The Mauling at Kinnickinick Pueblo

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The Mauling at Kinnickinick Pueblo Page 17

by Charles Williamson

  Next, Mike called Linda Surrett on her personal cell phone. She said she would call back in five minutes. After she returned the call, Mike explained that Donald Aryan had been identified as the man who had tortured and murdered the young man who had pointed out the connection between the Verde Valley Pure Bloods and the looting of historical artifacts on federal land. A witness had seen Aryan at the crime scene, although that information was being kept secret at this time because of the danger to the witness. He also explained that fingerprints on an artifact connected to the Paul McFarlane murder site proved Aryan was at the crime scene at Kinnickinick Pueblo. He also mentioned that Aryan had tried recently to cross the border into Mexico, and described his conversation with the senior ICE supervisor.

  “Let me talk with my direct supervisor and call you back. I’ll try and get him to release some of our files of the VVPB to you personally. He’s not likely to release information directly to your sheriff. It might help your investigation if you knew who was sympathetic to the group among local law enforcement. The list of members might also help you find the other men involved in the two murders. My boss can approve some level of support without asking higher authorities.”

  “Thank you, Linda. Knowing who to trust in Yavapai County is a serious problem for us.”

  “Our VVPB investigation has been officially closed, but my supervisor was adamantly opposed to dropping the investigation. He thinks the whole militia group might be dangerous, and we certainly know that Donald Aryan is a dangerous and ruthless man. Most of the other members of this group are not considered high risk without Aryan prodding them to action, but they regularly talk about armed resistance and potential insurrection. Since other men or women were involved in both of the murders you’re investigating, it’s likely that Aryan convinced at least one other VVPB member to commit crimes with him. He’s very persuasive and very alpha male.”

  “Thank you for any information you can provide. A list of members would be a great help.”

  Linda Surrett paused before continuing. “We have recordings of their meetings at a local bar. I haven’t heard the recordings, but an agent who has reviewed them thinks most of the participants are all angry talk but no direct action. It’s not a crime to be a racist shit ass. I doubt if the FBI can release those recordings since the investigation was closed without evidence of a federal crime.”

  “Linda, thank you for anything you can do to help. Just a list of the people who attended the meetings would help us narrow the search for the third person who was at the Kinnickinick crime scene. Also, there was a second man with Aryan during his most recent murder. We have no clue as to who drove the van.”

  Next, Mike went to see Sheriff Taylor to give him an update. The press would be certain to ask him about the gruesome murder of Jarod Baldwin. They discussed the case for half an hour. Sheriff Taylor decided to release the information that Jarod Baldwin had been tortured before he was murdered and that his death was caused by dragging the victim behind a vehicle using a chain around his ankles. He would allow reporters to read the autopsy report that Linda Surrett would produce later that day, but only in her office after a written request. The revulsion at the manner of death would probably make the Baldwin murder national news. That publicity would give them an opportunity to distribute the drawings of Donald Aryan widely across the whole country.

  Mike didn’t argue because the sheriff was right about the publicity, but Mike hated the idea that Jarod’s family would learn the ghastly details of his suffering and death. He had only disclosed the information that the remains couldn’t be easily identified because of the damage to the body when it was pulled along a gravel and cinder road by a chain around the ankles. He hadn’t mentioned that Jarod had been alive at the time. He also had not mentioned that as the fingertips were cut off, the fingers were cauterized in a campfire.

  “Mike, I’m going to ask you to conduct a press conference tomorrow morning. You have the credentials and experience from your time with the LAPD to reassure the press that we are competent in murder investigations. That will help convince residents of the county and state that we’re experienced enough to handle the case. To the national press, I’m just the sheriff of a rural county where we have seldom even investigated murders. You already have a strong reputation from several of our previous cases that received national attention.”

  “I’d be glad to hold the press conference, but I hope you’ll be there to introduce me and take some of the heat.”

  “Of course. I won’t wear my cowboy hat. I do have a conservative blue suit and red silk tie so I’ll look professional, almost presidential.”

