Passion Bear

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Passion Bear Page 2

by M J Waverly

  Frustrated, Barron did not want to have this discussion with his bear. But he knew his bear would offer his opinion whether Barron wanted it or not.

  "Idiot or not. She's in danger. It's our job to protect her." Barron stopped and parked. He jumped out and inhaled the cold fresh hair. "If we walk north, we can make our way to her property and keep watch. Let's observe the area and see what we can find. But when I get back to town, Warner do a search on this Orion Hunter."

  He felt a weak magical barrier as he passed through it. Artemis had been here seeding the magic. The Zeal was in its beginning around this bear sanctuary.

  A bright burst of light surrounded Barron. His bones extended, his muscles lengthened, and skin transformed to fur. Evergreen wouldn't recognize him as a bear.

  Barron found a hill where he could observe Evergreen's house. She exited the studio. She still carried a crossbow and looked around with a worried expression. No doubt that she could take care of herself, but somebody hunted her

  He moved closer, and the next thing he knew. Evergreen was mere feet from him. She lowered the crossbow and remained still.

  "I won't hurt you." Her voice became soft and sweet like honey.

  Barron wanted to tell her it was him. He'd protect her. They needed a chance to know one another.

  He didn't move but simply watched her. This magical connection threaded his heart to hers.

  She smiled, and it was the most beautiful smile Barron had ever seen in his life. It ignited something within him like the fireworks on the Fourth of July.

  Evergreen waved. "Don't worry. You're safe here. I'll look after you." She motioned at the crossbow. "This isn't for you. It's for Orion Hunter and his ilk. And like that egotistical clod that came by today. This land is my land."

  "See you around handsome bear." She waved, grabbed her crossbow, and strolled away.

  Barron plunked down onto his butt. How about that? Evergreen liked the bear more than she liked him as a man. That was a first.

  Chapter 3

  Evergreen couldn't believe she saw a bear so close to the house. Usually, they stayed away and foraged in the forest for berries and other food. However, this bear was different, and he seemed to understand her.

  She placed her chainsaw outside of her studio door.

  She reached for her chisel and ran her hand over the smooth chunk of wood. She'd found this piece, just on the other side of the forest. Running her hands over the smooth trunk, she thought about her bear encounter. She'd really been drawn to the bear.

  Her heart melted when she recalled his eyes, liquid and warm reached deep down into her soul. He must be one of the first ones to awaken from hibernation.

  If this bear has already awakened from his hibernation, then it would need protection, especially with Orion Hunter and his men on the loose.

  She needed to get this order ready for the gallery in Yellowstone. Evergreen Carter was a woodcarver and glass artist. People thought it funny that a girl who weighed one hundred and fifteen pounds could wield a huge log of wood. And a chainsaw. He chuckled when she recalled the self-absorbed man's reaction.

  Sometimes she created with other elements of nature, but nature was the source and spirit of her work. It was what put food on the table, paid the bills, and Evergreen loved it.

  The flexibility in her schedule gave her the freedom to hike, kayak, and spend time with her Dad. That was until he had his heart attack. She had a hitch in her chest and pressed her hand against her ribcage to work out the pain.

  Her phone dinged. Evergreen stopped. She just breathed, and hot adrenaline flowed through her veins. Without looking, she knew it was another text message from him. From Orion Hunter.

  It could be Dad. It wasn't his ringtone, but she had to make sure. She worried about him alone in Arizona, but he was doing well.

  Good afternoon Evergreen. I heard you were approached by another buyer for your property. I hope you're not thinking about selling because if you do, there would be dire consequences.

  She tossed her phone as if it had been covered in poison onto the table. How did Orion Hunter know that she had another offer for her property? She snapped her fingers. That egotistical asshat.

  Who was he?

  "Barron Montgomery doesn't work for Orion Hunter. You are safe with him." A woman's husky echoed in her mind.

  Where had that thought originated?

  Maybe the egotistical asshat hadn't been associated with Orion Hunter. It didn't matter Evergreen wasn't selling her property.

