Passion Bear

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Passion Bear Page 4

by M J Waverly

  He laughed in a mixture of bear growl and Barron's voice. "I'm fine."

  "If we take a lesser-used trail, I don't think Orion and his men will see us." She pointed ahead to a thick copse of trees.

  "I will make sure your father is protected until then we have to travel along a section of the forest not protected by Artemis's zeal." He gestured with his large bear head at the trees and the mountains. "All of this must be protected. The goddess has selected me to make this happen. I will see to it."

  Barron strolled through the forest, and Evergreen delighted in feeling his strength through her legs. She felt secure and safe as ambled through the woods. Barron, as a bear, was part of the forest, and by extension being with him, she felt a part of her soul connected with the land. Orion Hunter would never take this land and develop it. She had Barron and Artemis to help her now.

  "This land is beautiful," Barron said as he climbed up a hill. The rain had stopped, but gray clouds hung low over the mountains, weaving a mist over the land. All was quiet, but Evergreen sensed the animals watching them.

  Were they afraid of Barron?

  "How long have you lived here?" Barron asked.

  "All of my life. My heart belongs here. Every fiber of my DNA comes from this land." She stretched her arms wide, but almost fell off of Barron. Evergreen grabbed a hunk of fur and held on.

  "How about you? Were you always a bear shifter?" Evergreen had to rethink the situation and how she'd judged Barron.

  Barron exhaled with a deep rumble. "The bear shifter transformation takes place at adolescence. I was at boarding school when the change took over. I ran into the woods, seeking only the forest, driven by primal instincts. When I found myself by a river, the goddess, Artemis, waited for me. She explained to me what I was and helped me with the transition."

  "You had no idea until you went through puberty." She couldn't believe he'd been so unprepared for such a huge change in life. I mean a huge change. One day you're a kid, and then you can shift into a bear.

  "My father wasn't a bear shifter, I can tell you right now. He always attended meetings. Always about the business. Making more profit. It's about the company."

  Evergreen heard the pain and anger of a young Barron in his voice. "What about your mother?"

  "She and Dad divorced when I was two years old. Mom was more interested in her social status than me. She remarried several times. Nannies took care of me. What about your parents?" He kept lumbering along the trail. She caught a glimpse of her house's rooftop through the trees.

  "Dad worked as a geology professor at the college, and Mom died giving birth to me."

  Barron stopped, turned his head, and stared at her with his liquid brown eyes. "I'm sorry."

  The hole Evergreen always had in her chest ached every time she thought about the mother she never knew. The mother she longed for. Folks in Bear Bay always said Evergreen Carter was a girl who needed her mother.

  "Where's your father now?" Barron asked.

  "He's living in Scottsdale, Arizona."

  They were getting closer to the house, and rain pelted down on Evergreen with little stings on her arm.

  "Why is he in Scottsdale and not here with you?" Barron asked.

  He had a heart attack six months ago after a stressful confrontation with Orion Hunter in Anchorage. I was in New York working on a commission when I got the news. The stress was too much for Dad, and so I thought it would be better if he stayed with Uncle Harold in Scottsdale. Dad is enjoying the sunshine."

  "You've been alone for six months?" Barron scowled.

  "Only for two. I stayed with Dad for four months to make sure he recovered, but I sensed it was time for me to return. And Orion Hunter has been sending me threatening text messages every day since I first arrived."

  "Have you been to the police?"

  Evergreen shook her head. "The text messages disappear. I have no proof."

  "You are no longer alone. I'm here." They arrived at her house, Barron turned his bear head around, and his liquid brown eyes melted Evergreen, and she felt safe with him around.

  He bent down, and she slid down his foreleg with gentle ease.

  Bright lights shimmered, and he transformed into a naked Barron. The right side of his lip quirked upward, he held out his arms and turned. "Like what you see?"

  She arched an eyebrow as her gaze wandered up and down his muscular body and landed on his cock. "In your dreams." She forced her eyes upward and focused on Barron's face. "Thank you for your help."

  "You're welcome." He flashed her a charming smile. He followed her into the house and into the living room. She sat down on the sofa and took a few moments to gather her wits. Despite her protests, she found a naked Barron hard to resist. Barron was right about one thing, he was well-endowed, but she wouldn't tell him that and inflate his already bloated ego.

  "Dad left some sweatpants in this room. I'll grab them for you."

  Evergreen returned with the gray sweatpants and a dark blue Bear Bay College sweatshirt leftover from her father's teaching days.

  "I'll make us some coffee." She scooted to the other side of the kitchen.

  She spun around, disappointed he was no longer naked.

  "Do you have a computer?" Barron asked.

  "It's in the living room." She gestured through the open archway.

  He strolled into the living room as if he had lived in this house all of his life. She poured two cups of coffee and brought one to Barron as he sat at her computer desk.

  Sitting down on the sofa, she grabbed a crocheted afghan and draped it around her legs. "What are you doing?"

  He didn't look up. "I'm sending a message to Artemis through a special connection for bear shifters."

  Fascinated, Evergreen wanted to learn more about the bear shifter sanctuary and bear shifters. "Why does Artemis want this land?"

