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Sleepers: Shifters Confidential Romance Collection

Page 8

by Juniper Hart

  Laurel raised her red mane, permitting him to slide the material over her bare back, feeling the rush of goosebumps explode over her.

  His face was close enough that she could feel the rush of his breath against her, inhaling the scent of her skin.

  I shouldn’t be allowing this, she thought uselessly, knowing that she wasn’t going to stop anything now that she’d gotten started.

  “How’s that?”

  His voice didn’t sound like his, the words a barely audible growl as his fingers hesitated over her collarbone.

  Laurel swallowed and nodded.

  “It’s good,” she whispered, sensing his resolve slipping away. Silently, she willed him to continue on his path but she didn’t dare ask. Time was still, they two of them in some light limbo as they waited for the other to speak, but Laurel couldn’t find the words.

  Slowly, he retreated his hands and Laurel felt a wave of disappointment. He rose beside her.

  “I should probably go check on dinner—”

  She didn’t let him finish, pulling her body out of the tub so she stood before him naked and vulnerable.

  Nicoy’s mouth dropped slightly, his eyes trailing over her figure, and Laurel could clearly hear the sound of his heart pounding in his chest.

  “Can you hand me the towel?”

  Visibly swallowing, his Adam’s apple bobbing, he pulled his eyes reluctantly away and reached for the towel.

  Laurel stepped from the bath, dripping on the tile floor and extended her arms toward the thick terrycloth, but Nicoy shook his head, dropping to his knees to begin drying her at her feet. Another shiver of pleasure shot through her as he slowly worked his way up, his fingers working innocuously around the endless curves of her body until she was suddenly encumbered in the material, cozy and dry.

  Not a word was exchanged between the two of them as Nicoy turned to lead them back into the bedroom. There was no doubt about his intentions now and she fell back onto the bed, reaching up to pull him onto her, lips burning for a kiss.

  “Laurel,” he murmured, falling forward, eyes blazing. “I—”

  “There you—oh shit!”

  They fell apart, Laurel tightening the towel around her as Xander appeared in the doorway, his back to them now.

  “I’m sorry!” Xander growled, the animus in his voice almost palpable. “I was just coming to tell you that the buns are burning but I guess they aren’t the only ones.”

  Xander disappeared down the hall, leaving Laurel and Nicoy to eye one another in humiliation.

  Suddenly, Nicoy burst out laughing and Laurel grinned too, knowing he was amused by Xander’s quip.

  “That guy is too much sometimes,” he chuckled, straightening himself out but carefully avoiding Laurel’s gaze.

  “He doesn’t like me very much, does he?” Laurel sighed, reaching for the pajamas Nicoy had left on the edge of the bed.

  Why does this suddenly feel like it did back at the unit with Preston and Anatoli? Laurel wondered.

  “Xan is just suspicious by nature. You have to understand, we don’t get a lot of visitors.”

  “You don’t seem concerned about me,” Laurel replied. Nicoy met her gaze.

  “Maybe I’m biased,” he said evenly. She blushed.

  “He doesn’t need to worry about me,” Laurel told him quickly. “As soon as the storm passes, I’ll be on my way.”

  She didn’t miss the pained expression on his face as he shook his head.

  “Don’t worry about Xander,” he insisted. “He doesn’t want to see you out there, braving it in the wild on your own either. Like I said, he’s naturally suspicious. Don’t take it personally.”

  I’ll be better off finding my way back in the wild than undergoing Xander’s scrutiny, Laurel thought grimly. If he starts asking questions, really asking questions, I’m going to be in a world of trouble.

  “Get dressed and come meet us for dinner,” Nicoy sighed, reading her worried expression. “Once you get to know Xan, you’ll see he’s harmless.”

  He offered her a weak smile and she tried to return it but failed.

  “I’ll be right out,” she promised. When he left, Laurel hurried toward the window and peered out into the darkness beyond. The wind showed no signs of letting up and the rain continued to pelt against the windows mercilessly.

