A Crown of Shadows and Secrets

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A Crown of Shadows and Secrets Page 11

by Sloane Murphy

  “Why would you do that?” Levi asks skeptically, his arms tightening around me.

  “Because having you five here is trouble, as you saw. Plus, I like your girl, she reminds me of someone I used to know,” Callie tells him, before looking me over again. “She was a Shadow Walker too, and she saved my life more than once. So, for her, I'll help you guys.”

  “Tha—” I start and stop, and Callie laughs.

  “You're welcome. Don't worry, I'm not about to steal your soul.” She winks at me. “What’s the point in helping you if I was. Now go back upstairs, I need to reopen, I'll have some food sent up for you all in a bit.”

  “Well, if you're not going to steal my soul... then thank you. For everything,” I say to her, and stand, Levi rising with me, still not letting me go. Apparently my trust for her isn't extended to him, the others are quiet too, but they rise waiting for me to move.

  “Don't think anything of it. I'll see you in a bit,” she says, and heads back behind the bar as I lead the guys back upstairs.

  Who would've thought a Demon would be nice?

  Chapter Twelve


  Since the Delta boys are trained in extraction, I cover the exit and make sure we're clear. They know the sorts of things they could be facing in there, but it’s been silent since they breached a few minutes ago, and it’s making me twitchy as fuck.

  I strain my ears, but I can't hear a thing beyond their almost silent footsteps and their breathing. If Bauer is still here, and alive, then he's unconscious. I'm aware that the rooms could be warded with silencing spells, but the guys know what they're doing. I just wish I'd maybe joined Delta with them so I was in there too. Not that they don't trust me, but they're like a well oiled machine. I'd likely get in their way, and I'd honestly rather this be stealthy.

  Don't get me wrong, if I thought I could get to Archer and take him out of the equation, that would be my first move, but I'm not foolish enough to think he doesn't have a contingency in place, or that he's foolish enough to stay in one place for long now that everyone knows he's target number one.

  Gun fire pops from inside the building, and I go on high alert, watching for anyone trying to escape, or even enter, the warehouse. I crouch, gun aimed, breath steady.

  “Colt, be ready!” I hear Elijah shout, and seconds later the five of them are running at me, Bauer slung over Elijah's shoulder like a sack of nothing. “Move your ass!” He shouts as he runs past me and I take up the rear, keeping my gun high, but no-one else comes out of the warehouse.

  We run the few miles through the woodland to where we left the trucks and pile in, Bauer is put in the trunk since he's still unconscious, then we peel out of there before anyone can find a trace of us.

  I barely breathe until we've been on the road a while, driving around in circles to lose anyone who might've caught our tail. It’s the dead of night, so we're not exactly weaving through traffic, but unsurprisingly there's still enough traffic around that we blend in easily enough.

  Elijah slows the car, making the last loop before we head back to my dad’s place. I let out a deep breath when we pull up into the drive, even though Bauer is still unconscious. Elijah has barely said a word, but jumps out of the truck once he parks and Danny pulls the other truck in next to us. I help Elijah with Bauer, then let everyone back inside. My dad’s still not around, though I'm not completely surprised, he did say about staying with Nate and Maddie for a while, something about family betrayal, but I wasn't really listening. He moans so much at the minute, I've just started tuning him out.

  We get Bauer in the house, and Elijah lays him on the sofa while I grab some glasses and a bottle.

  “Well, that was more fun than I expected,” Danny says, laughing. His friends join in, and they sit and talk war stories with Elijah while I half listen as I focus mainly on Bauer.

  He needs to wake the fuck up already.

  Doesn't he realize how much we need his help.

  How much I need his help.

  God knows we're wading through the biggest pile of shit I ever remember us facing. It was easy before, in other lives I've lived, there hasn't been anything like this. Sure, there was the war against the factions, but that was nothing like this.

  And I wasn't the one in charge.

  Remy's life wasn't in danger.

  I wasn't in love with Fallon.

  Everything seems so much more intense, extreme, fucking insane, this time around. It makes me wish for quieter times, but then, I wouldn't give up feeling the way I feel about Fallon just for a quieter life. Do I wish she wasn't in danger? Hell yes, but then, living this life, we're always in danger. Always have been.

  I run a hand through my hair, which desperately needs cutting, I'm going to start looking like that bastard Creek if I'm not careful.

  “Right, well, we should probably head out,” Elijah says, finishing his drink and standing.

  “That's cool man,” I say. “Thank you all for your help tonight, sorry I'm spaced, got a thousand and one things I'm trying to work out.”

  “It's cool, we get it,” Danny says with a nod. The rest of them stand and head to grab their guns from where they put them in the kitchen.

  “If you need me, you know where to find me. Let me know if you run into any issues with him,” Elijah says, nodding towards Bauer.

  “I will do, thanks. I really appreciate it man. Just have the phone nearby, Archer is likely to retaliate, probably tomorrow since my sister was meant to meet him today, and instead of meeting Remy, he lost Bauer. Fuck knows what's about to go off, but it isn't going to be pretty.”

  “I don't doubt it. I won't go far, the boys are crashing with me through the madness, so we'll be able to move quickly if you need us.”

