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Dark Page 5

by Erika Phillips

  She looked around the room and saw that it looked identical to hers. She approached the bed and ran her fingers along the sheets to get a read on him. Nothing happened, no sense of him. She then walked over to the closet and opened the door. His clothes were all hung up neatly, nothing out of place. She grabbed the sleeve of one of his shirts and brought it to her nose, inhaling deeply. The scent of musk and spice filled her nostrils. She felt a warmth spread over her as she took in his scent.

  Just then she heard the door latch click. Embarrassed to be caught in his room, she jumped into the closet and closed the door. She could see him walk in as she peered out through the slits in the panels. She saw he was not alone. There was another person with him, Jazmine did not know his name, but she recognized his face from the other night as one of the men in the room when she arrived.

  “Have you told her anything yet?” he asked Christian. Christian walked over to the table in his room and picked up the pitcher of water and poured himself a glass.

  “Not yet, Alex. She’s not ready to know,” he replied as he took a long sip “I want her to figure it out on her own, it’s better that way,” he stated matter-of-factly.

  “But we’re running out of time. We can’t continue to wait much longer. If the prophecy is correct--” Alex started and Christian cut him off.

  “I promise she’ll figure it out, but I need her to see her destiny and want to fulfill it. That will take time and we need to be patient,” he returned. “She’ll see the truth.”

  Alex shook his head, “I hope, for all of our sakes, you’re right.” He turned on his heel and left the room. Christian placed the glass down and looked over at the closet. Jazmine’s heart quickened as she felt his eyes bore straight into her. Does he know I’m here? Christian stood there for a moment, his gaze unwavering before he turned and walked out of the room. Jazmine held her breath until the door closed behind him.

  Once he was gone, she opened the closet door and quickly left the room. Back in the safety of her own room, her mind swam with the information she had overheard. What are they not telling me? Why am I truly here? Jazmine felt a mixture of deceit and betrayal. She thought about leaving, about running away from here. But to where? She had nowhere to go and Luciana would find and kill her. She was trapped.

  Jazmine figured the best thing to do was play their game, she would learn what she needed and as soon as she killed Luciana she would disappear forever. Jazmine left the room to find Christian, she was ready for her next lesson. The sooner she honed her skills the better, and the sooner she was away from Christian was just as well.

  She was afraid that the more they were together the harder it would be for her to leave. He was like a drug and she could not get enough. He filled her every waking thought and consumed her dreams. In some way, she felt her desire for him was a betrayal to Thane. She could not comprehend why, since she had multiple lovers while she was with Thane. But being with Christian was different, it was like it was destined.

  Jazmine walked through the halls and eventually found herself in a large room with a fire roaring in the fireplace. The room was warm and smelled of spice. The smell was intoxicating to her senses and it transported her memories back in time to an evening long ago when she first met Thane. Jazmine looked around and saw no one in the room. The leather couch in front of the fireplace was rather inviting and she went over to sit, she had a feeling Christian would be here soon. As she stared into the fireplace she fell into a hypnotic state, her memories of Thane danced out in front of her.

  She had been brought by Violet to a secret gathering. It was late and she could barely make out the house as they drove up. It looked to be a mansion in the middle of nowhere. The home was overbearing in the dark night sky. She felt a mixture of excitement and nerves as they approached. She could feel that she was meant to come here all along but wasn’t sure why she had that feeling. It was like she had been here before, in a dream or something.

  There were two men who opened the doors to the house. They were dressed in all black suits and had black, decorative face masks covering their faces. They said nothing as Jazmine was led through the front entrance to a room off to the right. As they walked throughout the home, she investigated each room. What she saw made her feel dirty and turned-on all at once. In one room, she saw men and women all in different stages of dress; some were fully clothed and others in their bras and panties, and a few wearing nothing at all.

