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Page 2

by Erika Phillips

  Jazmine wandered around the room, everything still in the same place as it was before. The four-poster bed was against the wall and overlooked the window to the balcony. There was a private bathroom off the bedroom. Jazmine walked in and noticed some modern conveniences had been added. There was a stand-up shower in the corner and a large claw tub next to it. There were a double sink and toilet which had not been there before. The color scheme was a warm beige throughout. Very clean and crisp.

  She was happy for the small luxuries; it had been days since she had a proper shower and she could not wait to feel clean. Jazmine heard someone enter the room. She did not need to look to see who it was, she already knew. Celeste walked into the bathroom, “So, do you still like your old room? We made some small changes, mostly in the bathroom.”

  “It feels like I never left,” Jazmine smiled at her with a warmth in her eyes.

  “Cece--I mean Jazmine. Sorry, it may take me time to get used to your new name. I’m not sure it truly fits you,” Celeste confessed as she walked over to Jazmine. Jazmine could see the love she still had for her as she spoke. Her body aware of the tension between them.

  “Once I left here, I needed to shed that part of myself,” Jazmine explained knowing she would understand.

  Celeste only nodded, understanding the pain that Jazmine must have felt when she was asked to make a choice between the Coven or the Lamia. Celeste knew she had to force her to choose, only she had hoped she would have chosen differently. But that was another time, long ago. It no longer mattered at this moment; Jazmine was back, and Celeste was grateful.

  "Well, you must be tired, so I'll let you rest," Celeste turned to leave the room. "But, I do hope that tomorrow we can chat." Celeste smiled at her with a hint of longing in her eyes. Jazmine saw the look and a warmth spread throughout her stomach. She had loved Celeste very much and it broke her heart to choose Thane over Celeste. But she felt like she had no other choice. Thane had a pull over her like no one in her life ever did. She could not explain it, but it was if he was a part of her, they were one being.

  “I will come to you first thing in the morning. Until then, goodnight,” Jazmine grinned and started to undress. She was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to shower.

  Celeste lingered for a minute and watched as she began to take off her shirt. She stood motionless admiring Jazmine’s long lean torso and full breasts before departing. Images of her naked played in her mind and drove her wild. She had never thought she would see her beautiful body in front of her again. Celeste smiled to herself and disappeared from the doorway.

  Jazmine knew she had stood there for a while. It did not matter to her. She loved Celeste and they had shared each other’s bodies many times. It excited her to think of Celeste reminiscing about their long nights together lying naked in bed, making plans for the future. A future that never came to be.

  Jazmine turned the water on and stepped into the shower. She let it wash over her body and closed her eyes enjoying the feel of it massaging her muscles. She took her time getting clean, her mind replaying with the events of the last few days. She tried to search for Luciana, but she could no longer sense her. She had lost her and that was good for now. She knew that being here would give her time to come up with a plan. Even if Luciana found her, she would not attack as long as she was with the Coven.

  Luciana was not one to be afraid of anyone or anything, but she was not stupid. She knew the Lamia was no match for Celeste. She would not risk her own life unless she believed she had a chance of winning. She would retreat for now, but she would be back and when she came, she would be a force to be reckoned with.

  Jazmine got out of the shower; the steam filled the air. She walked over to the sink and wiped away the fog on the mirror. She looked into the mirror longing to see her reflection staring back at her. She had changed so much when she transformed and at times wished she could see the changes others saw.

  She was twenty-two when it happened. She was young and youthful. She was not gorgeous, but she was not ugly either. Her hair was short, which was the style back then. It was the color of midnight and her eyes were a deep shade of blue. Her nose was long and thin and her mouth matched her nose, thin lips and a wide mouth. When she was reborn, or so she likes to call it. Her looks transformed or so she was told.

  Her skin flawless like a porcelain doll no longer bore the marks of chicken pox from her childhood. Her hair did not change in color but in texture and length. It flowed down below her shoulders and it became lustrous and thick, like silk. Her eyes turned a shade of ice blue and her lips were fuller, poutier. Men and women were drawn to her.

