A Crown of Shadows and Secrets

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A Crown of Shadows and Secrets Page 9

by Sloane Murphy

  “Stop it!” Levi shouts, and I can see him tremble, somehow fighting against the hold she has on us.

  “Now then, Leviathan. I’d have thought someone like you would’ve thought better than to come playing down here. This is my domain. You might be strong in Avalon and on Earth, but here, I’ve got the upper hand, and you know it.”

  “Phoenix didn’t seem to think so,” he growls, and the pain recedes as she takes her focus from me.

  “Is that who dropped you here? I’ll have to send him a thank you card. What a lovely little treat. Phoenix is a wet blanket, he likes to pretend he’s big and tough, but there’s a reason he is where he is. The further into the realm you get, the stronger the Demons get, the worse their proclivities. I’d have thought you’d already know that, but then, you’re not a Shadow Walker, are you? So you’d have no need to know. Shame you don’t have one handy.” Her eyes sparkle with delight as Creek and Kain crash to their knees.

  “I will kill you,” I tell her, my voice deathly calm. She can fuck with me, but no-one gets to fuck with my guys.

  “Oh, little Hunter, you could try.” She raises her hand and clenches her fist, and it’s like the oxygen is sucked from the room. I can’t breathe, my throat is closing up, but I just stare at her, not letting her see my panic. I ignore the guys shouts as I just stare at her until she rolls her eyes and releases her grip.

  “You’re no fun at all,” she pouts. “I wonder…”

  She raises her fist again but looks towards Creek and restricts his air. His eyes bulge as he tries to breathe. Her smile returns as she looks back to me and winks. “That’s better.”

  “I will kill you slowly,” I threaten, and will myself to move. My nose starts to bleed, but I pay it no mind as I fight the mental grip she has on me.

  Suddenly I’m released from her hold and I rush her, taking her out at the waist and throwing her backwards. I hear Creek cough as he sucks in air. I don’t look behind me, focusing on the crazy Demon bitch in front of me.

  “That wasn’t very nice,” she says, standing back up and dusting the sand off of her dress. Who the fuck wears a dress and heels in a place like this?

  “Yeah well, this place isn’t bringing out the best side of me,” I tell her, baring my teeth.

  “How did you get free?” She asks, tilting her head, taking me in when her eyes go wide. “Shadow Walker,” she hisses and then quite literally pops out of sight before us.

  “What the fuck…” I say out loud, but turn back to the guys behind me, Levi is at my back with Roman while Kain is tending to Creek.

  “Are you guys okay?” I ask, realizing all of my anger and craziness has disappeared. Thank fuck for that.

  “We’re good,” Levi says and Roman nods. I look back to where Creek is still kneeling with Kain. They stand as I get there, and Creek rubs his throat.

  “We’re good too,” he says, his voice scratchy. “That woman’s a bitch.”

  “I’m not going to disagree with you,” I tell him and hug him tightly. I’m really starting to hate this place, and we’ve not been here very long. I just hope we find Fallon quickly.

  “How did you get free?” Roman asks and I find him looking me over, his focus setting on the blood now drying on my face. I wipe it away, I’d forgotten about it.

  “I don’t know,” I tell him with a shrug.

  “Whatever it was, do you think it could have unlocked the spell on the cave?” Kain asks and I shrug again.

  Levi turns on his heel and heads out towards the entrance. “It’s gone.”

  Chapter Ten


  Two stinking weeks I’ve been in this stupid ‘comfortable’ cell. Or at least I think it’s been two weeks, though I’m only going on the meal rotation, if you can even call what they give me a meal. My magic is nullified wherever we are, so I can’t even get myself out of this god forsaken hell hole. I’ve never felt so god damn helpless and I hate it.

  The only thing I’m thankful for is that this place is pretty clean, and they’re intent on ignoring me other than when necessary. I’m being kept in what is essentially, like a hotel suite. I’ve not seen anywhere except inside this room, it’s where I woke up after that asshole Archer drugged me. Fuck, he is such a dick.

