A Cowboy’s Christmas List: Holidays in Heart Falls: Book 4

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A Cowboy’s Christmas List: Holidays in Heart Falls: Book 4 Page 7

by Vivian Arend

  Sudden inspiration struck. What a perfect opportunity.

  “Why do you now look as if you’ve got mischief on your mind?” Hanna shook a hand free so she could poke him in the chest. “Spill the beans.”

  “What happened to the quiet, innocent woman who married my friend? You’ve gotten awfully pushy.”

  Pride rose in Hanna’s eyes. “This is what a woman looks like when she knows she’s unconditionally loved.”

  “I’m so damn glad for you both.” Alex leaned a little closer. “I need a favour.”

  It took a few minutes to explain, but when he was done, Hanna was both rolling her eyes at him and laughing. Alex took that as a good sign.

  When they rejoined the others at the table where Madison and Ryan were waiting, Hanna caught Alex by the shirt front and tugged him toward her.

  “You have potential. Don’t mess this up,” she whispered before planting a kiss on his cheek.

  Brad guffawed even as he hauled Hanna into his arms and mock glared at Alex. “I said you could dance with her.”

  “Hey, she kissed me,” Alex protested, sliding his arm around Yvette and tugging her toward the dance floor. “Now before anyone else can interrupt us, excuse us.”

  Yvette settled against him, her body a little stiff. Thankfully, the music changed, and the beat slowed. The crooning ballad in the background about starry nights and sweet kisses allowed Alex to slowly close the distance between them until her soft curves were tight against him.

  “That’s better.” Alex rested his cheek to hers. “Hey, sweetheart. Took a while to get here.”

  “I feel as if I just went through some kind of gauntlet.” Yvette peeked back at the table full of their friends then met Alex’s gaze. “Did my friends all threaten you with bodily harm?”

  “Not all,” Alex rejoined. “A bunch of them aren’t here, and Madison didn’t get a chance yet.”

  A soft groan escaped Yvette. “Sorry.”

  “Please tell me that you weren’t being warned off spending time with me by the guys.”

  “Oh, no. Definitely not.” Yvette snickered.

  Alex pulled her closer and made a tight turn, because holding her in his arms was so good. “Don’t stop now.”

  She smiled into his eyes. “I’ve had all your charms expounded to me, in triplicate. Ryan got in a few comments at the table before you got back.”

  “Fantastic.” Alex wondered where the nearest wall was, so he could bang his head into it a few times. “Now you’re going to run as far and fast as possible.”

  “Or maybe not.” Her expression grew a little more serious. “You told me you were doing this for some reasons that were a little far-fetched but also very sweet.”

  “I like sweet,” he said quickly. “I can work with you calling it sweet.”

  She stared into his eyes. “Alex?”


  Yvette hesitated then lifted her chin. “Kiss me?”


  His grip on her body tightened for the barest second. “Kiss you?”

  “I was thinking about awkward messages. Speaking them. Which I’m very good at, by the way.” Yvette was screwing this up in so many ways, but at the same time, to hell with it.

  The entire day until now had been leading to this. Their time making a silly craft. The connection in finding secrets regarding Sonora and Ashton. Even packing the food hampers and the time dancing with all his friends. They’d all coalesced into a whole that said Alex Thorne was trying his damnedest to be a man she should take seriously.

  Her libido agreed with that message, loud and clear.

  So, time to step forward boldly, even if it seemed quick.

  She brushed her fingers against the back of his neck in a gentle caress. Her gaze slipped from his eyes to his lips before she could stop herself. The words came out soft and husky. “It was right to stop earlier, but what I really, truly want right now is a kiss.”

  A ballad was still playing, so him rocking her slowly against his body didn’t look one bit out of place.

  The wicked chuckle that teased her hearing, though? That was pure sinful pleasure. “You set the speed, sweetheart. But just to make sure you know, I’m fully on board with your request.”

  He pressed his big palm against her cheek, thumb extending to one side to cradle her chin, then he leaned in and their lips met.