  Even so, her leg had healed and she could brave it if push came to shove.

  Dinner was an awkward affair. Xander made no effort to hide his irritation with them both. He made myriad snarky comments until Nicoy finally had enough and slammed his fists down on the table.

  “Would you give it a goddamned rest, please?” he snarled, his eyes shooting daggers at Xander. “We get it—you’re annoyed with us. Let’s move on.”

  “Yes, let’s,” Xander agreed cattily. “Have you retained any of those memories yet, Laurel?”

  She didn’t like the way he said her name, a chill of apprehension shooting through her.

  “Not much, I’m afraid,” she replied quietly, turning her eyes toward the stew.

  “Isn’t that strange? I was reading online about amnesia—” Xander started to say but Nicoy’s snort cut him off.

  “You weren’t because our internet is down,” Nicoy interjected. “Seriously, now, just stop.”

  Xander scowled and glared at his roommate.

  “If you want to be oblivious, have at it. You’re the one with blinders on, not me.”

  Nervously, Laurel raised her eyes to peer covertly at Xander.

  He’s really like a dog with a bone about this.

  “This stew is great,” she offered, trying tritely to change the subject.

  “Maybe you can take some with you when you go,” Xander growled.

  “Xander!” Nicoy hissed, rising to his feet to glower at his friend. “If you can’t be civil at the dinner table, maybe you should go be by yourself.”

  Xander scoffed disbelievingly.

  “Who the hell are you? My father?”

  “No, I’m one of the two people here trying to have a nice supper. Since Laurel is too polite to put you in your place, it’s on me. Either shut up or go away.”

  “I can go,” Laurel said quickly, rising from the table. “There’s no need for Xander to be banished from his own dining room.”

  Xander’s eyes widened in surprise and a look of contrition crossed over his face.

  “No one’s going anywhere,” he sighed. “Sit down and eat. I’ll stop now.”

  “Honestly, Xander, I can—”

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Nicoy told her firmly. “He’ll behave now. Won’t you?”

  “I said I would,” Xander grumbled. Laurel shot Nicoy a tentative look, but the man avoided her gaze. She sank back into her chair, her nervousness mounting.

  He might not say anything but he’s not going to leave this alone, she realized, her pulse racing in her ears. Nicoy can’t stop him from investigating me.

  Whatever waited for her outside in the storm, it was better than inadvertently bringing scrutiny to her and Preston—or gods forbid, Anatoli. She knew that she only had one choice before matters were out of her control.

  She had to leave that night while the men were asleep.

  The realization made her stomach flip with bitterness. Any chance she’d had to be with Nicoy had evaporated.

  Maybe I can come back another time when the heat is off a bit, she thought hopefully. When I’ve thought of a good cover story about who I am and why I’m here.

  Yet even as she thought it, she knew it was just a pipe dream.

  She was a Sleeper. There was no room for Nicoy in her life, no matter how she spun it. She only wished she had a chance to say goodbye properly.


  The rest of their supper was politely awkward, Nicoy trying desperately to keep the conversation going while Xander glowered to himself. He didn’t say much after Nicoy’s outburst but Laurel knew he was seething inside.

  He was the first to leave the table,
mumbling something about work to do, and Laurel had a terrible feeling she knew exactly what that was.

  He’s going to try and research me, she thought miserably. Even though he won’t find anything.

  “I’m tired,” Laurel lied when Nicoy suggested that they play a game of chess.

  “What about a movie?” he asked, his eyes fraught with concern. He was already so in tune with her feelings, like he’d known her in a past life. The notion of curling up with him and lying in his arms was sublime but Laurel knew she couldn’t.

  No! Don’t encourage him. Just wait for him to retire for the night and get out of here before you do more damage.

  “I don’t think so,” she murmured softly. “I’ll take the couch, though.”

  Nicoy started to shake his head but Laurel couldn’t take no for an answer.