  I scream in frustration for the umpteenth time but still no-one comes. I’m sure people back home know I’m gone by now, but why would anyone suspect Archer? Goddess knows I didn’t. I just let him waltz in without much of a second thought. Look where that got me.

  The lock turns on the metal door, the only sign that this room isn’t what it’s made out to be, and I scramble to my feet. It opens and I come face to face with the same guy who has been bringing me my ‘food’ all week. He wheels in a cart with a covered plate, a flower and a glass of water.

  Okay, so apparently today is going to be a little different.

  “I spoke to the boss man, told him you might be trapped here, but you don’t deserve to be treated like a prisoner,” he says with a cheeky smile.

  “But I am a prisoner,” I tell him, crossing my arms.

  “Maybe, but you don’t have to eat like one. Come on.” He winks as rolls the cart over to the table on the other side of the room, and empties the cart onto the table, flower and all. He lifts the metal cover from the plate and the smells hit me almost instantly.

  “Is that…?” I start and he laughs.

  “Country-fried steak, mashed potatoes and collard greens with gravy,” he says and I eye him warily.

  “Why are you being nice to me?” I ask.

  “We’re all just trying to survive here. Casualties of war aren’t really my thing. I don’t buy into all their madness I’m happy here.”

  “Where is here?”

  “The Shadow Realm. Level six to be exact. Greed.”

  “That makes total sense, and yet none at all,” I say, raising my eyebrows.

  “Come on, eat, you’ve got to be hungry after the abysmal food they’ve been giving you.” His smile makes me want to trust him, he’s not been cruel or anything when he’s been coming in here, but if we are in the Shadow Realm, that means he’s a Demon, which doesn’t exactly inspire trust.

  “I swear it’s not poisoned,” he says, holding up one hand, placing the other on his chest.

  “Of course you’d say that!” I roll my eyes, as my stomach growls.

  “Traitor,” I whisper, looking down at my stomach and he laughs.

  “Okay, how about we start fresh? My name is Deacon, I’m a lowly servant to the higher Demon who looks after this level of the realm. I also occasionally wolf out a little when my inner Demon gets a bit ragey,” he tells me, sitting at the table, crossing one leg over the top of the other. “Come on, let’s talk and eat.”

  “You’re a werewolf?” I ask, moving towards him hesitantly.

  “No, Lycans, werewolves, they wish they were like me.” He winks. “I wolf out, but I’m not a slave to it. I think the name for what I am is lost to humans, though they get their information wrong about us anyway. Plus I have extra nifty little tricks too.” He waves his hand in the air, and a circle of fire appears, through it, I see Remy and her guys, in some weird cave.

  What the hell?

  “I can show you what you most want to see,” he says, and I wonder why it showed me what it did? Unless Remy is my way out, because right now, that’s what I want. To escape from here. I keep the hope that blooms in my chest from my face. I knew she’d figure it out, my bestie is a badass.

  “Can you see it?” I ask, and he shakes his head.

  “Nope, stupid balance. Only you can see that which you wish to see. Now come on, eat before it goes cold.” He motions for me to sit, I hesitate for a moment, but fuck it. I’m hungry.

  I sit and pick up a fork, taking a bite of the steak and gravy, trying not to groan. Fuck me that tastes good.

  “Good right?” He questions, and leans back in his chair, like he has nowhere else to be and nothing to do. Completely at ease.

  “It is,” I tell him, careful not to thank him. I don’t know much about Demons, but I know not to thank them. Selling my soul is so not on my to do list while I’m stuck here. I try to eat slowly, but my gurgling stomach tells me to forget my manners and I practically inhale the food. Deacon doesn’t interrupt me while I eat, he just sits there, watching, which is creepy as fuck, but I’m too hungry to care.

  “That was amazing,” I say as I wipe my mouth on the napkin when I’m done.

  “I’m glad. Now, any more questions before I head back to work? It’s nice in here, and the company isn’t bad either, so I’m happy to bunk off.” He winks at me and I roll my eyes.

  “How long have I been here?” I ask, trying to get a bearing on everything might help me later.

