Joseph Fallen

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Joseph Fallen Page 3

by M. S. Willis

  The room quieted down once Joseph was in his position to speak. Except for the occasional clink of a glass against a dish, a cough or the discreet clearing of a throat, no sound emanated throughout the room as Joseph prepared to discuss his acquisition of the company.

  His grey eyes looked around the room, his posture was strong and assured. When he began his speech, the silence in the room somehow grew even more silent as his words reverberated off the walls and ceiling. He didn’t need the podium at which he stood, because he didn’t need his speech to be written out; his mind was the type that could memorize anything, no matter the length.

  “I’d like to start off this evening by thanking each and every person in this room for being here tonight to congratulate me on an accomplishment not normally known by a man my age. Although, I do not view this achievement as anything that deserves recognition, I know that it is unusual for not only a single man, but one as young as me, to take over a company as large as Estate Acquisitions. I also know that many of you have questions regarding my methodology for success and the type of drive it takes for a man such as me to prevail in a business typically reserved for far more established and experienced men…” He paused, his eyes shifting down to lock with the crystal blue orbs of Arianna’s. He smiled and looked away to continue his speech. “…But before I get into the intricate details of mergers and acquisitions, I must be honest in telling all of you, that without my lovely wife, Arianna, by my side, I would not have the drive to achieve my success. She is a fire that burns within my body, my heart and my soul, and, for her, I can accomplish anything…” Joseph laughed to himself at some inner thought, before once again donning the expression of a serious businessman and looking up into the expectant faces of the crowd. “…And to the gentlemen sitting here tonight – my associates, my peers, and my competitors – I’ll have you know that because there is only one woman on this Earth as amazing as my wife, I have a secret weapon that you cannot acquire for yourselves, and as such, I will become a force to be reckoned with.” He smiled a cruel smile, one that no person could mistake as anything but the expression of a man who knew he had everyone beat.

  “Gentlemen – consider yourselves warned.”

  . . .

  The booming sound of applause coupled with the entire room standing in ovation of her husband left Arianna breathless in her surprise at the admiration of the audience. When Joseph had stopped gushing about her, he’d immediately launched into a discussion of the myriad of tasks he had to daily accomplish in his position, his future goals for the company, and he even touched on the tenets of a business that required a ruthless skill by which any man must operate in order to compete in the industry. For the most part, Joseph’s speech was the typical oration of a professional, dull in nature but expected to be said. However, there were certain parts, small phrases used and minute changes to Joseph’s expression that concerned Arianna. She’d never really observed Joseph when he worked and she’d never seen him don the mask of a merciless entrepreneur, one who was intent on gaining not only money, but power in his position at the top. She tried to shake the concern, attempted to convince herself that it was standard for a person in his career, but the nagging warning of a hidden side to her husband would not stop brushing across her thoughts.

  Her eyes followed Joseph as he descended the stairs. She watched his powerful swagger, a stride that not only attracted, but warned any person whose path he crossed. She scrutinized every motion of his body until he returned to their table, sitting down and once again seeming to transform back into the man she knew and loved. The abrupt change in his demeanor was staggering and when Arianna accepted his outstretched hand from across the surface of the table, she did so with the newly discovered knowledge that there were two sides to Joseph Carmichael.

  An hour passed and in that time Joseph led Arianna around the large room, mingling with the guests. Maintaining a bright smile on her face, Arianna tried desperately to be the epitome of a perfect wife, laughing with the women when they joked and cautiously tolerating the compliments of their over-attentive husbands. Having been raised in a modest family, she was unsure of the behaviors expected of her in this environment. She was surprised when she was approached by an older gentlemen who requested a dance and she looked to Joseph for instruction on her response. Joseph was buried deep in an animated conversation with a business associate so Arianna politely excused herself, remembering that Joseph had wanted her to be the most desired at the ball. She allowed the man to lead her onto the dance floor, holding her body apart from him while they danced so as not to appear improper. The man was a delightful dancer as he spun her regally throughout the room. When the lighthearted song ended, he stepped away, bowing before escorting her back to her husband. But while making their way back to where Joseph stood, Arianna noticed a darkness in Joseph’s gaze. It was fleeting in its duration but it was enough to tell her that her husband was upset.

  In an attempt to the shake the unease in her head, and while Arianna continued following her husband around the large room, she had allowed herself to drink one too many glasses of champagne. She was feeling slightly dizzy and was ready to call it a night and return home to bed. Joseph also seemed tired, but he was fastidious in his obligation to speak with each and every man and woman in the room before he excused himself to leave.

  When, at last, it was time for the two of them to return home, Arianna was distracted by a group of ladies who wished to speak with her, while Joseph was approached by two men who Arianna did not recognize. Politely looking between the ladies and her husband, Arianna took secretive glances at the men, noticing a darker edge to their body language and expressions. At first, Joseph didn’t appear to want much to do with the men, but then the taller man said something that grabbed Joseph’s attention. Arianna watched as her husband pulled a business card from his wallet and handed it to the men within five minutes of their approach. After handing them the card, Joseph excused himself and made his way over to Arianna, stealing her away from the women so that he could escort her home.

