Rockland: A Mafia Billionaire Romance

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Rockland: A Mafia Billionaire Romance Page 8

by Shanna Handel

  I whisper, “What place is that?” My bare breasts stand at attention, wanting, waiting.

  His gaze searches mine. “Submission.”

  The word from his lips sends a thrill though me, a tremble dances down my spine. Breathlessly I ask, “And how does one get to this place of... submission?”

  “I’ll show you.” He takes my hand and leads me around the back of the couch to the front. There’s imprints from my hands in the soft leather. He sits down. His thighs spread apart. He gives me a reprimanding look that sends shivery pulses down my back. His hand grasps mine and in one tug, he pulls my naked body over his lap. The fabric of his clothing is rough against the skin of my belly. I rest my upper body on the couch, folding my hands beneath my head. Trying to make myself comfortable. But every nerve in my body seems to be on high alert.

  He says, “We’d do well to begin our time together with me teaching you a lesson in respect.”

  Oh, yes, sir, please teach me a lesson! My pussy, still throbbing from his attention, gushes, eager for more pleasure.

  But then, he’s spanking me. And it’s nothing like I expected. His hand is falling right, then left, right then left, in the same spot on alternate cheeks each time. It’s a sharp, hard slap. Expertly placed on the center of my jiggling cheeks. He’s spanking me over and over. It’s so much faster, harder than the belting, the pain comes quickly. He’s saying, “You’re going to be a good girl. And do what you’re told. Or you’ll be finding yourself in this position daily. And there will be no more panties around here. I want your bottom bare beneath your clothes every minute of the day as a reminder to behave.”

  The sharp smacks rain down and it’s so painful, I want to block his hand with mine. But I know better than to reach back, protect myself. My hands curl in tight fists. Press against my cheeks. My face scrunching up as I try not to cry out. I can’t even contemplate the command he’s given me of no panties anymore—I’m too focused on my aching bottom.

  His tempo accelerates. My ass is absolutely on fire. I can’t believe how much pain I’m in! I’ve never been spanked like this. Not even the first time when Rockland administered it. My legs start to kick, my hips wiggling, trying to escape his punishing hand. I can no longer hold in my cries and I shout, “Rockland, stop spanking me! I’ll be good! I promise I’ll be good.”

  He swings his leg around, locking my legs to his and rendering them useless.

  He says, “No kicking, Tessie. Take your punishment like a lady.”

  I squirm. I whine, “What did I even do? Surely I’ve not been bad enough to deserve this.” My fingers wrap around the edge of the cushion, squeezing as if to alleviate the sting in my ass.

  He keeps spanking as he speaks. “You most certainly have. You’ve not been taking care of yourself. Then, when I came here to do the job you haven’t, you’ve been nothing but sassy and difficult with me. This spanking is one you’ll not forget—one that will set the tone of what you can expect during my stay with you.”

  His spanks stop for a moment. I sigh in relief. But then I sense his palm hovering over my poor, throbbing ass. A smack comes down, then more after that. But this time, each hearty smack is punctuated by a word. “I will be the head of this household.”

  He knows these are the words I need to hear. He knows that the punishment, combined with his strict, yet caring words are what it will take to earn me.

  My heart cries with relief. He’s giving me what I’ve needed for so long.

  Overwhelmed with emotion, tears form in my eyes. They begin to fall freely. My bottom feels like one aching, fiery mess. It throbs so much I don’t even realize the punishment has ended. That his stinging palm is now gently caressing my ass. Great big sobs begin to rack my body as I lay limply over his lap. I’m a wreck. A mess.

  With each sob, the anger leaves my body. Anger that I’ve kept pent up for two years. Anger at the world, fate, death. I cry and cry as my soul is cleansed of the weight I’ve been carrying.

  And he just lets me cry.

  His hand moves up, begins to softly stroke my back. Smoothing the locks of my hair. He’s shushing me. When I’m calmer, he lifts me from his legs. Gathers me into his arms. Pulls my naked bottom right into his lap. I wince at the pain of the contact, but quickly forget. My arms wrap around his strong shoulders and I bury my face into the crook of his neck. He’s warm and strong and smells of sun and salt. He’s smoothing my hair, his rough beard tickles my cheeks as he softly croons, “There, there, princess. Let it all out. You’ve had such a hard time. You’ve been so strong. Let me be strong for you now. Let me take care of you.”