  “I’ll get the drawings of Aryan with and without his beard blown up to poster size. We’ll have them visible behind us. How much can I say about the Verde Valley Pure Bloods? You made a deal with Sheriff Smith, but we have arrested one of his deputies for a related murder.”

  “Let’s cover both deaths at the press conference. The murder of a young decorated Marine will get us additional coverage. I don’t think we have a strong case against him yet, but we did charge Matt Waldrop with premeditated homicide. Of course, we shouldn’t mention that we suspect other Yavapai deputies are members of the VVPB’s. In fact, I see no reason to even mention the militia group. Three or more individuals committed these murders. We have no evidence that the whole group was involved or had prior knowledge. I’ll make some calls today to get some of the national newspapers aware of our press conference and to make certain that the Phoenix stations film it so it’s available to their national network news. The New York Times and AP will probably send reporters from Phoenix if I give them a heads up about a double homicide.”

  Next, Mike returned to his office and called the county attorney to get a search warrant for the records of Sedona Premium ATV rentals. It would also allow them to make impressions of the Honda ATV tires as well as check the rental records for the past six months. Taking the impressions would be a big job for Jimmy Hendrix so Mike invited Sean Mark to come along and help. With three of them working, it should only take a couple of hours. Mike had heeded Margaret’s comment that merely because we saw him at mass every Sunday, didn’t mean Andy Biggs wasn’t looting ancient artifacts in his spare time. Since none of the tires of the ATVs at the vineyards matched those at the crime scene, they had no other strong leads on the ATVs. No one else had registered three identical Honda ATVs anywhere in northern Arizona.

  Mike arranged to reserve the Law Enforcement briefing room for 10:00 the following morning. He asked June Rosetta to have two hung photos of Donald Aryan on the wall behind the podium. One would be the drawing of what the sketch artist believed he would look like without his beard. He also had her make large photos of the two victims. For Paul McFarlane they would use a blowup of photo in his Marine dress uniform that had been taken the previous year. For Jarod Baldwin, they would use a photo of Jarod taken by his parents when he graduated from the Yavapai College’s viniculture program also of poster size. He put June and her team to work making a handout for the press, which included the photos and the criminal history and aliases of Donald Aryan and biographies of the two victims. He wanted to do everything possible to encourage the national press to run the story and show the image of the suspect on the evening news.

  Jimmy, Sean, and Mike agreed to meet at the Sedona Premium ATV Rentals at 4:00. A few minutes before Mike left for Sedona, an email without a subject line or a return address arrived on his personal cell phone. Mike had never seen an email without any return address, and at first, he assumed it was phishing attempt. He was unwilling to open the attachment until he saw the small icon of a smiley face with a halo at the bottom edge of the screen. He realized that someone was making fun of his nickname, Chaplain Mike. He guessed it was from Linda Surrett.

  The attachment was a list for forty-three names, ten of them were women, with nothing else on the page. The names included Donald Aryan and Matt Waldrop. There were five other names he recognized. Four wer
e Yavapai County deputies that he either knew personally or knew by reputation, but the single name that immediately jumped to his attention was Andrew Howard Biggs, the owner of Sedona Premium ATV Rentals. He forwarded the list to June in the research department asking her to find out what she could about each person. He let her know that they were probably residents of the Verde Valley including the towns of Camp Verde, Cottonwood, Sedona, Jerome, and Lake Montezuma.

  The trip down to Sedona through Oak Creek Canyon was slow because of the tourist traffic, but the pale green of new growth was on the hardwood trees and the sound of the creek was louder than normal because of the spring snowmelt. When Mike reached the meeting place at the Safeway parking lot, he found that Sean and Jimmy had not arrived. He went into the Starbucks in the Safeway and got a double espresso under the assumption it would increase his acuteness. They had agreed to meet at the Safeway so they would arrive at Andy Biggs’ business at the same time.

