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Oceantide Page 6

by Everly Taylor

  “When everything went down, I found Beck unfrozen. He was hiding from the guards and pulled me in another secret room that I didn’t know about. He’s helped me to not go crazy with you gone.” I was happy to hear him say that until he chastised me, “Now stop avoiding answering my question. Tell about how it went with Frost.”

  I sighed before relaying him everything I could think of during my time in the caves. I neglected to tell him about the bathroom incident with that meathead, Craig. Some things were better left unsaid. He was very interested in what happened with Shay and we spent a lot of time trying to figure out what could be happening with that and who could be responsible.

  “I know you think it’s Frost, but I’m not so sure. Remember that incident with Eva? I remember Jaxon said she was getting it from a guard. A higher up could mean the captain. Frost doesn’t really seem like the type to dabble. I do agree that we need to help Shay though.” His suggestion made sense and I was happy I had him to talk it through. “Sebastian was working on hunting down the dealer. I bet he has notes in his office.”

  “I think we could find a way in there and it will be easier if we get in there before they replace him. We need to figure this out for his sake and for Shay’s. I know Sebastian would want us to continue his work until they can come back for us. Well, he would probably not want us to put ourselves in any danger but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” I laughed because if I didn’t, I would cry at the loss of our friends. “Who is taking over for the professor now?”

  “So far no one. There’s just a note on the board that shows up every day with an assignment, usually something written, and then we have to put the papers on the desk before class is over. The next day they are gone, and a new assignment up,” he told me.

  I didn’t know what the fuck to think of everything that was happening, but I was determined to figure it out. “Has Henry been acting strange with you?” I questioned.

  “No. Same old gruff asshole as usual,” he replied. “Why?”

  I didn’t know if I over thought Henry’s kindness, but I told Jet what happened anyway. It was better to have it all out there, he might make some connection that I hadn’t. He thought it was strange also so at least I knew I wasn’t overreacting.

  Our time together was over too quickly, and I hated to say goodbye. I wished we could find a way to sleep together, but neither of us could risk Frost’s wrath. We got dressed again quickly and I ran my hands down his exposed chest and wished him sweet dreams before kissing him and leaving him. Even though this room remained a secret, we couldn’t chance anyone finding out and still had to leave separately.

  I managed to avoid everyone as I made my way back to my cell. I hated the fact that I would be alone again. My life before Eva, I was just fine to be left alone. Now I needed people around me. Shit, I scoffed to myself, I was even beginning to prefer it. With a sigh, I put my ugly ass bedtime jumper on and slid under the thin ratty blanket. I stared at my drawings, wishing that I could be back in the ocean. That Jet and I could race through the waters and be free.

  I wanted to put things right with my family and stop my sister, Mira, from causing anymore destruction. I wondered how many humans she had killed in the past year that had gone unaccounted for. How many humans were still searching for their loved ones that were lost at the bottom of the ocean because of her.

  The doors clanged shut and I jumped, no longer used to that noise. I found it interesting how quickly one could unadjust to everyday happenings when taken away from the situation. When I heard a pop, a smile crossed my face and I turned to greet my little fairy visitor.

  Chapter 7 - Una

  “Are you following me, Shay?” I asked with a grin I knew she probably couldn’t see since the room was darkened and I was in the shadows of my bottom bunk.

  “I-I. No,” she stammered. “I don’t know how I got here. Where are we?”

  I cackled, “Sweetcheeks, I was only teasing. Though, I would like to know how you managed to end up here in my cell.”

  She visibly relaxed in the dim light and though she was still twisting her hands nervously, her shoulders slumped in relief. “I’m not really sure. I was just thinking about our conversation and I wondered how you were doing. Then I sneezed and here I am.” She shrugged her shoulders innocently and let out a nervous giggle.

  “You’re saying you sneezed your way through the wards?” I laughed and sat up.

  “I don’t know about wards. All I know is I sneezed and here I am,” she wrinkled her nose as if trying to figure something out.

  I didn’t know what kind of power this fairy had, but I was glad she sneezed her way in here. The company was nice. She gave me something to focus on while I waited for Eva to come back for us. “Those sneezes are a blessing and a curse, aren’t they?” I asked, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed as I considered how she might have gone undetected through the wards to my level.

  She shrugged a shoulder and I had the impression she had been dealing with it for quite some time. “I had an interesting conversation with a veritician today. She seemed quite interested in you,” I told her, watching her closely for her reaction. I liked her, but I knew we still needed to be careful with who we trusted.

  Shay’s eyes widened in surprise, “Really? Why would anyone be interested in me?” I gave her a look that said, that’s why I’m asking you and she frowned, “What if it’s the gang trying to get me back? They aren’t known for keeping deals, so even if someone bought me, they would probably try to find me and steal me back. I can’t go back there. I’ll die if I go back there. Here isn’t great either but at least it’s not as bad as there.” Her questions and worries all came out in a flurry making my head spin.

