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Dark Page 8

by Erika Phillips

  Chapter Twelve

  Christian had not come to Jazmine's room that night, which she found rather odd. But her mind was so distracted she had little time to dwell on it. She knew what she had to do today. She just was not sure how she planned to get out of the compound without Christian knowing or following her.

  Jazmine decided the best course of action was to go about her day as usual. She also made sure to hide her thoughts. The last thing she needed was for Christian to figure out what was happening because she couldn't keep him out of her head. She had improved greatly at this over the last few weeks.

  By the time she was dressed, Christian still had not shown up. Jazmine decided to go over and knock on his door to see if he planned to help her today. She knew yesterday didn't go well, but he never stayed away from her for this long.

  Jazmine walked over to the door and knocked. She waited a few seconds, and no one answered. She knocked again, "Christian, are you in there?" Still, no one came to the door. She decided to turn the knob. It was unlocked. She pushed the door ajar and peeked in. Christian was not in there. Jazmine entered his room and looked around. The bed looked as if it had not been slept in.

  Jazmine left and walked back into her room. She was now starting to get pissed. She could feel her anger start to boil when she noticed a small piece of paper folded up on her nightstand. She could have sworn that it had not been there earlier.

  Jazmine picked up the note and noticed her name written on the outside.


  I'm sorry to leave so abruptly last night. Shane stopped to see me about a rather urgent matter he needed my assistance with. I promise I will not be gone long. You are ready. I will be back tomorrow.



  Jazmine was not sure what to think. Why would he leave today of all days? This was supposed to be their last day to practice, at least that's what they had intended. Maybe this is a blessing. With Christian and Shane gone, it will be much easier to leave the compound. She was not sure what would happen or if she would come back. She loved Christian, but she was unsure if she was ready to rule alongside him, as he wished. She needed more time to figure that piece out.

  She had a strong feeling that Luciana was near, she could almost smell her. The hairs on her skin tingled and she instantly had a flash of her waiting outside in an open field for her. She knew the spot where Luciana was waiting. Jazmine could sense that she had not come alone, but that the other vampires were not a threat. Luciana wanted vengeance herself and she would not let some dim-witted vampires take a shot at Jazmine.

  Jazmine opened the door to the hallway, no one was anywhere to be found. She started to make her way to the entrance of the compound. She had not gone this way since she arrived, and she followed her senses to lead her out. When she came upon the door to the outside world, she took one last deep breath. She looked back, a part of her wondered if she would ever step foot back in this place. For some reason, she knew the answer was no.

  Jazmine inhaled deeply and walked out the door into the cold night. The air was thick and the clouds hung low in the night sky. She could feel there were others like her lurking around. She felt no sense of danger from the other vampires; they came to watch. They had been given strict orders that Jazmine was off-limits; this was Luciana's fight, not theirs. The walk to the open field was a blur. She moved with a fluid motion so that it seemed as if she was floating through the air. The field must have been a hundred miles away, but she was able to cross the distance in minutes.

  When Jazmine arrived, she looked around. The field was dark, illuminated only by the full moon. For a brief moment, she longed to see Christian one last time. To feel his hand in hers. To touch his body and make love to him. The image of him distracted her and she was caught off guard as Luciana rounded upon her.

  "So, you thought you could hide from me!" she shrieked. "Jazmine, Thane’s great love. ‘Pitiful’ is what I call you. A waste of vampire blood!" the words spat out of Luciana's mouth.

  "I'm here, ready to fight. I’ll no longer run from you, Luciana. You don't scare me," Jazmine bravely called out. "I am the great love of Thane and you only could live in my shadow. That is what bothered you the most. He wanted me, not a sad excuse of a vampire," she replied boldly.

  Luciana hissed at her words. Her fangs protruding from her gums. Jazmine had struck a chord. Luciana was pissed, yet Jazmine continued to speak. "You could only wish to be loved by Thane as he loved me. Now he is gone, and you think the others will follow you, as they did him," Jazmine laughed at her. "You can't lead anyone!"