  Mike didn’t think Andy would have a reason to flee at this point, but they needed to move carefully. He wanted to broach things as they were merely checking on Honda ATVs in the area. Mike decided to suggest that some ATVs might have been taken overnight without his permission. They had lost their main suspect when Donald Aryan fled the area, and Mike didn’t want to give Andy Biggs any reason to bolt. When they arrived, Mike explained his plan to Jimmy and Sean and asked that they answer no questions and merely refer anyone with a question to Mike.

  When the three official vehicles arrived at once at the Sedona Premium ATV Rentals lot, Mike got a quick look at Andy’s face before Andy retreated into his office. He was frightened. Mike walked into the office and said, “Andy, I’m sorry to bother you again, but Sheriff Taylor has asked us to take impressions of the tires of every Honda ATV tires in the area. It concerns the case I mentioned last time I was here. We’ll try and keep out of your way.”

  Mike handed him the search warrant. “I’m sorry for the trouble, but we’ll also need your business records for the past six months. It’s a homicide case, so we’ll need to look for any evidence that you rented to someone who might be connected to the crimes.”

  “Mike, my friend, of course I’ll cooperate, but these formal papers are confusing to a simple small businessman. I called my attorney when I saw the three of you drive into the lot. He said that he could be here within ten minutes so I suggest we wait until he arrives to start things. Perhaps you’d like some coffee or a soft drink in the meantime.”

  They both smiled fake smiles and had coffee together while talking about the plans for the Easter service at their church. While they waited, Jimmy and Sean began taking impressions of the tires by driving the vehicles over special sheets of carbonized paper designed to make taking tire imprints easier when they were taken from a vehicle rather than a track at a crime scene. They were only useful when a flat smooth surface was available.

  Chapter 24

  Fifteen minutes later, Andy Biggs’ attorney arrived. Mike also knew him from church. The attorney was Ronald Gordon. Ron was one of the few attorneys in Sedona that handled mostly criminal defense cases rather than estate law and escrows. Sedona had few criminals and a lot of elderly in need of estate advise. He greeted Mike as an old friend even though their only contact had been at a few church events. He took Mike’s warrant and read it carefully.

  “Andy,” Ron said, “I’m sure you have nothing to hide. This document allows Mike to take impressions of the tires on any of your ATVs and to have a copy of six months of your business records.”

  “I can’t give up my computer. How would I even keep track of sales and expenses? It’s too much of a burden. I won’t do it.”

  Mike smiled and explained, “Andy, I’m sure your computer can burn a CD with all the relevant data. I noticed a manual for QuickBooks for small businesses next to it. That bookkeeping program will have a way of making the dump of data onto a CD for the six month period requested. I will only need to examine the data in detail if some of the tire impressions match those at the crime scene.”

  Andy still looked unwilling to comply and asked Ron Gordon to do something about intrusive government interference. “It’s unlawful search and seizure.” He claimed in an angry voice. The whole fake civility of acquaintance was gone from his tone. His fists were balled ready for a fight. His face was red.

  Ron moved between Andy and Mike still smiling as if there was no friction. “Andy my friend, it is not unlawful search and seizure. I’ve read his search warrant. Do what he asks or he can lawfully take your whole computer. He can also arrest you for interfering with a homicide investigation if you give him too much trouble. Stand down now, and make the CD.”

  Andy spoke a phrase that was not suitable for a church deacon, but went to his computer and complied. Mike was pleased the search warrant had come as a surprise. There was something about his business records that Andy didn’t want law enforcement authorities to see.

  They sat without speaking for fifteen minutes until Jimmy Hendrix entered the office and said, “We have a match for the tires on two of the ATVs. I found the third set of tires in a pile waiting for recycling. I’ve loaded all twelve into my van. There are no two wheeled carts on the property.”

  Andy said nothing. Ron Gordon said, “Mike, I don’t want Andy questioned without me present.”

  “No problem Ron. Would 2:00 tomorrow afternoon work for both of you? I’d like the discussion to be video recorded in our conference room in Flagstaff so there is no dispute about what was said.”