  It started as a soft brush that instantly went harder. Alex angled her head to the side more so he could take control of her mouth. He stroked his tongue insistently over her lips until she opened, and then—dear, God—it was good. The man kissed hard yet with a controlled power that said this wasn’t yet the extent of what she could expect.

  His free hand fell to her lower back, pressure increasing until there wasn’t a lick of air between them. She’d thought the connection was close before, but now every ridge of his abdomen teased her body and made her long for skin-on-skin contact. The thick length of his erection was right there, plain as day. Solid as…

  A sharp nip on her bottom lip stole a gasp from her and broke off her mental ramblings. “Kiss me,” he ordered.

  God, she was getting light-headed, but what a way to go. She slid her tongue against his, a chill zipping over her skin as a sexy groan rumbled up from his chest.

  She felt it all the way down to her toes.

  He broke apart from her slightly. His lips curled upward, still connected to hers.

  “What’s so funny?” she whispered.

  Alex rocked her to the side, his lips moving away from where he’d been thoroughly stealing her senses. Thank goodness, because she’d been a second away from swooning or something equally ridiculous.

  His mouth teased along her cheek and landed under her ear—and maybe she wasn’t done with the being-overwhelmed bit.

  His whisper was full of amusement. “Kissing you for the first time on the dance floor? Pretty great, in spite of a multitude of chaperones and on-lookers, every one of them hoping we go on for a moment too long so they can shout rude suggestions.”

  Oops. She jerked back to see who was—

  Or at least she tried to jerk away. It was like trying to move a mountain,

  She stayed stuck against him, up close and personal. His grip remained firm, and he laughed again, deep and dirty. “Uh-uh. No use running, since we’ve already got the audience.”

  Yvette took a deep breath and recalibrated. That sensation running up her spine was less embarrassment and more…


  Well, damn. She rocked another couple times in his arms as she considered that revelation.

  A very sexy and attentive man had made it clear he not only wanted to spend time with her but had kissed her right out in public. It had been a great kiss, and she was looking forward to another.

  She deserved this attention, and moreover, since he’d said all along that he was angling to be with her for kisses and more, she could enjoy this attention without guilt or fear.

  “Maybe we’ll have a series of first kisses. All sorts of locations, that sort of thing.” She met his gaze then winked. “We can rate them.”

  He twirled her hard, laughter spilling free. “I look forward to that, Ms. Wright. Every damn one.”

  The evening continued with plenty of laughter, dancing, and time with good friends.

  Turns out Yvette got her second first kiss at the door to her cabin when he dropped her off. This one was slow and steamy, and when he pulled away, his dark eyes glittered in the moonlight. “That was also a pretty good kiss. Eight out of ten?”

  “Sure.” The word came out a little shaky, but Yvette smiled, fingers tangling around his as he stood close enough to warm her. “Thanks for a great day.”

  “I love spending time with you,” he said softly. “Enjoy your days five to seven, and I’ll see you on Wednesday.”

  “Wait.” They had both talked about being busy and that she could open the next few days on her own. But with how well this day had gone, Yvette didn’t want the m
agic to end. “You’re welcome to drop in if you want to be here. I can hold off until you have the time to join me.”

  He stepped closer, hands settling on her hips. “That invitation makes me feel very happy. And then stinking mad because I can’t take you up on it. Not yet.”

  Like a splash of cold water, her happiness shriveled. She moved quickly to respond in a way that made it clear she didn’t really have any sort of agenda. “It’s okay. I just thought maybe it would work. Don’t worry about it—”

  His fingers tightened briefly, grip firm. “Sweetheart, you need to shut up for a minute before I decide you need a spanking for jumping to conclusions too damn fast.”

  Okay. Yvette’s emotions were on a yo-yo string. Hopeful, then annoyed at herself, and now annoyed at him. She folded her arms over her chest. “Did you just threaten to spank me?”

  “Not a threat if it’s something you want, but hush.” He pulled her in and lifted her chin so their faces were only inches apart. “I’m getting sent down to Pincher Creek for the next three days. I can’t come over, but if you want to call or text, I’m as close as technology can make us.”