  Barron covered the perimeter of Evergreen's land. He rose up on his hind legs. It did indeed have the zeal barrier forming around it. Artemis must be confident that she would acquire the property.

  That wasn't all he had found. He'd discovered steel traps in the border between the national forest and Evergreen's property.

  He'd collected as many traps could find, and then he buried them in a huge hole he dug up near the lake. He'd return tomorrow and get rid of the traps and destroy them. He'd find the person behind this evil, but his gut instincts told him it was Orion Hunter.

  He needed to return to town and put his team on Orion Hunter. Barron wanted to know everything about the man from what toothpaste he used and his entire family history.

  No one threatened his lifemate. Barron still had a few miles to walk back to his Jeep.

  Reluctant to leave Evergreen alone, he lumbered along a trail upon a ridge. He lifted his nose and caught the scent of a man. It was a subtle odor. A lot of hunters use smell eliminators when pursuing their prey.

  Barron rose upon his hind legs as he surveyed the area around him, sniffing trying to catch the man's location. The loud whistle of a bullet zinged past him. He dropped to all four paws and bolted.

  With his heart pounding, Barron ran for his life. He'd never been hunted in his life, always using magic to escape danger. He stopped when he found shelter near a group of boulders, and he leaned against the rocks, seeking their protection and caught his breath.

  His poor wild brother bears. The fear they must feel when they heard hunters with their guns. The roar of engines erupted throughout the quiet forest.

  Two men on all-terrain vehicles sprung from the woods on the other side of the river. Hunter Corporation was written on the door.

  "Evergreen had asked me if I knew Orion Hunter," Barron said. These men worked for Orion Hunter, and for whatever reason, he would stop at nothing to acquire Evergreen's property.

  A new passion-filled him as his life's purpose took root deep within his essence, and within his soul. Protect the land. Protect the bears. Protect Evergreen.

  The men pointed toward a trail, which led to another valley. The noise of the engines dissipated.

  Barron waited until night had fallen. He circled around and checked Evergreen's house. All was quiet. A white owl hooted from a tree next to the studio. Minerva, Artemis's owl, kept watch.

  The goddess must be near. He reached out to her. Watch over the bears.

  Barron slowly made his way back to his Jeep. With a burst of light, he transformed back into a man. He drove away determined to help Artemis create this bear sanctuary, protect Evergreen, and stop Orion Hunter. He and his bear were one.

  The next morning Evergreen arrived at the Broken Toe Cafe for her usual pancakes and coffee.

  It was packed with people, and she had to stand in line. The bell dinged behind her. She turned, and a really handsome outdoorsy guy in a flannel shirt and tight jeans joined the line. Definitely her type. Not like the asshat from yesterday, who wore a designer business suit and polished designer leather shoes. He'd been handsome, but Mr. Swagger thought he was the Universe's gift to women.

  Definitely not her type. She chuckled when she recalled his reaction to the chain saw she wielded.

  Handsome-Guy-In-Flannel-Suit smiled at her. "Good morning."

  "Good morning." Evergreen nodded. Definitely her type. His dark blonde curly hair spilled out of his well-washed baseball cap embroidered with

  "How long is the wait?" He asked.

  She shrugged. "I don't know. This is the busiest I've ever seen it."

  "I was passing through, and a friend recommended this place. I thought I'd check it out."

  Evergreen nodded and rocked back on her heels. She found it difficult to relax around people ever since her Dad's heart attack and the situation with Orion Hunter. "It's excellent. You won't be disappointed."

  "What do you normally order?" Handsome-Guy-In the-Flannel-Shirt flashed a brilliant white smile.

  "I like the pancakes, and I always order the coffee. The best in Bear Bay. You can't go wrong with anything."

  "Evergreen, I have a seat ready." Olivia pointed at a stool next to Homer and Hank.

  Disappointed, she had to sit next to Hank and Homer, Evergreen turned to Handsome Flannel Guy. "You'll enjoy anything you order. It definitely has a French touch."

  He grinned. "I'll order the pancakes and definitely the coffee."

