The Heist

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The Heist Page 10

by Leopold Borstinski

  So by the time they got back to their hotel room, they were both soaked in high grade liquor. High grade liquor and lust.

  In their room, as soon as the door was closed behind them, the pair turned to each other and kissed, hugging close and leaning their legs into each other to try to make their whole bodies merge into one. Mary Lou raised her right leg and rubbed Frank’s left leg with her knee. He held onto her thigh as it got near to his hand and stroked that inner leg until he reached her crotch. Then he let his fingers touch her panties: stroke, investigate, probe her bush through the material. And then a finger went under the panties and touched her hairs, gently pushed inside her and stayed there while Frank rocked that finger back and forth. Mary Lou experienced the intensity of that finger, the power of that finger inside her.

  And the most amazing thing about that experience was Frank had never done anything like that before. She knew this as it was happening, but thought about it again when Frank slept with his head on her stomach in the middle of the night. Never made her come like that before. Ever. Period. And then the same thing happened the following night with fewer martinis and a lot more care and time. Frank was one good man.

  Having spent the entire night touching, licking and thrusting themselves until after the sun peeked over the horizon, Mary Lou and Frank exited their hotel room with the strong aroma of their bodily fluids. And left the haven of Miami for the harsh reality of suburban Baltimore.

  They were each totally exhausted but completely satisfied. Both calm and comfortable with each other’s bodies. Calm in the presence of the other. So much so Frank decided Mary Lou would be able to survive the job, providing he could ensure he stopped her from spending so much time with the bank clerk.


  The next day Mary Lou phoned Carter and met up with him on the Sunday evening. The good news: Carter was horny and easy to con; his concern for Mary Lou’s fictional mother was fleeting, so she didn’t need to go into any convoluted explanations or lies. The bad news: he was horny and impossible to distract outside of his tunnel vision sex thoughts.

  So this meant, despite all the great times she’d had with Frank the past week, Mary Lou found herself in bed with Carter without any insight into what was happening at the bank, if anything.

  With Miami still firmly lodged in her brain, and Frank’s newfound consideration for her body, Mary Lou was veering towards sticking with Frank and the last thing she really fancied doing was spending the night with Carter, despite his general homeliness and immediate sexual desire.

  As ever, she had cooked them a pesto based pasta meal and they were sitting on the sofa, just as they had so many times before. Only this time, Carter truly had bedroom eyes.

  “Is your mother better now?”

  “What? Er ... yes, thank goodness.”


  “By the time I got down there, she was on the mend, so all I really had to do was cook her meals, keep the place tidy for her and things like that. No big deal. And because she was sleeping most of the time, because she was tired, I got a chance to lie in the garden for a few hours to soak up the sun.”

  “You sure are looking good,” said Carter, stroking her cheek with the back of one finger. Then he ran it down the side of her face, down her neck and let it follow its natural course along the neckline of her tee shirt to her cleavage. He let his finger curl over the material and pulled it towards him, stretching the material as he leaned slightly into her enabling him to look at her breasts - or at least as much of them as were visible from outside her bra.

  “Sure looking good,” he repeated, leaning in further until he could smell her scent and lick her body.

  Ten minutes later they were in bed, with Carter tied up by some silk scarves he had brought for that purpose. He was anticipating extremes of sexual delight. Mary Lou stroked his thighs and rubbed her breasts against his dick. All this was far too much for Carter’s limited sexual experience and he came over her breasts almost immediately.

  Maybe it was the resentment of being in that bedroom in the first place, maybe it was just greater experience on her part and she just plain forgot to only slowly ramp the matter at hand. He was hard and she could see his helmet throbbing when all she’d done was to tie him up.

  When she leaned over him and slotted his dick in between her breasts and massaged it up and down a couple of time, it was all he could bear. He came over her fast. Unfortunately for Carter and his overactive libido, this caused him a bit too much of a shock and his body just shutdown and he blacked out.


  Then it was Mary Lou’s turn to be shocked, because she really didn’t think she was going to get that kind of reaction from him. She placed her fingertips on his jugular to make sure all was okay. Once she knew he was just out of it, she took herself to the living room, leaving Carter attached to the bed, but he was hardly going anywhere for a while.

  Instead, after mopping up spunk off herself, she lay on the sofa, one leg propped up on the armrest, musing on the last few days. Her time with Frank, her time with Carter. And the money.

  Hard to say which thought did it, but she started feeling hot and absentmindedly played with herself until her thoughts were so much less about choosing between a man and were much more focused on the intense ecstasy she’d generated in her groin. Sometime after midnight, she untied Carter and went to sleep next to him. He was just the latest in a long line of men who had let her down in the sack. The question remained whether he’d let her down in the bank.

  The following day, they both went into Lansdowne with the objective of getting to the bank, only Carter went straight in so he was there before the doors opened at nine, whereas Mary Lou went to a coffee shop on Charleston and Forth, several blocks the other side of the cemetery until after ten.