  Her body filled out, becoming more feminine and less boyish. Her breasts full and taut. Her hips became rounder and fuller, her waist staying small. Her legs remained long and lean at five-foot-seven. She looked down at her body running her fingers down her long flat torso.

  Her mind flooded back to the many nights of passion she experienced with Thane. She could hear his voice in her head as her hands explored further down her body. She could feel his lips, once again on hers kissing her deeply, hungry for her.

  Jazmine closed her eyes as her hand explored her body with a mind of its own. She almost thought for a minute that Thane was still here with her, touching her breasts and her sex. Her fingers fondled her inner folds as she continued to picture Thane. The memory of his mouth and tongue warm on her skin sent her over the edge as her fingers worked her to a climax. Jazmine's body shuddered with a release but did not feel completely fulfilled.

  Her eyes fluttered open. Her cheeks were flushed and rosy. Jazmine shed a single tear for Thane. She had never cried the night he died. She had felt no emotion and that was what frightened her the most. She waited for the grief to consume her, to feel anger. Anything! But nothing came.

  Chapter Four

  Jazmine tossed and turned all night. The dream was scattered, but peaceful. At first, she dreamt of Thane and her love for him. But then Luciana was there, always lurking in the shadows, waiting to destroy them. When she awoke, sweat dripped down her neck and back. She got up and went to wash her face. Once she finished, she placed on a clean shirt and pair of pants and walked downstairs to meet Celeste for breakfast.

  Celeste was in the dining room with a few of the women from the house. As soon as she walked in, they excused themselves. Jazmine did not know if they wanted to give her time alone with Celeste or if they were just afraid of her. She smiled at the women as they walked past her, but no one gave her any eye contact.

  Celeste smiled warmly at her and motioned for her to sit in the seat next to her. Jazmine acknowledged the gesture and sat down. There was a great spread on the table, but none of it would feed her appetite. Celeste had anticipated her needs and had the maid come in with a glass with a rich red substance. “I gathered you would be hungry this morning, so I had the staff get you something,” Celeste smiled at her not mentioning who had made the donation for her breakfast feast.

  Jazmine smiled happily for the nourishment. "Thank you," she replied and took a long sip. The blood smelled sweet and had a hint of vanilla to it. The moment she tasted it she instantly knew whose it was.

  Celeste watched her intently as she drank, not saying anything until Jazmine placed the glass down. “I hope you slept well last night.” she stated. Celeste did not wait for a response but continued, “I’m curious to know, what has brought you here?”

  Jazmine paused for a second, she wanted to tell her everything but feared her reaction. Also, she had a suspicion Celeste already knew the answer to her question. She was a smart and talented witch. No one could get anything past her, so Jazmine assumed this was a test to see how much Celeste could trust her. Jazmine knew that if Celeste doubted her motives she would be sent away immediately. She decided the best course of action was to tell her everything, no matter how ugly the truth was.

  "I guess I need to start from the beginning then. When I left here, all those years ago, I never thought I would
ever see you again. When I chose to leave with Thane, I gave my soul to the devil himself. There was this power, this control he had over me. But one I wanted to let him have. I ached for him and I wanted him to consume me. He had a pull over me as no one else has ever had and I was okay with that, even it if meant losing everyone I cared about around me," Jazmine stared at Celeste. Celeste knew this part already.

  "At first, I could overlook that piece of him. The part that was cruel and dark. The words he spoke to me, the things he showed me clouded my judgment. I no longer valued what I once had. I believed his lies about the world and the humans who lived here," Jazmine continued, ashamed that she had fallen so low. "As the years faded into decades, I felt more and more alone. Then, I met John. He was different from Thane. Yes, he was one of us, but his view of humanity and love for people was like what you had taught me. He reopened my heart to the good and showed me a different way to live.

