at Baker in disbelief. “No.”

  With a nod, Baker left the room. Unbelievable. Pushing himself back into a sitting position, Reno glanced toward the kitchen and wondered if Baker was playing coy or really that thickheaded.

  He wasn’t sure as he sat back and waited for the human to return. Deciding to set the mood while Baker was in the kitchen, Reno quickly dimmed the lights, kicked his boots off, and unsnapped his pants, pulling the zipper all the way down.

  He moved on the couch, settling in the middle. The couch wasn’t that big. Baker would have to sit on either side—which in turn would put him close to Reno.

  Placing his hand by his mouth, Reno quickly checked his breath by blowing into his hand. It was good. He next smoothed his shirt down, making sure the hem was up enough to where Baker could see his unfastened jeans.

  Reno stilled his busy hands when Baker walked back in, a soda in his hand. His mate glanced at the couch where Reno was slumped, his arm over the back. He looked confused, as if he didn’t know where to sit. That answered his question about Baker. Reno realized in that moment that his mate was shy as hell.

  They had sucked each other off, but Reno had initiated it at the firehouse. It looked like he was going to have to initiate their mating as well. He patted the cushion with his hand. “Have a seat. You’re missing the movie.” Like he cared about the movie.

  There could have been a cartoon playing and Reno wouldn’t have noticed. The only thing he was paying attention to was the sexy body walking toward him. His mate’s slow, methodical moves told Reno Baker knew exactly what Reno was after.

  The man was hesitant as he took a seat. He even went so far as to try and sit as close to the arm as possible. If Reno wasn’t so confident, the man would be killing his ego right now. But he knew Baker just needed some coaxing. He had to blow away the man’s shyness, encouraging him to let his hair down with Reno.

  They were mates after all. There wasn’t anything they couldn’t do together, no fantasy, need, or desire that wouldn’t be met. Reno wanted Baker just as fulfilled in their sex life as Reno planned on being. He wanted Baker to tell him exactly what he wanted from Reno. He was willing and ready to give the guy what he desired.

  Tracing his finger along the nape of Baker’s neck, Reno licked his lips before dipping his head and placing a kiss back there.

  Baker shuddered, and to Reno’s satisfaction, the man’s legs slightly parted. He could feel his own heartbeat pounding in his chest as he moved his lips from the nape to the side of Baker’s soft neck. And the man’s skin was soft. His lips glided with ease, his tongue leaving a moist trail behind as he kissed and licked his way to Baker’s jaw.

  Reaching up, Reno turned Baker’s head. “Shy?”

  “No,” Baker said, his voice low and shallow. Reno could feel the small pants of breath slipping from Baker’s lips, caressing his own. “Why would you ask that?”

  Reno cocked one side of his mouth up in a grin before pulling Baker closer. “No reason.” He was aching, wanting Baker to touch him, to show Reno that he was just as needy as Reno was. He didn’t want to think Baker only gave in to him just because Reno had come on to him. The need to know Baker felt the pull, the connection, as well was almost overpowering.

  Leaning back, Reno traced his fingers over Baker’s arm and then down to his hand, hoping the guy got the hint at what he wanted. His jeans were already undone, half the work out of the way. Now all he needed was for Baker to take the initiative and do something that told Reno he was just as much into this.

  Shy he could work with. Baker feeling obligated would be a smack to his face. Reno needed to know which category Baker fell under. The man had been resistant from the beginning—except for the mutual blow job.

  Baker’s dark-blue eyes slid to the downed zipper and his lips parted. Reno smiled as he continued to caress his hand up and down Baker’s arm. He wasn’t going to ask or demand anything from his mate. This was Baker’s choice.

  Just as Reno thought the guy wasn’t going to do anything but stare, his hand moved to the skin exposed right above Reno’s waistline. His fingers skimmed the bare flesh, playing in the trail of hair leading from Reno’s navel to beyond the waistline of his boxer briefs. He was tentatively exploring, driving Reno mad with his leisurely touches.