  I have no words. I nod my head, nuzzling my damp cheek further into him. Grabbing his collar in both of my hands and holding onto him for dear life. His arms wrap around my naked back, creating a warm cocoon of protection around me. He’s swaying me gently in his lap.

  But I fear the evidence of my arousal—the wetness from my... yoni—may be soaking through his pants.

  Chapter Five


  How long have I wanted to hold her like this in my arms? To feel her warmth against my chest? To inhale the perfume of the scent that can be called none other than... Tess.

  Her punished bottom presses against my thigh, my leg getting damp from her sweet nectar. My cock threatens to push back as it rouses from its slumber.

  I’ve got to stop this. Before things go too far.

  Could I have punished her with clothing on? Would that have made it easier to resist the temptation of her body now? Yes. But that’s not what Tess needed. She needed to be stripped bare. Robbed of her comforts, her anger.

  She needed to be commanded. Owned.

  I want to show her how I yield my power over every inch of her body, including that now smarting beautiful ass of hers.

  But it’s not to be. I’m her guardian and I’ll not mix business with pleasure. No matter how much my cock demands it.

  No matter how much my heart aches as I untangle her from my arms. I stand her up. Tell her to get dressed.

  She stands before me. Beautiful breasts heave with her deep sighs. Her hair a ring of fire, her face rosy and splotched. Her gaze finds mine and I’m robbed of my breath. Big brown soulful eyes filled with need. And pure, unadulterated desire.

  I stay seated, gazing up at her. My hands, with a mind of their own, slowly trail up the backs of her bare thighs. Cup her bottom in the palms of my hands. A gentle squeeze. She gives a little gasp of pain, of delight. Her eyelids grow heavy and her teeth sink into her bottom lip. Her hands go to my shoulders and she leans into me.

  Her breast finds my mouth and I take the opportunity given to me. My tongue lashes out, taunting her tight bud. She moans with pleasure, her nails sinking into my skin. I take her nipple in my mouth and suck and bite it until she’s weak in the knees. My fingertips dig into the punished skin of her ass as I continue to lick and suck and bite and tease.

  I slip a finger between her legs, gathering the slickness of her arousal. My hands go back to that perfect bottom, my now lubed finger sliding up the crack in her ass. She makes a mewing noise as if to protest, but I ignore it and press against the taut bud I want to own.

  Her head flies back as she gives an excited gasp of shame. “Oh, Rockland, don’t!”

  But her body says don’t stop.

  I press further, fighting the tight ring of muscles and penetrating her private hole. Her belly presses against my cheek and I lean into her soft flesh, inhaling the scent of her flower as it rises toward me. I slide a finger from my other hand into her sweet entrance while still pressing into her ass with the other. I feel her toes curl against my foot as her breathing quickens. I pump the digits within her, the walls of her core tightening around it. My finger plunges deeper into her ass as a second finger enters her. Stretching and filling her in both places.

  Her hands find my hair, my neck. Her nails dig into my skin as she squeals with pleasure. I kiss and bite the soft stretch of her torso as I continue to
penetrate her.

  Sliding my hands from within her, I give her ass a slap, then grab it in my hands, squeezing hard as I stand. My mouth finds hers and she kisses me with such an urgency it makes my balls tighten to the point of discomfort. Locked onto her lips, I quickly slip my pants from my waist, pushing them to the floor. I kiss her deeper, my tongue exploring hers as I grab her shoulders. Breaking our kiss, I sit back down on that couch, ready to christen the damn thing.

  My cock springs up hard and ready. Her gaze takes me in—all of me—and in her eyes is nothing but deep longing. I grab her hips and she knows exactly what to do. She climbs onto the couch, her legs spread, one knee delicately balanced on either side of my thighs. I watch, my breath catching in my throat as she rises above me.

  A beautiful, wild animal.

  She hovers over me, lining her tight entrance over the head of my cock.

  Teasing me.