  Andy looked furious but nodded. Ron said, “I’ll drive Andy up so we can have a chance to discuss things on the way. We’ll see you tomorrow at two.”

  Mike wondered if Ron was afraid to let Andy drive him in case Andy was charged and would not be driving home. The Coconino County Jail was in the same building as the Sheriff’s Department conference room where they would meet. At this point, Ron had had no time to discuss the potential case with his client, but Andy had certainly acted as if there was more damning evidence in his financial records.

  Jimmy left to take the tires to the evidence building in Flagstaff; Sean headed back to his apartment in Flagstaff; and Mike drove the two miles to his home in Sedona. Margaret had prepared a dinner of baked codfish, steamed Brussels sprouts, and spinach salad with sesame oil dressing.

  Mike smiled, “You must have noticed that some of my pants are getting tight?”

  “Only a little tight. You still have the six pack abs from when we first met,” she lied with a mischievous smile. “I’m also trying to keep my own weight down. As I cook different French foods, I thought I would do simple fish or chicken every other night.”

  “It’s a good idea to alternate meals, my love, but no dessert?”

  “I’m swearing off all desserts for lent.”

  “Lent started several weeks ago, but I guess that means I am off sweets too.”

  “Well if you buy something sweet, please don’t bring it home to tempt me. While we eat this healthy meal, you can update me on your case.”

  Mike told her the whole story of the nighttime vigil as the departments of both counties searched for Jarod Baldwin. He told her about the crime scene and the autopsy, leaving out the most gruesome details. He told of his sad visit with the murder victim’s mother and stepfather. He explained the email from Linda that had listed the all the known members of the Verde Valley Pure Bloods. Finally, he explained his search of Andy Biggs business and the discovery that they were the source of the ATVs that had been at the murder scene. He also mentioned the disk of Sedona Premium ATV Rentals’ financial records.

  “It’s so disconcerting to realize that you might need to arrest someone we know. In LA you never had a case that involved people we actually knew. Here in a small town, it’s still a shock any time it happens. I’m sure you’re exhausted, my sweet. You’ll remember that I served as treasurer of the League of Women Voters two years ago. We have QuickBooks on our office computer. I bought the bookkeeping program for
that volunteer job. Do you mind if I have a look? I’m sure you’re ready for bed, but I could spend a couple of hours looking at this data.”

  “Fine. I am too tired, but if you want to do some research, I don’t see the harm. Was your day busy at the bank?”

  “Yes, it’s still very busy, but I won’t need to work much overtime or go in on Saturdays anymore. I plan to try some complex French dishes every weekend. Some of them will take all day to prepare. Don’t be surprised if our grocery bills skyrocket. I’ll need to go up to Flagstaff to Proper Meats and Provisions and World Market for some of the ingredients. Go on to bed, my love; I’ll join you soon.”

  When Mike woke the following morning, Margaret was already up. He could smell coffee and heard the sounds of her cooking in the kitchen. A few minutes later, he kissed her and poured himself a cup of coffee. He sat at the kitchen table while she served oatmeal with cranberries and walnuts. Margaret joined him at the table handing him a stack of papers.

  She began the explanation by stating, “Father Howard is going to be annoyed with you when you arrest one of his three deacons. He may ask you to take his place.”

  “No chance of that. He thinks we must be left coast liberals since we moved here from California. Father Howard believes that all democrats will either burn in hell or suffer for many centuries in purgatory for their heresies. Your opening statement makes it clear that my brilliant wife has found the smoking gun while I dreamed of almond croissants.”

  He reached for the sugar bowl, but Margaret handed him the cinnamon shaker instead. “Look at the four places highlighted in pink marker.”

  There it was in black, white, and pink. Four times in which Andy Biggs’ company, Sedona Premium ATV Rentals, had supposedly rented ATVs to the Turquoise Roadrunner of Scottsdale Arizona. The amounts were much too large to be normal rentals to a small business for something like a company outing. The smallest of the four was $3,675, which would require fifteen ATVs for a full day. Mike would be surprised if the small business in Old Town Scottsdale had more than three employees.


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