  “Calm down, Shay. I can only process one question at a time,” I sighed heavily. “I don’t know what her deal is to be honest. That’s why I was asking you. She told me to look out for you and I didn’t get any feeling of her being dangerous. Well a danger to you that is. Veriticians by nature are dangerous as they can tap into our memories and pull the truth out whether you want it or not. I got more of a sense of her being concerned for you, though.” I went on to describe my interaction with her, and the way Aleta looked. “Does any of that sound familiar, or do you think you might have come across her before?”

  She blew her chopped bangs out of her face, “I really don’t know. I’ve had so many people interested in me and walking around my cage that your description just blends her in with the others. Too bad you don’t have a picture,” she laughed.

  “Why don’t you sit down and relax, and I’ll draw one for you. See if it can jog your memory.” I scooted over and patted the bed before grabbing my drawing supplies. I started with her eyes, the part of her that was burned into my memory.

  Shay stayed silent as she watched me draw, her small body curled up on my pillow. “This is really comfortable,” she told me when I looked up at her and smiled. She reminded me of a puppy and my heart ached for this poor unfortunate soul who had been through so much misery. She seemed to have dimmed a little from when I first met her in the caves, but maybe I was just seeing things. It could also just be because there was more light up here than there was in solitary. It was something I would have to pay attention to in the future.

  “I’ll find a way to get you out of here,” I promised her as I finished up my drawing. It wasn’t perfect but it was pretty close. “I don’t know how, but I will make it happen.”

  “Really?” She asked in surprise as she took the sketch from me. “You would really try to help me?” Her voice was filled with a mix of confusion and awe.

  “Of course,” I replied honestly.


  “Well, I see something in you. I don’t know what. But I do know you have been dealt a shit hand and you deserve to be free.“

  She nodded slowly as tears welled in her eyes, but none fell. “Thank you,” she said gently and I grinned.

  “Don’t thank me yet. We need to fi
gure shit out first.”

  “Right,” she looked down at the drawing and studied it for a minute. “Her face rings a bell. I remember seeing her in the camp before for sure. She never really took any interest in me, though. She was there because they requested her for whatever reason. I know when she finished what they had her doing she left. She was different from the rest of them somehow.” Her brows were furrowed as she was deep in thought.

  “How so?” I questioned, hoping her answer would help me to decide if we should trust the veritician.

  She shrugged, “I’m not exactly sure. Everyone that hung around with those people were bad. For some reason, I never got the same feeling from her. Most of the people were strung out on my dust, either dancing around, acting like zombies, or sometimes collapsing and dying. It all depended on how hard they hit it. I never witnessed her take any dust. In fact, she seemed pretty normal aside from her eyes. That’s what scared me about her, and also the only reason I remembered her. You captured her perfectly,” she passed the sketch back to me.

  I laughed, “Yeah, those eyes seem to go straight to your soul. It’s a little creepy.”

  She giggled, the sound tinkling, “Yes! I was scared she was going to suck my soul out or something.”

  We laughed and talked some more before I started yawning. “I don’t know if I will get anywhere, but I’m going to try to figure out who bought you and had you sent here. Then we are going to try to get you out of here.”

  Tears welled in her eyes, “Thank you, Una.” she stood from her place on my bed.

  “Hey, Shay?” I called after her as she moved back to the middle of my room. When she turned and met my gaze, I gave her a small smile, “Be really careful where you pop in and out. I don’t want you to get caught and face a harsh punishment. You’ve been through enough already.”

  “I will,” she reassured me before looking at me sheepishly. “I still pop into your old cell sometimes and look at the drawing on the wall. It’s really pretty and makes me feel like I’m free, if only for a moment,” she said wistfully before popping out just as fast as she came in, leaving me no time to respond.

  I stared at the empty spot for a moment, surprised at the effect my artwork had on her. Then again, I didn’t get the impression from her that she got out very much. I laid back on my hard pillow and the lumpy mattress shifted beneath me. Normally the shitty mattress irritated me and I had a hard time falling asleep, but after a few nights of sleeping in hay my body relaxed quickly and I fell asleep.

  I woke the next morning actually feeling like I had a good night sleep rather than the restless dream filled nights I usually woke from. I hummed to myself as I got ready, happy to finally be going to join Jet in the cafeteria. In the check-in line I gave Henry my number as usual and he winked at me again, even though his tone was his usual asshole self. I looked at him curiously, knowing this time I hadn’t imagined it, but he barked out for the next person, so I moved on. Between his odd behavior and all of the people I felt staring at me it was starting to get really weird.

  I dropped my tray on the table next to Jet, “Am I extra beautiful the past two days or something?”

  He coughed, choking on his bite before he took a large swig of water as he glanced over at Beck. I had no clue how I missed that tall glass of seawater. Once he composed himself, he grinned a little.

  “Is this a trick question?” Jet asked with amusement laced in his voice.

  I sighed dramatically and plopped down in my chair, “No. It’s just things are super weird since I have been back. Henry winked at me again today, and it’s weird and creepy as fuck to say the least. Not only that, but I feel like everyone is staring at me like I have a sea slug stuck on my face or some shit.”

  Beck spoke up, his eyes glittering as he looked me up and down, “Well you do have a very sparkling presence. And that little bit of boob showing is very sexy.” He winked at me and I stared at him, gaping like a fish. The guy who had never talked to me before was suddenly outright flirting with me, and in front of my boyfriend? What the hell had gone on while I was down in solitary that would make things change so much in just a few days?

