Sanctum (Blackwater Pack Book 1)

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Sanctum (Blackwater Pack Book 1) Page 36

by Hannah McBride

  "It's unusual," Gabe said, standing up. "But it's fascinating. The connection between them must be really strong." After a second, he flashed Mallory a wolfish smile. "He gets that from me."

  With a sigh and a roll of her eyes, Mallory slapped his shoulder. "We need to shift. The others will be here soon."

  I was surprised when they went in different directions to shift, ducking out of sight to remove their clothes. Mom followed Mallory to a cluster of trees to the right and Gabe headed left. The others would show up already shifted.

  In Long Mesa, it was just assumed the pack would shift together. Strip and shift.

  I always hated those nights. I was one of the last ones to shift since my wolf and I were so distant, which gave everyone plenty of time to stare at me with leering eyes.

  I always took insanely long showers when we got back, trying to scrub away the feeling of eyes crawling over my naked body.

  Sensing my unease, Remy nudged my shoulder with his nose and a low whine. I could feel the unasked question pressing against my mind.

  The pack doesn't shift together? I posed the thought as a question, trying not to focus on the past.

  He seemed confused but answered me quickly. No. The mated pairs tend to get territorial over others seeing their mate naked.

  That made complete sense. Even at Long Mesa, some of the pack had gotten into fights during a pack run. Usually it was a mated pair that instigated the incident.

  I sat down, lifting my nose to sniff the cool mountain air. It was somewhat warmer here than in Montana, the scents of mossy earth and pine trees were fresh and cozy.

  Pawing at the ground, I felt the playfulness of my wolf rising to the surface. Like I had been doing the last few weeks, I let her impulses control our actions.

  I reached over, nipping Remy's shoulder with my teeth and jumping away, tail swishing happily.

  His dark eyes glittered as he lunged at me, giving chase as I spun away and took off at an all-out run, zigzagging my way through the meadow and heading for the far tree line.

  Remy was faster than me, and I knew it wouldn't take long before he caught me, but I was stunned when sharp teeth bit down on my tail, hard enough to make me yelp and my tail sting.

  I immediately stopped, dropping to my side and trying to roll away from the hold Remy had on me.

  Ouch! I shouted at him, whimpering as he let me go.

  He dropped to his belly, crawling forward in apology. His dark eyes swung over several feet away from me.

  ... Where a giant ass bear trap lay open.

  I would have run straight into it.

  I just reacted. I didn't know how to make you stop.

  He gently licked at the part of my tail he had bitten, trying to soothe the sting.

  I'm fine. I nudged him. Thank you.

  Remy still looked upset he had hurt me, his eyes sadly looking at my tail.

  I thumped it against the ground, lifting my head to nuzzle against his and inhaling deeply.

  Remy in wolf form was more potent than Remy in human form, and I loved the smell of Remy in human form. He smelled like the woods and fresh air and something that was completely and totally just Remy.

  He smelled like Blackwater.

  He smelled like home.

  I jumped as he got to his feet suddenly, his body towering over mine, blocking me from whatever was coming.

  I slowly got to my feet, not wanting to be laying down for whatever had him alert and looking around.

  A plaintive howl sounded, followed by a cavernous echo of replying howls that sent shivers across my body. Remy instantly responded, adding his voice to the crescendo.

  Their bodies moved silently into the meadow, lithe forms peeling from the shadows and stepping into the fading twilight of the meadow.

  The pack was here.


  The drive back to school the following Sunday was peaceful.

  Again, the five of us decided to road trip back. Remy had to drive the SUV back anyway and there was no way I wasn't going with him. It was only natural that Rhodes, Larkin, and Katy, who's leg was completely healed now, came with us.

  The rest of the week at Blackwater had been incredible. Remy and I had managed to carve time out of almost every day to just be together. Even if it was only sitting on the porch swing at his house or having dinner at the café while my mom worked. I loved watching her run the restaurant and the way customers responded to her.

  Spending time with Mom was great. I absolutely loved our apartment and my room, which she left intentionally bare bones so I could paint and decorate however I wanted when we were home for winter break in a month.

