I Know the Truth

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I Know the Truth Page 1

by M A Comley


  M A Comley

  Jeamel Publishing Limited

  New York Times and USA Today bestselling author M A Comley

  Published by Jeamel Publishing limited

  Copyright © 2020 M A Comley

  Digital Edition, License Notes

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Also by M A Comley



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  Keep in touch with the author

  Also by M A Comley

  Blind Justice (Novella)

  Cruel Justice (Book #1)

  Mortal Justice (Novella)

  Impeding Justice (Book #2)

  Final Justice (Book #3)

  Foul Justice (Book #4)

  Guaranteed Justice (Book #5)

  Ultimate Justice (Book #6)

  Virtual Justice (Book #7)

  Hostile Justice (Book #8)

  Tortured Justice (Book #9)

  Rough Justice (Book #10)

  Dubious Justice (Book #11)

  Calculated Justice (Book #12)

  Twisted Justice (Book #13)

  Justice at Christmas (Short Story)

  Justice at Christmas 2 (novella)

  Prime Justice (Book #14)

  Heroic Justice (Book #15)

  Shameful Justice (Book #16)

  Immoral Justice (Book #17)

  Toxic Justice (Book #18)

  Overdue Justice (Book #19)

  Unfair Justice (a 10,000 word short story)

  Irrational Justice (a 10,000 word short story)

  Seeking Justice (a 15,000 word novella)

  Caring For Justice (a 24,000 word novella)

  Savage Justice (a 17,000 word novella Featuring THE UNICORN)

  Clever Deception (co-written by Linda S Prather)

  Tragic Deception (co-written by Linda S Prather)

  Sinful Deception (co-written by Linda S Prather)

  Forever Watching You (DI Miranda Carr thriller)

  Wrong Place (DI Sally Parker thriller #1)

  No Hiding Place (DI Sally Parker thriller #2)

  Cold Case (DI Sally Parker thriller#3)

  Deadly Encounter (DI Sally Parker thriller #4)

  Lost Innocence (DI Sally Parker thriller #5)

  Goodbye, My Precious Child (DI Sally Parker #6)

  Web of Deceit (DI Sally Parker Novella with Tara Lyons)

  The Missing Children (DI Kayli Bright #1)

  Killer On The Run (DI Kayli Bright #2)

  Hidden Agenda (DI Kayli Bright #3)

  Murderous Betrayal (Kayli Bright #4)

  Dying Breath (Kayli Bright #5)

  Taken (Kayli Bright #6 coming March 2020)

  The Hostage Takers (DI Kayli Bright Novella)

  No Right to Kill (DI Sara Ramsey #1)

  Killer Blow (DI Sara Ramsey #2)

  The Dead Can’t Speak (DI Sara Ramsey #3)

  Deluded (DI Sara Ramsey #4)

  The Murder Pact (DI Sara Ramsey #5)

  Twisted Revenge (DI Sara Ramsey #6)

  The Lies She Told (DI Sara Ramsey #7)

  For The Love Of… (DI Sara Ramsey #8) coming July 2020

  Run For Your Life (DI Sara Ramsey #9) Coming August 2020

  I Know The Truth (A psychological thriller)

  The Caller (co-written with Tara Lyons)

  Evil In Disguise – a novel based on True events

  Deadly Act (Hero series novella)

  Torn Apart (Hero series #1)

  End Result (Hero series #2)

  In Plain Sight (Hero Series #3)

  Double Jeopardy (Hero Series #4)

  Criminal Actions (Hero Series #5)

  Regrets Mean Nothing (Hero #6)

  Sole Intention (Intention series #1)

  Grave Intention (Intention series #2)

  Devious Intention (Intention #3)

  Merry Widow (A Lorne Simpkins short story)

  It’s A Dog’s Life (A Lorne Simpkins short story)

  A Time To Heal (A Sweet Romance)

  A Time For Change (A Sweet Romance)

  High Spirits

  The Temptation series (Romantic Suspense/New Adult Novellas)

  Past Temptation

  Lost Temptation

  Cozy Mystery Series

  Murder at the Wedding

  Murder at the Hotel

  Murder by the Sea

  Tempting Christa (A billionaire romantic suspense co-authored by Tracie Delaney #1)

  Avenging Christa (A billionaire romantic suspense co-authored by Tracie Delaney #2)


  Thank you as always to my rock, Jean, I’d be lost without you in my life.

  Special thanks as always go to @studioenp for their superb cover design expertise.

  My heartfelt thanks go to my wonderful editor Emmy Ellis, my proofreaders Joseph, Barbara and Jacqueline for spotting all the lingering nits.

  Thank you also to my amazing ARC group who help to keep me sane during this process.

  To Mary, gone, but never forgotten. I hope you found the peace you were searching for my dear friend.