  A rush of heat flooded her cheeks. If only a hole would’ve opened up underneath her so she could’ve vanished, but no. She was stuck right there with his intent gaze fixed on hers. She spoke softly. “I did jump to conclusions again, didn’t I?”

  His grip on her chin relaxed, his finger brushing easily over her cheek. “It’s okay, as long as you don’t mind me bouncing you back to the way we need to go.”

  She nodded slowly. “I’m good with that.” She met his gaze and tried a cautious smile. “If I kiss you now, is that considered our first make-up kiss?”

  “Damn if I care what you call it if the result is that I get your lips on mine.”

  Then he was holding her, and they were kissing again, and Yvette was once again wondering what kind of fairy tale she’d stepped into.

  After, she stood beside the calendar bureau, the solid wood under her fingertips as she watched his truck vanish into the distance.

  Sunday was the day Yvette visited with her grandparents. The main reason she’d moved to Heart Falls two years ago was to get to know Floyd and Geraldine Wright better. After spending time with the older couple, she was pretty certain now that their family’s odd estrangement was more her parents’ fault than her kindly grandma and grandpa’s.

  She joined them in the common room, stopping beside her grandma and examining her with concern. “Grandma? What’s wrong?”

  Her grandma sighed. “Getting older is rough. That’s all, sweetie.”

  Grandpa Floyd was staring out the window, a happy smile on his face as he watched the birds flitting to and from the feeder that was well stocked with sunflower seeds.

  Yvette stooped beside his wheelchair and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Hello, Grandpa. I’ve come for a visit.”

  He smiled at her. “Well, isn’t that nice.” He caught hold of her hand and patted it gently. His age-worn hands frail and soft like a butterfly’s kiss. “Vilket härligt leende.”

  Yvette glanced at her grandma. “What’s that mean?”

  A sad smile crossed her lips. “He said you have a beautiful smile. Come. Sit and visit for a while.”

  Grandpa Floyd was once again focused on life outside the window, so Yvette moved closer and settled at the table. She filled a cup with tea and topped up her grandma’s when the woman nodded at her question.

  Comfortable silence fell for a minute while they took their first sips.

  Then Grandma put her cup down and placed her hands on the table. “Your grandpa needs to move into the other section of the home soon. Where it’s a little safer for him. He’s getting forgetful, you know.”

  Yvette laid her hand over her grandma’s and squeezed gently. “I’m sorry.”

  “Oh, I am too. But I’m also glad that we’re here, where I will only have to walk down the hall to see him every day.” Brightness shone in her grandma’s eyes, moisture that she dabbed away before straightening and putting on her happy face. “We’re both healthy, as much as we can be. We have a lot to be thankful for.”

  “Do you need help moving him?” Yvette asked.

  Her grandma nodded. “That would be nice. It won’t happen for a week or so. It’s not about moving furniture or anything like that, but it would be good to have you there when we settle him. Even though he forgets a lot, he loves to have you around.”

  “I’m happy to be able to help,” Yvette said honestly. “Just let me know when, and I’ll make it happen.”

  Grandma Geraldine smiled. “That’s another blessing. Having you in our lives. So many years that we didn’t have, but I will always be thankful for the time we have enjoyed.”

  Maybe it was the emotion inside, churning from the moments she’d gone off the rails with Alex. Yvette was smart enough to know where the root of those discomforts came from.

  She’d learned lessons from her family that were not positive.

  Still, she was a little shocked when the words escaped. “Do you ever wish you were still in touch with my mom and dad?”

  “Oh, sweetie.” Grandma shook her head slightly. “Rarely does a mother want to be separated from her children. But I can be sad and yet smart enough to understand there’s nothing I could have done to make things better. Not without compromising what I know is right.”

  Which made sense on so many levels. “You’re braver than I am,” Yvette confessed softly. It wasn’t a full-out statement wishing that she could also break all ties with her family, but it was as close as she could get right then.