  "It's because of the Zeal. A magical barrier that protects the sanctuary. Other shifters in other lands have a zeal barrier."

  "There are other shifters?" Evergreen lowered her coffee cup onto the side table.

  Barron nodded and kept keyboarding. "There are lion, tiger, and wolf shifters along with many others.'

  There's more to this world than I ever dreamed." Evergreen leaned back against the sofa and hugged the afghan to her, and surprisingly the tension eased in her tight muscles. With Barron here, she relaxed. Something she found hard to do these days because of the constant harassment.

  Barron laughed. "I'm still discovering new things, but your land and this new bear community needs to be protected from people like Orion Hunter who seek to hurt other shifters."

  Evergreen narrowed her eyes. "Why is Artemis so intent on getting this land?"

  Barron's eyebrows rose up his forehead. "This is the latest sanctuary. It's my theory that Orion wants to stop Artemis for some reason."

  "This is about revenge, isn't it?" Evergreen leaned forward, just drawn by his magnetism.

  Barron shrugged. "The goddess does not confide in me."

  Chapter 7

  Barron leaned back against his chair. He'd sent Track an urgent email to for more information on Hunter Corporation and send security to Leonard Carter's house in Scottsdale, Arizona. He kept watch on Evergreen as she sipped her coffee.

  Her family needed to be under immediate protection, but he didn't want to alarm her. Orion Hunter was a predator who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted. Apparently, he wanted to stop the goddess from building the bear shifter sanctuary.

  Evergreen yawned, and his bear attuned to her needs, sensed her fatigue. He rose and then sat down on the couch next to her. He reached for her hand. "You need to rest."

  She yawned again. "I think I'll take a nap. This excitement has tired me." He tucked the afghan around her shoulders.

  "Rest. "I need to check the perimeter of the house, and then make travel arrangements."

  "Where?" She tried to suppress the yawn.

  "To Scottsdale, Arizona."

sp; She sat upright. "Is Dad in danger?"

  "Not at this time. I have my security on their way. I will protect you and your family. But, I need to use your cell phone because mine is back in the Jeep, and when you're a bear, it's not something you carry with you."

  She grabbed his wrist. "Thank you. My phone is on the kitchen counter."

  He wrapped his hand around her strong yet delicate fingers. "Sleep."

  Her muscles relaxed, and then she abandoned her worries and fears as sleep wove its way through her body and mind.

  In the kitchen, Barron dialed his right-hand man. "

  "Hello, sir. What can I do?" Warner immediately answered.

  "I want to confirm you've sent a security team to Leonard Carter's Scottsdale, Arizona address, and you received my orders about Hunter Corporation."

  "Security team has dispatched. And I have our team on the case. Anything else, sir?" Warner asked in his thick Scottish brogue.

  Evergreen's phone buzzed with a text message.

  "Hold on."

  The text didn't have a number or a name. Barron read it.

  Get rid of Barron Montgomery, or your father will pay the price. I promise. He will experience pain worse than the heart attack.

  Fury exploded within Barron, and his inner bear bared his teeth. Light pulsed around his fingernails, transforming into claws.

  Barron closed his eyes to bring his bear under control.

  "Orion Hunter threatens our mate."

  Time was of the essence. He'd miscalculated Orion's determination to have this land. Barron took in several deep breaths and calmed his stressed nerves. "Track, prepare the jet. I need to fly to Scottsdale, Arizona, as soon as possible."

  "It awaits you at the small private airport outside of Bear Bay. I had a feeling this latest adventure with the goddess would require the use of the jet," Track answered.

  "Good man." Barron didn't know what he would do without his loyal assistant.

  Barron gently shook a sleeping Evergreen. "We need to leave."

  "What? Why?" Evergreen levered up on her elbow.

  "We need to go to Scottsdale, Arizona, to find your father?" Barron held out his hand.

  Immediately, Evergreen jumped up. "Let me pack my clothes."

  "We don't have time. Artemis will watch over your house and your land."

  Evergreen had let Barron drive her truck to the small airport outside of Bear Bay. She wrung her hands and bit down on her lip as different scenarios played out in her mind.

  First scenario: She imagined her Dad and Uncle Harold held captive by big goons like she'd watched many times in action-adventure movies.

  Second scenario: Dad and Uncle Leonard tied up with rope in back-to-back chairs, unable to see one another.

  Third scenario. She envisioned them in an industrial area hanging upside down over a vat of some magical nuclear substance.

  Barron had been on the phone with his people for the past two hours since they'd departed the airport. They had three more hours.

  He'd spoken in low tones, so she couldn't overhear. She stopped wringing her hands and rubbed them up and down her shoulders. She wore a lightweight pair of leggings and a tee-shirt she'd changed into her after their hike. She'd only grabbed a sweater, which didn't keep away a foreboding chill.

  Barron still wore the gray sweatpants and green Bear Bay State College sweatshirt. She'd thought he'd change out of her Dad's clothes back into one of his tailored business suits.

  She closed her eyes and pressed her head against the window. Three more hours until they landed. She hoped and prayed Dad and Uncle Harold was safe.