  When she pushed the door to the First Bank, as ever she nodded to Grimble, his wrinkled right hand hovering over his revolver as it always did whenever the door opened.

  Grimble was a cheap and reliable security guard. A cop who took early retirement because he was shot in the line but still had a decade to go before he could afford to stop working. So sitting and standing near the entrance to a suburban bank was the perfect solution for him. He got the occasional bit of exercise, some money kept flowing into his savings account and he got to leave the house and close the door on Mrs. Grimble, who would otherwise have spent the whole day bitching and moaning about how useless and shitty he was. The First Bank job was just the best solution ever.

  Mary Lou went over to Carter’s desk and sat opposite him like a customer should. His eyes lit up to see her again even though it had only been an hour since he last touched her lips.

  He told her there had been a robbery at a bank branch at Linthicum Heights, just north of Baltimore Airport. It happened over the weekend and head office was sending someone over that day to revamp all security cameras and, over the next week, all entry doors would be strengthened and any other vulnerabilities assessed by central services.

  Mary Lou’s first thought was maybe they should hit the bank tomorrow before the real heat came down on this place, but that idea was immediately slapped in the face when Carter mentioned they were holding back any big movements of monies until processes were improved. First on the list were the security cameras and the security doors. Mary Lou’s eyes veered towards the flimsy excuse of a piece of plywood that currently constituted the staff door. Next would be the vault.

  She sighed inside but at least she’d find out early about whatever was done. Because at heart he was a gambler, Carter was always looking for the angles, always spotting the flaws in the system and, instead of letting his superiors gain from his insights, he preferred to show off to Mary Lou. One hand job per insight kept him very happy and the gang fully informed. Within a week of the audit which was immediate and swift, Mary Lou knew what the new layout would be even before it was installed. And Frank had figured out almost all the ways round it before he called the next meeting of his
business associates.


  They were due to all meet up with Frank again on Sunday in the peeling paint and termite-infested walls of the factory, so Pete spent the day before in Lucy’s trailer. He had not intended to hook up with her again, so soon at any rate, but he got bored, was feeling horny and didn’t fancy paying for a hooker: he was a bit short of cash, still waiting for the latest payment from Frank Senior.

  Off he went down the highway to buy coffee and a doughnut and to wait for some sweet dessert. Lucy didn’t mind because she liked the company and he helped keep her bed warm. Lucy deserved better than Pete, but Pete was definitely punching above his weight.

  Before he left the trailer the following morning, Pete had a shower and washed the stink of their sex from his body. Lucy was still asleep, one titty poking out from under the sheets. As he was drying himself with a rather small towel he’d found hanging by the shower unit, he thought about going over and doing something about the tit: either cover it up or fuck Lucy again. He couldn’t decide how he actually felt, but he looked at his watch and decided he didn’t have time to do either. He walked out the trailer, hopped into the car and headed straight back onto the I-95 towards Baltimore.

  As he got near the city, the highway started to resemble a parking lot. For some reason, the traffic got thicker and thicker until he was only moving a few feet every five or ten minutes. By the time the traffic cleared, Pete’s blood pressure had risen significantly and you just wished you’d had a dollar for every obscenity to come out of his mouth.


  Andrew and Brian drove to the meet together. Andrew rode shotgun. Again. That was fine. It wasn’t as if he liked driving that much although he had been practicing behind Brian’s back. When Brian went off to the firing range, Andrew went to a dirt track he’d found and rode round and round. Standing starts, brodying about and massive acceleration after a steady forty.

  When Brian had parked, they hopped out of the car and both picked their way around the rubble to get to the rest of the crew, although they still had to stand around waiting for Pete for about a quarter of an hour.

  Andrew was feeling tired and really didn’t fancy hanging around, especially not for the likes of some bushwhacker like Pete. But wait is what they did.

  “Okay guys,” said Frank at some point during the interminable hanging around, “once we’re all here I’m going to talk about the new security arrangements at the bank. But Andrew, Brian and myself will need to meet up in a much warmer place to go through things in more detail and to figure out how we’re going to crack the place wide open.”

  This concerned Andrew as Frank had led him to believe this was a straight walk in, walk out job without any hassle in the middle. Now it was beginning to look as though it was more complicated than that and if the security was the thing that was getting more complicated, the risk was getting higher too. For the same money.

  “Well that’s mighty upright of you,” he responded, not really knowing what he meant by those words but he felt like somebody should say something vaguely positive at this point, even though he wasn’t feeling very positive himself. Brian wasn’t going to say anything for sure as Andrew was by far the more talkative of the two of them. And Brian tended not to say anything in public, in larger groups.

  Still, Frank’s comment was not good and hung on Andrew’s mind even after Pete eventually arrived and Frank could start his briefing.

  “Are we not going to wait for Frank Senior?” asked Andrew just as Frank inhaled to start talking.

  “No, he’s not coming. I mean, he never was coming. I’ve talked to him separately. He knows what I’m about to say to you and he’s okay with that.”