  “Thanks man, I'll be in touch.” I give him a bro hug and see them all out, calling out thanks to the others as they jump in their truck and leave.

  I close the door and lock it, if Dad wants back in he'll have his key, and go around securing the rest of the house. Fuck knows it’s practically a fortress if shit gets too real.

  Once everywhere is locked up, I head back to check on my brother. I have no idea what they knocked him out with, but he is out cold. He looks okay otherwise, a little banged up, but better than I expected considering. I still have no idea why he sided with Archer in the first place, and it’s pissing me off. The Bauer I've always known would never side against family. Not for anything. Family always comes first, it always has.

  We've pulled each other out of some serious shit in the past, but he never spoke to me about any of this, and I don't know how long it’s being going on. I try to pinpoint a time in our lives when things changed, for any clue of when something changed with him, but since he had lives without me, it could've happened then, and that's why I have no fucking clue.

  This Hunter life is seriously twisted sometimes.

  I ended up crashing on the other couch while I waited for Bauer to wake up, but I'm now up, showered and making coffee, and the fucker is still out cold, so I called Marie. Knowing my luck, Bauer's probably knocked out by one of Archer’s crazy ass Witches, and that's why he's not waking up.

  I refuse to believe it’s anything worse than that until Marie either confirms or denies my suspicions. She said she'd be here soon, so now it’s just a waiting game.

  And waiting really isn't my strong suit.

  “Where is he?” I hear Marie before I see her, then she and that huge trunk of hers float in the door.

  “You can float that thing?” I ask incredulously. I fucking hauled that thing and nearly pulled a few things.

  “I can, but it was nice of you to carry it.” She winks at me and I can't help but laugh. “Now where is your brother?”

  “He's in the sitting room, sparked out on the sofa. He's been that way all night.” I tell her as I follow her and the floating trunk into the main room. She moves to where his head is resting on the arm of the sofa, and places her fingertips on his temples.

�You were right to call me,” she says, eyes closed. “The magic keeping him down is dark. Archer obviously didn't want his secrets given away. It's going to take me some time, but I'll be able to wake him.”

  “Thank you, Marie. I didn't know who else to call.”

  “You're family, Colt. I'll always help if I can. So is your brother, even if he is a fool.” She opens her eyes and moves over to her trunk that settles on the floor. “You should give us some space, this probably isn't going to be pretty.”

  She shoos me from the room, so I head to the kitchen and pour her a mug of coffee, leaving it on the unit just inside the sitting room before retreating again. When a Witch tells you to get out, you get the fuck out.

  Except, now all I can do is wait again.

  Wait for Bauer to wake up.

  Wait for Archer to make his move.

  I hate waiting.

  I chug down another mug of coffee, just for something to do, while I try not to pace. Pacing is only going to make time move slower.

  My phone starts to ring on the counter, but when I see it, I hesitate.

  Unknown Caller.

  This isn't going to be good. I can feel it.

  “Hello?” I say as I answer.

  “You shouldn't have done that, Colt,” Archer practically hisses down the phone. “You shouldn't take what is mine. Especially when your sister already didn't come through for me. Now, her pretty little Witch friend is going to pay. Doubly since you took Bauer.”

  “Fuck off Archer. You won't hurt her, you know Remy or I will rip you limb from limb if you do. That’s if the Witches don't beat us to you.”

  “I'm not scared of you! Any of you! I have more power than you can imagine in my corner.”

  “It all just sounds like words to me, Archer. I don't think you've got anything in your corner but threats and lies. Without my brother, or my sister, you're nothing. You can't act out your master plan, and Bauer can't help you come up with another one,” I taunt.

  “You're half right. Except, I don't need either of them to bring hell down on you, and your precious humans. Maybe you should turn on the news, Colt.” he says before disconnecting the call.

  “Shit,” I say storming into the sitting room and turning on the TV, even as Marie glares at me. I flick over to the news channel, and the screams hit me instantly.

  “No-one is sure of exactly what is happening here, David. But there was an explosion at the high school, and it seems the students and teachers are trapped inside. No-one has been able to get inside yet, but the screams and gunfire has been almost constant,” the woman on the news channel says, the image of the school ablaze behind her, and my stomach sinks.

  What a fucking asshole.

  I turn the channel off, I can't watch anymore. If the school is sealed, we need Witches. I shoot a message off to Elijah telling him to gear up and look to Marie. “My brother is going to have to wait.”

  We pull my truck up on the far side of the school, away from the fire trucks, the cops, and the news crews. This isn't exactly something we want broadcasting. Marie whispers under her breath and a portal opens beside my truck, then five Witches walk through, just as Elijah, Danny, and the boys pull up.

  “What a fucking mess,” Elijah growls as he jumps out of his truck. I climb out and walk around to where the others are standing. “What’s the plan?”

  “We need to unseal the doors,” Marie tells him, before turning to the Witches.” We need to circle the school. Move around, so we're equal distance apart, once the circle is complete, we'll begin.”

  “Once the seal is off, we can go in and deal with whatever the fuck is in there,” I tell them.