  We spent Thanksgiving at the Alpha house with Remy's family, and after dinner, Katy and the twins spent several hours explaining the meaning of Brown Thursday, Black Friday, and online shopping. Apparently, there was also a Cyber Monday, but we would all be in classes for the bulk of that.

  I wasn't entirely sure what they bought or why, but they all seemed excited as they sat in the family room on their laptops. Even Remy seemed to be scrolling websites on his phone with one hand, the other wrapped around my shoulders and tucking me to his side on the couch.

  The campus was quiet when we finally made it back in the late afternoon, the sun already setting against the mountains to the west.

  Remy parked the truck and the five of us all went to the alpha cabin after making a quick stop to deposit our bags in our dorm rooms.

  Once we got inside, Katy and Larkin collapsed on the couch, looking exhausted even though we had basically sat on our asses all day.

  Rhodes immediately went to the fridge, pulled the door open and then closed it with a frown. "There's nothing to eat."

  I knew for a fact that wasn't true - there's a pantry full of canned soups and nonperishables, and that wasn’t counting stuff in the freezer - but they did clear out the fridge the weekend before so nothing would spoil and start to smell.

  "We can make a run out to the store," Remy said, rubbing the back of his neck.

  I frowned at that, seeing the weariness around his eyes. He had done most of the driving and was tired. We had all managed to take naps during the trip, but Remy stayed awake and alert the whole time.

  "Bring me back chocolate," Katy said loudly, lifting a magazine from her tote bag and settling into the couch. Larkin tucked her legs up, too, reading the same article over Katy's shoulder.

  Remy looked back at me and opened his mouth to speak, but Rhodes quickly cut him off.

  "Why don't the girls hang here?" He flashed wide eyes at me.

  Katy snorted, thumbing to the next page. "I told you, Rem."

  Remy started to laugh as Rhodes spun on her. "Told him what?"

  She barely looked at him as she kept reading. "That you were getting jealous."

  Rhodes sputtered incoherently for a second, making Larkin duck her head into Katy's shoulder to hide her laughter.

  "Jealous?" I repeated, arching a brow.

  Rhodes gave me a weak smile. "I just mean, I could use some guy time.'

  "Remy having a mate is really cutting into their bromance time," Katy quipped with a smirk.

  Remy was still laughing as his arms came around me from behind. He rested his chin on my shoulder, his thumbs hooked in the belt loops of my jeans.

  "I never said that, Katherine!" Rhodes retorted.

  Katy's head snapped up, her eyes narrowed into tiny slits. "Call me Katherine again."

  Remy's ear brushed my cheek, and I reached an arm up behind me, tangling my fingers in his hair. He turned his face into my neck, and I shivered in delicious anticipation as his lips teased my skin.

  "Okay, enough," Rhodes said suddenly.

  Remy raised his eyebrows and looked at his best friend, his fingers teasing along the waistline of my jeans as he made no move to stop touching me. I wasn't sure if I wanted to pull away or press myself against him.

  Rhodes pointed a finger at us, slapping his other hand over his eyes. "Katy's
right - you two are the worst."

  "Told you," Katy piped up from the sofa, barely glancing up from her magazine.

  "Rem, bro, come on," Rhodes pleaded, his brown eyes wide and begging as he raked his fingers through his long hair. "Skye got to have you all week-"

  "Not all week," I muttered, leaning my head against Remy's shoulder and feeling it shake under me as he tried not to laugh. We had spent a lot of time together, but I also had been with my mom and the girls. I made it a point to check in on Bella and Zara. Remy and I weren't glued together or anything.

  "Can we please have a guys' afternoon? No estrogen required?" The beta was full on begging now. It was kind of adorable to see him like this.

  "Technically men have estrogen, too," Katy added with a shrug.

  "Seriously?" Rhodes looked decidedly grossed out by that newfound info.

  Larkin nodded, glancing up at him. "Weren't you paying attention in biology?"

  Rhodes grinned wolfishly. "Not to that."

  Larkin blinked slowly before she pressed her lips together, turning back to the magazine so she wouldn't give him a response. I mentally high-fived her for not blushing at the innuendo.

  "Go," I told Remy, looking up at him.