  Jet looked at me with lust filled eyes as he leaned over and ran his finger along my cleavage, “I have to agree. You look hot with your shirt unbuttoned like this. It’s not their fault that they can’t help but stare.” He leaned a little closer, his breath a whisper across my neck, “But I prefer the way you look with nothing on and your pussy wrapped around my cock.” His voice was heated and filled me with desire as I shuddered out a breath. He didn’t make any moves though, instead he turned back to his food and left me wanting more.

  Finally, finding my voice, I replied, “What the fuck happened while I was gone? I feel like I stepped into a whole new world. Henry winking, everyone staring, you being extremely talkative, and now friends with Beck?”

  The two men laughed at me and I was really tired of not getting answers. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at the two of them, getting the point across that I was a little pissed at being left out.

  Beck grinned at me as his eyes zeroed in on my breasts and he bit his bottom lip. My lady bits screamed at me that I needed to take a ride on that seahorse, and I tried not to fidget in my seat to ease the ache that was there. I didn’t know what was happening and I wasn’t going to make a fool out of myself if Beck wasn’t serious. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing how he affected me.

  Nope, not going to think about the dreams I had down in the cave of riding him like a cowgirl. Of course, not thinking about it had me thinking about it and I had to squeeze my thighs together and hope like hell no one could smell my desire.

  Jet bumped me in the shoulder, and I leveled my glare at him, softening when I saw my need mirrored in his eyes. “Things have changed a lot, that's for sure, but it’s nothing for you to worry about. My love for you is stronger than it ever was, and I think you’re beautiful every single day. As for the weirdness from everyone else, I think part of it is how you disappeared at the same time as the others. You came back, they didn’t.”

  “I think so too. The other students don’t have any idea what actually happened. We think Frost did something to their memories also. We weren’t affected because we were hiding. From what we’ve been hearing there are a few students that have some memories, but they are fuzzy at best. Everyone is talking but no one's memories are the same, and so they have been convinced that everything they think happened was only a dream,” Beck told me as he ran his fingers through his luscious dark hair. “You showing up again and the others not…” he trailed off, not needing to say any more.

  I nodded my head in understanding, “When you put it that way it makes a lot more sense. Memory magic is a funny thing. They probably know they know something but can’t figure it out and I’m sure my return makes them all the more confused about what they don’t remember.” I thought for a moment, whoever had done that mind magic had to have a great deal of power to affect so many people. I wondered if it was one of Frost’s stolen powers or even if it was something that a veritician would be capable of. “I still don’t get why Henry is winking at me, though. It’s creepy as fuck.”

  “Wasn’t he awake when everything went down with the headmaster and Eva?” Jet asked, though I was pretty sure he already knew the answer.

  “Oh yeah,” I responded, mentally kicking myself for forgetting that little detail. “I guess he saw the headmaster for what he really is. Or he’s trying to gain my trust and will bite me in the ass later.”

  “I’d like to bite your ass later,” Beck said with a cheeky grin, which was wiped off when he looked at Jet. “Sorry, man. I can’t help but flirt with beautiful women. I’ll try to contain myself from now on.”

  Jet put his arm around my shoulder as if it were a show of ownership, “No biggie.”

  I could hear the lie in Jet’s voice, but I let it go for now. We had talked about me having more than just one guy in my life and he had seem
ed more than okay with it. Maybe this was just one of those things where they needed to work out their own places in my life and I needed to let them.

  Wait, was Beck even into me enough to want to be with me? Holy fuck! I would love that. When I made my plan to flirt with him, I never thought that he would have become friends with my boyfriend in the time I was gone. To top it off, I never imagined he would be the one flirting with me first instead of the other way around. Shit, I didn’t know him well enough to know if he flirted with anyone with a set of tits, or if he really liked me. What I wouldn’t give to have my best friend here to talk me through this. I bet Calex would even get the answers for me since he would do anything to keep Eva happy.

  Beck liked my tits, that much was obvious, but who wouldn’t stare at them? They are big and round, and pretty damn hot if I do say so myself. I knew my girls were my best assets, followed closely by my ass. Fuck it. I wasn't going to let anyone hold me back from going for what I wanted. If Jet had a problem, we would deal with that when it came.

  We put away our trays and headed for class. I could feel the tears stinging the back of my eyes as we got closer to Sebastian’s classroom. I missed professor hot stuff almost as much as I missed Eva. Sure, he had been a teacher, but damn, he was nice to look at and was one of the very few people in this place that actually gave a shit. Jet rubbed circles on my back when he noticed my reaction, “It will be okay, baby. I miss them, too.”

  Beck noticed my distress and took my hand in his. “We’ll both be here to help you get through. I’ll tell you terrible jokes if need be,” his brown eyes were full of concern and it made me sniffle thinking how sweet he was being when he didn’t even really know me.

  “I just have dust in my eye,” I lied before I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders. “I got this,” I said out loud for my own benefit as much as theirs as I strolled into the classroom. I went straight to my seat at the back of the class, the desks around it noticeably empty.


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