  "At first, Thane never said much about the time I spent with John. He just saw him as a mere distraction. Not a real threat in any sense. Then, as time went on, things changed. Thane became cruel. We argued more and he forbid me to be with John. Thane had never been jealous of any man I had slept with, but this time it was different. For the first time, I think Thane feared he was losing me. So, he banished John from the Lamia. When I learned of what Thane had done, I left and went in search of John,” Jazmine paused for a moment and collected her thoughts. The pain of losing both John and Thane hit her as she spoke.

  Celeste continued to say nothing, her face showed no emotion. But Jazmine could feel her energy and knew that Celeste felt sorry for her. Jazmine knew that even though she had broken Celeste’s heart, deep down she still truly loved her.

  Jazmine continued to speak, “When I finally found John, he was badly hurt. Thane must have ordered some of the members of the Lamia to kill him. Thane chased after me and found me with John. Then, everything happened so fast and all I remember of that night is Thane lying in my arms, his blood everywhere and John lay dead next to me.”

  Jazmine sat there silent; her emotions raw as she relived that night in her mind. Celeste could see the pain etched on her face and placed her hand on top of Jazmine's. Neither of them spoke, instead, she could hear Celeste in her head. "I'm sorry for your loss. If I could take the pain for you I would. I'll keep you safe as long as I can, and you will always have a home here with me."

  Jazmine smiled, she knew that Celeste would not send her away, but she also did not want to bring a war that she had started to Celeste's doorstep. "I’ll only stay long enough to figure out how to fix this. I promise. Then, I’ll be gone. I’ll not bring a war to your home."

  Celeste understood. As much as she wanted to help her, and no matter how much she loved Jazmine, she knew she had to put the women of her Coven first. She could not sacrifice their safety for Jazmine’s. When Jazmine had been around her, she had made impulsive choices and she could not do that again. She was older and wiser and did not have the luxury of recklessness as she did in the past.

  But as she sat so close to her she found herself falter. Jazmine was her one weakness and she wanted her even if it meant she could lose everything she held dear. She could feel herself losing all sense of reason as Jazmine touched her hand. If things had been different, if she was not in charge of a Coven of women she would risk her own life for her. Celeste could feel her body stir with sexual desire. Her fingers stroked the back of Jazmine's hand absentmindedly.

  Jazmine's hand was cold but soft. Jazmine looked down at Celeste's hand on hers. She did not try to pull away but welcomed the sensual sensation she felt from Celeste's touch. Jazmine turned her face towards Celeste and looked deep within her eyes. Jazmine could see her longing for her hidden in the depths. Celeste leaned in towards her and lightly brushed her lips against Jazmine's.

  Jazmine did not move. Celeste took this as an invitation to press forward. She lifted her hand and placed it softly at the back of Jazmine's head. Her fingers entangled in her hair. Her lips pressed against Jazmine's with more desire and urgency. Jazmine returned the need as she lost herself in a feel of Celeste's soft lips. Jazmine parted her mouth and allowed Celeste to slip her tongue in. The sensation of their tongues touching sent warmth throughout the pit of Jazmine’s stomach. Jazmine inhaled the intoxicating aroma of her scent, which heightened her desire.

  Celeste reached her other hand up under Jazmine’s shirt placing it on her bare breast. The moment she felt the warm skin touch her nipple it perked up to attention. Celeste moved the palm of her hand around the nipple, rubbing at it. Jazmine could feel her passion build as she became lost in the sensation of it all. Her mind blank, no longer thinking about Thane, Luciana, or any of her troubles.

  Jazmine kissed Celeste harder, a low throaty growl erupted from her as their kiss deepened. Jazmine moved with instinct, rising from her chair she straddled Celeste. Celeste’s hand never leaving her breast at it continued to fondle Jazmine. Jazmine encircled her arms around Celeste, her hands wrapping around her hair.

  Celeste thought of nothing but needing to touch Jazmine. She pulled her hand off Jazmine’s breast she had been cupping and started to fumble with the button on Jazmine’s jeans. Celeste worked the button open and unzipped Jazmine’s pants. She gently inched her hand down between Jazmine’s panties and bare skin. Her fingers worked their way downward until they touched the warm wetness that signaled Jazmine’s enjoyment.