  "You sure?" he asked, smoothing my hair away from my face.

  "Yeah. Go get stuff for the week, especially since you want to have the pack over next weekend. We need supplies. And Rhodes needs a date with you."

  "Exactly!" Rhodes cried, punching a fist in the air.

  "Told you he always wanted to date you, Remy," Katy called.

  "That's not what-"

  "Let's go," Remy said, cutting him off before it could turn into a full-on squabble between the two of them. I wondered if Remy had played peacemaker for them their whole lives.

  Talk about exhausting.

  Remy's head dipped, his lips pressing to mine. It was supposed to be a quick kiss, but I stood up on my tip-toes, chasing his mouth as he started to pull away.

  He chuckled against my mouth, the hand on my hip tightening for a second as Rhodes groaned behind us.

  "I'll be back soon," he promised when I finally let him go.

  "Good," I said, smirking. My gaze went over his shoulder to Rhodes. I made a show of sighing loudly and taking a step away from him. "He's all yours, Rhodes."

  "Finally!" Rhodes grabbed Remy's wrist, physically hauling him away from me.

  "Let go, man," Remy said, laughing as he pulled free from Rhodes. He shot me a grin that did funny things to my heart. "Any requests?"

  "Apple pie?" My stomach growled in response to my answer. Since discovering the magic of apple pie on Thanksgiving, I had become obsessed.

  Remy nodded. "You got it."

  "Lark, you want anything?" Rhodes called.

  She barely spared him a look, taking Katy's magazine from her hands and settling back against the cushions. "I'm good."

  A frown passed over Rhodes' face for a second before it cleared. He glanced at Remy. “Okay, one apple pie for Skye, chocolate for Kit-Kat, and whatever else we’ll need for the week.” He snapped his fingers. “We should do a taco bar for dinner tonight.”

  Remy grabbed the keys from the counter he tossed them on when we came inside. "Sounds good."

  There was something about watching Remy walk away from me and a door closing between us that set me on edge. Even my wolf seemed pissed off when he left us.

  I thought I was doing a good job of hiding it until I turned back to Larkin and Katy, and they were both staring at me.

  "What?" I demanded, planting my hands on my hips.

  Katy gave me a slow once-over. "You're aware he'll be back in a couple hours."

  "I know," I said with a huff, dropping into the armchair across from them. I glanced back at the fireplace wishing it was lit. The heat in the cabin had been turned down while we were away and a chill still lingered in the air.

  "You look like he just left for war and you're not going to see him for a year."

  I winced. "That bad?"

  Larkin smiled sweetly. "I think it's cute."

  Katy rolled her eyes. "You would."

  Jaw dropped in mock outrage, Larkin pushed Katy with her foot. "What the heck does that mean?"

  "It means, I'm waiting for your new lady balls to drop so you can tell Rhodes you want to jump him," Katy returned with a grin.

  I couldn't help the giggle that escaped me. I slapped my hands over my mouth, but Larkin was already glaring at me.

  "I told you - Rhodes and I are a no-go," Larkin informed us stiffly, sniffing lightly as she turned her nose up. "I'm moving on."

  Katy cracked up. "Where exactly are you moving to that you think that boy won't chase you down?"

  "If you really want to know," Larkin said slowly, a blush creeping up her cheeks, "the twins asked me out."

  My jaw dropped open like it was on a hinge. A barely intelligible squeak coming out of my mouth. How the hell was I just finding out about this?

  "What?" Katy shouted, getting to her knees on the couch and leaning towards our friend. "Way to bury the lead, Lark! When did this happen?"

  "Wait - both of them?" I asked quickly. "At the same time?"

  Larkin nodded, biting her lower lip. "Crazy, right?"

  "Can I please be there when you tell Rhodes? He's going to lose his shit." Katy clapped her hands together, her dark eyes filled with joy.

  I sucked in a sharp breath through my teeth. "I actually want to be far away from him when he finds out."

  "You guys are wrong," Larkin muttered, running a hand through the dark curtain of her hair. "Rhodes sees me like a sister. Besides, I can't spend my life waiting for him to maybe notice me one day in a future that probably doesn't exist."