  Evergreen sat in her normal bar stool next to Homer and Hank at the counter. At this point, she should be happy to have a place to eat, but she'd hoped to sit with Handsome Flannel Guy. She grabbed a menu and pretended to read it, but her gaze followed Handsome Flannel Guy. Maybe he'd stay around Bear Bay, and they would meet again.

  Olivia led him to a table for two at the back of the restaurant. Evergreen almost jumped up and joined him at the table. She imagined herself introducing herself and asking if she could sit with him. That was if she had the nerve. If she wasn't so introverted, she would've suggested they share a booth.

  "How you doing, Evergreen?" Homer asked.

  "Very well."

  "Saw you eyeballing that handsome fellow," Hank said.

  Evergreen dropped her head. She should've known the Bear Bay Gossip Committee would have a scoop today. Evergreen Carter Ogled Handsome Stranger.

  "Just want to warn you. He ain't what he seems. You be careful. It's good you're over here with us, where we can protect you." Homer patted her arm.

  She summoned up all the niceness she could. Homer and Hank were a few years older than her Dad, who always acted protective towards her.

  "Thank you," she said.

  Olivia plunked down a plate full of blueberry pancakes in front of Evergreen. And a massive mug of hot coffee with three creams.


  "Eat up. You look like you haven't eaten since you were here yesterday."

  Now that Evergreen thought about it. She hadn't eaten since breakfast yesterday. She'd been busy carving her new bear inspired by the bear she'd seen.

  "I had a peanut butter sandwich last night," she lied.

  Arching an eyebrow, Olivia smirked. "I don't believe you."

  Hank and Homer watched as they ate their eggs and toast.

  As Evergreen scarfed down her pancakes, Handsome Flannel Shirt Guy sidled up next to her. He motioned at his cup. "Came for a refill."

  Amazingly, Olivia refilled his coffee cup. As he leaned over and grabbed a napkin out of the dispenser, Handsome Flannel Guy sloshed coffee onto Evergreen's shirt.

  "I'm so sorry," Handsome Flannel Guy lowered his cup onto the counter.

  Olivia rushed over with a dishrag. "Are you okay, Evie?"

  Evergreen stood up and brushed her pants with napkins. "I'm fine. It's just a little coffee."

  "I'm so sorry." He reached for napkins from the dispenser.

  She took the dishrag from Olivia and wiped her jeans. Fabulous, she had to run errands in town, and now she'd smell like coffee for the rest of the day. It could be worse.

  "I'm sorry. I desperately needed a refill because I've been driving all night. Let me pay for your meal, please."

  "Awkward way to meet our girl." Homer narrowed his eyes.

  Embarrassed, Evergreen shook her head. "Don't worry. It's okay. She gestured reassuringly.

  "No. I insist. It was my stupid mistake. I am really truly sorry, please let me buy you breakfast."

  Evergreen blushed. "Sure. Fine." She sat back down on the stool.

  He turned to Olivia. "Add this to my check."

  "I will," Olivia scowled. Normally, she was nice to everyone in the restaurant.

  Handsome Flannel Guy held out his hand. "My name is Ryan Archer."

  Evergreen shook his hand and introduced herself. A deep growly voice echoed in her mind. "I'm here. Back away from this man. He's not safe."

  The small hairs on the back of her neck lifted. An image of the bear, exactly like the one near her house, appeared in her mind. Evergreen removed her hand from Ryan.

  The bell rang over the restaurant door and in walked the swaggering jerk from yesterday. He wore jeans flannel shirt and hiking boots instead of his tailored three-piece suit from New York.

  He scanned the room, and then his gaze landed on Evergreen. His eyes lit up. And then when he saw Ryan. Mr. City Slicker Swagger's demeanor instantly changed, and anger flashed in his dark brown eyes.

  The bear image returned. "Step away."

  Ryan Archer turned around and clenched his fists. "Why is Barron Montgomery here?"

  Evergreen gripped the edge of the counter. This was Barron Montgomery. The billionaire. Could he be a good guy? He said something about wanting to set up a wildlife sanctuary. Yeah right. That's what they tell you, and then the next thing you know, there's a ski resort going in right next to the national forest. No, thank you.