  “What about the humans? What if they've seen the factions?” Elijah asks, his voice hard.

  “We'll deal with that if we have to, but Marie and the ladies can make them forget if needs be,” I say and Marie nods, to confirm. “Okay, let’s do this.”

  The Witches head off into their places in the circle, and we can do nothing but wait for Marie to give us the go ahead to get inside. Screams ring out through the air, and my anger rises.

  “Why the fuck would he attack a high school?” I hiss.

  “Because he knows we're ready for him to attack us.” Danny says. I get it, but for fuck sake. They're kids. Kids are off limits. Always. Humans are meant to be off limits too. It's part of the Hunter fucking decree.

  I clench my fists and then release, trying to work out some of the rage in any way possible, but it isn't working. I want to wring Archer’s fucking neck.

  I mean, I'd quite like to torture him slowly, but I'll settle for anything right now.

  Marie starts to chant, and I feel the power of the circle in the air.

  Thank fuck we have Witches on our side.

  I drop a text to Luc and Tobias, Remy told me to keep them up to speed with anything happening here, since they're minding the Factions while Roman and Kain are with her. It would be nice to have some extra supernatural backup, since I've got no idea what's happening inside, but I also don't want to show our hand too early, so I tell them we have it under control, and to stand down unless I say otherwise.

  I hear the pop in the air, and then I feel the whip of power as Marie and the Witches break the seal on the school. “Let’s go.”

  “We'll keep the path clear for you,” Marie tells us as we check our weapons.

  I head towards the back entrance of the school, Elijah, Danny, and the guys at my back. Time to see if it worked.

  I reach for the door and rip it open.


  We work our way in, moving down the hall, entering classrooms full of kids and teachers, telling them how to get out and to stay quiet.

  “They're in the gym.” A teacher tells me, showing me her phone. A message from another teacher I assume.

  “Thank you,” I tell her, and usher her from the room while the guys are doing the same with other classrooms. We try to empty the school as much as we can before we reach the gym. I'm not sure why the cops aren't trying to get in, but I'm thankful for whatever it is Marie is doing to keep them occupied.

  We work our way to the gym as silent as we can, but every scream makes me angrier.

  Elijah moves to the doors and looks in through the small glass window.

  “Fuck,” he hisses quietly. “That’s a whole lot of fucking bullshit in there. There’s at least a dozen Dracul and Lycans. No Witches that I could see, but they have at least half of the fucking school in there. There's already a ton of bodies scattered across the floor, and there's blood fucking everywhere.”

  “Well, then I guess it's time we saved the day,” Danny says with a grin. “I hate this shit, but man do I love this shit.”

  I pull my gun, and take a deep breath, I don't want to go in there all guns blazing, but what other choice do we have. I check my ammo tucked in my belt, making sure it’s secure.

  “You guys take the Lycans, Elijah and I will handle the Dracul,” I tell him, and they nod, reloading their ammo to make sure they have the right bullets. I just hope the humans stay the fuck out of the way, and that we can get a Witch in here to take away their memories before the cops get here.

  “Let’s do this,” Danny says with a huge grin and kicks the doors open.

  “Party's here boys,” I say cockily, smile on my face, and lift my gun. I stop thinking and just let my body do its thing, not stopping to think about the humans, or think twice about taking the lives of the Dracul in here. I know the guys have my back, and will handle the Lycans, while Elijah and I focus on the Dracul. Considering how fast they can move, they're not very clever.

  Then, following Archer, how clever could they be. I shoot, and reload, my ears ringing from the screams and the gunshots around us, but I don't stop until every Dracul is down, Elijah grins at me as he finishes the last one standing. “Bet I killed more than you.”

  “Oh fuck off.” I laugh quickly, making sure the Lycans are down too. I'm covered in blood, but I feel good. I feel
more useful than I have since all of this started. This, right here, this is what I'm good at.

  “I assume it’s my turn?” Marie says from the door and looks around the room disdainfully. She walks to the middle of the gym, her heels clicking on the floor. “You boys should probably make yourself scarce looking like that.”

  “Yes ma'am.” Danny says with a grin, still riding the death high. We follow him out and back to the trucks.

  “Thank you boys for coming to join the party,” I tell them as they climb into their truck.

  “Glad we didn't miss it,” Elijah says, grinning. “Make sure to invite us again next time.”

  I pat the hood of the truck and they peel out of here, while I strip out of my t-shirt and wipe the blood from my face and arms. I grab a spare I have in the back and shrug it on. Not much I can do about my jeans and boots, but at least they're black. I lean against the hood and wait for Marie to reappear, while trying not to think too hard about what Archer’s game plan is.

  This was obviously just the beginning, it was too small for it to be his master plan. And with no Remy, he won't be unleashing the Demons any time soon, but I have no doubt that he has something up his sleeve.

  We really need to wake my fucking brother up.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I wake up, surrounded by my guys. Levi to my back, Roman at my front. Creek is at the end of the bed, and it was Kain’s night to crash on the sofa. Much as waking up surrounded by them makes me happy, extracting myself from a bed of supernaturals really isn’t the easiest thing in the world to do.


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