  Andrew shifted his gaze to Brian, who looked back at him with a brief wink to show he thought the same: that Frank Senior should share their pain and not leave it to his nephew - well, step nephew really - to dish out the shit.

  Besides, thought Andrew, they’d been waiting for months with nothing happening and the new security meant they were going to have to wait even longer. With more risk for the same money. Andrew didn’t like risk at the best of times and steel doors were not the best of times. Far from it. About as far from the best of times as you could go without falling into the sea.

  Andrew could hear Frank’s voice in the background as his mind continued to process the implications of the cameras working now and the steel doors. Frank had mentioned metal cutters at their first meet, but now it sounded like they were going to be a necessary piece of kit, which meant it’d have to be dragged into the bank and then dragged out - in daylight to slow them down and to help any passerby civilian see them and remember them. More risk, same money.


  Predictably, Pete was the last to arrive and his embarrassed apology was way too quiet, way too slow to make anyone feel better. Bottom line: if your wheel man can’t turn up on time when all you’re doing is talking about a job, what are the chances he’ll be there when you run out of a bank with a bag of cash in your hand? They all thought it but no-one said it. Pete knew though and that was enough for all of them. The sheepishness of his apology was the most acknowledgement anyone was going to hear. But Pete knew.

  There were two items on Frank’s agenda and he knew neither would make the crew exactly happy. So he decided to offer them a shit sandwich.

  “Thanks for making your way over here, guys. I’ve got some news for you all. First thing is our intel on the bank continues to be excellent,” and Frank turned his shoulders towards Mary Lou, who again was stood right by him, wearing flats this time.

  “Some of you were probably thinking we’d have hit the joint by now,” continued Frank, “and I’d have agreed with you only last week. But if we’d done that, we’d have walked out of the bank whistling Dixie.

  “Mary Lou has found out they’ve upgraded their security in the last two weeks so we’ll need to modify our approach once we’re inside the place.”

  There was a general murmuring and shuffling of feet to indicate to Frank that, while everyone would really be all right to get the job over and done with, no-one wanted to walk into a steel cage. Mary Lou could sense the men were getting restless, getting itchy to get on with the job and the last thing they wanted to hear was about more delays. They hadn’t been earning since the summer and although Frank Senior had been supplying them each with keeping-safe money, they all knew one way or another they’d have to pay that back out of their end of the bounty. So it wasn’t really earning.

  With that downer firmly under his belt, Frank then proceeded to punch them all in the solar plexus with news about the getaway. On the day, after the job, they would all meet up with Frank, hand the takings over to him and then split up for a month or so.

  “This’ll give me time to get the stolen cash to Frank Senior, who’ll launder the money. His usual rate is twenty-five cents on the dollar, but we’re getting a better rate as I’m family: forty cents. As you know, the biggest problem with bank jobs is the money’s so easy to trace and that’s how most people got caught. So, yes, it sounds like they we’re losing some money but we’re gaining our freedom.”

  Andrew and Brian looked at each other. Pete ground his molars. Mary Lou could see they weren’t happy, yet again, but knew they weren’t as smart as her Frank to see it was the safest way to deal.

  “So it’s free money or jail money, then?”

  “Yes, babe. And anyway, the bank vault will be full to the brim with cash, because you’re going to find out the best day for us to strike.”

  “We’ll be in clover, Frank. In clover.”

  Mary Lou smiled and turned her head to make sure she caught everyone’s eye. Reluctantly, everybody nodded. Deep down they all knew bank money was dangerous to have in your pocket. But no-one liked the thought of losing more than half their winnings.

  “How much is in the bank?” asked Pete.

  “We’re talking around a million dollars,” replied Mary Lou.

�So even after the cash is cleaned up by Frank Senior, who’s been funding us from the start, we will still be left with enough to never need to do another job again. Unless you want to use gold leaf to wipe your ass!” joked Frank.

  They all laughed at the thought of that and the tension was eased. Frank carried on describing the getaway and how they’d all hook up again a month later to get their stake and then split up and never see each other again.

  Mary Lou looked round the group again and she could tell every damn one of them was imagining how they were going to spend their share of the prize. Frank put his hand round her ass and up her crack from behind, just as he had done on the plane. She turned to him and kissed him on the cheek.

  “We’re all going to do just fine,” she murmured to them all and they nodded in agreement.

  “Any questions? Okay then, I’ll hook up with Pete, Andrew and Brian separately to talk about the changes to the security. The next time we meet up should be just before the off. See you then.”

  As Pete sat back in his car, he thought of the moment when Frank pat Mary Lou’s butt just before they all split up and his mind returned to Lucy’s ass. So he went back along the highway to get another portion of sweet dessert from his favorite waitress.


  Monday afternoon, he formed his body into a long straight line for a massive stretch along its entirety. His feet stuck out of the bottom of the blanket and his hands banged against the side of the kitchen unit. That’s when he was awake enough to know he was still in the trailer. He turned his head to see the back of Lucy’s and he rolled over to face her and grabbed a nipple between his thumb and first finger to wake her up. He wanted some fun.


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