  "You might need this." Barron offered her a glass of whiskey. He held one in his right hand.

  "Thanks." She took the glass and gripped it tightly. "Is my dad and uncle in danger?"

  Barron nodded. "When I used your phone, you received a threatening text from an unknown source, and I assumed it could only be Orion Hunter."

  Her muscles tensed as her heart pounded against her chest. "His text messages were getting more and more threatening. I lived in denial, thinking he wouldn't try and hurt my father or me. I thought once I had Dad out-of-town, he would be safe."

  "I have a security team surrounding your uncle's house. Your father and uncle will be safe."

  Evergreen lowered her glass and placed it on a side table. "What did the last text message say?"

  Barron wouldn't lie to her. Honesty must be between them. He would have to tell her soon that she was her lifemate. But not now. Evergreen's protective shields were still in place. He had to trust in the right time to share the news of their bond.

  He took a sip of the whiskey. "He threatened your father. Knowing men of Orion's single-mindedness, he will attempt to reach his goal at any and all costs. He has already tried to kidnap you. I needed to take immediate action to protect your father. And you."

  Evergreen leaned back in her chair and took a deep drink of the whiskey, draining the glass and then held it out. "Another one, please."

  "I don't think that's a good idea," Barron said.

  "I don't care. I need to find a way to calm my anxiety," she said.

  Barron poured a little more whiskey and then added more ice to the drink.

  Evergreen downed it. Then she sighed.

  "Have they reached my father?"

  "No. I have my security team around your uncle's house."

  "Thank woo." Her words slurred. "For protecting my father."

  Barron scowled at the empty glass as Evergreen sucked on the ice. She'd only had two drinks. She shouldn't be reacting like this.

  She lowered the glass onto her lap and leaned forward. "I'm feeling this connection to you like I've never felt with anyone before. Did you cast a spell on me with your bear magic?"

  "No." How did he explain it was the life mate connection she felt between them? He should wait for the right time. "We're lifemates." He blurted out.

  She held out the glass. "We're what?"

  He rocked back on his heels. "I don't think you should have another refill. Sleep. Take a nap."

  "Don't tell me what I can and what I can't do." Evergreen leveled her gaze with his. He had a vision of a warrior princess.

  Despite his reservations, he poured her a very weak whiskey drink. Perhaps, fatigue would claim Evergreen, and she would sleep. She'd experienced a challenging day with more surprising revelations.

  He didn't think revealing they were lifemates would be the best option at the moment.

  He prepared her drink. She downed it with one gulp and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

  "Explain this lifemate stuff. That's not me. Lifemate. Life insurance. Commitment. I like being a free spirit to come and go as I please." She waved her right and fluttered her fingers. "Like a butterfly."

  Barron's lips quirked up. "Why does that not surprise me?"

  Evergreen held out her glass. "More."

  "I think you've had enough."

  She glared at him. "Excuse me."

  "A wee bit." He nodded and took the glass and poured a small amount of whiskey. She tilted her delicate, swan-like neck and gulped down the amber liquid.

  She parted her sweet lips and beamed like a radiant goddess of sexual temptation. "You're really good looking when you're not an ass."

  "I've heard that before." Barron sat in the chair opposite her. "What about you? Anyone special in your life." If there was a man in her life, Barron would see to it the relationship would end soon.

  "Not right now." She tucked her legs underneath her. "What about you?"

  "I'm available." He swept his hands wide.

  "I'd read on the internet that you were quite the player."

  "You know you shouldn't believe what you read on the internet." He smirked.

  She laughed. "Thank you for helping us even though the goddess, Artemis, made."

  He locked his gaze with hers. "I'm doing this because I want to."

  Evergreen rose from the chair. "I can't belie
ve I'm this bold." She strolled across the aisle and climbed onto his lap.

  "Evergreen." Barron choked. "You shouldn't do this. I don't want to take advantage of you."

  "You're not taking advantage of me. I'm taking advantage of you." She kissed him on the lips. She tasted like strawberries and whiskey.

  His cock hardened and he clenched his fists, attempting to keep his emotions and his bear in control.

  Evergreen laughed. "I think somebody likes me kissing them."

  "Evergreen." He choked.

  "Call me, Evie. All of my close friends do." She scooted closer on his lap until her core pressed against his bulging erection.

  "Evergreen. We need to stop. There are things I need to tell you."

  She pressed her index finger against his lips. She leaned closer until her firm breasts pushed against his chest. She kissed his ear and then whispered. "There are things you need to know. I think you're hot."

  "Evergreen." He groaned."

  She rocked on his erection, and he hardened like granite. "I can't fight the attraction any more. I want you."

  Barron's insides turned into molten lava. His inner bear roared in triumph. Remain in control.

  "This is an effect of the whiskey and our life mate bond." He gritted his teeth.

  Evergreen scooted back and stared at him. "This life mate bond. Is this what I'm feeling?"

  "Yes." Barron sighed in relief. "It's more than magic. It's connecting our two souls. We complete one another. Every bear shifter has a life mate, and you are mine."


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