  “I insist,” she said firmly. “I’ve already put you out enough.”

  It’s much closer to the front door from here and if he ends up on the couch, he’ll see me sneaking off.

  That would only rouse questions she couldn’t answer.

  “There are other bedrooms if you don’t want my room.”

  She didn’t miss the hurt in his voice, but she knew she needed to stay firm.

  “The couch is fine. I prefer it,” she fibbed.

  In the end, he set her up in the living room, hesitating in the doorway.

  “Laurel, are you all right? Are you upset about Xander still?”

  “No, of course not!” Her voice was a pitch too high, but it was the best she could do.

  “Honestly, he doesn’t want you to go,” Nicoy rushed on.

  No, he wants me to stay so he can uncover all my secrets. I need to go.

  “I’m not upset,” she insisted, offering him a smile. “See you tomorrow?”

  He nodded but Laurel could tell he was on the fence about leaving. She remembered how he’d watched her sleep before her bath.

  Oh, that bath…

  She settled back against the pillow on the sofa and closed her eyes, encouraging him to move on, but in her mind’s eye, she could still see the way he stared at her. They had come so close to being together before Xander had interrupted…

  I’ll always have fond memories of Nicoy, she told herself firmly. It was going to have to do. Anything more would endanger them all.

  Although she hadn’t intended to, Laurel fell asleep. When she woke, the night wore on, much to her disappointment. She wondered if she hadn’t subconsciously succumbed to slumber hoping that she would wake to Nicoy watching her with his vivid eyes and leaving her no choice but to remain at the cabin.

  The wind didn’t seem as violent as it had before, another sign that it was time to go, despite all her reservations. She wanted to run to Nicoy’s room and curl up under the covers with him, but she steeled herself from yet another uncontrollable urge.

  It was as if Nicoy was a drug in her system and she couldn’t get it out.

  Go. You need to go now.

  The clock on the entertainment stand read 3:03 a.m. and as she sat up, she perked up her ears for signs of life in the house.

  She heard nothing and throwing her legs over the side of the couch, she rose to her full height.

  She couldn’t ignore the fact that she was wearing pajamas and that there would certainly be questions when she found her way back to the unit but short of scouring the house for her ruined outerwear, Laurel knew she had no other choice.

  I’ll be in animal form anyway, she reasoned, stealthily sliding across the floor toward the front door. It was only then that she saw the stream of light beneath the door of the library.

  Her heart caught in her throat.

  Someone’s awake.

  Chewing on the insides of her cheeks, she debated what to do. The library window faced the front of the property. If Nicoy were to look out there just as she was leaving…

  She didn’t want him to see her go but what choice did she really have?

  “Laurel? Are you all right?”


  She had waited too long in the hallway.

  “I-I was just going to the bathroom,” she improvised, turning back toward Nicoy and giving him a small smile. “What are you doing up at this hour?”

  He shrugged, the light pouring around his huge frame as he leaned across the doorway.

  “I couldn’t sleep,” he confessed. Inhaling, Laurel ambled toward him, knowing that she had nowhere else to go now.

  “Something on your mind?” she asked lightly, standing before him. Even without touching, she could feel his palpable energy.

  One night isn’t going to hurt…

  She despised how her resolve was melting but she refused to feel guilty about it. She was meant to be with Nicoy. She’d never been surer of anything in her life and if fate was keeping them apart after thrusting them together, she was entitled to one night of pleasure.

  “You are,” Nicoy said hoarsely. “You’re on my mind.”

  Laurel understood the feeling all too well and she closed the space between them, her lips brushing teasingly along his chin. There would be no stopping them this time. After the rollercoaster of highs and lows she’d endured, she was ready to submit to her feelings for Nicoy.

  “I don’t know where you came from, Laurel, but I hope you never leave,” he rasped, pulling her closer. Guilt and joy comingled inside her as she drew herself against him, their mouths finally falling together.