  She could not distinguish between female and male limbs as they all slithered around each other. Cries of passion and agony escaped their lips as the lines between pleasure and pain were blurred. As they walked past another room, she noticed that the men were dressed in leather bondage, many with chains around their necks. Women and men administered different levels of sexual torture with whips and feathers. She saw toys being placed in different orifices of their bodies.

  Jazmine could feel her face blush as she watched. She had never seen or experienced anything like this before and was unsure of why she had been brought here. She was not sure if this was the type of thing she was into, even as a vampire. Yet, she found her body alert and titillated by what she saw. Her nipples were hard underneath her lace bra and she could feel a wetness grow between her legs.

  They continued to walk past room after room, watching men and women in different states of sexual exploitations. They finally came upon a room where there was only a small group inside. Jazmine stopped in the entryway; her eyes immediately were drawn to a lean, muscular man in the center of the room. It was Thane and he was enraptured in a conversation with the blonde sitting next to him. His long, black hair pulled back in a ponytail low on his neck. He wore a silky, black button-down shirt stretched over his muscular torso and a pair of leather pants that fit snug against his long lean legs.

  Jazmine could not take her eyes off his sensual mouth. She wanted to walk right over and make love to him. She stood in the doorway and watched, jealous of the attention he was giving to the blonde. Jazmine unconsciously cleared her throat, the noise brought Thane’s attention to her.

  The moment he saw her, he smiled a wickedly sexy grin. Jazmine felt her knees buckle at the way he gazed upon her. She could feel him undress her with his eyes. She knew that this was the man she was brought here to meet. He drew his attention away from the blonde woman, who glared at Jazmine. With one fluid movement, he was out of the chair and stood directly in front of her. He picked her hand up in his and turned her palm over placing a single kiss on her delicate flesh. His lips, though cold, seared hot into her skin.

  Jazmine could not take her eyes off of him. She wanted to fuck him right there and she did not care who watched. Her body cried out for him to touch her all over. She smiled at him showing her pointed white teeth.

  Thane took her arm in his and led her out of the doorway into a room across the hall, away from everyone. Jazmine’s mind screamed that it was not smart to go off with a random stranger, but her legs continued to carry her where he led. He opened the door to the private room, escorted her inside, and closed the door behind him.

  “I’ve been waiting for you,” Thane stated as he walked over to take a seat on the couch.

  "You have? But we just met," Jazmine replied, perplexed that he had expected her.

  "I've been watching you for a while. Don't you sense it, we are destined for each other. You'll be my queen," he proclaimed as he guided her to the couch.

  Jazmine did not know what to say. At that moment, she thought he was insane and looked around trying to plan out her escape. Thane just smiled at her, "Stop thinking with your mind and start thinking with your body." Thane reached out and took her hand and placed it on the bare skin exposed from the unbuttoned part of his shirt.

  Jazmine could feel the electricity between them underneath her palm. She did not try to pull away, instead, she opened her mind and a flood of emotions overwhelmed her. Thane was in her head, showing her things she never imagined. When he stopped, she looked at him understand
ing why she was brought here.

  Thane pulled her into him, his lips engulfing her mouth. The need and passion poured out of him. Jazmine kissed him back with such ferocity and desire. Thane tugged at her shirt and ripped it off her torso, exposing her breasts. With one quick motion, he unclasped her bra and her breasts spilled out. Thane placed her right breast in his mouth. He sucked and teased at the nipple until it was hard.

  Jazmine arched her back, her breast pushed further into his hungry mouth. Thane moved his attention to the other breast his fang grazed the nipple, nicking it. A trickle of blood oozed out and he took his tongue and licked it up. Jazmine's body withered underneath him as he manipulated her breasts.

  Jazmine's memory of their encounter consumed her and she felt a longing to be with him again and a sadness that she never would. As Jazmine's memory absorbed her consciousness, she sensed a change. She knew something was off. She realized Christian had come into the room. He entered her memory and began to interact with it, blurring the lines. He had entered her thoughts and she could not get him out, nor did she want to.