  Luciana's face flexed with fury. "How dare you! You, who killed Thane. You will pay for your treachery. And I’ll be the one to make sure you do," Luciana leaped into the air and cut through the night sky towards Jazmine her arms extended to strangle her.

  Jazmine jumped out of the way as Luciana landed on the ground inches from her. They circled each other in the open field. Jazmine struggled to clear her mind as she tried to picture her alternate reality. Instead, it only allowed Luciana in to read her thoughts. Jazmine felt immobile as Luciana saw everything with Christian.

  "So, you kill Thane and now you love another? This man is not even of your own kind," she continued to taunt her. "The fact that you fucked a warlock is despicable. Thane would kill you himself if he was still alive. To shame us all like this."

  Jazmine tried to seal off her thoughts from Luciana, but it was no use. Once Luciana was in her head, she could not get her out. She could feel herself weakening as Luciana continued to probe through her mind. Having her in there hurt. She was able to inflict pain from within. It felt like a thousand knives were piercing her internally over and over. At that moment, Jazmine realized that she was about to lose.

  Out of the blue, another vampire appeared behind Luciana. Jazmine could see the anger in the other vampire's eyes. He flew through the air towards her ready to strike Jazmine. Luciana caught a glimpse of him. She turned around and leaped at him, striking him dead in the air. Her finger sliced straight through his neck.

  This was just enough to distract Luciana, this split second allowed Jazmine enough time to push Luciana from her thoughts. The moment she was free, she took off in a sprint, into the woods. She needed to get to a place where she could collect herself. She knew she needed to use her training now.

  Luciana flew after her, following her into the woods. When Jazmine finally stopped, she stood outside her childhood home. Jazmine looked back and saw Luciana right behind her. She opened the door and hurried inside.

  A moment later, Luciana placed her hand on the doorknob and turned it, peeking inside. "Come out, come out wherever you are," she laughed as she taunted Jazmine. Luciana stepped into the room and looked around. It was dark, but she could clearly see.

  Jazmine was in the back room, trying to find a place to hide. Luciana could smell her and smiled to herself. She crept through to the room where Jazmine hid.

  "So, you thought you could outrun me. You are a pathetic excuse for a vampire," she stated with venom in her voice. "You will soon join Thane in eternal rest and I will enjoy killing you."

  Jazmine said nothing. Her heart pounding.

  "You to deserve each other. He was no ruler and now that he is finally gone, I can take my true place among the Lamia. It should’ve been me all along that lead, not you or him," she continued as she crept along the room. "You actually did me a favor. By killing him, you allowed me to take control without having to do the dirty work. For that, I thank you," she smirked.

  Jazmine listened in disbelief. She knew she needed to act quickly. She was going to get only one chance at this and if she failed it was the end of her existence. Jazmine pulled out the dagger from her leg sheath.

  Luciana pushed the door closed to see Jazmine cowering behind it. Luciana went to grab her. Just as her arms encircled Jazmine, the apparition disappeared. "What the f--" Luciana exclaimed. The room around her started to dissolve into thin air.

sp; Jazmine used that moment to strike. She flew through the open air and grabbed Luciana from behind. Jazmine sank her teeth into her neck as she stuck the dagger into her back, piercing straight through her heart. Luciana screamed in pain and anger.

  Jazmine drank her blood until she could feel her pulse slipping away. Jazmine pulled her fangs out before taking the last few sips of Luciana's blood. She needed to know one thing and was not going to let her die just yet.

  Luciana slipped from Jazmine's grasp, straight to the ground. Jazmine reached into her pocket and produced Thane's ring. She held it in her hand and gazed upon it for a moment before thrusting it into Luciana's face. "Where did you get this?" she asked with a cold edge to her voice.