  “Naughty girl, just because you’re on top doesn’t mean you’re in control.” I grab her hips, digging my fingertips into her soft flesh. Her eyes widen, her mouth gaping in surprise. With one sharp tug, I bring her down, hard, right onto my cock. She gasps, the notion she was in control evaporated from her mind. I raise my hips, thrusting my pelvis upward and fill her with the full length of my cock as she screams my name.


  The sound of her husky voice crying my name makes my balls tighten, my cock thrust harder. It feel so fucking good to finally be buried inside of her, her muscles tightening around me. I bring my hips down, then up again in one hard concentrated move. My cock is harder than it’s ever been, the tension in the base tight as a spring.

  It’s the best fuck of my life.

  But I can’t tear my gaze from her face. There’s a beautiful rosy flush rising in her cheeks. Her lips are parted, her eyes closed, head tilted back in ecstasy.

  The one I’ve desired for years. My hands cup her breasts as I thrust within her. I want to own every inch of her body. But it’s more than that. I want her mind. I want her heart.

  I want her to want me. All of me.

  I’m letting my emotions rule me. I’m too close to confessing my feelings for her.

  I wrap my arms around her lower back. Tell her to hold on. She looks at me, confused, her eyes sleepy with sex. She wraps her arms around my neck. And I stand, lifting her. Holding her against me, her legs tightly wrapped around my torso. My cock still buried deep within her.

  She gives a laugh. A lovely, tinkling laugh I haven’t heard in a long time. My lips find hers and I kiss her as I carry her around the couch. Carefully, I slip myself from within her. Placing her tiny body down, her feet burying in the carpet. Her wide eyes look up at me as she says, “What now?”

  It’s just a fuck. It’s only fucking.

  “This,” I give her a wicked grin, grab her hips and twist her around, bending her over the couch as she was before. Her hands press into the leather, her hair hanging down over her face. I stare at her reddened ass—freshly spanked by my hand—then wrap my hands around her waist.

  She parts her legs, glancing over at me for a second. Our eyes lock and my heart pounds at the vulnerability in her gaze. I slide my cock between her legs and she lets out a long, pleasure-filled moan. “Oh, Rockland. It feels even better this way.”

  She’s so short I’ve got to bend my knees and adjust but moments later I’m in position, thrumming away and pounding her against me. My balls smack against her bottom as her sheath tightens against my cock. I’m fucking hard and fast. Her breaths come in short bursts until she’s whimpering my name. She’s on tiptoe, throwing that red mane back as she cranes her neck and cries “Rockland!” over and over.

  It’s music to my mind, my heart.

  Her intimate muscles tighten further and she’s coming, hard and fast. The noises that rise from her throat almost make me come but I reach my hands beneath my balls and squeeze.

  I can’t come yet—I’ve got one more place I need to take her.

  She’s hanging over the couch. Panting. Recovering from her orgasm. I slide myself from within her as she’s panting, “Rockland. That was fantastic. I’ve never felt anything like it. But... did you come?”

  Her words cut off as she senses the tip of my hardened cock in the crack of her ass. She gives a nervous giggle, saying, “What are you planning to do with that?”

  I press against her tight hole. She gives a gasp of surprise as she moans, “No!”

  “Yes,” I say. I grab around her waist and slowly push the head of my cock, slick with the lube of her pussy and the juices of her climax, against the unwilling muscles of her pert little ass.

  Now she’s moaning, “No...” Her voice low, sensual. Her fingers splay as she smooths them against the buttery leather. Her muscles relax as she takes me inside of her. I move slowly, pressing further within her as she begins to sigh with pleasure.

  It’s so fucking tight—I won’t last long.

  My fingers travel around the front of her thighs. Slip between the lips of her sweet pussy. Press her clit. Give a few good thrusts. She’s mewing. Rocking her hips back to meet me. Rubbing against my caressing hand. Her muscles tighten around my cock. My balls constrict, my cock further hardening. Just as she begins to cry out in the throes of a second climax, I give one more good, hard thrust. I watch as her face constricts, her lovely mouth forming the sound of my name. A vision to my eyes, music to my ears as she comes. “Rockland! Yes, Rockland!”

  Then I explode. Coming harder than I ever have before. My breath leaves my body. The pressure peaks, sending an all-consuming shudder throughout my entire body. With a deep breath, I relax, all tension leaving my limbs.