  “Today is day twelve, though, time moves differently here to what it does on Earth, so your friends probably only think it’s only been a few days.” He tells me openly.

  “Who is your boss?” I lean forward, eager to get more information.

  “My boss is Greed himself. He is the guy in charge on this level of the Shadow Realm.”

  “Why do you need me?”

  “We don’t not really, but the Hunter, he needs your friend to do something for him, he thought you’d be the best way to… encourage her. No-one wants your pretty little head to roll.” He smiles, taking a strand of my hair and tugging on it gently.

  “I’d rather keep my head where it is,” I snark. “What does he want Remy to do?”

  “He wants her to open a portal, he wants her blood to build a bridge between our worlds, to have dominion in both,” he replies, and I try not to gawp.

  “How the fuck would she do that?”

  “She’s a Shadow Walker. Her blood is a powerful thing.” He shrugs. “It’s amazing what is possible with the right ingredients, though you’d know all about that wouldn’t you.”

  “Remy would never…” I start but he stops me.

  “Even to save her best friend? I think she might.” He smiles smugly. “She had better anyway, time is running out.”

  “What does that mean?” I ask but he stands.

  “You’ll see,” he says ominously and gathers the plate and stuff from the table back onto the cart and heads for the door. I try to stand, but I’m paralyzed. My eyes widen and flick to him. “Can’t have you trying to escape now can we? You’re still needed for the minute.”

  He pushes the cart out, and the sound of the lock echoes through the room, once it’s sealed, I can move again.

  Dammit, he seemed so nice too. What a dick bag.

  At least he gave me some answers.

  Demons are assholes.

  Since Deacon left, goddess knows how long ago, the door hasn’t opened again, it’s as if earlier was a test that I failed, and I have no idea how.

  Fucking Demons.

  I tried to summon my magic after he left, since magic of some form obviously works here, but I made myself pass out just trying. I’ve never not had touch with my magic, it feels like a part of me has been cut out, and I’m trying not to focus on it, but what else is there to think about.

  I take a deep breath and try to meditate, to just completely zone out, but the thoughts in my head are way too loud.

  The lock turns in the door again, but this time I don’t cower, this time I’m pissed off.

  “I come bearing gifts,” Deacon’s voice rings out as he walks in and the door shuts behind him. I ignore him and stay sat cross-legged on the floor, hands in my lap, staring at him with a raised eyebrow.

  “What’s up little Witch? Didn’t you sleep?” He asks, looking thrown by my hostility.

  “Why can’t I feel my magic?” I ask, not answering his question.

  “Your magic doesn’t exist here. It’s tied to the elements of your realm. Of Earth,” he says openly, and steals a little of my fire.


  “So, did you not sleep?” He asks again and I shrug.

  “It’s hard to know when it’s night and day in here, so no, I didn’t sleep.”

  “You should sleep, you seem cranky,” he teases and I try my best not to let out a frustrated scream. Cranky? Stupid Demon has no fucking idea.

  “This isn’t cranky. You wouldn’t like me cranky.”

  “Maybe not on Earth. But here, you’re essentially a mundane. Nothing special to attack me with,” he tells me. “Now then, would you like some breakfast? Then, if you don’t want to nap, I can take you for a little stroll, show you more of your temporary home.”

  I don’t really care about seeing this place, but I jump on the opportunity. A chance to get out of here, maybe find a way to escape, no way in hell I’m turning that down.

  “Sure thing.” I move to the table where he’s stood waiting for me, with yet another cart.

  He removes the cover from the plate, and puts down a glass of orange juice next to the plate of steak and eggs. I eye the knife, and try to think of a way I could hide it once I’ve finished eating. I smile sweetly at him and take a seat. I don’t have a plan, but even if Remy is coming for me, Deacon said there’s a timeframe, and I’m not the sort of girl to just sit and wait to be saved. Not now I’ve got an opening.

  He just smiles, pours two mugs of coffee, and hands one to me, putting the sugar and cream on the table for me. “This looks great,” I tell him and dig in. God knows I need the protein after twelve days of bread and cheese.

  I’m not sure I’ll ever look at a cheese sandwich the same again.