  She needed to know how Luciana had found it, Thane never took it off. Luciana had not been there when he died nor had she any idea of his body's location. Jazmine had made sure to dispose of it so no one would ever find it. Even after everything that had happened, she needed to honor his body. She took it to the one place she knew no vampire would locate it.

  She remembered looking down when she laid him to rest. The ring still on the index finger of his left hand. She had placed a kiss on the hand, which had been cold and lifeless underneath her lips. Somehow, someone had brought the ring back to her. A reminder of what he once meant to her.

  Luciana stared at her, no words rose from her lips. Jazmine shoved her hard to get her to speak. Luciana's eyes fell upon the ring in Jazmine's hand. Blood dripped from the corner of her mouth; her eyes almost vacant as the life continued to slip from her.

  "Did you leave this in my room?" she tried again, anger in her voice.

  "I was never in your room," Luciana stated blood spitting out of her mouth as she spoke.

  Jazmine searched her mind to see if she was telling her the truth. A gasp escaped her lips as she realized Luciana was not lying to her. If she had not placed it there, then who had? She looked down at Luciana as she heard her take her last breath.

  Jazmine did not move; she did not feel anything. She thought she would be elated or at least happy to be alive. But she felt even more confused. Who else was looking for her? Who else was after her? And who knew where Thane was buried? She knew that whoever had left the ring on her nightstand wanted her to know they were watching her.

  Jazmine also wondered where Christian was. He had promised her he would not interfere in her fight, but to stay away this long was another thing. The woods seemed to enclose Jazmine and she felt alone again. She looked around expecting to see the other vampires who had followed Luciana, but no one was anywhere near.

  Jazmine started to leave the spot where Luciana's body lay when she sensed someone watching her. The hair on the back of her neck shot up. She knew that someone was standing behind her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jazmine stood still; fear kept her from turning around. Just then, she saw two figures loomed before her as well. At first, she could not make out who it was. She was apprehensive that more vampires had come to succeed where Luciana had failed.

  Jazmine remained unwavering as the two figures started to make their way towards her. As they approached the moonlight glowed upon them and Jazmine could make out their silhouettes and realized it was Christian and Shane.

  A smile started to spread across her face as her legs began to sprint towards them. That was when she could make out the look of fear on Christian's face. His hand came up to point at her, trying to tell her something. It was too late. By the time she tried to call out to him to ask him what he wanted, she felt a cold hand wrap around her neck from behind.

  Her body froze, her breath ragged as the arm tightened around her neck. Jazmine could see Christian stop in his tracks just a few yards away. Jazmine felt the cold, familiar breath upon her neck and she instantly knew who held her within his death grip.

  "Have you missed me, my queen? I hope you liked the gift I left you the other night," the words hissed out from Thane's lips.

  Jazmine's blood ran cold. How could this be? She had carried his lifeless body to that grave; he had been mortally wounded. But here he was and now not only did she fear for her own life but also for the lives of Christian and Shane.

  Christian made no sudden moves. "Let her go, Thane," he yelled, outrage in his voice.

  Thane laughed wickedly. "So, Christian, we meet again. But this time I see you have tasted the pleasures of my sweet Jazmine. She is rather delicious, wouldn't you agree?" His tongue flicked out of his mouth and licked the arch of her neck. "But now I'm back and I plan to take her with me. You see, she is meant to be with me, not you. Together we will rule this world. You have filled her head with so many untruths."

  The veins in Christian's neck strained as he tried to restrain himself from attacking Thane. He knew if he even made a step towards her, Thane would kill her. He had to think. He needed to find a way to get him to let her go.

  "You'll never rule anyone," Christian replied, he started to walk to try and circle them. "And Jazmine will never be fooled by you again. She has seen the truth and she can decide her own fate."

  Jazmine tried to free herself of Thane's hold, but he was too strong for her. She needed to free herself and get Christian out of there. She knew Thane would never let him live. The small part of her that still loved Thane did not want him dead either. At that moment, she felt torn.