  Thane trailed kisses down her stomach and Jazmine's eyes fluttered open for a second. Enough time for her to see Christian standing there naked, his body glistening against the glow of the fireplace as he watched Thane make love to her. Thane continued to kiss her stomach while Jazmine stared deep into Christian's eyes. Christian knelt and placed a kiss on her lips. He smelled clean like a warm summer breeze. His kiss was demanding and urgent. Jazmine kissed him back with passion.

  Thane placed his hands underneath her bottom and lifted her throbbing clit to his mouth. He placed his tongue on her pleasure spot and licked, his tongue picking up momentum and speed with each cry and gasp from Jazmine. Jazmine pulled her mouth from Christian's and grabbed his cock with her hand. Her fingers barely able to contain him, he stood up so Jazmine could place her lips around his shaft and start to suck. The feeling of Thane's mouth on her urged her on in her administrations of Christian's cock. She pulled him in and out of her mouth, her tongue licking at the tip.

  Thane unzipped his pants and freed his penis. It throbbed with the need to be buried within her. Jazmine was so lost in her attention to Christian, that when Thane thrust deep inside of her she cried out in pleasure. Her body expanding to accommodate the enormity of him. Thane thrust in and out, faster and faster until his body shuddered in ecstasy. Jazmine road out the waves of her orgasm with his last thrust. Thane, spent, moved aside.

  Christian needed to fulfill his own need. He freed himself from Jazmine's mouth and positioned himself in the spot that Thane had just vacated. He needed to feel himself inside of her. Jazmine lay on the couch, weak from Thane. Now, here was Christian and he was ready to possess her. Jazmine knew that this was no longer a memory.

  She was spent but her body wanted, craved more. Her body had become its own personality and it wanted Christian. When Jazmine looked back down at Christian, the memory of Thane was gone.

  Christian was here. He was at the end of the couch. His cock stood at attention, ready to plunge inside her. Jazmine felt ashamed for a moment; her private thoughts had been invaded. Her soul opened and bared to him. Yet, she was not mad at him. She could not explain it, but she needed this man.

  Christian leaned over her naked body and slid his cock deep inside of her. He pulled her torso up close to his chest so he could kiss her mouth. Christian penetrated her, moving in and out as the orgasm built. Jazmine could feel her body about to burst with each thrust. She wanted it to never stop. Christian gave one final thrust and they both cried out, their release coming together.

  Jazmine lay underneath him, their bodies dripped with perspiration. She knew she was in trouble. She was never going to be able to leave this man, nor did she want to. Whatever the future held for her; she knew it was with him. Christian continued to hold her in his strong arms. His breath slowing down.

  "You failed again to keep me out of your mind," he teased her.

  Jazmine smiled smugly, "Who says I was trying?"

  "I see," he smiled his tone growing more serious. "But you must start to practice this to ward off Luciana. Also, I want you to learn a new skill. One that'll allow you to alter the reality she is experiencing.”

  Jazmine was intrigued by this. "You mean to make her think something is happening that really isn't."

  "Yes. If you can learn to do this, you can defeat her," he placed a kiss on her mouth. "And I need you to win. I can't lose you."

  Jazmine felt a warmth erupt in the pit of her stomach. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. She hoped that it was truly her he wanted and not something else.

  "I'll do everything I can to defeat her," Jazmine stated.

  Christian smiled at this and laid his head upon her breast. Her skin was cold against his. No sound came from her chest, a reminder to him of who she was. He knew that people would not welcome their union, it was unnatural for a warlock and a vampire to be one. He did not care though; he had waited a lifetime for her and nothing would separate them now that they found each other.

  "So, when do we begin our next training? If it's anything like tonight, I'm ready to start now," she winked at him, her face still flushed from their lovemaking.

  "I love how enthusiastic you are, but I'm a mere mortal man in that area and I need a little more time to recover," he reminded her. "But, if you let me rest a bit, I'll be ready for another round soon." He gave her a sultry look.