  Thankfully, she landed on her feet with a heavy thud, relieved to be back on solid ground. In the distance, the mighty roar of an explosion followed by plumes of orange-and-grey smoke filled the air over the mountains.

  That was her cue to get out of there. To distance herself before she was discovered.

  She tore off her backpack and tried to gather the billowing fabric in the gusty wind as it hampered her efforts. Her task completed, she bolted for the trees ahead. Running as fast as her tired, shaking legs would carry her. Her chest hurting, her heart pounding and her fear intensifying with each frantic step.

  Why had she done it?

  After years of living through that hell, a cruel existence, what had made her finally crack?

  She paused to catch her breath, her body trembling out of control as the realisation and shock set in.

  Don’t stop! I need to get as far away from here as possible. If the truth ever comes out…my life as I know it will end…


  Lucy left the house just before seven that evening. It was April, a nippy chill in the evening air, but not so bad as to warrant her spoiling her beautiful outfit by covering it with a coat. She’d spent a small fortune on the sparkly sequinned top; it would be a shame if no one saw it. She had agreed to meet Trisha in town as she lived a few miles on the other side. It would be silly for Trisha to come all the way over here to pick her up, even though Trisha had tried to insist. Trisha was her one and only good friend, the person she could rely on most in this world.

  She had no o
ne else.

  Her stilettos clacked against the pavement. It sounded like a radio prop they likely used back in the sixties. She imagined a man standing near a microphone, bashing two coconut shells together, and chuckled.

  It was good hearing herself laugh. She hadn’t done very much of that over the years, not really. Life hadn’t been as kind to her as it had to others. One constant, who helped to keep her spirits up, was Trisha. Some would call her a tad nutty, but Lucy loved her wayward wit. It was what made her stand out from the crowd.

  The neon lights of the wine bar beamed ahead of her. Not far now, thank goodness, as her feet had begun hurting nearly half a mile back. What was she thinking, wearing high heels when she intended to walk over a mile into town? It wasn’t the brightest idea she’d had recently.

  Trisha was standing by the door, waiting for her. She jumped up and down with excitement. “God, I thought you weren’t coming. I was about to ring you.” She kissed her on both cheeks and squeezed her tightly.

  “Am I late? I left my watch at home and had no idea of the time.”

  Trisha shook her head in disgust. “Ideal way to keep track of the time…not. What are you like? I don’t suppose it occurred to you to look at your phone? Still, let’s not let it spoil our evening. We’ve got a lot of making up to do.” She hooked her arm through Lucy’s and steered her towards the busy bar.

  “I’m sorry. Have you been waiting long?” she shouted above the noise of the other punters chatting and the music playing in the background.

  “Forget about it, it’s done and dusted, and you’re here now. What do you want to drink?”

  “I’m not sure what I fancy. What are you having?”

  “Prosecco. Want the same?”

  “Go on then, you’ve twisted my arm.”

  They stayed together at the bar until Trisha was served and then they headed towards the tables. They managed to find a small one right at the back. Not ideal, but it would do for now.

  “You’re looking good, Lucy. What’s your secret?”

  Lucy chuckled. “You’re nuts. I’ve done nothing different, not lately.” She ran a hand down the length of her blonde hair. It had taken her a while to get used to the new colour. Now she felt a natural blonde, if that made sense.

  Trisha beamed at her. “You’re amazing…just saying.”

  “You’re pretty spectacular yourself. How’s work?”

  “Do we have to discuss it? My tyrant of a boss has been expecting me to put in the hours lately for very little compensation.”

  “What? No overtime pay?”

  “Yep, keeps saying the business is suffering and we all have to be prepared to make sacrifices or face losing our jobs.”

  “What a cheeky shit! I hope you told him where to get off with that notion.”

  “I did, after a few nights of working an extra hour or two. It’s about time he stopped taking me for granted. I love working at the gallery, but if he wants to extend the hours, he needs to step up and do the extra hours himself.”

  “Too right. He should be the one to forfeit his evenings for no pay, not you. I can’t believe the audacity of the man, he’s so inconsiderate. Have you thought about moving on?”

  “I’ve thought about it, but not really looked into it. I can’t say I’ve had a lot of spare time recently. Anyway, who wants to talk about my boring work? We’re here to have some fun. It’s been at least a month since I’ve seen you in the flesh. What’s been happening in your exciting world?”

  Lucy’s eyes widened. “Are you kidding me? Exciting world? That’ll be the day. I’ve been working my butt off as usual, rarely go out because I can’t afford to. My salary just covers the rent and barely anything else.”

  Trisha raised a hand to stop her. “There’s a solution to that. I’ve told you countless times to move in with me.”

  “And I love you for suggesting it. I just think living on top of each other could jeopardise our friendship.”

  “What a bunch of crap, as if we’d allow that to happen. Honestly, my house is your house, especially after what you’ve been through.” Trisha had the decency to lower her voice when she mentioned the last part.