  The ride home was quiet for the most part; and Joseph uncharacteristically stared out his window for the majority of the trip. Given her exhaustion, Arianna didn’t attempt to engage him in conversation. She was happy to avoid asking him the questions that plucked at her mind, at least until a time when she could process what she’d seen.

  When they returned home and undressed from the evening, Joseph approached her as he had almost every night before, waiting and anxious to take his wife to their bed.

  Picking her up in his arms, his warm mouth came down on hers, his tongue forceful in its demand for entry. She opened her mouth, allowing him to fill her with his scent and his taste, the remnants of the champagne he’d consumed earlier still noticeable on his tongue. She lost herself in that moment, suddenly reminded of why she’d fallen for the man who carried her. Laying her down on the bed, he pulled at the belt of her silken robe, baring her to his watchful eyes. Her body hummed in anticipation of his touch. He lifted her body to remove the robe from beneath her, but instead of idly tossing it aside as was his usual practice, he pulled the belt from the loops of the robe before he dropped the robe to the floor and turned back to her with an odd expression across his face.

  “Would you like to play a game, beautiful?” Heat filled his eyes as he rubbed his hands up along the sides of her torso, her body quivering in response to his touch. His voice dripped with seduction as he goaded her into a response to his question.

  “What kind of game?” Her responsive question was hesitant and unsure, but she trusted Joseph, and would go along with whatever he asked. She’d never denied him in the time that they’d been married and he’d never taken from her what she hadn’t willingly given.

  “Do you trust me?” His breath rolled along her neck as he spoke into her sensitive skin.

  After Arianna nodded her consent, Joseph grabbed her arms, lifting them above her head, before he secured one end of the belt over her
wrists and the other to the posts of the headboard. She attempted to wriggle free, but he’d tied the cloth too tightly to her wrists and her movement only caused the material to bind her even more.

  Nervous laughter bubbled from her throat when she asked, “Joseph? What’s gotten into you tonight?”

  His eyes darkened as he ran his nose along her jawline, down further until his faced was nestled just above her breasts. His voice slid across her skin, cold as ice, when he answered, “I thought it wouldn’t bother me to see other men staring at you hungrily while you flounced around tonight in that room. I thought it would bring me pride to know that my wife is desired above all other women…” He looked up, his eyes covered over by a sheen of what looked like anger, but the look was so foreign, Arianna couldn’t be sure.

  “…But instead of pride, I felt resentment; I felt a need to stab out the eyes of every man who glanced in your direction.” He moved his face to softly nip at her breast and she jumped at the sudden sensation. “I never realized how possessive I’ve become of you, Arianna, and tonight, I intend to show you just how thoroughly you belong to me.”

  Chapter Four

  Arianna sat on the bench in front of the piano, her fingers splayed motionlessly over the keys. As usual, she’d spent her day cleaning her home and preparing a meal for when Joseph returned from work before finally sitting down to absorb herself in her instrument. What began as a light song, one filled with the staccato sounds of airy and harmonious notes, had gradually shifted to a slower song made up of darker notes, discordant harmonies and a flat tone that spoke of despondency and despair. When she recognized the dreadful tone of the song her fingers elicited from the keys, she stopped suddenly, pulling her hands away from the instrument while tears fell down the pale skin of her face to the ivory below. Examining her wrists, she allowed her eyes to brush over the slight bruises that circled her skin where the belt had been fastened too tightly the night before.

  When they’d awakened that morning, Joseph had been the first to notice the bruises. He apologized profusely and blamed the alcohol he’d consumed as the reason for his roughness when they’d made love. Arianna had stayed in bed while he’d dressed and she’d failed to escort him to the door as was their usual routine. When she’d finally managed the strength to pull herself from beneath the covers, she stopped suddenly while walking into the restroom, the mirror reflecting back to her eyes the reddened and bruised marks on her breasts and body where Joseph had bitten her.

  And now, under the light of the lamp that sat above her music, those bruises and marks were made more visible; angry purples and reds violently twisting around themselves, the hint of a green discoloration dotted within. She was unsure how long she stayed there silently observing the evidence of Joseph’s loss of control, but when she heard the front door open and then close, she wrenched herself from her thoughts and attempted to paste a fake smile on her face when she stood to greet her husband.

  His steps were heavy as he crossed the room swiftly to take her hands into his. Like light bouncing off steel, a glint came into his eye, alerting Arianna to his rush of excitement. She smiled shyly, not yet understanding why he appeared elated.

  “You’ll never guess what happened today. I have to tell you everything, but baby, this news will change our lives. I met with two men at the office, they offered a deal to me that I would have been stupid to refuse.” His words were difficult to understand due to the quickened pace of his speech.

  He picked her up, not noticing in his haste that she’d winced from where he pressed on one of the many bruises on her body. Spinning her around, he laughed and gazed up into her face before placing her back on the floor and steadying her from falling. “Is dinner ready? I’m starving and I want to tell you about it.”