  Jazmine knew he was not talking about learning how to alter realities. She nudged him with her arm. "Is that all you think about?" she chuckled.

  "Not usually, but with you, I can't control myself," he purred at her.

  Jazmine laughed louder. She could not disagree; she felt the same about him. She could go all night and it would still not be enough. He was intoxicating and she was grateful to have him in her life when she needed him the most.

  They lay on the couch, naked, enjoying the feel of each other's bodies. As the embers from the fire died down, Christian stood up and put his clothes back on. Jazmine followed suit. When they were dressed, they went to eat. Jazmine was ravenous as she had not fed in a while. When they arrived at the kitchen, Christian grabbed himself a snack and Jazmine got herself a glass of warm blood.

  Once they were both sated, they headed back toward their bedrooms. Christian led Jazmine into her room. "Goodnight, I'll let you get some much-needed rest. We will begin tomorrow night with the next lesson," he smiled at her seductively.

  "Until tomorrow, then. I'll miss you next to me," she replied shyly. Hopeful that he would stay the night with her.

  Christian caught her meaning. He held her hand and walked her to the bed. They both lay down and fell asleep, Jazmine wrapped in the comfort of his arms.

  Chapter Eight

  The next evening, Jazmine woke, and Christian was still lying next to her, his breathing slow and deep as he was still sound asleep. She lay motionless and watched him breathe. She was curious to know more about this man. She knew so little about his history and he knew so much about her. Today, she hoped to find out more.

  Jazmine got up and went to go clean herself up and get ready for the day's training. She could sense Luciana getting closer to finding out where she was. She was running out of time and figured she may only have a few days left before Luciana found her. She needed to be ready by then. Her life was riding on this.

  Jazmine washed her face and brushed her teeth, she went to the closet and picked out a pair of black leggings and a long red sweater. Christian was starting to stir as she finished dressing. "Good evening," she purred.

  "Good evening," he replied.

  "Did you sleep well?" she asked.

  "I did, thank you," he smiled at her with a sexy grin.

  "So, what am I learning today? I'm ready to get going," she stated as she walked over towards the bed.

  "Well, I was thinking we could start with some mind control. I want you to be able to distort her reality. So, you can get her to se
e what you want her to see. If you can do this, there is no way she can defeat you," he stated sitting up. "But this is not easy, and very few people have this ability or can master it."

  "So, what makes you think I can even do this?" she asked not sure this was a power she even possessed.

  "I know you can. You're more powerful than you realize, and I plan to help you discover your true capabilities," he stated as he looked at her intensely.

  "Why would I never have known this before?" Jazmine asked sure he had to be mistaken about her. If she truly had some great power, Thane would have known, and he would have helped her harvest it. He never would have held her back; she was certain of it.

  Christian looked at her, not sure if he should tell her the truth or keep quiet for now. He knew she needed to know to truly understand, but he could sense she was not ready to hear everything. It would shatter the world she knew, and it may send her fleeing from her destiny. He was not ready to risk this, so he remained quiet. He would tell her soon, but not today.

  "Let's go to the library where we can begin to practice," was all he said.

  Jazmine wanted answers, but she knew he was not going to tell her. She felt a surge of irritation and frustration with him. Part of her wanted to tell him no, she was done and walk right out of this place. But the rational part of her knew that would be suicide. The moment she left the security of this compound, Luciana would track her and she was not equipped to fight her yet. So she would continue to be their pawn. But she would find out the truth, the real reason, they were helping her.

  Christian got up and walked to his door. "I'll meet you in the library in ten," he smiled and walked into his room, closing the door behind him.


  Jazmine waited in the library for Christian to arrive. While she waited, she browsed through the books on the shelves. Many of them were in written in a language she did not know. But as she looked one caught her eye. She was about to pull out the book when Christian came rushing in. She pulled her hand back, planning to check the book out later.


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