  Katy's expression softened as she glanced at me and then reached for Larkin's hand. "Honey, I don't think you see what we see."

  Larkin stubbornly pulled her hand away. "Either way, I'm tired of waiting. I want to go out on a date. I want to get dressed up and kiss a boy-"

  "Boys," Katy corrected, her dimples deepening as she smirked. "As in multiple sets of lips and hands and-"

  "Okay!" Larkin laughed, waving a hand. "I get it."

  "You're living the hetero-girl dream life, Lark," Katy replied with a shrug. "Two hot guys at your beck and call?"

  "It's just a date," Larkin said in exasperation, trying to downplay it.

  "Back me up, Skye." Katy looked at me expectantly. "What straight female wouldn't want two gorgeous guys worshiping at her altar?"

  The idea of picturing a third person in my relationship with Remy had me simultaneously sick and angry. My wolf was furious at the idea of anyone except Remy touching me. Touching us.

  Katy arched a brow as she read my look. "Okay, maybe not every girl's dream."

  "It's weird," I admitted, "but as soon as you said it ... there was like this gut reaction that made me want to throw up. The idea of being with anyone else makes me really pissed off."

  "That bond is no joke," Larkin murmured.

  I absently rubbed my chest. "You're telling me."

  A chime filled the air, and Larkin pulled out her phone, glancing at the screen. "Oh good! I can pick up my extra credit assignment from Mrs. Carver. She's back."

  Katy made a face, her nose scrunching up. "You're picking up more extra credit?"

  Larkin got up, tucking her phone back into the pockets of her jeans. "If I want to graduate with you guys, I need a couple more credits."

  "We can come with you," I offered, getting up. I gave Katy a look and she reluctantly got to her feet.

  "Fine. Group trip to go into school before we physically have to," the redhead said with a sarcastic smile.

  We pulled on our coats and headed out into the cold night air. A new layer of snow had fallen while we were gone, and I could almost smell more snow in the air.

  "When does Maren get back?" I asked Katy as we started down the path.

  Katy sighed loudly, her feet crunching on the gravel of the pathw
ay leading to the main building. "Not until tomorrow evening. Flights from their part of Alaska are sketchy and they had a big storm this morning. The plane can't leave until tomorrow."

  Larkin hummed under her breath. "Have you guys thought about what you'll do after graduation?"

  Katy shook her head, catching her lower lip between her teeth. "No. I think we're both trying not to think about it."

  "Do you think you'll leave Blackwater?" I asked hesitantly, hating the idea of Katy being hundreds of miles away.

  "I don't see me ever leaving home," Katy admitted. "That's kind of the problem. Maren's entire family is in Brooks Ridge. Her parents, grandparents ... She doesn't want to leave them anymore than I want to leave mine."

  I hooked an arm through Katy's as we approached the steps to the doors. "I'm sorry. That really sucks."

  She shot me a wry smile. "Wouldn't it be easier if we were mates?"

  Larkin frowned. "You still would have to figure out whose family to leave and which pack to be part of."

  Katy stuck her tongue out at Larkin.

  I couldn't help but be relieved that deciding what pack to be part of wasn't an issue Remy and I had to face. Thank God we were both heading back to Blackwater once we graduated.

  Katy made a face, her eyes narrowing as we walked by the girls’ dorm. “Is that Ainsley?”

  I turned and looked. “I think so.”

  “Hey, Ainsley!” Larkin called.

  The brunette looked up from where she was messing with her phone on the front steps.

  Katy turned and gave her a wide eyes look. “What the hell, Lark?”

  Larkin narrowed her eyes. “Oh, come on. She has, like, no friends. I saw her over break and she even apologized to me.”

  “An apology is the least she could do,” Katy shot back, grimacing as Ainsley stood up and started walking over to us. “She’s the devil’s best friend!”

  “You know Sierra blew her off after Remy made her pick between us and Trace,” Larkin reminded her.

  Katy rolled her eyes and threw her hands in the air. “Oh, for fu-”

  “Hey, guys,” Ainsley said as she slowly approached. She stopped several feet away.

  “When did you get back?” Larkin asked, ignoring the way Katy was glaring at her.


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