  But he forced himself not to move as his mate explored his body. Although agonizing, the touches made his cock harder. His breath caught when Baker moved his fingers lower. Baker shook his head and then leaned up into Reno, burying his face into Reno’s neck, gasping as his hand dipped past the underwear, circling his fingers around his erection.

  Reno inhaled sharply, grinding his back teeth as his fingers balled into fists. His head fell onto the back of the couch, his eyes rolling upward as Baker began a slow stroke of his cock. His mate’s lips began to nibble at Reno’s neck, and he damn near came in the man’s hand. Baker may have been shy warming up, but Reno could see he was getting hot. His hand became firmer, stroking Reno with a steady rhythm. Oh hell, no. He was not going to be so easily appeased at nothing more than hand job. If Baker thought that was all they were going to do, he was sadly mistaken.

  Rolling over, he pinned Baker beneath him. The unexpected move had Baker gasping as Reno grabbed Baker’s wrists and held them down on either side of his head. “A quick hand job isn’t what I’m looking for.”

  A flush colored Baker’s cheeks as he met Reno’s gaze. His eyes, the color of blueberries, widened as Reno dipped his head, feathering his mouth over soft, plump, kissable lips. He drew in Baker’s breath, enjoying the surprise on the man’s face before he snaked his tongue out and ran the tip over pearly-white, straight teeth, rubbing his tongue over the grooves, pulling in moisture, and playfully nipping Baker’s tongue. “If you want me to stop, you better speak up, Baker.”

  Instead of protesting, Baker’s eyes fluttered closed, reaching with his mouth to take more of Reno’s kisses. That was good enough for him. He plunged his tongue deeper, his chest pressed against Baker’s, their groins aligned. He could feel that Baker was just as hard as he was. The man’s cock rubbed against Reno’s through their fabric, making him wish they were naked. Releasing Baker’s wrists, Reno used one hand to balance his weight and the other to move between their bodies, pulling at his mate’s jeans until he had them unfastened.

  He wasn’t as coordinated as he would have liked, but he managed to free Baker’s cock, and then his own, gripping them both with his hand.

aker bucked, his back arching as his head pushed into the cushion. Damn, he was so fucking beautiful when he was aroused. And the noises, god, the noises excited his blood. They told him that Baker was becoming unhinged in his arms, that Reno was setting his mate on fire. Reno captured his mate’s lips, feeling the vibrations of the whining and gasping against his mouth.

  Though the feelings riding him were taking him to heights, Reno needed more. The soft skin, the heated flesh, and the sensuality coming from Baker were too much.

  Reno wanted to be inside his mate as he voiced his erotic pleasure. Giving his hips one last roll, Reno moved back onto his knees and pulled at Baker’s jeans, guiding them down the masculine legs. He pushed Baker’s left leg over so he could take them all the way off.

  Tossing them aside, Reno drank in the legs that he wanted to feel wrapped around him as he fucked his mate, claimed him. His hands smoothed up Baker’s thighs, cupped his balls, and gave them a light squeeze.

  Baker groaned his approval.

  “Lube,” Reno said, barely restraining the desperation in his voice.

  Baker’s eyes fluttered open, piercing Reno with their intensity. “Bedroom.”

  Reno was off the couch and moving toward the bedroom as if he were in a race. He spotted a stand next to Baker’s bed and prayed that was where he kept the lube. If not, Reno wasn’t sure he had the patience to search. Cooking oil would be used instead. But luck was with him when he spotted the tube among other things in the man’s stand.

  Snagging the bottle, Reno kicked off his jeans on his way back to his mate. He nearly collided with the wall, losing his balance as one pant leg became entangled on his ankle. Stupid pants.

  Stopping long enough to kick them off, Reno was back in the living room, admiring the naked man lying on the couch as he moved closer. Right before he knelt back between Baker’s legs, Reno pulled his shirt over his head and let it fall to the floor.


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