  "Hello, Evergreen, good to see you." Barron strolled over and stood on the other side of her.

  She refused to look at him. "It's not good to see you again."

  Hank and Homer watched with eager expressions as they sipped their coffee. Olivia hung back with the coffee pot.

  Evergreen dropped her head in her hand. Yep, this little scene at the Broken Toe Cafe would be the latest gossip in Bear Bay. Did you see the two men fighting over Evergreen Carter? Did you ever think two men would be fighting over Evergreen Carter? She would hear the hushed whispers as she went about town.

  Ryan loomed large. "You heard the lady. You need to leave."

  Barron angled his hip against the counter and responded in that irritating way he had about him as if nothing ever bothered him. "I haven't heard the lady tell me to go away. She said it wasn't good to see me again. However, I will soon change her mind.

  Evergreen's mouth dropped open.

  "May I ask, who are you?" Barron leveled his gaze at Ryan.

  "None of your business." Ryan leaned closer to her.

  She inched away because there was something off with him. She didn't want him to pay for her breakfast. She wasn't sure why she didn't want Ryan to do so. However, Barron was here, and she wasn't sure about him. The jerks could have one another.

  Evergreen placed her money on the counter and waved to Olivia. "Thanks."

  Slipping around Ryan, Evergreen walked past Barron, and then outside. Stretching her arms up, she inhaled the crisp air and exhaled. The ball of tension in between her shoulders eased. She jumped into her truck.

  What was that whole scene back there about? Ryan seemed nice at first, but something seemed off, too.

  As for Barron, she experienced the weird bear vision even before he walked into the cafe. As Evergreen exited the adjacent parking next to the Broken Toe, she noticed a large black SUV with tinted windows. The pancakes and coffee in her stomach churned like a cement mixer. She'd seen the same vehicle yesterday which had followed her to her house.

  Were they connected with Barron? Were they connected with Ryan Archer? Hunter? Her hands trembled as she summoned her inner fortitude. It was getting tougher to remain calm and collected. Could the black SUV be Hunter's goons? She couldn't let her guard down because if she did, Orion Hunter would come in for the kill.

  As she cruised down Main Street, she rechecked her mirror. The black SUV tailed her like she'd seen in action-adventure movies.

  Suddenly, a blur of white feathers swooped in front of the vehicle. Thousands of white feathers blew across the window, blocking their vie

  Had a bird exploded? The SUV unable to see out of the windshield swerved and hit a telephone pole.

  Evergreen stopped. Should she go back? A white owl landed on the hood of her truck. The owl opened its beak and spoke in a woman's voice. "Keep going."

  Never one to argue with signs or symbols or animal encounters or owls that could speak. Evergreen didn't need to be told twice.

  She shifted her truck into drive and pushed down on the gas, and she didn't look back.

  Chapter 4

  The owl had disappeared, and so had the black SUV. A shaking Evergreen drove down her long dirt driveway.

  She stared at her workshop and the forest behind it. Something extraordinary was definitely happening in Bear Bay. This was a magical land, and it wouldn't surprise her if she'd have an encounter with a nature spirit.

  She'd heard the owl speak to her. What if the vision of the bear in her mind had been real, too?

  Pressing her hand against her head, she'd fallen into a fairy tale with the bad guys being from Hunter Corporation. Back inside her house, she stationed her crossbow and bolts by the back door. They'd belonged to Dad when he'd been part of a local medieval reenactment group.

  Over at her kitchen sink, Evergreen poured herself a glass of water when she heard a car pull into her driveway. She cut her eyes over at the crossbow by the door. If anyone tried to force their way inside, she'd shoot them in the knee. She peered out the window and groaned. "Not him."

  Barron Montgomery parked his Jeep behind her truck. She picked up her crossbow, opened the door, and stomped outside.

  "I simply want to talk." Barron strolled up with a smile on his face, and his arms raised up high.

  She held up the crossbow and pointed at his dick. "I thought I made it clear that I didn't want to talk to you. How do I know you're not associated with Orion Hunter?"


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