  Lucy subconsciously ran a hand over her hair again. It was a constant reminder of her past. “We’ll see. Money is super tight, and it would be an ideal solution. Let me think about it, all right?”

  “Take all the time in the world, love. The offer is there for you. How’s your job going? It’s taken you a while to settle in, hasn’t it?”

  “Yeah, this is the fifth job I’ve had since…you know, but I feel good about this one. Working at the travel agent’s appears to suit me, and the money is better than the other jobs I’ve had. At least I have the funds to feed myself properly these days—nothing else, mind.” She laughed, trying to brush off how poor she felt.

  Trisha’s smile faded. “I’m worried about you. Please come and live with me? You’re wasting away. I see the proof. You might think you’re disguising it well by wearing a baggy top, young lady.”

  Lucy’s cheeks warmed under her friend’s scrutiny. “I’m fine. I wanted to shed a few pounds to feel better about myself. I’m at a good weight now.”

  “I could always slice off a few of my pounds and attach them to your thighs. Promise me you won’t lose any more weight?”

  She rolled her eyes and sipped her drink. “I promise. Enough about me. What about that new fella of yours? I want to know all the gossip, the ins and outs.”

  Trisha chuckled. “Really? All the bedroom secrets? You’d be surprised what that man can do with a loo brush.”

  “Oh my! No, spare me the details, please.”

  “Your face is a picture. As if I’d allow someone near me with one of those. I was winding you up.”

  “Oh dear, gullible me. The trouble is, I never know when you’re telling the truth or pulling my leg.”

  “After all these years, that’s very disappointing.” Trisha wagged her finger.

  “I know. Silly me. I need to nip to the loo, the prosecco has gone right through me. You stay here, guard the table with your life.”

  Trisha nodded, and Lucy set off. She weaved her way through the bustling crowd, which had increased considerably since they’d arrived, to the ladies’ toilet situated halfway through the wine bar. “Ouch!” She slapped a man’s arm. “Clumsy idiot. You just stepped on my size fives with your size tens.”

  “Sorry, love. I was trying to get out of your way. Want me to kiss it better for you?” He bent over and tugged at her leg.

  She slapped him again. “No, thank you! Get your hands off me.”

  The group of friends he was with erupted into laughter.

  One of the other men shouted, “Don’t mind him, love, he’s desperate for a date.”

  “Oi, Badger, no I ain’t,” the great oaf replied.

  “He might be, but I’m not,” she said, sweeping her mane of hair over her shoulder and continuing on her journey.

  She sighed once she reached the toilet door. There was a queue. She joined the end of it and waited patiently for her chance to come. She decided to do a spot of people-watching to while away the time. Most of the women in there went to the loo, failed to wash their hands, and then messed around with either their hair or makeup before they exited the main door. She shuddered at the thought of touching the loo door after them. And they wonder why there are so many germs around these days.

  She did her business, made a point of washing her hands with the soap provided and dried them on the paper towel from the dispenser. She took an extra one and used it on the handle of the door to protect her hands. She had standards to uphold. Lucy opened her handbag and tucked the towel inside and set off back to the table again. There was an outer door she had to go through, and a man pulled it open as she reached for it. His sapphire-blue eyes sparkled with amusement. She stepped back to allow him past.

  “No, I insist, after you.” He bowed and motioned for her to pass.

  “Why, thank
you, kind sir. I guess the art of chivalry isn’t dead after all.”

  He tilted his head, his smile still in place, and asked, “Sorry, am I missing something?”

  She pointed at the great oaf who’d flattened her foot moments earlier. “I had a run-in with him before. He stood on my foot.”

  “Ah.” His gaze drifted down to the floor. “It’s such a pretty foot, I can understand why he took a fancy to it.”

  They both laughed. “Thanks, I think. I’d better get back to my friend.”

  “That’s a shame.”

  She frowned. “Why?”

  “I was enjoying your company,” he said without faltering.

  Her cheeks warmed beneath his gaze. “You flatter me, sir.”

  “I’d like to do more than that. Would you be up to going out for a drink with me?”

  “I…er…I’m not sure.” Run for the hills, you know you want to. Don’t you dare accept. You could be walking into another trap.

  “Why the hesitation? Oh, sorry, do you have a boyfriend?” he asked.

  “No, it’s nothing like that. Maybe now isn’t the right time.”

  He took a card from his shirt pocket and handed it to her. “Ring me if you change your mind. I’m Matthew, by the way.”

  She accepted the card and slipped it in her handbag without studying it. “Thanks, I’m not sure I will. But it was nice meeting you.”

  “Believe me, when I say this, the feeling is mutual. You’re a beautiful young woman.”

  Again, her cheeks flared under his intense gaze. “See you around,” she flung over her shoulder as she swept past him and made her way through the crowd and back to Trisha, intentionally avoiding the big oaf en route.


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