  Jazmine knew she needed to make a choice and whatever she decided would seal her fate and possibly the fate of many others. Thane could sense her weakening to him. A part of her still loved him and he planned to use that to his advantage.

  Thane took her face in his hand and turned it to look at him. "Come with me and I will let him live. I forgive you. You were weak and vulnerable," he stated his voice gentle. "Together we will rule nations, they will bow to our power. We'll be eternal."

  Jazmine could feel her resolve melt at his words. She had loved him once and found she still did. But she also loved Christian. Jazmine turned to face Christian, her eyes pleading with him to help her.

  Christian felt like dying as he watched the power Thane had over her. He knew he needed to get her out of his grasp, or he may lose her forever. He no longer cared about the prophecy. He needed her. Christian would risk everything for her.

  Christian started to walk towards them.

  "Stay back or I'll kill her," Thane sneered.

  "No, you won't!" Christian threatened back hoping he was correct. He continued to advance upon them. Jazmine could feel Thane's grip tighten which each step Christian took.

  She screamed out, "Christian, don't."

  But it was too late. One moment she was in Thane's death grip and the next she was laying on the ground and Shane had a hold of her. Jazmine checked all of her limbs to make sure she was intact. When she realized nothing was missing and no blood was seeping out of anywhere, she looked up to see Christian and Thane locked in battle.

  She tried to get up to go help, but Shane was too fast and held her arm tightly. She struggled against him to break free, but he was using some sort of magic to keep her there next to him. All she could do was watch helplessly as Thane and Christian's battle continued.

  Thane and Christian circled each other. "So, you think you can defeat me?" Thane jeered at him. "I’ve been around much longer than you and have killed many warlocks in my day. If you were smart, you’d leave now and save yourself."

  "You forget that I'm like no other warlock you've met before. Your arrogance will be your undoing," Christian replied back.

  Thane snarled at him; his fangs descended. He had had enough conversation. He sprang up into the air and came down on top of Christian taking him to the ground. Thane had Christian's neck in his hand and brought his fist up into the air to strike.

  Christian's hand flung into the air and caught his fist mid-strike. Thane pushed with all his might, but Christian was able to hold his blow back. He took his arm and twisted it to the right. The pain in Thane's arm forced him to release his hold on Christian's neck. Chri
stian took the opportunity to flip his body over flinging Thane off of him.

  Shane continued to hold Jazmine back. "Let me go," she snarled at Shane.

  "No. This is their fight. Christian needs to complete this on his own," he hissed back, his grip tightening around her waist.

  Jazmine watched in terror as the two fought. She wanted to stop them both. No matter what Thane had done, she didn't want to see him die. She racked her brain trying to figure out a way to save them both. She knew that only one was going to come out alive.

  Christian got up from the ground in one fluid movement. He grabbed Thane and pulled him off the ground, his fist poised to punch. His fist flew through the air with such speed that Thane had no time to react. It made direct contact with his check. Jazmine could hear the crunch of bone as Christian’s fist connected with Thane’s face. Blood flew from Thane's mouth as his head flung sideways.

  Jazmine stifled a scream as she watched. Christian still had a hold of Thane and went in for another blow. His aim was perfect. As Thane turned his head back towards Christian, his blow struck true again. Thane's head lobbed backward his face full of blood. Christian reached down to grab the dagger from the belt on his hip.

  Jazmine saw him reach for the knife. "No!" she screamed out loud this time.

  Christian turned his head towards Jazmine. That was just enough time for Thane to make his move. His fangs out, he grabbed Christian and pulled him close, his teeth sank into the soft flesh of his neck. The moment Christian felt the bite he tried to turn around but his body felt weak and he crumpled to the ground as Thane continued to drain him.

  Jazmine ripped herself free of Shane and was next to Thane within seconds. She used every ounce of strength she had to pull Thane off of Christian. Thane whirled around and hissed at her. She placed her hands on his face and looked into his eyes, "Stop! I beg you. Let him live. If you do this for me, I will go with you and never try to leave."


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