  Again, he sits and just watches intently while I eat. “Do you want some?”

  “I don’t eat… well not that anyway.” He smiles, and it’s so dark a shudder runs down my spine. I don’t ask any other questions; I don’t think I want the answers anyway. Nope. This guy might seem nice enough, but that smile was all predator.

  I eat slowly, trying to drag out the time before we leave, regretting that I agreed to it, but at the same time, I can’t wait to get out of this place. I don’t feel like myself.

  At this point, I’d rather deal with Colt and all of his drama than deal with this Demon and his unreadable intentions.

  What I want most, is to feel my magic and not feel so fucking useless.

  “Come on, eat up. Don’t worry, we won’t go far.” He grins again, and I chew the steak, barely tasting it. I should probably tell him he’s grinning like a psychopath, but I’m not sure he’d take the offence intended.

  “I’m not that hungry,” I tell him pushing the half-eaten food away.

  “Okay then, well, let’s go. Then when you’re back you should probably shower and change.” He looks at me all judgy, and I scowl.

  “If I had a bathroom, I would,” I snark. I found the toilet, but there’s nothing more than a sink in there.

  “You have a bathroom.” He looks at me, and I can tell he’s trying not to laugh at me.

  “No I don’t!” I say through gritted teeth. I don’t exactly want to fight with the only person being nice to me, and also, he’s a Demon, and I’m without my magic, the odds aren’t exactly in my favor.

  “Sure you do, just like you have a closet full of clothes.”

  “Funny, I haven’t seen any,” I tell him snarkily, my patience wearing thin. He waves his hand and two doors appear on the other side of the room.

  Fucking Demons.

  “Why were they hidden?” I ask, trying not to snap at him.

  “I guess someone was having fun with you.” He winks. I clench my fists and take a deep breath. Punching the Demon isn’t going to help me right now, and I’ve never punched anyone in my life, I’m pretty sure I don’t know how.

  “I guess so,” I tell him and try to calm myself.

  “Shall we go then?” He asks standing and tucking his chair back under the table. I slip the knife up the sleeve of my hoodie and hope he doesn’t notice.

  “Sure, why not. Though, can I shower first?” I ask as nicely as I can muster.

  “I don’t see why not,” he says and I head over
to the two new doors that appeared. “It’s the one on the left.”

  I open the one on the right, just in case, but he wasn’t lying, so I grab some clothes, as if that was my intention, and head into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

  Oh my god there’s toothpaste! Yes!

  I don’t even want to think about my breath right now.

  I turn on the shower and strip out of my clothes, bundling the knife up with them to keep it hidden since there isn’t anywhere in here I could hide it. A sink, a bathtub, and a shower. Nothing that you’ll find me complaining about, but nowhere to conceal a stolen weapon.

  I jump under the hot water and moan. It feels so damn good. Much as I want to spend the rest of the day under here, I wash quickly scrubbing the grime from my hair and body before grabbing a towel from the rail.

  I tie my wet hair in a ponytail using an elastic I find on the counter, then dry myself off and dress quickly. Don’t want to keep the Demon waiting, especially since he seems intent on being nice to me.

  “Right, I’m ready,” I say as I open the door, the steam billowing out around me.

  “Change of plans, sweetheart.” The voice stills me and I try to keep my cool.

  Archer fucking Dotoro.

  Chapter Eleven


  Three fucking days.

  That’s how long it took us to trek through that desert and find a trace of what could be considered civilization, or at least as close to it as we can get down here.

  Level two might be Envy, but I’m not envious of anyone trapped out there. That shit was quite literally hell. Except, now we’ve found some weird tavern to stay in while we try to figure out our next move, and also try to hide from as many Demons as we can.

  “I still wish we knew why the last crazy ass Demon ran away when Remy started bleeding.” Creek sighs as he lounges on the bed in the room. The room is possibly the weirdest one I’ve ever stayed in, but at this point, who am I to complain. There’s a shower, food, a bed. I can deal with this life. Demons are surprisingly human, other than you know, the torture and killing thing.


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