  The need to hold her is suddenly as strong as the need to come had been. I slide from within her. Gather her into my arms. Kiss her mouth. She kisses me back and there’s a new sensation behind her lips.

  Her submission.

  She melts into my chest. Sighs as I kiss her again. My arms press into her naked flushed skin. I hold her tighter against me.

  As if she was mine.

  There’s a pang in my chest—a tug at my heart. I know my position here is only temporary. I’m a fool to treat it as anything other than that. I untangle her from my arms. Give her a reassuring smile. Clean both of us up with my soft cotton shirt. I’ll toss it in the trash later and get another. Slip her dress over her naked body.

  She blushes, smiles, and says, “No panties.”

  I murmur, “Good girl. Time for you to replenish all those calories you’ve burned.”

  I take her down to the kitchen. Sit her on a stool at the island. I open her refrigerator, satisfied to find that my orders were carried out perfectly. I take out the cheese, milk, butter. I find the freshly baked bread waiting on the counter.

  I turn to find her looking at me with a crumpled brow. For once, she’s obeyed my orders. She’s seated primly on the stool. Her cheeks are flushed. Her hair cascades messily down her back. Gorgeous. She eyes the stockpile, asking me, “Where’d all that stuff come from?”

  “You mean, food? It’s a staple. You’ll find it in most kitchens.” I pull out a skillet, waiting for her witty comeback. When I don’t get one, I turn over my shoulder, glancing at her.

  She’s looking down at her hands, fiddling with her fingers. In a small voice, she replies, “I haven’t had much of an appetite, I guess.”

  Sorrow penetrates my heart. She looks so small, lost. I’m here to help her with that. I walk over to her. My tone is gentle, coaxing. “Of course you haven’t. I apologize.” I touch the bottom of her chin with my fingers. Tilt her head up until her gaze meets mine. “But you have to eat, sweetheart.”

  She shrugs. I get to work, and she watches as I cook. A few minutes later, there’s two golden brown grilled cheese sandwiches on plates. And two tall glasses of whole milk.

  She takes the plate I give her. Eyeing the food warily. The milk, she pushes away, her nose wrinkling adorably. “I haven’t drunk milk since I was a kid. Unless you�
��re counting White Russians, of course. I could sure go for one of those right about now.”

  “Whole milk has calories and calcium—two things you desperately need. Now take a bite of that sandwich.” I give her a hard stare.

  She shifts uncomfortably on her sore, well-loved ass. My cock stiffens at the sight of her squirming. She lifts the bread to her mouth, taking a tiny, delicate bite. Her eyes widen in surprise as she chews. “It’s good!”

  “What were you expecting it to be?” I ask. I sit beside her. Take a bite of my sandwich. Not half bad.

  She shrugs, side-eyeing me. “You just don’t look... domesticated.”

  “What do I look like?” I ask, holding in a chuckle.

  That pretty blush rises in her cheeks. She says, “I don’t know... a hot mafia bad boy, I guess. Like a man who has people to cook for him. Yet—you can cook. You like beat-up trucks. And you live in a hut. Right? I guess you can’t judge a book by a cover.”

  This is... fun. Light. Sitting beside her, sharing food. Bantering. “I don’t live in a hut. For your information.”

  “Well, where do you live? Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever been told.” She happily takes another delicate bite from her sandwich.

  I say, “Have you ever asked?”

  She shrugs her tiny shoulders, the blades poking against the thin fabric of her dress. God, I can’t wait to see some more meat on those bones. “Not really. Considering you and I could barely tolerate to be in the same room together in the past. I didn’t pay much attention to your habitat.”

  A pain strikes me in my chest. Remembering those times. Not being able to be in a room alone with her. But for Tess, it was from an unpleasant hatred of me.

  For me on the other hand...

  She interrupts my thoughts by saying, “Tell me. About your home.”

  I take a sip of milk. How do I explain my home to her? It’s so different from here, the Village she’s grown accustomed to. I say, “It’s called the Parish. Not many of the family here know about it, we like to keep the knowledge of our existence scarce. That way if any Bachmans from the Village or Hamlet run into trouble, they can easily disappear.”


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