The Heist

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The Heist Page 24

by Leopold Borstinski

  Frank let go of Carter and threw him down, picked both bags up in one hand and started to walk away until, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed what was written on the name plate: Carter Reinfeldt. He gritted his teeth and, still holding his gun in the other hand, shot Carter in the groin, who keeled over screaming as another pool of blood spread across the bank floor.

  “Let’s get out of here. Where’s the other one?”

  Brian shrugged, as he had no idea himself. Andrew had been stood near him only a few seconds ago, but Brian had focused on the staff while Frank was torturing his way to the money.

  “Have you killed the phones?”

  “Sure thing. When we first came in.”

  “Good news. Listen up everyone. This is nearly over for you. We are going to leave and all you have to do is wait two minutes before you do anything. If you follow us out any earlier, we will shoot you as soon as we see you. No questions asked.”

  Frank and Brian walked towards the staff door, still aiming their guns at the staff lying on the floor. They made their way over, avoiding the bloody pools they’d created spewing from bodies.

  “Start counting down from 120 seconds.”

  The two men walked down the corridor and out the rear exit, Frank first.

  Out in the parking lot, Frank saw Andrew stood next to Pete’s vehicle. There were red speckles on the windows of the auto and Frank couldn’t see Pete. As Frank got nearer to Andrew, he could see a body slumped in the driver’s seat and blood splatter across the whole of the insides of the Chevy. Click, whir. Andrew’s shot Pete dead. Fucker.

  Frank raised his gun to Andrew and squeezed the trigger. He dropped straight to the ground and Frank stood over him and put another bullet through his heart.

  Brian pointed his own gun at Frank; the man had just shot down his lover in front of his eyes. Frank swung round and aimed his own gun back at Brian.

  “Lower your gun or I will shoot you dead. Andrew died because he nixed one of our own.”

  Brian thought for one long seconds and then lowered his gun. Frank put his gun away too and then opened the rear passenger door. The two of them picked up Andrew’s body and dragged it into the back seat. Then Frank opened up the Econoline and grabbed two cans of gasoline, handing one to Brian. The pair of them doused the car until both cans were empty.

  Frank fired up the van and Brian hopped into the front passenger seat. Then Frank got out, with the engine running, and threw a match into Pete’s saloon, which lit up like a Halloween lantern gone mad.

  Only at this point did Frank realize he hadn’t heard any of the C4 packages go off. None. And he didn’t think it was just because they’d been inside the bank. Why hadn’t Mary Lou set the explosives? In the far distance, Frank heard a siren. A goddamn police siren.

  He jumped back into the van which squealed forwards and Frank shot out the lot and turned right, the two cases by his feet and Brian by his side. He didn’t know what had happened to Mary Lou and couldn’t figure out what the hell Carter had been doing with the money. But something had sure as hell fucked up and someone had surely fucked him over.

  All Frank had left were his dreams and hopes, stashed in two black cases by his feet, built on a litany of betrayal he didn’t think he could ever forgive. Thoughts of himself pushing Louis through that fucking window flashed through his head.

  The only thing he could focus on was getting to that barn and seeing Uncle Frankie. He’d sort everything out. And Frank gunned the gas pedal to get to his destiny just a little faster.

  Thank you for reading this book!

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  Other Books by the Author

  The Lagotti Family Series

  The Heist (Book 1)

  The Getaway (Book 2)

  Powder (Book 3)

  Mama’s Gone (Book 4)

  Upcoming Releases

  The Case (Due 2019)

  The Death and Life of Penny Pitstop (Due 2019)

  The Bowery Slugger (Alex Cohen Series Book 1 - Due 2020)

  Sign up here to receive a weekly newsletter and a FREE exclusive read of the first chapter of Leopold’s book The Case.

  About Leopold Borstinski

  Leopold Borstinski is an independent author whose past careers have included financial journalism, business management of financial software companies, consulting and product sales and marketing, as well as teaching.

  There is nothing he likes better so he does as much nothing as he possibly can. He has travelled extensively in Europe and the US and has visited Asia on several occasions. Leopold holds a Philosophy degree and tries not to drop it too often.

  He lives near London and is married with one wife, one child and no pets.

  Find out more at




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