  “You’re a goddess,” he breathed, his teeth sinking into her lower lip. Heat surged through her in a rush. She was ready for him, had been ready for him since the minute she had opened her eyes and found him staring back at her with so much concern in his eyes.

  His kisses grew hotter, more intense, and in seconds, they had backed into the library. Laurel’s clothes stripped away and she was naked below him. Nicoy raised his powerful frame to stare at her nude body, his jaw twitching.

  He wants to swallow me whole, Laurel thought, quivering with desire. She would have let him do anything to her in that moment.

  Nicoy pinned her hands above her head as his face began the exploration of her lithe figure, slowly, deliberately.

  The scruff of his five o’clock shadow was delicious, rough around her most tender spots, but with each scrape he made, his hot mouth followed through with intensely heated kisses. Her wrists began to throb under his tightening grip, and she struggled against him slightly, the movement encouraging him to hold her more firmly.

  When he reached her full breasts, Laurel’s back arched upward and a low sigh escaped her lips, urging him to be more forceful.

  He seemed to sense her desire and as he suctioned his mouth along the tender skin, one hand released hers to slide along the curve of her body.

  Laurel moaned loudly, her fingers sliding into his thick, dark tresses.

  She was so tense, she was sure she would snap, willing him to inhale her, and he obliged as if he were reading her mind wholly.

  She was brought to heights in minutes, ones she’d only read about, and her gasps of pleasure became moans of desire.

  He grunted and Laurel felt sweat pouring from his brow. Like a serpent, he slithered back up her frame, breaking to sample every inch of skin on the way up.

  His mouth crushed against hers again, pushing her back against the settee. Slowly, he drew her legs around him. Again she cried out but it was lost on his tongue and he drove inside her with a deep, even thrust.

  Laurel was dizzy, on fire, and rising higher toward the ceiling as Nicoy claimed her.

  She succumbed to him entirely, their skin melding together as she screamed out.

  She clung to him, falling into his staccato beat of passion, and when he finally began to relax, his mouth covered her face with kisses.

  “You’re precious,” he whispered, falling beside her on the leather settee to catch his breath.

  She wanted to purr with contentment but the guilt was already beginning to seep its way back inside.

p; “Do you want to tell me what you were really doing?” Nicoy asked. Laurel frowned and peered at him without raising her head.


  “I saw you going toward the front door.”

  Her blood chilled and she opened her mouth to lie but the words died there.

  I don’t want to lie to him. I want to be perfectly honest with him…but how can I be?

  “I was leaving,” she murmured. She read the hurt on his face.

  “Xander really did scare you off, huh?”

  She shook her head.

  “I need to go,” she told him softly. His head jerked up and his eyes narrowed as he studied her face.

  “Where?” he demanded. “You don’t know where you are or who you are.”

  Laurel pursed her lips together and looked away.

  “I do,” she muttered.


  “I know who I am, Nicoy, but I can’t tell you. I want to tell you, really I do, but I can’t.”

  His face registered hurt surprise but he only nodded.

  “I see,” he growled. “So Xander was right about you.”

  “No, Xander doesn’t know anything about me,” Laurel corrected. “But I can’t afford for him or anyone else to find out.”

  Nicoy’s mouth opened and closed as though he was trying to understand all of what he’d been told.

  “I’m sorry, Nicoy, but I really can’t tell you anything else. I need to get back.”

  Nicoy sat up suddenly.

  “No,” he said flatly, meeting her eyes squarely.

  “No what?”

  “No, you’re not going anywhere tonight…” he paused and inhaled. “And I don’t care.”

  Laurel’s brow furrowed.


  “I don’t care who you are or where you’re from, Laurel. You and I…we’re meant to be together. I don’t understand it, but you have this hold on me, one I can’t even explain. You’ve consumed me, like you’re inside me now.”

  Laurel knew exactly what he was saying. She felt the same way but that didn’t change the fact that they couldn’t be.

  “I really can’t tell you anything,” she moaned.


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