  Celeste started to glide a single digit into Jazmine’s depths when she felt her pull back. Jazmine needed to stop this before they both did something they may regret. “We can’t do this,” Jazmine gasped, her head swimming with lust.

  Celeste retracted her hand from Jazmine as Jazmine moved off Celeste’s lap. She said nothing, only looked at Jazmine, the pain etched on her face. Yet, Celeste knew Jazmine was right. She never had Jazmine’s heart and never would, but they had a kinship and Celeste would at least settle for that. No matter what had happened, she never regretted that day she found and saved Jazmine. Even if she could never fully be hers.

  Celeste got up from her seat. “I have some things to take care of this morning, if you should need anything just let me know,” Celeste quickly left the room, leaving Jazmine all alone.

  Jazmine knew she needed to figure out her next steps. She figured she had a few days tops before Luciana found her. So, she had to work fast to figure out how to defeat her. She was strong and smart, but Luciana was unlike any other vampire she had ever met before. It was not that she was more powerful, but she was ruthless, as if she had no soul. She did not value others' lives. She was a hungry, killing machine who cared for only one other person besides herself, Thane.



  She hated Jazmine the moment Thane brought her into the Lamia. She saw her as a threat to her status within the group and she could see the attraction Thane had to Jazmine. Thane liked pretty things and like to surround himself with beautiful people, Luciana was used to that. But this was different, Thane could not get enough of Jazmine. Even though he slept with other people he always came back to Luciana at the end of the night. But when Jazmine arrived, he came to her less and less. Eventually, Luciana was removed from the room next to his and it was given to Jazmine.

  That was the final straw. Luciana could have left the Lamia, but she wanted revenge and she knew she needed to stay close to get it. She knew that one day, Jazmine would mess up and when she did she would get her chance to kill her. She just never thought she would lose Thane too.

  With Thane gone, there was discourse in the group. Luciana took that as her chance to step into his spot and many of the followers had been okay with that. A few tried to stand up to her, but with no success. Some chose to leave, which was fine with her. The ones that were left followed her blindly and were willing to track down Jazmine. They had come so close, but somehow, she had gotten away. Luciana knew Jazmine could not hide for long, they would find her.

  Chapter Five

>   Jazmine could sense her welcome at the Coven was wearing thin with many of the women. Every day she spent in their home endangered them. But she was still nowhere close to figuring out what to do. She had no one. She was not wanted by her own kind so why would anyone else be willing to save her. For the first time, she thought about giving herself up and letting Luciana kill her. With Thane and John gone, there was nothing worth living for anymore.

  Jazmine was in her room, lost in her thoughts when Celeste came in. “You don’t want to do that,” Celeste stated as she walked over to the bed and sat down next to Jazmine.

  Jazmine knew Celeste was reading her thoughts. She had let her guard down, giving Celeste a chance to see what she had been thinking. She had been careful to not allow this to happen while she was here, knowing Celeste would be worried about her. “I don’t know what else to do. It’s not like I want to give up, but I can’t stay here either. I know the women here want me to leave,” Jazmine replied her expression sullen.

  “I want you here and that is all that matters,” Celeste commented. “But I do have to think of my Coven first. I have talked to a friend of mine and explained your situation to him. He has agreed to let you come live with them for a bit. He has someone with unique abilities which I think can help aid you in your fight,” Celeste looked at Jazmine and knew this was goodbye.

  “But why would they help me? Does he know what I am?” Jazmine asked unsure why a stranger would help her.

  "He does. He owes me a great favor and I plan to redeem it now," Celeste smiled at Jazmine taking her hand, stroking the inside of her palm with her fingers. "They are expecting you this evening. So, I wanted to come in here and say goodbye. There will be a car ready at midnight to take you. I have placed a charm on it so Luciana will not be able to detect you." Jazmine sat there and listened as Celeste continued to stroke her hand.


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