  Straightening her skirt, she looked up at him warily, concerned that he seemed to have forgotten what had occurred the evening before. Pushing past her hesitation, she nodded ‘yes’ and grasped his hand to lead him into the kitchen so that she could prepare their plates. When they finally settled at the dining room table, Arianna toyed with her food while listening to Joseph tell her about his day and his new business venture.

  “And were these the same men that I saw approach you at the ball last night?”

  Joseph eyed her across the short expanse of the table. Anger flitted across his brow briefly before he settled his shoulders back into a relaxed posture.

  “Yes. I gave them my card and they called me in the morning to set up our conference this afternoon. Arianna, this could make us the wealthiest family in town.”

  “But, they’re criminals, Joseph. What they are asking you to do…”

  “I WON’T BE COMMITTING ANY CRIMES!!” He stood up from the table, jostling the table settings when his fists came down on top of the wood. “Why are you questioning my decision? I’m doing this for us – for you!” His anger was immediate and unexpected. Arianna jumped back in her seat, shrinking down in response to the anger in his tone. Too afraid to speak, she sat silently in her chair watching as he moved from his seat and paced the floor. This wasn’t her husband, Joseph had never acted this way before.

  Seemingly calmed down, he stopped pacing, but she noticed how his hands continued to clench. Her voice was soft, mouse-like, as she spoke. “Joseph, I didn’t mean to question you, I just don’t understand how dealing with common criminals will help your career. You’re doing well enough on your own, why take a risk?”

  “These men are not common street trash, Arianna. They are educated men. I’m doing fine, yes, but what they are offering is easy money, LOTS of easy money. Wealth beyond anything you or I have ever known. It will propel me forward ten times as fast as I’m moving now.”

  “But Joseph, you’ll be supporting common criminals. People who are spreading death and chaos over society. I don’t care if the men you spoke with are wealthy or educated, the men they support are the ones on the streets feeding drugs to children, taking the lives of innocent people, why would you even consider their offer?” She knew she should shut up, knew that he’d been acting strange since the ball, but she had to say something to introduce reason back into the mind of her husband.

  His expression blank, he moved to the wall, leaning up against it while running his hand through his hair. She knew that motion, knew he was struggling with his decision. When his hand came to his face and he squeezed his temples, she realized silence was a better decision than continuing the argument. He pulled his hand away from his face and a cruel look swirled in his eyes, the shadowed grey twisting over itself like molten steel.

  His voice was flat, the baritone quality deepening as he slowly stalked over to where she sat. “Do you know how sweet you are Arianna? Like an seraphim, one who exudes beauty through her innocence and music.”

  The words he used were nothing unusual for how he normally referred to her, but the quality to his tone frightened her.

  “But, you are so naïve. You have no idea what it takes to make it in this world, to become something more than what your father had become.” He turned her chair so that she faced away from the table and placed his palms down, effectively caging her against her chair. His behavior was offsetting and she was unsure what she could do. “From here on out, Arianna, I’ll make the business decisions and YOU will support me in those decisions. Save your concerns for the things that you know something about…music, cooking, cleaning…” His face twisted again. “The child you have yet to give me.”

  Tears burned at the back of her eyes, but she refused to let them spring forth. His words were a hit to the stomach, the slice of steel across her heart. “Why are you acting so cruel towards me? Last night, and today? It’s like you are someone else entirely. I don’t understand.” The sobs caught in her throat causing her voice to waiver, each syllable cracking as she spoke.

  He laughed. A small chuckle at first, nothing more than the shaking of his shoulders; but that chuckle grew louder, until finally bursting forth, scaring her even more th
an before.

  He quieted. Finally gaining his composure, he looked deep into her eyes, and guilt skittered across his expression when he recognized the fear in hers. He pulled away from her and crossed the room, his shoulders sagging when he recognized how he’d behaved.

  After a few moments, he finally spoke. “Forgive me.” Falling to his knees he crawled towards her, resting his head in her lap when he stopped at the base of her chair. “Forgive me. Oh God. I’m so sorry, Arianna. I didn’t mean…” His words cut off and Arianna placed her hand on his head, still frightened but also concerned for the man she loved. He looked up at her before he rose to his knees, taking her face between his hands. “I’ve been under so much stress lately. I want to give you everything and it frustrates me that I can’t provide you with everything I want as quickly as I feel I should.”

  Her hand reached up to brush along his cheek, the stubble scratching across her palm in her attempt to soothe his rage. “I don’t need the things you insist on giving me, Joseph. I need you; my loving husband. Nothing more. Please tell me you’ll reconsider having anything to do with those men. You’re better than that – than them.” The tears finally fell from her eyes and she could see his expression soften. Reaching up he grabbed her hand and pulled it down so that he could look over the bruises on her wrist. He flinched at the sight of the angry marks that tore across her skin. His eyes watered when he looked back up at her, confusion furrowing his brow, remorse darkening his gaze.


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