  “My dear.” Her grandma held her arms open and waited until Yvette slid in close enough to accept the tight embrace. “You are still working through who you are and what’s important to you. The journey takes time. Never apologize for that.”

  In his seat by the window, Grandpa Floyd began singing. A song Yvette remembered from her early years of growing up before her family changed. After giving her grandma a final squeeze, Yvette pulled her chair beside his so she could join in with the harmony.

  His gaze darted to her face, and while the sweet song rang on the air, his voice trembling slightly, he smiled.

  Yvette might still be on a journey, but moments like this were bright and shiny and gave her hope. Filled her with joy.

  The desire to tell Alex everything grew bigger. To share the bits of the past that were getting in her way and to brainstorm ideas for the future. To see what the man with the laughing eyes would suggest while they travelled this path he’d set them on.

  Alex: Is it snowing as hard in Heart Falls as it is down here?

  Yvette: No. And you can keep it. I’ve already had to dig my truck out of a snowbank twice this winter.

  Alex: Time to break out the skidoo

  Yvette: I tossed a pair of skis in the back of my truck as emergency backup.

  Alex: Not snowshoes?

  Yvette: I have those as well. Plus emergency food, flares, and the rest of it.

  Alex: You’re a regular Boy Scout. I volunteer to be trapped in the wilderness with you anytime.

  Yvette: Were you ever a Boy Scout?

  Alex: For one week. Then I got the bright idea of booby trapping all the doors in the gymnasium with water balloons. Our grand pooh-bah wasn’t very pleased, and I ended up sent home.

  Yvette: That seems harsh. Your scoutmaster overreacted.

  Alex: I’d added dye to the water to make it look more intimidating. It seems purple wasn’t one of his favourite colours.

  Yvette: You didn’t

  Alex: It was okay. My dad ended up running our own version of Boy Scouts when the next crew of foster kids came through. I still got my camping badge. The home version.

  Yvette: You’ll have to tell me more when we see each other tomorrow.

  Alex: Deal. Only, after we win the gaudy sweater contest, right?

  Yvette: Absolutely. Brooke and Mack are going down.

  * * *
/>   Alex found himself grinning as he flipped back through the various text messages he and Yvette had exchanged over the past couple of days.

  Wednesday morning, snow was still falling, but he had done what he needed to for Silver Stone ranch. He was just killing time, waiting for some final paperwork to be signed and for Ashton to get his ass back in the truck.

  The older man stood outside the office door, hands in his pockets, head nodding as he chatted with the local ranch foreman, obviously not in a rush to get anywhere.

  Alex’s phone rang, and he answered it, eager for the distraction.

  “Hey, Dad. What’s happening?”

  “Hi. Your mom and I were sitting here having a cup of coffee and decided to take a chance that you might be free to chat. Got a minute? I’ve got you on speaker phone.”

  Alex glanced over, but Ashton hadn’t moved an inch. “I can talk.”

  “How are things going? How are things with that girl you said you liked?”

  For fuck’s sake. It was like he was twelve years old. “Girl? Come on, Dad. She’s nearly thirty. I’m the same.”

  “You’re just babies,” his dad rattled.

  “Speaking of babies, are you being careful?” His mother. Of course.

  Even on the phone, and miles away, Alex was still instantly ready to nope out of this conversation. Redirection, now.

  “How are you both?” Alex asked, pointedly changing the topic. “Cait taking care of you okay? And Aaron?” His foster sister and her husband.

  “Your sister and Aaron are being wonderful. Plus, Davis is home as well.”

  “Davis?” Shit. His foster brother’s name was unexpected news. “What’s he doing around?”

  “Helping.” His father’s tone was no longer amused. “I know he’s had his moments, but he came back and apologized. He’s making up for his mistakes.”

  “He left town with a warrant for his arrest hanging over his head, Dad. That’s not a moment. That’s a major fuckup.”

  “Language,” his mother warned. “And I agree with you. He was an ass.”

  “So why’s he there?” Alex was ready to jump in his truck and drive across the prairies to plant a fist in his brother’s face if necessary.


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